1import re
   2import sys
   3import ast
   4import json
   5import pint
   6import numpy as np
   7import pandas as pd
   8import scipy.optimize
  11class pymbe_library():
  13    """
  14    The library for the Molecular Builder for ESPResSo (pyMBE)
  16    Attributes:
  17        N_A(`obj`): Avogadro number using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry.
  18        Kb(`obj`): Boltzmann constant using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry.
  19        e(`obj`): Elemental charge using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry.
  20        df(`obj`): PandasDataframe used to bookkeep all the information stored in pyMBE. Typically refered as `pmb.df`. 
  21        kT(`obj`): Thermal energy using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry. It is used as the unit of reduced energy.
  22        Kw(`obj`): Ionic product of water using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry. Used in the setup of the G-RxMC method.
  23    """
  24    units = pint.UnitRegistry()
  25    N_A=6.02214076e23    / units.mol
  26    Kb=1.38064852e-23    * units.J / units.K
  27    e=1.60217662e-19 *units.C
  28    df=None
  29    kT=None
  30    Kw=None
  31    SEED=None
  32    rng=None
  35    class NumpyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
  37        """
  38        Custom JSON encoder that converts NumPy arrays to Python lists
  39        and NumPy scalars to Python scalars.
  40        """
  42        def default(self, obj):
  43            if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray):
  44                return obj.tolist()
  45            if isinstance(obj, np.generic):
  46                return obj.item()
  47            return super().default(obj)
  50    def __init__(self, SEED, temperature=None, unit_length=None, unit_charge=None, Kw=None):
  51        """
  52        Initializes the pymbe_library by setting up the reduced unit system with `temperature` and `reduced_length` 
  53        and sets up  the `pmb.df` for bookkeeping.
  55        Args:
  56            temperature(`obj`,optional): Value of the temperature in the pyMBE UnitRegistry. Defaults to None.
  57            unit_length(`obj`, optional): Value of the unit of length in the pyMBE UnitRegistry. Defaults to None.
  58            unit_charge (`obj`,optional): Reduced unit of charge defined using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry. Defaults to None. 
  59            Kw (`obj`,optional): Ionic product of water in mol^2/l^2. Defaults to None. 
  61        Note:
  62            - If no `temperature` is given, a value of 298.15 K is assumed by default.
  63            - If no `unit_length` is given, a value of 0.355 nm is assumed by default.
  64            - If no `unit_charge` is given, a value of 1 elementary charge is assumed by default. 
  65            - If no `Kw` is given, a value of 10^(-14) * mol^2 / l^2 is assumed by default. 
  66        """
  67        # Seed and RNG
  68        self.SEED=SEED
  69        self.rng = np.random.default_rng(SEED)
  70        self.set_reduced_units(unit_length=unit_length, unit_charge=unit_charge,
  71                               temperature=temperature, Kw=Kw, verbose=False)
  72        self.setup_df()
  73        return
  75    def enable_motion_of_rigid_object(self, name, espresso_system):
  76        '''
  77        Enables the motion of the rigid object `name` in the `espresso_system`.
  79        Args:
  80            name(`str`): Label of the object.
  81            espresso_system(`obj`): Instance of a system object from the espressomd library.
  83        Note:
  84            - It requires that espressomd has the following features activated: ["VIRTUAL_SITES_RELATIVE", "MASS"].
  85        '''
  86        print ('enable_motion_of_rigid_object requires that espressomd has the following features activated: ["VIRTUAL_SITES_RELATIVE", "MASS"]')
  87        pmb_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].pmb_type.values[0]
  88        if pmb_type != 'protein':
  89            raise ValueError (f'The pmb_type: {pmb_type} is not currently supported. The supported pmb_type is: protein')
  90        molecule_ids_list = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].molecule_id.to_list()
  91        for molecule_id in molecule_ids_list:    
  92            particle_ids_list = self.df.loc[self.df['molecule_id']==molecule_id].particle_id.dropna().to_list()
  93            center_of_mass = self.calculate_center_of_mass_of_molecule ( molecule_id=molecule_id,espresso_system=espresso_system)
  94            rigid_object_center = espresso_system.part.add(pos=center_of_mass,
  95                                                           rotation=[True,True,True], 
  96                                                           type=self.propose_unused_type())
  97            for particle_id in particle_ids_list:
  98                pid = espresso_system.part.by_id(particle_id)
  99                pid.vs_auto_relate_to(
 100        return
 102    def add_bond_in_df(self, particle_id1, particle_id2, use_default_bond=False):
 103        """
 104        Adds a bond entry on the `pymbe.df` storing the particle_ids of the two bonded particles.
 106        Args:
 107            particle_id1 (`int`): particle_id of the type of the first particle type of the bonded particles
 108            particle_id2 (`int`): particle_id of the type of the second particle type of the bonded particles
 109            use_default_bond (`bool`, optional): Controls if a bond of type `default` is used to bond particle whose bond types are not defined in `pmb.df`. Defaults to False.
 110        """
 111        particle_name1 = self.df.loc[self.df['particle_id']==particle_id1].name.values[0]
 112        particle_name2 = self.df.loc[self.df['particle_id']==particle_id2].name.values[0]
 113        bond_key = self.find_bond_key(particle_name1=particle_name1,
 114                                    particle_name2=particle_name2, 
 115                                    use_default_bond=use_default_bond)
 116        if not bond_key:
 117            return
 118        self.copy_df_entry(name=bond_key,column_name='particle_id2',number_of_copies=1)
 119        indexs = np.where(self.df['name']==bond_key)
 120        index_list = list (indexs[0])
 121        used_bond_df = self.df.loc[self.df['particle_id2'].notnull()]
 122        #without this drop the program crashes when dropping duplicates because the 'bond' column is a dict
 123        used_bond_df = used_bond_df.drop([('bond_object','')],axis =1 )
 124        used_bond_index = used_bond_df.index.to_list()
 126        for index in index_list:
 127            if index not in used_bond_index:
 128                self.clean_df_row(index=int(index))
 129      [index,'particle_id'] = particle_id1
 130      [index,'particle_id2'] = particle_id2
 131                break
 132        return
 134    def add_bonds_to_espresso(self, espresso_system) :
 135        """
 136        Adds all bonds defined in `pmb.df` to `espresso_system`.
 138        Args:
 139            espresso_system (str): system object of espressomd library
 140        """
 142        if 'bond' in self.df.values:
 143            bond_df = self.df.loc[self.df ['pmb_type'] == 'bond']
 144            bond_list = bond_df.bond_object.values.tolist()
 145            for bond in bond_list:
 146                espresso_system.bonded_inter.add(bond)
 147        else:
 148            print ('WARNING: There are no bonds defined in pymbe.df')
 150        return
 152    def add_value_to_df(self,index,key,new_value, verbose=True, non_standard_value=False):
 153        """
 154        Adds a value to a cell in the `pmb.df` DataFrame.
 156        Args:
 157            index(`int`): index of the row to add the value to.
 158            key(`str`): the column label to add the value to.
 159            verbose(`bool`, optional): Switch to activate/deactivate verbose. Defaults to True.
 160            non_standard_value(`bool`, optional): Switch to enable insertion of non-standard values, such as `dict` objects. Defaults to False.
 161        """
 163        token = "#protected:"
 165        def protect(obj):
 166            if non_standard_value:
 167                return token + json.dumps(obj, cls=self.NumpyEncoder)
 168            return obj
 170        def deprotect(obj):
 171            if non_standard_value and isinstance(obj, str) and obj.startswith(token):
 172                return json.loads(obj.removeprefix(token))
 173            return obj
 175        # Make sure index is a scalar integer value
 176        index = int (index)
 177        assert isinstance(index, int), '`index` should be a scalar integer value.'
 178        idx = pd.IndexSlice
 179        if self.check_if_df_cell_has_a_value(index=index,key=key):
 180            old_value= self.df.loc[index,idx[key]]
 181            if verbose:
 182                if protect(old_value) != protect(new_value):
 183                    name=self.df.loc[index,('name','')]
 184                    pmb_type=self.df.loc[index,('pmb_type','')]
 185                    print(f"WARNING: you are redefining the properties of {name} of pmb_type {pmb_type}")
 186                    print(f'WARNING: overwritting the value of the entry `{key}`: old_value = {old_value} new_value = {new_value}')
 187        self.df.loc[index,idx[key]] = protect(new_value)
 188        if non_standard_value:
 189            self.df[key] = self.df[key].apply(deprotect)
 190        return
 192    def assign_molecule_id(self, name, molecule_index, pmb_type, used_molecules_id):
 193        """
 194        Assigns the `molecule_id` of the pmb object given by `pmb_type`
 196        Args:
 197            name(`str`): Label of the molecule type to be created. `name` must be defined in `pmb.df`
 198            pmb_type(`str`): pmb_object_type to assign the `molecule_id` 
 199            molecule_index (`int`): index of the current `pmb_object_type` to assign the `molecule_id`
 200            used_molecules_id (`lst`): list with the `molecule_id` values already used.
 202        Returns:
 203            molecule_id(`int`): Id of the molecule
 204        """
 206        self.clean_df_row(index=int(molecule_index))
 208        if self.df['molecule_id'].isnull().values.all():
 209            molecule_id = 0        
 210        else:
 211            # check if a residue is part of another molecule
 212            check_residue_name = self.df[self.df['residue_list'].astype(str).str.contains(name)]
 213            mol_pmb_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].pmb_type.values[0]
 214            if not check_residue_name.empty and mol_pmb_type == pmb_type:
 215                for value in check_residue_name.index.to_list():                  
 216                    if value not in used_molecules_id:                              
 217                        molecule_id = self.df.loc[value].molecule_id.values[0]                    
 218                        break
 219            else:
 220                molecule_id = self.df['molecule_id'].max() +1
 222        self.add_value_to_df (key=('molecule_id',''),
 223                                index=int(molecule_index),
 224                                new_value=molecule_id, 
 225                                verbose=False)
 227        return molecule_id
 229    def calculate_center_of_mass_of_molecule(self, molecule_id, espresso_system):
 230        """
 231        Calculates the center of the molecule with a given molecule_id.
 233        Args:
 234            molecule_id(`int`): Id of the molecule whose center of mass is to be calculated.
 235            espresso_system(`obj`): Instance of a system object from the espressomd library.
 237        Returns:
 238            center_of_mass(`lst`): Coordinates of the center of mass.
 239        """
 240        total_beads = 0
 241        center_of_mass = np.zeros(3)
 242        axis_list = [0,1,2]
 243        particle_id_list = self.df.loc[self.df['molecule_id']==molecule_id].particle_id.dropna().to_list()
 244        for pid in particle_id_list:
 245            total_beads +=1 
 246            for axis in axis_list:
 247                center_of_mass [axis] += espresso_system.part.by_id(pid).pos[axis]
 248        center_of_mass = center_of_mass /total_beads  
 249        return center_of_mass
 251    def calculate_HH(self, molecule_name, pH_list=None, pka_set=None):
 252        """
 253        Calculates the charge per molecule according to the ideal Henderson-Hasselbalch titration curve 
 254        for molecules with the name `molecule_name`.
 256        Args:
 257            molecule_name (`str`): name of the molecule to calculate the ideal charge for
 258            pH_list(`lst`): pH-values to calculate. 
 259            pka_set(`dict`): {"name" : {"pka_value": pka, "acidity": acidity}}
 261        Returns:
 262            Z_HH (`lst`): Henderson-Hasselbalch prediction of the charge of `sequence` in `pH_list`
 264        Note:
 265            - This function supports objects with pmb types: "molecule", "peptide" and "protein".
 266            - If no `pH_list` is given, 50 equispaced pH-values ranging from 2 to 12 are calculated
 267            - If no `pka_set` is given, the pKa values are taken from `pmb.df`
 268            - This function should only be used for single-phase systems. For two-phase systems `pmb.calculate_HH_Donnan`  should be used.
 269        """
 270        if pH_list is None:
 271            pH_list=np.linspace(2,12,50)
 272        if pka_set is None:
 273            pka_set=self.get_pka_set() 
 274        self.check_pka_set(pka_set=pka_set)
 275        charge_map = self.get_charge_map()
 276        Z_HH=[]
 277        for pH_value in pH_list:    
 278            Z=0
 279            index = self.df.loc[self.df['name'] == molecule_name].index[0].item() 
 280            residue_list = [index,('residue_list','')]
 281            sequence = [index,('sequence','')]
 282            if np.any(pd.isnull(sequence)):
 283                # Molecule has no sequence
 284                for residue in residue_list:
 285                    list_of_particles_in_residue = self.search_particles_in_residue(residue)
 286                    for particle in list_of_particles_in_residue:
 287                        if particle in pka_set.keys():
 288                            if pka_set[particle]['acidity'] == 'acidic':
 289                                psi=-1
 290                            elif pka_set[particle]['acidity']== 'basic':
 291                                psi=+1
 292                            else:
 293                                psi=0
 294                            Z+=psi/(1+10**(psi*(pH_value-pka_set[particle]['pka_value'])))                      
 295                Z_HH.append(Z)
 296            else:
 297                # Molecule has a sequence
 298                if not isinstance(sequence, list):
 299                    # If the df has been read by file, the sequence needs to be parsed.
 300                    sequence = self.parse_sequence_from_file(sequence=sequence)
 301                for name in sequence:
 302                    if name in pka_set.keys():
 303                        if pka_set[name]['acidity'] == 'acidic':
 304                            psi=-1
 305                        elif pka_set[name]['acidity']== 'basic':
 306                            psi=+1
 307                        else:
 308                            psi=0
 309                        Z+=psi/(1+10**(psi*(pH_value-pka_set[name]['pka_value'])))
 310                    else:
 311                        state_one_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].state_one.es_type.values[0]
 312                        Z+=charge_map[state_one_type]
 313                Z_HH.append(Z)
 315        return Z_HH
 317    def calculate_HH_Donnan(self, c_macro, c_salt, pH_list=None, pka_set=None):
 318        """
 319        Calculates the charge on the different molecules according to the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation coupled to the Donnan partitioning.
 321        Args:
 322            c_macro ('dict'): {"name": concentration} - A dict containing the concentrations of all charged macromolecular species in the system. 
 323            c_salt ('float'): Salt concentration in the reservoir.
 324            pH_list ('lst'): List of pH-values in the reservoir. 
 325            pka_set ('dict'): {"name": {"pka_value": pka, "acidity": acidity}}.
 327        Returns:
 328            {"charges_dict": {"name": charges}, "pH_system_list": pH_system_list, "partition_coefficients": partition_coefficients_list}
 329            pH_system_list ('lst'): List of pH_values in the system.
 330            partition_coefficients_list ('lst'): List of partition coefficients of cations.
 332        Note:
 333            - If no `pH_list` is given, 50 equispaced pH-values ranging from 2 to 12 are calculated
 334            - If no `pka_set` is given, the pKa values are taken from `pmb.df`
 335            - If `c_macro` does not contain all charged molecules in the system, this function is likely to provide the wrong result.
 336        """
 337        if pH_list is None:
 338            pH_list=np.linspace(2,12,50)
 339        if pka_set is None:
 340            pka_set=self.get_pka_set() 
 341        self.check_pka_set(pka_set=pka_set)
 343        partition_coefficients_list = []
 344        pH_system_list = []
 345        Z_HH_Donnan={}
 346        for key in c_macro:
 347            Z_HH_Donnan[key] = []
 349        def calc_charges(c_macro, pH):
 350            """
 351            Calculates the charges of the different kinds of molecules according to the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation.
 353            Args:
 354                c_macro ('dic'): {"name": concentration} - A dict containing the concentrations of all charged macromolecular species in the system. 
 355                pH ('float'): pH-value that is used in the HH equation.
 357            Returns:
 358                charge ('dict'): {"molecule_name": charge}
 359            """
 360            charge = {}
 361            for name in c_macro:
 362                charge[name] = self.calculate_HH(name, [pH], pka_set)[0]
 363            return charge
 365        def calc_partition_coefficient(charge, c_macro):
 366            """
 367            Calculates the partition coefficients of positive ions according to the ideal Donnan theory.
 369            Args:
 370                charge ('dict'): {"molecule_name": charge}
 371                c_macro ('dic'): {"name": concentration} - A dict containing the concentrations of all charged macromolecular species in the system. 
 372            """
 373            nonlocal ionic_strength_res
 374            charge_density = 0.0
 375            for key in charge:
 376                charge_density += charge[key] * c_macro[key]
 377            return (-charge_density / (2 * ionic_strength_res) + np.sqrt((charge_density / (2 * ionic_strength_res))**2 + 1)).magnitude
 379        for pH_value in pH_list:    
 380            # calculate the ionic strength of the reservoir
 381            if pH_value <= 7.0:
 382                ionic_strength_res = 10 ** (-pH_value) * self.units.mol/self.units.l + c_salt 
 383            elif pH_value > 7.0:
 384                ionic_strength_res = 10 ** (-(14-pH_value)) * self.units.mol/self.units.l + c_salt
 386            #Determine the partition coefficient of positive ions by solving the system of nonlinear, coupled equations
 387            #consisting of the partition coefficient given by the ideal Donnan theory and the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation.
 388            #The nonlinear equation is formulated for log(xi) since log-operations are not supported for RootResult objects.
 389            equation = lambda logxi: logxi - np.log10(calc_partition_coefficient(calc_charges(c_macro, pH_value - logxi), c_macro))
 390            logxi = scipy.optimize.root_scalar(equation, bracket=[-1e2, 1e2], method="brentq")
 391            partition_coefficient = 10**logxi.root
 393            charges_temp = calc_charges(c_macro, pH_value-np.log10(partition_coefficient))
 394            for key in c_macro:
 395                Z_HH_Donnan[key].append(charges_temp[key])
 397            pH_system_list.append(pH_value - np.log10(partition_coefficient))
 398            partition_coefficients_list.append(partition_coefficient)
 400        return {"charges_dict": Z_HH_Donnan, "pH_system_list": pH_system_list, "partition_coefficients": partition_coefficients_list}
 402    def calculate_initial_bond_length(self, bond_object, bond_type, epsilon, sigma, cutoff):
 403        """
 404        Calculates the initial bond length that is used when setting up molecules,
 405        based on the minimum of the sum of bonded and short-range (LJ) interactions.
 407        Args:
 408            bond_object (`cls`): instance of a bond object from espressomd library
 409            bond_type (`str`): label identifying the used bonded potential
 410            epsilon (`float`): LJ epsilon of the interaction between the particles
 411            sigma (`float`): LJ sigma of the interaction between the particles
 412            cutoff (`float`): cutoff-radius of the LJ interaction 
 413        """    
 414        def truncated_lj_potential(x, epsilon, sigma, cutoff):
 415            if x>cutoff:
 416                return 0.0
 417            else:
 418                return 4*epsilon*((sigma/x)**12-(sigma/x)**6) - 4*epsilon*((sigma/cutoff)**12-(sigma/cutoff)**6)
 424        if bond_type == "harmonic":
 425            r_0 = bond_object.params.get('r_0')
 426            k = bond_object.params.get('k')
 427            l0 = scipy.optimize.minimize(lambda x: 0.5*k*(x-r_0)**2 + truncated_lj_potential(x, epsilon_red, sigma_red, cutoff_red), x0=r_0).x
 428        elif bond_type == "FENE":
 429            r_0 = bond_object.params.get('r_0')
 430            k = bond_object.params.get('k')
 431            d_r_max = bond_object.params.get('d_r_max')
 432            l0 = scipy.optimize.minimize(lambda x: -0.5*k*(d_r_max**2)*np.log(1-((x-r_0)/d_r_max)**2) + truncated_lj_potential(x, epsilon_red, sigma_red, cutoff_red), x0=1.0).x
 433        return l0
 435    def calculate_net_charge (self, espresso_system, molecule_name):
 436        '''
 437        Calculates the net charge per molecule of molecules with `name` = molecule_name. 
 438        Returns the net charge per molecule and a maps with the net charge per residue and molecule.
 440        Args:
 441            espresso_system: system information 
 442            molecule_name (str): name of the molecule to calculate the net charge
 444        Returns:
 445            {"mean": mean_net_charge, "molecules": {mol_id: net_charge_of_mol_id, }, "residues": {res_id: net_charge_of_res_id, }}
 447        Note:
 448            - The net charge of the molecule is averaged over all molecules of type `name` 
 449            - The net charge of each particle type is averaged over all particle of the same type in all molecules of type `name`
 450        '''        
 451        valid_pmb_types = ["molecule", "protein"]
 452        pmb_type=self.df.loc[self.df['name']==molecule_name].pmb_type.values[0]
 453        if pmb_type not in valid_pmb_types:
 454            raise ValueError("The pyMBE object with name {molecule_name} has a pmb_type {pmb_type}. This function only supports pyMBE types {valid_pmb_types}")      
 456        id_map = self.get_particle_id_map(object_name=molecule_name)
 457        def create_charge_map(espresso_system,id_map,label):
 458            charge_map={}
 459            for super_id in id_map[label].keys():
 460                net_charge=0
 461                for pid in id_map[label][super_id]:
 462                    net_charge+=espresso_system.part.by_id(pid).q
 463                charge_map[super_id]=net_charge
 464            return charge_map
 465        net_charge_molecules=create_charge_map(label="molecule_map",
 466                                                espresso_system=espresso_system,
 467                                                id_map=id_map)
 468        net_charge_residues=create_charge_map(label="residue_map",
 469                                                espresso_system=espresso_system,
 470                                                id_map=id_map)       
 471        mean_charge=np.mean(np.array(list(net_charge_molecules.values())))
 472        return {"mean": mean_charge, "molecules": net_charge_molecules, "residues": net_charge_residues}
 474    def center_molecule_in_simulation_box(self, molecule_id, espresso_system):
 475        """
 476        Centers the pmb object matching `molecule_id` in the center of the simulation box in `espresso_md`.
 478        Args:
 479            molecule_id(`int`): Id of the molecule to be centered.
 480            espresso_system(`obj`): Instance of a system object from the espressomd library.
 481        """
 482        if len(self.df.loc[self.df['molecule_id']==molecule_id].pmb_type) == 0:
 483            raise ValueError("The provided molecule_id is not present in the pyMBE dataframe.")      
 484        center_of_mass = self.calculate_center_of_mass_of_molecule(molecule_id=molecule_id,espresso_system=espresso_system)
 485        box_center = [espresso_system.box_l[0]/2.0,
 486                      espresso_system.box_l[1]/2.0,
 487                      espresso_system.box_l[2]/2.0]
 488        particle_id_list = self.df.loc[self.df['molecule_id']==molecule_id].particle_id.dropna().to_list()
 489        for pid in particle_id_list:
 490            es_pos = espresso_system.part.by_id(pid).pos
 491            espresso_system.part.by_id(pid).pos = es_pos - center_of_mass + box_center
 492        return 
 494    def check_dimensionality(self, variable, expected_dimensionality):
 495        """
 496        Checks if the dimensionality of `variable` matches `expected_dimensionality`.
 498        Args:
 499            `variable`(`pint.Quantity`): Quantity to be checked.
 500            `expected_dimensionality(`str`): Expected dimension of the variable.
 502        Returns:
 503            `bool`: `True` if the variable if of the expected dimensionality, `False` otherwise.
 505        Note:
 506            - `expected_dimensionality` takes dimensionality following the Pint standards [docs](
 507            - For example, to check for a variable corresponding to a velocity `expected_dimensionality = "[length]/[time]"`    
 508        """
 509        correct_dimensionality=variable.check(f"{expected_dimensionality}")      
 510        if not correct_dimensionality:
 511            raise ValueError(f"The variable {variable} should have a dimensionality of {expected_dimensionality}, instead the variable has a dimensionality of {variable.dimensionality}")
 512        return correct_dimensionality
 514    def check_if_df_cell_has_a_value(self, index,key):
 515        """
 516        Checks if a cell in the `pmb.df` at the specified index and column has a value.
 518        Args:
 519            index(`int`): Index of the row to check.
 520            key(`str`): Column label to check.
 522        Returns:
 523            `bool`: `True` if the cell has a value, `False` otherwise.
 524        """
 525        idx = pd.IndexSlice
 526        import warnings
 527        with warnings.catch_warnings():
 528            warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
 529            return not pd.isna(self.df.loc[index, idx[key]])
 531    def check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(self, name, pmb_type_to_be_defined):
 532        """
 533        Checks if `name` is defined in `pmb.df`.
 535        Args:
 536            name(`str`): label to check if defined in `pmb.df`.
 537            pmb_type_to_be_defined(`str`): pmb object type corresponding to `name`.
 539        Returns:
 540            `bool`: `True` for success, `False` otherwise.
 541        """
 542        if name in self.df['name'].unique():
 543            current_object_type = self.df[self.df['name']==name].pmb_type.values[0]
 544            if current_object_type != pmb_type_to_be_defined:
 545                raise ValueError (f"The name {name} is already defined in the df with a pmb_type = {current_object_type}, pymMBE does not support objects with the same name but different pmb_types")
 546            return True            
 547        else:
 548            return False
 551    def check_pka_set(self, pka_set):
 552        """
 553        Checks that `pka_set` has the formatting expected by the pyMBE library.
 555        Args:
 556            pka_set (dict): {"name" : {"pka_value": pka, "acidity": acidity}}
 557        """
 558        required_keys=['pka_value','acidity']
 559        for required_key in required_keys:
 560            for pka_entry in pka_set.values():
 561                if required_key not in pka_entry.keys():
 562                    raise ValueError(f'missing a required key "{required_key}" in the following entry of pka_set "{pka_entry}"')
 563        return
 565    def clean_df_row(self, index, columns_keys_to_clean=("particle_id", "particle_id2", "residue_id", "molecule_id")):
 566        """
 567        Cleans the columns of `pmb.df` in `columns_keys_to_clean` of the row with index `index` by assigning them a np.nan value.
 569        Args:
 570            index(`int`): Index of the row to clean.
 571            columns_keys_to_clean(`list` of `str`, optional): List with the column keys to be cleaned. Defaults to [`particle_id`, `particle_id2`, `residue_id`, `molecule_id`].
 572        """   
 573        for column_key in columns_keys_to_clean:
 574            self.add_value_to_df(key=(column_key,''),index=index,new_value=np.nan, verbose=False)
 575        return
 577    def convert_columns_to_original_format (self, df):
 578        """
 579        Converts the columns of the Dataframe to the original format in pyMBE.
 581        Args:
 582            df(`DataFrame`): dataframe with pyMBE information as a string  
 584        """
 586        columns_dtype_int = ['particle_id','particle_id2', 'residue_id','molecule_id', 'model',('state_one','es_type'),('state_two','es_type'),('state_one','charge'),('state_two','charge') ]  
 588        columns_with_units = ['sigma', 'epsilon', 'cutoff', 'offset']
 590        columns_with_list_or_dict = ['residue_list','side_chains', 'parameters_of_the_potential','sequence']
 592        for column_name in columns_dtype_int:
 593            df[column_name] = df[column_name].astype(object)
 595        for column_name in columns_with_list_or_dict:
 596            if df[column_name].isnull().all():
 597                df[column_name] = df[column_name].astype(object)
 598            else:
 599                df[column_name] = df[column_name].apply(lambda x: ast.literal_eval(str(x)) if pd.notnull(x) else x)
 601        for column_name in columns_with_units:
 602            df[column_name] = df[column_name].apply(lambda x: self.create_variable_with_units(x) if pd.notnull(x) else x)
 604        df['bond_object'] = df['bond_object'].apply(lambda x: self.convert_str_to_bond_object(x) if pd.notnull(x) else x)
 606        return df
 608    def convert_str_to_bond_object (self, bond_str):
 610        """
 611        Convert a row read as a `str` to the corresponding bond object. There are two supported bonds: HarmonicBond and FeneBond
 613        Args:
 614            bond_str (`str`): string with the information of a bond object
 616        Returns:
 617            bond_object(`obj`): EsPRESSo bond object 
 618        """
 620        from espressomd.interactions import HarmonicBond
 621        from espressomd.interactions import FeneBond
 623        supported_bonds = ['HarmonicBond', 'FeneBond']
 625        for bond in supported_bonds:
 626            variable = re.subn(f'{bond}', '', bond_str)
 627            if variable[1] == 1: 
 628                params = ast.literal_eval(variable[0])
 629                if bond == 'HarmonicBond':
 630                    bond_object = HarmonicBond(r_cut =params['r_cut'], k = params['k'], r_0=params['r_0'])
 631                elif bond == 'FeneBond':
 632                    bond_object = FeneBond(k = params['k'], d_r_max =params['d_r_max'], r_0=params['r_0'])
 634        return bond_object 
 636    def copy_df_entry(self, name, column_name, number_of_copies):
 637        '''
 638        Creates 'number_of_copies' of a given 'name' in `pymbe.df`.
 640        Args:
 641            name(`str`): Label of the particle/residue/molecule type to be created. `name` must be defined in `pmb.df`
 642            column_name(`str`): Column name to use as a filter. 
 643            number_of_copies(`int`): number of copies of `name` to be created.
 645        Note:
 646            - Currently, column_name only supports "particle_id", "particle_id2", "residue_id" and "molecule_id" 
 647        '''
 649        valid_column_names=["particle_id", "residue_id", "molecule_id", "particle_id2" ]
 650        if column_name not in valid_column_names:
 651            raise ValueError(f"{column_name} is not a valid column_name, currently only the following are supported: {valid_column_names}")
 652        df_by_name = self.df.loc[ == name]
 653        if number_of_copies != 1:           
 654            if df_by_name[column_name].isnull().values.any():       
 655                df_by_name_repeated = pd.concat ([df_by_name]*(number_of_copies-1), ignore_index=True)
 656            else:
 657                df_by_name = df_by_name[df_by_name.index == df_by_name.index.min()] 
 658                df_by_name_repeated = pd.concat ([df_by_name]*(number_of_copies), ignore_index=True)
 659                df_by_name_repeated[column_name] =np.NaN
 660            # Concatenate the new particle rows to  `df`
 661            self.df = pd.concat ([self.df,df_by_name_repeated], ignore_index=True)
 662        else:
 663            if not df_by_name[column_name].isnull().values.any():     
 664                df_by_name = df_by_name[df_by_name.index == df_by_name.index.min()] 
 665                df_by_name_repeated = pd.concat ([df_by_name]*(number_of_copies), ignore_index=True)
 666                df_by_name_repeated[column_name] =np.NaN
 667                self.df = pd.concat ([self.df,df_by_name_repeated], ignore_index=True)
 668        return
 670    def create_added_salt (self, espresso_system, cation_name, anion_name, c_salt, verbose=True):    
 671        """
 672        Creates a `c_salt` concentration of `cation_name` and `anion_name` ions into the `espresso_system`.
 674        Args:
 675            espresso_system (`obj`): instance of an espresso system object.
 676            cation_name(`str`): `name` of a particle with a positive charge.
 677            anion_name(`str`): `name` of a particle with a negative charge.
 678            c_salt(`float`): Salt concentration.
 679            verbose(`bool`): switch to activate/deactivate verbose. Defaults to True.
 681        Returns:
 682            c_salt_calculated (float): Calculated salt concentration added to `espresso_system`.
 683        """
 684        cation_name_charge = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==cation_name].state_one.charge.values[0]
 685        anion_name_charge = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==anion_name].state_one.charge.values[0]     
 686        if cation_name_charge <= 0:
 687            raise ValueError('ERROR cation charge must be positive, charge ',cation_name_charge)
 688        if anion_name_charge >= 0:
 689            raise ValueError('ERROR anion charge must be negative, charge ', anion_name_charge)
 690        # Calculate the number of ions in the simulation box
 691        volume=self.units.Quantity(espresso_system.volume(), 'reduced_length**3')
 692        if c_salt.check('[substance] [length]**-3'):
 693            N_ions= int((volume*'mol/reduced_length**3')*self.N_A).magnitude)
 694            c_salt_calculated=N_ions/(volume*self.N_A)
 695        elif c_salt.check('[length]**-3'):
 696            N_ions= int((volume*'reduced_length**-3')*self.N_A).magnitude)
 697            c_salt_calculated=N_ions/volume
 698        else:
 699            raise ValueError('Unknown units for c_salt, please provided it in [mol / volume] or [particle / volume]', c_salt)
 700        N_cation = N_ions*abs(anion_name_charge)
 701        N_anion = N_ions*abs(cation_name_charge)
 702        self.create_particle(espresso_system=espresso_system, name=cation_name, number_of_particles=N_cation)
 703        self.create_particle(espresso_system=espresso_system, name=anion_name, number_of_particles=N_anion)
 704        if verbose:
 705            print(f"\n Added salt concentration of {'mol/L')} given by {N_cation} cations and {N_anion} anions")
 706        return c_salt_calculated
 708    def create_bond_in_espresso(self, bond_type, bond_parameters):
 709        '''
 710        Creates either a harmonic or a FENE bond in ESPREesSo
 712        Args:
 713            bond_type (`str`)        : label to identify the potential to model the bond.
 714            bond_parameters (`dict`) : parameters of the potential of the bond.
 716        Note:
 717            Currently, only HARMONIC and FENE bonds are supported.
 719            For a HARMONIC bond the dictionary must contain:
 721                - k (`obj`)      : Magnitude of the bond. It should have units of energy/length**2 
 722                using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry.
 723                - r_0 (`obj`)    : Equilibrium bond length. It should have units of length using 
 724                the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry.
 726            For a FENE bond the dictionay must additionally contain:
 728                - d_r_max (`obj`): Maximal stretching length for FENE. It should have 
 729                units of length using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry. Default 'None'.
 731        Returns:
 732              bond_object (`obj`): a harmonic or a FENE bond object in ESPREesSo
 733        '''
 734        from espressomd import interactions
 736        valid_bond_types   = ["harmonic", "FENE"]
 738        if 'k' in bond_parameters:
 739            bond_magnitude     = bond_parameters['k'].to('reduced_energy / reduced_length**2')
 740        else:
 741            raise ValueError("Magnitud of the potential (k) is missing")
 743        if bond_type == 'harmonic':
 744            if 'r_0' in bond_parameters:
 745                bond_length        = bond_parameters['r_0'].to('reduced_length')
 746            else:
 747                raise ValueError("Equilibrium bond length (r_0) is missing")
 748            bond_object    = interactions.HarmonicBond(k   = bond_magnitude.magnitude,
 749                                                       r_0 = bond_length.magnitude)
 750        elif bond_type == 'FENE':
 751            if 'r_0' in bond_parameters:
 752                bond_length        = bond_parameters['r_0'].to('reduced_length').magnitude
 753            else:
 754                print("WARNING: No value provided for r_0. Defaulting to r_0 = 0")
 755                bond_length=0
 756            if 'd_r_max' in bond_parameters:
 757                max_bond_stret = bond_parameters['d_r_max'].to('reduced_length')
 758            else:
 759                raise ValueError("Maximal stretching length (d_r_max) is missing")
 760            bond_object    = interactions.FeneBond(r_0     = bond_length, 
 761                                                   k       = bond_magnitude.magnitude,
 762                                                   d_r_max = max_bond_stret.magnitude)
 763        else:
 764            raise ValueError(f"Bond type {bond_type} currently not implemented in pyMBE, valid types are {valid_bond_types}")
 766        return bond_object
 769    def create_counterions(self, object_name, cation_name, anion_name, espresso_system,verbose=True):
 770        """
 771        Creates particles of `cation_name` and `anion_name` in `espresso_system` to counter the net charge of `pmb_object`.
 773        Args:
 774            object_name(`str`): `name` of a pymbe object.
 775            espresso_system(`obj`): Instance of a system object from the espressomd library.
 776            cation_name(`str`): `name` of a particle with a positive charge.
 777            anion_name(`str`): `name` of a particle with a negative charge.
 778            verbose(`bool`): switch to activate/deactivate verbose. Defaults to True.
 780        Returns: 
 781            counterion_number (dict): {"name": number}
 782        """
 783        cation_charge = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==cation_name].state_one.charge.iloc[0]
 784        anion_charge = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==anion_name].state_one.charge.iloc[0]
 785        object_ids = self.get_particle_id_map(object_name=object_name)["all"]
 786        counterion_number={}
 787        object_charge={}
 788        for name in ['positive', 'negative']:
 789            object_charge[name]=0
 790        for id in object_ids:
 791            if espresso_system.part.by_id(id).q > 0:
 792                object_charge['positive']+=1*(np.abs(espresso_system.part.by_id(id).q ))
 793            elif espresso_system.part.by_id(id).q < 0:
 794                object_charge['negative']+=1*(np.abs(espresso_system.part.by_id(id).q ))
 795        if object_charge['positive'] % abs(anion_charge) == 0:
 796            counterion_number[anion_name]=int(object_charge['positive']/abs(anion_charge))
 797        else:
 798            raise ValueError('The number of positive charges in the pmb_object must be divisible by the  charge of the anion')
 799        if object_charge['negative'] % abs(cation_charge) == 0:
 800            counterion_number[cation_name]=int(object_charge['negative']/cation_charge)
 801        else:
 802            raise ValueError('The number of negative charges in the pmb_object must be divisible by the  charge of the cation')
 803        if counterion_number[cation_name] > 0: 
 804            self.create_particle(espresso_system=espresso_system, name=cation_name, number_of_particles=counterion_number[cation_name])
 805        else:
 806            counterion_number[cation_name]=0
 807        if counterion_number[anion_name] > 0:
 808            self.create_particle(espresso_system=espresso_system, name=anion_name, number_of_particles=counterion_number[anion_name])
 809        else:
 810            counterion_number[anion_name] = 0
 811        if verbose:
 812            print('The following counter-ions have been created: ')
 813            for name in counterion_number.keys():
 814                print(f'Ion type: {name} created number: {counterion_number[name]}')
 815        return counterion_number
 817    def create_molecule(self, name, number_of_molecules, espresso_system, list_of_first_residue_positions=None, use_default_bond=False):
 818        """
 819        Creates `number_of_molecules` molecule of type `name` into `espresso_system` and bookkeeps them into `pmb.df`.
 821        Args:
 822            name(`str`): Label of the molecule type to be created. `name` must be defined in `pmb.df`
 823            espresso_system(`obj`): Instance of a system object from espressomd library.
 824            number_of_molecules(`int`): Number of molecules of type `name` to be created.
 825            list_of_first_residue_positions(`list`, optional): List of coordinates where the central bead of the first_residue_position will be created, random by default
 826            use_default_bond(`bool`, optional): Controls if a bond of type `default` is used to bond particle with undefined bonds in `pymbe.df`
 827        Returns:
 829            molecules_info (`dict`):  {molecule_id: {residue_id:{"central_bead_id":central_bead_id, "side_chain_ids": [particle_id1, ...]}}} 
 830        """
 831        if list_of_first_residue_positions is not None:
 832            for item in list_of_first_residue_positions:
 833                if not isinstance(item, list):
 834                    raise ValueError("The provided input position is not a nested list. Should be a nested list with elements of 3D lists, corresponding to xyz coord.")
 835                elif len(item) != 3:
 836                    raise ValueError("The provided input position is formatted wrong. The elements in the provided list does not have 3 coordinates, corresponding to xyz coord.")
 838            if len(list_of_first_residue_positions) != number_of_molecules:
 839                raise ValueError(f"Number of positions provided in {list_of_first_residue_positions} does not match number of molecules desired, {number_of_molecules}")
 840        if number_of_molecules <= 0:
 841            return
 842        if not self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name=name,
 843                                                    pmb_type_to_be_defined='molecule'):
 844            raise ValueError(f"{name} must correspond to a label of a pmb_type='molecule' defined on df")
 845        first_residue = True
 846        molecules_info = {}
 847        residue_list = self.df[self.df['name']==name].residue_list.values [0]
 849        self.copy_df_entry(name=name,
 850                        column_name='molecule_id',
 851                        number_of_copies=number_of_molecules)
 853        molecules_index = np.where(self.df['name']==name)
 854        molecule_index_list =list(molecules_index[0])[-number_of_molecules:]
 855        used_molecules_id = self.df.molecule_id.dropna().drop_duplicates().tolist()
 856        pos_index = 0 
 857        for molecule_index in molecule_index_list:        
 858            molecule_id = self.assign_molecule_id(name=name,pmb_type='molecule',used_molecules_id=used_molecules_id,molecule_index=molecule_index)
 859            molecules_info[molecule_id] = {}
 860            for residue in residue_list:
 861                if first_residue:
 862                    if list_of_first_residue_positions is None:
 863                        residue_position = None
 864                    else:
 865                        for item in list_of_first_residue_positions:
 866                            residue_position = [np.array(list_of_first_residue_positions[pos_index])]
 867                    # Generate an arbitrary random unit vector
 868                    backbone_vector = self.generate_random_points_in_a_sphere(center=[0,0,0], 
 869                                                                radius=1, 
 870                                                                n_samples=1,
 871                                                                on_surface=True)[0]
 872                    residues_info = self.create_residue(name=residue,
 873                                                        number_of_residues=1, 
 874                                                        espresso_system=espresso_system, 
 875                                                        central_bead_position=residue_position,  
 876                                                        use_default_bond= use_default_bond, 
 877                                                        backbone_vector=backbone_vector)
 878                    residue_id = next(iter(residues_info))
 879                    for index in self.df[self.df['residue_id']==residue_id].index:
 880                        self.add_value_to_df(key=('molecule_id',''),
 881                                            index=int (index),
 882                                            new_value=molecule_id)
 883                    central_bead_id = residues_info[residue_id]['central_bead_id']
 884                    previous_residue = residue
 885                    residue_position = espresso_system.part.by_id(central_bead_id).pos
 886                    previous_residue_id = central_bead_id
 887                    first_residue = False          
 888                else:                    
 889                    previous_central_bead_name=self.df[self.df['name']==previous_residue].central_bead.values[0]
 890                    new_central_bead_name=self.df[self.df['name']==residue].central_bead.values[0]       
 891                    bond = self.search_bond(particle_name1=previous_central_bead_name, 
 892                                            particle_name2=new_central_bead_name, 
 893                                            hard_check=True, 
 894                                            use_default_bond=use_default_bond)                
 895                    l0 = self.get_bond_length(particle_name1=previous_central_bead_name, 
 896                                            particle_name2=new_central_bead_name, 
 897                                            hard_check=True, 
 898                                            use_default_bond=use_default_bond)                
 899                    residue_position = residue_position+backbone_vector*l0
 900                    residues_info = self.create_residue(name=residue, 
 901                                                        number_of_residues=1, 
 902                                                        espresso_system=espresso_system, 
 903                                                        central_bead_position=[residue_position],
 904                                                        use_default_bond= use_default_bond, 
 905                                                        backbone_vector=backbone_vector)
 906                    residue_id = next(iter(residues_info))      
 907                    for index in self.df[self.df['residue_id']==residue_id].index:
 908                        if not self.check_if_df_cell_has_a_value(index=index,key=('molecule_id','')):
 909                  [index,'molecule_id'] = molecule_id
 910                            self.add_value_to_df(key=('molecule_id',''),
 911                                                index=int (index),
 912                                                new_value=molecule_id,
 913                                                verbose=False)            
 914                    central_bead_id = residues_info[residue_id]['central_bead_id']
 915                    espresso_system.part.by_id(central_bead_id).add_bond((bond, previous_residue_id))
 916                    self.add_bond_in_df(particle_id1=central_bead_id,
 917                                        particle_id2=previous_residue_id,
 918                                        use_default_bond=use_default_bond)            
 919                    previous_residue_id = central_bead_id
 920                    previous_residue = residue                    
 921                molecules_info[molecule_id][residue_id] = residues_info[residue_id]
 922            first_residue = True
 923            pos_index+=1
 925        return molecules_info
 927    def create_particle(self, name, espresso_system, number_of_particles, position=None, fix=False):
 928        """
 929        Creates `number_of_particles` particles of type `name` into `espresso_system` and bookkeeps them into `pymbe.df`.
 931        Args:
 932            name (`str`): Label of the particle type to be created. `name` must be a `particle` defined in `pmb_df`. 
 933            espresso_system (`cls`): Instance of a system object from the espressomd library.
 934            number_of_particles (`int`): Number of particles to be created.
 935            position (list of [`float`,`float`,`float`], optional): Initial positions of the particles. If not given, particles are created in random positions. Defaults to None.
 936            fix(`bool`, optional): Controls if the particle motion is frozen in the integrator, it is used to create rigid objects. Defaults to False.
 937        Returns:
 938            created_pid_list(`list` of `float`): List with the ids of the particles created into `espresso_system`.
 939        """       
 940        if number_of_particles <=0:
 941            return
 942        if not self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name=name,pmb_type_to_be_defined='particle'):
 943            raise ValueError(f"{name} must correspond to a label of a pmb_type='particle' defined on df")
 944        # Copy the data of the particle `number_of_particles` times in the `df`
 945        self.copy_df_entry(name=name,column_name='particle_id',number_of_copies=number_of_particles)
 946        # Get information from the particle type `name` from the df     
 947        q = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].state_one.charge.values[0]
 948        es_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].state_one.es_type.values[0]
 949        # Get a list of the index in `df` corresponding to the new particles to be created
 950        index = np.where(self.df['name']==name)
 951        index_list =list(index[0])[-number_of_particles:]
 952        # Create the new particles into  `espresso_system`
 953        created_pid_list=[]
 954        for index in range (number_of_particles):
 955            df_index=int (index_list[index])
 956            self.clean_df_row(index=df_index)
 957            if position is None:
 958                particle_position = self.rng.random((1, 3))[0] *np.copy(espresso_system.box_l)
 959            else:
 960                particle_position = position[index]
 961            if len(espresso_system.part.all()) == 0:
 962                bead_id = 0
 963            else:
 964                bead_id = max (espresso_system.part.all().id) + 1
 965            created_pid_list.append(bead_id)
 967            if fix:
 968                espresso_system.part.add (id=bead_id, pos = particle_position, type = es_type, q = q,fix =[fix,fix,fix])        
 969            else:
 970                espresso_system.part.add (id=bead_id, pos = particle_position, type = es_type, q = q)        
 971            self.add_value_to_df(key=('particle_id',''),index=df_index,new_value=bead_id, verbose=False)                  
 972        return created_pid_list
 974    def create_pmb_object(self, name, number_of_objects, espresso_system, position=None, use_default_bond=False):
 975        """
 976        Creates all `particle`s associated to `pmb object` into  `espresso` a number of times equal to `number_of_objects`.
 978        Args:
 979            name(`str`): Unique label of the `pmb object` to be created. 
 980            number_of_objects(`int`): Number of `pmb object`s to be created.
 981            espresso_system(`obj`): Instance of an espresso system object from espressomd library.
 982            position(`list`): Coordinates where the particles should be created.
 983            use_default_bond(`bool`,optional): Controls if a `default` bond is used to bond particles with undefined bonds in `pmb.df`. Defaults to `False`.
 985        Note:
 986            - If no `position` is given, particles will be created in random positions. For bonded particles, they will be created at a distance equal to the bond length. 
 987        """
 988        allowed_objects=['particle','residue','molecule']
 989        pmb_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].pmb_type.values[0]
 990        if pmb_type not in allowed_objects:
 991            raise ValueError('Object type not supported, supported types are ', allowed_objects)
 992        if pmb_type == 'particle':
 993            self.create_particle(name=name, number_of_particles=number_of_objects, espresso_system=espresso_system, position=position)
 994        elif pmb_type == 'residue':
 995            self.create_residue(name=name, number_of_residues=number_of_objects, espresso_system=espresso_system, central_bead_position=position,use_default_bond=use_default_bond)
 996        elif pmb_type == 'molecule':
 997            self.create_molecule(name=name, number_of_molecules=number_of_objects, espresso_system=espresso_system, use_default_bond=use_default_bond, list_of_first_residue_positions=position)
 998        return
1000    def create_protein(self, name, number_of_proteins, espresso_system, topology_dict):
1001        """
1002        Creates `number_of_proteins` molecules of type `name` into `espresso_system` at the coordinates in `positions`
1004        Args:
1005            name(`str`): Label of the protein to be created. 
1006            espresso_system(`obj`): Instance of a system object from the espressomd library.
1007            number_of_proteins(`int`): Number of proteins to be created.
1008            positions(`dict`): {'ResidueNumber': {'initial_pos': [], 'chain_id': ''}}
1009        """
1011        if number_of_proteins <=0:
1012            return
1013        if not self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name=name,
1014                                                  pmb_type_to_be_defined='protein'):
1015            raise ValueError(f"{name} must correspond to a name of a pmb_type='protein' defined on df")
1017        self.copy_df_entry(name=name,column_name='molecule_id',number_of_copies=number_of_proteins)
1019        protein_index = np.where(self.df['name']==name)
1020        protein_index_list =list(protein_index[0])[-number_of_proteins:]
1021        used_molecules_id = self.df.molecule_id.dropna().drop_duplicates().tolist()
1023        box_half=espresso_system.box_l[0]/2.0
1025        for molecule_index in protein_index_list:     
1027            molecule_id = self.assign_molecule_id (name=name,pmb_type='protein',used_molecules_id=used_molecules_id,molecule_index=molecule_index)
1029            protein_center = self.generate_coordinates_outside_sphere(radius = 1, 
1030                                                                        max_dist=box_half, 
1031                                                                        n_samples=1, 
1032                                                                        center=[box_half]*3)[0]
1034            for residue in topology_dict.keys():
1036                residue_name = re.split(r'\d+', residue)[0]
1037                residue_number = re.split(r'(\d+)', residue)[1]
1038                residue_position = topology_dict[residue]['initial_pos']
1039                position = residue_position + protein_center
1041                particle_id = self.create_particle(name=residue_name,
1042                                                            espresso_system=espresso_system,
1043                                                            number_of_particles=1,
1044                                                            position=[position], 
1045                                                            fix = True)
1047                index = self.df[self.df['particle_id']==particle_id[0]].index.values[0]
1049                self.add_value_to_df(key=('residue_id',''),
1050                                            index=int (index),
1051                                            new_value=residue_number)
1053                self.add_value_to_df(key=('molecule_id',''),
1054                                        index=int (index),
1055                                        new_value=molecule_id)
1057        return
1059    def create_residue(self, name, espresso_system, number_of_residues, central_bead_position=None,use_default_bond=False, backbone_vector=None):
1060        """
1061        Creates `number_of_residues` residues of type `name` into `espresso_system` and bookkeeps them into `pmb.df`.
1063        Args:
1064            name(`str`): Label of the residue type to be created. `name` must be defined in `pmb.df`
1065            espresso_system(`obj`): Instance of a system object from espressomd library.
1066            number_of_residue(`int`): Number of residues of type `name` to be created.
1067            central_bead_position(`list` of `float`): Position of the central bead.
1068            use_default_bond (`bool`): Switch to control if a bond of type `default` is used to bond a particle whose bonds types are not defined in `pmb.df`
1069            backbone_vector (`list` of `float`): Backbone vector of the molecule. All side chains are created perpendicularly to `backbone_vector`.
1071        Returns:
1072            residues_info (`dict`): {residue_id:{"central_bead_id":central_bead_id, "side_chain_ids":[particle_id1, ...]}}
1073        """
1074        if number_of_residues <= 0:
1075            return
1076        if not self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name=name,
1077                                                    pmb_type_to_be_defined='residue'):
1078            raise ValueError(f"{name} must correspond to a label of a pmb_type='residue' defined on df")
1079        # Copy the data of a residue a `number_of_residues` times in the `df
1080        self.copy_df_entry(name=name,
1081                            column_name='residue_id',
1082                            number_of_copies=number_of_residues)
1083        residues_index = np.where(self.df['name']==name)
1084        residue_index_list =list(residues_index[0])[-number_of_residues:]
1085        # Internal bookkepping of the residue info (important for side-chain residues)
1086        # Dict structure {residue_id:{"central_bead_id":central_bead_id, "side_chain_ids":[particle_id1, ...]}}
1087        residues_info={}
1088        for residue_index in residue_index_list:     
1089            self.clean_df_row(index=int(residue_index))
1090            # Assign a residue_id
1091            if self.df['residue_id'].isnull().all():
1092                residue_id=0
1093            else:
1094                residue_id = self.df['residue_id'].max() + 1
1095            self.add_value_to_df(key=('residue_id',''),index=int (residue_index),new_value=residue_id, verbose=False)
1096            # create the principal bead
1097            if self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].central_bead.values[0] is np.NaN:
1098                raise ValueError("central_bead must contain a particle name")        
1099            central_bead_name = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].central_bead.values[0]            
1100            central_bead_id = self.create_particle(name=central_bead_name,
1101                                                                espresso_system=espresso_system,
1102                                                                position=central_bead_position,
1103                                                                number_of_particles = 1)[0]
1104            central_bead_position=espresso_system.part.by_id(central_bead_id).pos
1105            #assigns same residue_id to the central_bead particle created.
1106            index = self.df[self.df['particle_id']==central_bead_id].index.values[0]
1107   [index,'residue_id'] = residue_id
1108            # Internal bookkeeping of the central bead id
1109            residues_info[residue_id]={}
1110            residues_info[residue_id]['central_bead_id']=central_bead_id
1111            # create the lateral beads  
1112            side_chain_list = self.df.loc[self.df.index[residue_index]].side_chains.values[0]
1113            side_chain_beads_ids = []
1114            for side_chain_element in side_chain_list:
1115                if side_chain_element not in self.df.values:              
1116                    raise ValueError (side_chain_element +'is not defined')
1117                pmb_type = self.df[self.df['name']==side_chain_element].pmb_type.values[0] 
1118                if pmb_type == 'particle':
1119                    bond = self.search_bond(particle_name1=central_bead_name, 
1120                                            particle_name2=side_chain_element, 
1121                                            hard_check=True, 
1122                                            use_default_bond=use_default_bond)
1123                    l0 = self.get_bond_length(particle_name1=central_bead_name, 
1124                                              particle_name2=side_chain_element, 
1125                                              hard_check=True, 
1126                                              use_default_bond=use_default_bond)
1128                    if backbone_vector is None:
1129                        bead_position=self.generate_random_points_in_a_sphere(center=central_bead_position, 
1130                                                                 radius=l0, 
1131                                                                 n_samples=1,
1132                                                                 on_surface=True)[0]
1133                    else:
1134                        bead_position=central_bead_position+self.generate_trial_perpendicular_vector(vector=backbone_vector,
1135                                                                                                    magnitude=l0)
1137                    side_bead_id = self.create_particle(name=side_chain_element, 
1138                                                                    espresso_system=espresso_system,
1139                                                                    position=[bead_position], 
1140                                                                    number_of_particles=1)[0]
1141                    index = self.df[self.df['particle_id']==side_bead_id].index.values[0]
1142                    self.add_value_to_df(key=('residue_id',''),
1143                                        index=int (index),
1144                                        new_value=residue_id, 
1145                                        verbose=False)
1146                    side_chain_beads_ids.append(side_bead_id)
1147                    espresso_system.part.by_id(central_bead_id).add_bond((bond, side_bead_id))
1148                    self.add_bond_in_df(particle_id1=central_bead_id,
1149                                        particle_id2=side_bead_id,
1150                                        use_default_bond=use_default_bond)
1151                elif pmb_type == 'residue':
1152                    central_bead_side_chain = self.df[self.df['name']==side_chain_element].central_bead.values[0]
1153                    bond = self.search_bond(particle_name1=central_bead_name, 
1154                                            particle_name2=central_bead_side_chain, 
1155                                            hard_check=True, 
1156                                            use_default_bond=use_default_bond)
1157                    l0 = self.get_bond_length(particle_name1=central_bead_name, 
1158                                              particle_name2=central_bead_side_chain, 
1159                                              hard_check=True, 
1160                                              use_default_bond=use_default_bond)
1161                    if backbone_vector is None:
1162                        residue_position=self.generate_random_points_in_a_sphere(center=central_bead_position, 
1163                                                                    radius=l0, 
1164                                                                    n_samples=1,
1165                                                                    on_surface=True)[0]
1166                    else:
1167                        residue_position=central_bead_position+self.generate_trial_perpendicular_vector(vector=backbone_vector,
1168                                                                                                        magnitude=l0)
1169                    lateral_residue_info = self.create_residue(name=side_chain_element, espresso_system=espresso_system,
1170                        number_of_residues=1, central_bead_position=[residue_position],use_default_bond=use_default_bond)
1171                    lateral_residue_dict=list(lateral_residue_info.values())[0]
1172                    central_bead_side_chain_id=lateral_residue_dict['central_bead_id']
1173                    lateral_beads_side_chain_ids=lateral_residue_dict['side_chain_ids']
1174                    residue_id_side_chain=list(lateral_residue_info.keys())[0]
1175                    # Change the residue_id of the residue in the side chain to the one of the biger residue
1176                    index = self.df[(self.df['residue_id']==residue_id_side_chain) & (self.df['pmb_type']=='residue') ].index.values[0]
1177                    self.add_value_to_df(key=('residue_id',''),
1178                                        index=int(index),
1179                                        new_value=residue_id, 
1180                                        verbose=False)
1181                    # Change the residue_id of the particles in the residue in the side chain
1182                    side_chain_beads_ids+=[central_bead_side_chain_id]+lateral_beads_side_chain_ids
1183                    for particle_id in side_chain_beads_ids:
1184                        index = self.df[(self.df['particle_id']==particle_id) & (self.df['pmb_type']=='particle')].index.values[0]
1185                        self.add_value_to_df(key=('residue_id',''),
1186                                            index=int (index),
1187                                            new_value=residue_id, 
1188                                            verbose=False)
1189                    espresso_system.part.by_id(central_bead_id).add_bond((bond, central_bead_side_chain_id))
1190                    self.add_bond_in_df(particle_id1=central_bead_id,
1191                                        particle_id2=central_bead_side_chain_id,
1192                                        use_default_bond=use_default_bond)
1193            # Internal bookkeeping of the side chain beads ids
1194            residues_info[residue_id]['side_chain_ids']=side_chain_beads_ids
1195        return  residues_info
1197    def create_variable_with_units(self, variable):
1198        """
1199        Returns a pint object with the value and units defined in `variable`.
1201        Args:
1202            variable(`dict` or `str`): {'value': value, 'units': units}
1203        Returns:
1204            variable_with_units(`obj`): variable with units using the pyMBE UnitRegistry.
1205        """        
1207        if isinstance(variable, dict):
1209            value=variable.pop('value')
1210            units=variable.pop('units')
1212        elif isinstance(variable, str):
1214            value = float(re.split(r'\s+', variable)[0])
1215            units = re.split(r'\s+', variable)[1]
1217        variable_with_units=value*self.units(units)
1219        return variable_with_units
1221    def define_AA_particles_in_sequence(self, sequence, sigma_dict=None):
1222        '''
1223        Defines in `pmb.df` all the different particles in `sequence`.
1225        Args:
1226            sequence(`lst`):  Sequence of the peptide or protein. 
1228        Note:
1229            - It assumes that the names in `sequence` correspond to amino acid names using the standard one letter code.
1230        '''
1232        already_defined_AA=[]
1234        for residue_name in sequence:
1235            if residue_name in already_defined_AA:
1236                continue
1237            self.define_particle (name=residue_name, q=0)
1239        if sigma_dict:
1240            self.define_particles_parameter_from_dict(param_dict = sigma_dict, 
1241                                                      param_name = 'sigma')
1242        return 
1244    def define_AA_residues(self, sequence, model):
1245        """
1246        Defines in `pmb.df` all the different residues in `sequence`.
1248        Args:
1249            sequence(`lst`):  Sequence of the peptide or protein.
1250            model (`string`): Model name. Currently only models with 1 bead '1beadAA' or with 2 beads '2beadAA' per amino acid are supported.
1252        Returns:
1253            residue_list (`list` of `str`): List of the `name`s of the `residue`s  in the sequence of the `molecule`.             
1254        """
1255        residue_list = []
1256        for residue_name in sequence:
1257            if model == '1beadAA':
1258                central_bead = residue_name
1259                side_chains = []
1260            elif model == '2beadAA':
1261                if residue_name in ['c','n', 'G']: 
1262                    central_bead = residue_name
1263                    side_chains = []
1264                else:
1265                    central_bead = 'CA'              
1266                    side_chains = [residue_name]
1267            if residue_name not in residue_list:   
1268                self.define_residue(name = 'AA-'+residue_name, 
1269                                    central_bead = central_bead,
1270                                    side_chains = side_chains)              
1271            residue_list.append('AA-'+residue_name)
1272        return residue_list
1274    def define_bond(self, bond_type, bond_parameters, particle_pairs):
1276        '''
1277        Defines a pmb object of type `bond` in `pymbe.df`.
1279        Args:
1280            bond_type (`str`)        : label to identify the potential to model the bond.
1281            bond_parameters (`dict`) : parameters of the potential of the bond.
1282            particle_pairs (`lst`)   : list of the `names` of the `particles` to be bonded.
1284        Note:
1285            Currently, only HARMONIC and FENE bonds are supported.
1287            For a HARMONIC bond the dictionary must contain the following parameters:
1289                - k (`obj`)      : Magnitude of the bond. It should have units of energy/length**2 
1290                using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry.
1291                - r_0 (`obj`)    : Equilibrium bond length. It should have units of length using 
1292                the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry.
1294            For a FENE bond the dictionay must contain the same parameters as for a HARMONIC bond and:
1296                - d_r_max (`obj`): Maximal stretching length for FENE. It should have 
1297                units of length using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry. Default 'None'.
1298        '''
1300        bond_object=self.create_bond_in_espresso(bond_type, bond_parameters)
1302        for particle_name1, particle_name2 in particle_pairs:
1304            lj_parameters=self.get_lj_parameters(particle_name1 = particle_name1,
1305                                                 particle_name2 = particle_name2,
1306                                                 combining_rule = 'Lorentz-Berthelot')
1308            cutoff = 2**(1.0/6.0) * lj_parameters["sigma"]
1310            l0 = self.calculate_initial_bond_length(bond_object = bond_object,
1311                                                    bond_type   = bond_type,
1312                                                    epsilon     = lj_parameters["epsilon"],
1313                                                    sigma       = lj_parameters["sigma"],
1314                                                    cutoff      = cutoff)
1315            index = len(self.df)
1316            for label in [particle_name1+'-'+particle_name2,particle_name2+'-'+particle_name1]:
1317                self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name=label, pmb_type_to_be_defined="bond")
1318   [index,'name']= particle_name1+'-'+particle_name2
1319   [index,'bond_object'] = bond_object
1320   [index,'l0'] = l0
1321            self.add_value_to_df(index=index,
1322                                    key=('pmb_type',''),
1323                                    new_value='bond')
1324            self.add_value_to_df(index=index,
1325                                    key=('parameters_of_the_potential',''),
1326                                    new_value=bond_object.get_params(),
1327                                    non_standard_value=True)
1329        return
1332    def define_default_bond(self, bond_type, bond_parameters, epsilon=None, sigma=None, cutoff=None):
1333        """
1334        Asigns `bond` in `pmb.df` as the default bond.
1335        The LJ parameters can be optionally provided to calculate the initial bond length
1337        Args:
1338            bond_type (`str`)          : label to identify the potential to model the bond.
1339            bond_parameters (`dict`)   : parameters of the potential of the bond.
1340            sigma (`float`, optional)  : LJ sigma of the interaction between the particles
1341            epsilon (`float`, optional): LJ epsilon for the interaction between the particles
1342            cutoff (`float`, optional) : cutoff-radius of the LJ interaction
1344        Note:
1345            - Currently, only harmonic and FENE bonds are supported. 
1346        """
1348        bond_object=self.create_bond_in_espresso(bond_type, bond_parameters)
1350        if epsilon is None:
1351            epsilon=1*self.units('reduced_energy')
1352        if sigma is None:
1353            sigma=1*self.units('reduced_length')
1354        if cutoff is None:
1355            cutoff=2**(1.0/6.0)*self.units('reduced_length')
1356        l0 = self.calculate_initial_bond_length(bond_object = bond_object, 
1357                                                bond_type   = bond_type, 
1358                                                epsilon     = epsilon,
1359                                                sigma       = sigma,
1360                                                cutoff      = cutoff)
1362        if self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name='default',pmb_type_to_be_defined='bond'):
1363            return
1364        if len(self.df.index) != 0:
1365            index = max(self.df.index)+1
1366        else:
1367            index = 0
1368 [index,'name']        = 'default'
1369 [index,'bond_object'] = bond_object
1370 [index,'l0']          = l0
1371        self.add_value_to_df(index       = index,
1372                            key          = ('pmb_type',''),
1373                            new_value    = 'bond')
1374        self.add_value_to_df(index       = index,
1375                            key          = ('parameters_of_the_potential',''),
1376                            new_value    = bond_object.get_params(),
1377                            non_standard_value=True)
1378        return
1380    def define_epsilon_value_of_particles(self, eps_dict):
1381        '''
1382        Defines the epsilon value of the particles in `eps_dict` into the `pmb.df`.
1384        Args:
1385            eps_dict(`dict`):  {'name': epsilon}
1386        '''
1387        for residue in eps_dict.keys():
1388            label_list = self.df[self.df['name'] == residue].index.tolist()
1389            for index in label_list:
1390                epsilon = eps_dict[residue]
1391                self.add_value_to_df(key= ('epsilon',''),
1392                        index=int (index),
1393                        new_value=epsilon)
1394        return 
1396    def define_molecule(self, name, residue_list):
1397        """
1398        Defines a pyMBE object of type `molecule` in `pymbe.df`.
1400        Args:
1401            name (`str`): Unique label that identifies the `molecule`.
1402            residue_list (`list` of `str`): List of the `name`s of the `residue`s  in the sequence of the `molecule`.  
1403        """
1404        if self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name=name,pmb_type_to_be_defined='molecule'):
1405            return
1406        index = len(self.df)
1407 [index,'name'] = name
1408 [index,'pmb_type'] = 'molecule'
1409 [index,('residue_list','')] = residue_list
1410        return
1412    def define_particle(self, name, q=0, acidity='inert', pka=None, sigma=None, epsilon=None, cutoff=None, offset=None,verbose=True):
1413        """
1414        Defines the properties of a particle object.
1416        Args:
1417            name (`str`): Unique label that identifies this particle type.  
1418            q (`int`, optional): Permanent charge of this particle type. Defaults to 0.
1419            acidity (`str`, optional): Identifies whether if the particle is `acidic` or `basic`, used to setup constant pH simulations. Defaults to `inert`.
1420            pka (`float`, optional): If `particle` is an acid or a base, it defines its  pka-value. Defaults to None.
1421            sigma (`pint.Quantity`, optional): Sigma parameter used to set up Lennard-Jones interactions for this particle type. Defaults to None.
1422            cutoff (`pint.Quantity`, optional): Cutoff parameter used to set up Lennard-Jones interactions for this particle type. Defaults to None.
1423            offset (`pint.Quantity`, optional): Offset parameter used to set up Lennard-Jones interactions for this particle type. Defaults to None.
1424            epsilon (`pint.Quantity`, optional): Epsilon parameter used to setup Lennard-Jones interactions for this particle tipe. Defaults to None.
1425            verbose (`bool`, optional): Switch to activate/deactivate verbose. Defaults to True.
1427        Note:
1428            - `sigma`, `cutoff` and `offset` must have a dimensitonality of `[length]` and should be defined using pmb.units.
1429            - `epsilon` must have a dimensitonality of `[energy]` and should be defined using pmb.units.
1430            - `cutoff` defaults to `2**(1./6.) reduced_length`. 
1431            - `offset` defaults to 0.
1432            - The default setup corresponds to the Weeks−Chandler−Andersen (WCA) model, corresponding to purely steric interactions.
1433            - For more information on `sigma`, `epsilon`, `cutoff` and `offset` check `pmb.setup_lj_interactions()`.
1434        """ 
1436        if self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name=name,pmb_type_to_be_defined='particle'):
1437            index = self.df[self.df['name']==name].index[0]                                   
1438        else:
1439            index = len(self.df)
1440   [index, 'name'] = name
1441   [index,'pmb_type'] = 'particle'
1443        # If `cutoff` and `offset` are not defined, default them to 0
1445        if cutoff is None:
1446            cutoff=self.units.Quantity(2**(1./6.), "reduced_length")
1447        if offset is None:
1448            offset=self.units.Quantity(0, "reduced_length")
1450        # Define LJ parameters
1451        parameters_with_dimensionality={"sigma":{"value": sigma, "dimensionality": "[length]"},
1452                                        "cutoff":{"value": cutoff, "dimensionality": "[length]"},
1453                                        "offset":{"value": offset, "dimensionality": "[length]"},
1454                                        "epsilon":{"value": epsilon, "dimensionality": "[energy]"},}
1456        for parameter_key in parameters_with_dimensionality.keys():
1457            if parameters_with_dimensionality[parameter_key]["value"] is not None:
1458                self.check_dimensionality(variable=parameters_with_dimensionality[parameter_key]["value"], 
1459                                          expected_dimensionality=parameters_with_dimensionality[parameter_key]["dimensionality"])
1460                self.add_value_to_df(key=(parameter_key,''),
1461                                    index=index,
1462                                    new_value=parameters_with_dimensionality[parameter_key]["value"],
1463                                    verbose=verbose)
1465        # Define particle acid/base properties
1466        self.set_particle_acidity (name=name, 
1467                                acidity = acidity , 
1468                                default_charge=q, 
1469                                pka=pka,
1470                                verbose=verbose)
1471        return 
1473    def define_particles_parameter_from_dict(self, param_dict, param_name):
1474        '''
1475        Defines the `param_name` value of the particles in `param_dict` into the `pmb.df`.
1477        Args:
1478            param_dict(`dict`):  {'name': `param_name` value}
1479        '''
1480        for residue in param_dict.keys():
1481            label_list = self.df[self.df['name'] == residue].index.tolist()
1482            for index in label_list:
1483                value = param_dict[residue]
1484                self.add_value_to_df(key= (param_name,''),
1485                        index=int (index),
1486                        new_value=value)
1487        return 
1489    def define_peptide(self, name, sequence, model):
1490        """
1491        Defines a pyMBE object of type `peptide` in the `pymbe.df`.
1493        Args:
1494            name (`str`): Unique label that identifies the `peptide`.
1495            sequence (`string`): Sequence of the `peptide`.
1496            model (`string`): Model name. Currently only models with 1 bead '1beadAA' or with 2 beads '2beadAA' per amino acid are supported.
1497        """
1498        if not self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name = name, pmb_type_to_be_defined='peptide'):
1499            valid_keys = ['1beadAA','2beadAA']
1500            if model not in valid_keys:
1501                raise ValueError('Invalid label for the peptide model, please choose between 1beadAA or 2beadAA')
1503            clean_sequence = self.protein_sequence_parser(sequence=sequence)    
1504            residue_list = self.define_AA_residues(sequence=clean_sequence,model=model)
1506            self.define_molecule(name = name, residue_list=residue_list)
1507            index = self.df.loc[self.df['name'] == name].index.item() 
1508   [index,'model'] = model
1509   [index,('sequence','')] = clean_sequence
1510        return
1512    def define_protein(self, name,model, topology_dict):
1513        """
1514        Defines a pyMBE object of type `protein` in `pymbe.df`.
1516        Args:
1517            name (`str`): Unique label that identifies the `protein`.
1518            model (`string`): Model name. Currently only models with 1 bead '1beadAA' or with 2 beads '2beadAA' per amino acid are supported.
1519            topology_dict (`dict`): {'initial_pos': coords_list, 'chain_id': id, 'sigma': sigma_value}
1520        """
1522        protein_seq_list = []     
1524        valid_keys = ['1beadAA','2beadAA']
1526        if model not in valid_keys:
1527            raise ValueError('Invalid label for the peptide model, please choose between 1beadAA or 2beadAA')
1529        if model == '2beadAA':
1530            self.define_particle(name='CA')
1532        sigma_dict = {}
1534        for residue in topology_dict.keys():
1535            residue_name = re.split(r'\d+', residue)[0]
1537            if residue_name not in sigma_dict.keys():
1538                sigma_dict [residue_name] =  topology_dict[residue]['sigma']
1539            if residue_name not in ('CA', 'Ca'):
1540                protein_seq_list.append(residue_name)                  
1542        protein_sequence = ''.join(protein_seq_list)
1543        clean_sequence = self.protein_sequence_parser(sequence=protein_sequence)
1545        self.define_AA_particles_in_sequence (sequence=clean_sequence, sigma_dict = sigma_dict)
1546        residue_list = self.define_AA_residues(sequence=clean_sequence, model=model)
1548        index = len(self.df)
1549 [index,'name'] = name
1550 [index,'pmb_type'] = 'protein'
1551 [index,'model'] = model
1552 [index,('sequence','')] = clean_sequence  
1553 [index,('residue_list','')] = residue_list    
1555        return 
1557    def define_residue(self, name, central_bead, side_chains):
1558        """
1559        Defines a pyMBE object of type `residue` in `pymbe.df`.
1561        Args:
1562            name (`str`): Unique label that identifies the `residue`.
1563            central_bead (`str`): `name` of the `particle` to be placed as central_bead of the `residue`.
1564            side_chains (`list` of `str`): List of `name`s of the pmb_objects to be placed as side_chains of the `residue`. Currently, only pmb_objects of type `particle`s or `residue`s are supported.
1565        """
1566        if self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name=name,pmb_type_to_be_defined='residue'):
1567            return
1568        index = len(self.df)
1569 [index, 'name'] = name
1570 [index,'pmb_type'] = 'residue'
1571 [index,'central_bead'] = central_bead
1572 [index,('side_chains','')] = side_chains
1573        return 
1575    def destroy_pmb_object_in_system(self, name, espresso_system):
1576        """
1577        Destroys all particles associated with `name` in `espresso_system` amd removes the destroyed pmb_objects from `pmb.df` 
1579        Args:
1580            name (str): Label of the pmb object to be destroyed. The pmb object must be defined in `pymbe.df`.
1581            espresso_system (cls): Instance of a system class from espressomd library.
1583        Note:
1584            - If `name`  is a object_type=`particle`, only the matching particles that are not part of bigger objects (e.g. `residue`, `molecule`) will be destroyed. To destroy particles in such objects, destroy the bigger object instead.
1585        """
1586        allowed_objects = ['particle','residue','molecule']
1587        pmb_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].pmb_type.values[0]
1588        if pmb_type not in allowed_objects:
1589            raise ValueError('Object type not supported, supported types are ', allowed_objects)
1590        if pmb_type == 'particle':
1591            particles_index = self.df.index[(self.df['name'] == name) & (self.df['residue_id'].isna()) 
1592                                                  & (self.df['molecule_id'].isna())]
1593            particle_ids_list= self.df.loc[(self.df['name'] == name) & (self.df['residue_id'].isna())
1594                                                 & (self.df['molecule_id'].isna())].particle_id.tolist()
1595            for particle_id in particle_ids_list:
1596                espresso_system.part.by_id(particle_id).remove()
1597            self.df = self.df.drop(index=particles_index)
1598        if pmb_type == 'residue':
1599            residues_id = self.df.loc[self.df['name']== name].residue_id.to_list()
1600            for residue_id in residues_id:
1601                particle_ids_list = self.df.loc[self.df['residue_id']==residue_id].particle_id.dropna().to_list()
1602                self.df = self.df.drop(self.df[self.df['residue_id'] == residue_id].index)
1603                for particle_id in particle_ids_list:
1604                    espresso_system.part.by_id(particle_id).remove()
1605                    self.df= self.df.drop(self.df[self.df['particle_id']==particle_id].index)    
1606        if pmb_type == 'molecule':
1607            molecules_id = self.df.loc[self.df['name']== name].molecule_id.to_list()
1608            for molecule_id in molecules_id:
1609                particle_ids_list = self.df.loc[self.df['molecule_id']==molecule_id].particle_id.dropna().to_list()
1611                self.df = self.df.drop(self.df[self.df['molecule_id'] == molecule_id].index)
1612                for particle_id in particle_ids_list:
1613                    espresso_system.part.by_id(particle_id).remove()   
1614                    self.df= self.df.drop(self.df[self.df['particle_id']==particle_id].index)             
1616        self.df.reset_index(drop=True,inplace=True)
1618        return
1620    def determine_reservoir_concentrations(self, pH_res, c_salt_res, activity_coefficient_monovalent_pair, max_number_sc_runs=200):
1621        """
1622        Determines the concentrations of the various species in the reservoir for given values of the pH and salt concentration.
1623        To do this, a system of nonlinear equations involving the pH, the ionic product of water, the activity coefficient of an
1624        ion pair and the concentrations of the various species is solved numerically using a self-consistent approach.
1625        More details can be found in chapter 5.3 of Landsgesell (
1626        This is a modified version of the code by Landsgesell et al. (
1628        Args:
1629            pH_res ('float'): pH-value in the reservoir.
1630            c_salt_res ('float'): Concentration of monovalent salt (e.g. NaCl) in the reservoir.
1631            activity_coefficient_monovalent_pair ('callable', optional): A function that calculates the activity coefficient of an ion pair as a function of the ionic strength.
1633        Returns:
1634            cH_res ('float'): Concentration of H+ ions.
1635            cOH_res ('float'): Concentration of OH- ions.
1636            cNa_res ('float'): Concentration of Na+ ions.
1637            cCl_res ('float'): Concentration of Cl- ions.
1638        """
1640        self_consistent_run = 0
1641        cH_res = 10**(-pH_res) * self.units.mol/self.units.l #initial guess for the concentration of H+
1643        def determine_reservoir_concentrations_selfconsistently(cH_res, c_salt_res):
1644            #Calculate and initial guess for the concentrations of various species based on ideal gas estimate
1645            cOH_res = self.Kw / cH_res 
1646            cNa_res = None
1647            cCl_res = None
1648            if cOH_res>=cH_res:
1649                #adjust the concentration of sodium if there is excess OH- in the reservoir:
1650                cNa_res = c_salt_res + (cOH_res-cH_res)
1651                cCl_res = c_salt_res
1652            else:
1653                # adjust the concentration of chloride if there is excess H+ in the reservoir
1654                cCl_res = c_salt_res + (cH_res-cOH_res)
1655                cNa_res = c_salt_res
1657            def calculate_concentrations_self_consistently(cH_res, cOH_res, cNa_res, cCl_res):
1658                nonlocal max_number_sc_runs, self_consistent_run
1659                if self_consistent_run<max_number_sc_runs:
1660                    self_consistent_run+=1
1661                    ionic_strength_res = 0.5*(cNa_res+cCl_res+cOH_res+cH_res)
1662                    cOH_res = self.Kw / (cH_res * activity_coefficient_monovalent_pair(ionic_strength_res))
1663                    if cOH_res>=cH_res:
1664                        #adjust the concentration of sodium if there is excess OH- in the reservoir:
1665                        cNa_res = c_salt_res + (cOH_res-cH_res)
1666                        cCl_res = c_salt_res
1667                    else:
1668                        # adjust the concentration of chloride if there is excess H+ in the reservoir
1669                        cCl_res = c_salt_res + (cH_res-cOH_res)
1670                        cNa_res = c_salt_res
1671                    return calculate_concentrations_self_consistently(cH_res, cOH_res, cNa_res, cCl_res)
1672                else:
1673                    return cH_res, cOH_res, cNa_res, cCl_res
1674            return calculate_concentrations_self_consistently(cH_res, cOH_res, cNa_res, cCl_res)
1676        cH_res, cOH_res, cNa_res, cCl_res = determine_reservoir_concentrations_selfconsistently(cH_res, c_salt_res)
1677        ionic_strength_res = 0.5*(cNa_res+cCl_res+cOH_res+cH_res)
1678        determined_pH = -np.log10('mol/L').magnitude * np.sqrt(activity_coefficient_monovalent_pair(ionic_strength_res)))
1680        while abs(determined_pH-pH_res)>1e-6:
1681            if determined_pH > pH_res:
1682                cH_res *= 1.005
1683            else:
1684                cH_res /= 1.003
1685            cH_res, cOH_res, cNa_res, cCl_res = determine_reservoir_concentrations_selfconsistently(cH_res, c_salt_res)
1686            ionic_strength_res = 0.5*(cNa_res+cCl_res+cOH_res+cH_res)
1687            determined_pH = -np.log10('mol/L').magnitude * np.sqrt(activity_coefficient_monovalent_pair(ionic_strength_res)))
1688            self_consistent_run=0
1690        return cH_res, cOH_res, cNa_res, cCl_res
1692    def filter_df(self, pmb_type):
1693        """
1694        Filters `pmb.df` and returns a sub-set of it containing only rows with pmb_object_type=`pmb_type` and non-NaN columns.
1696        Args:
1697            pmb_type(`str`): pmb_object_type to filter in `pmb.df`.
1699        Returns:
1700            pmb_type_df(`obj`): filtered `pmb.df`.
1701        """
1702        pmb_type_df = self.df.loc[self.df['pmb_type']== pmb_type]
1703        pmb_type_df = pmb_type_df.dropna( axis=1, thresh=1)
1704        return pmb_type_df
1706    def find_bond_key(self, particle_name1, particle_name2, use_default_bond=False):
1707        """
1708        Searches for the `name` of the bond between `particle_name1` and `particle_name2` in `pymbe.df` and returns it.
1710        Args:
1711            particle_name1(`str`): label of the type of the first particle type of the bonded particles.
1712            particle_name2(`str`): label of the type of the second particle type of the bonded particles.
1713            use_default_bond(`bool`, optional): If it is activated, the "default" bond is returned if no bond is found between `particle_name1` and `particle_name2`. Defaults to 'False'. 
1715        Returns:
1716            bond_key (str): `name` of the bond between `particle_name1` and `particle_name2` 
1718        Note:
1719            - If `use_default_bond`=`True`, it returns "default" if no key is found.
1720        """
1721        bond_keys = [particle_name1 +'-'+ particle_name2, particle_name2 +'-'+ particle_name1 ]
1722        bond_defined=False
1723        for bond_key in bond_keys:
1724            if bond_key in self.df.values:
1725                bond_defined=True
1726                correct_key=bond_key
1727                break
1728        if bond_defined:
1729            return correct_key
1730        elif use_default_bond:
1731            return 'default'
1732        else:
1733            return 
1735    def find_value_from_es_type(self, es_type, column_name):
1736        """
1737        Finds a value in `pmb.df` for a `column_name` and `es_type` pair.
1739        Args:
1740            es_type(`int`): value of the espresso type
1741            column_name(`str`): name of the column in `pymbe.df`
1743        Returns:
1744            Value in `pymbe.df` matching  `column_name` and `es_type`
1745        """
1746        idx = pd.IndexSlice
1747        for state in ['state_one', 'state_two']:
1748            index = np.where(self.df[(state, 'es_type')] == es_type)[0]
1749            if len(index) > 0:
1750                if column_name == 'label':
1751                    label = self.df.loc[idx[index[0]], idx[(state,column_name)]]
1752                    return label
1753                else: 
1754                    column_name_value = self.df.loc[idx[index[0]], idx[(column_name,'')]]
1755                    return column_name_value
1756        return None
1758    def generate_coordinates_outside_sphere(self, center, radius, max_dist, n_samples):
1759        """
1760        Generates coordinates outside a sphere centered at `center`.
1762        Args:
1763            center(`lst`): Coordinates of the center of the sphere.
1764            radius(`float`): Radius of the sphere.
1765            max_dist(`float`): Maximum distance from the center of the spahre to generate coordinates.
1766            n_samples(`int`): Number of sample points.
1768        Returns:
1769            coord_list(`lst`): Coordinates of the sample points.
1770        """
1771        if not radius > 0: 
1772            raise ValueError (f'The value of {radius} must be a positive value')
1773        if not radius < max_dist:
1774            raise ValueError(f'The min_dist ({radius} must be lower than the max_dist ({max_dist}))')
1775        coord_list = []
1776        counter = 0
1777        while counter<n_samples:
1778            coord = self.generate_random_points_in_a_sphere(center=center, 
1779                                            radius=max_dist,
1780                                            n_samples=1)[0]
1781            if np.linalg.norm(coord-np.asarray(center))>=radius:
1782                coord_list.append (coord)
1783                counter += 1
1784        return coord_list
1786    def generate_random_points_in_a_sphere(self, center, radius, n_samples, on_surface=False):
1787        """
1788        Uniformly samples points from a hypersphere. If on_surface is set to True, the points are
1789        uniformly sampled from the surface of the hypersphere.
1791        Args:
1792            center(`lst`): Array with the coordinates of the center of the spheres.
1793            radius(`float`): Radius of the sphere.
1794            n_samples(`int`): Number of sample points to generate inside the sphere.
1795            on_surface (`bool`, optional): If set to True, points will be uniformly sampled on the surface of the hypersphere.
1797        Returns:
1798            samples(`list`): Coordinates of the sample points inside the hypersphere.
1800        Note:
1801            - Algorithm from:
1802        """
1803        # initial values
1804        center=np.array(center)
1805        d = center.shape[0]
1806        # sample n_samples points in d dimensions from a standard normal distribution
1807        samples = self.rng.normal(size=(n_samples, d))
1808        # make the samples lie on the surface of the unit hypersphere
1809        normalize_radii = np.linalg.norm(samples, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
1810        samples /= normalize_radii
1811        if not on_surface:
1812            # make the samples lie inside the hypersphere with the correct density
1813            uniform_points = self.rng.uniform(size=n_samples)[:, np.newaxis]
1814            new_radii = np.power(uniform_points, 1/d)
1815            samples *= new_radii
1816        # scale the points to have the correct radius and center
1817        samples = samples * radius + center
1818        return samples 
1820    def generate_trial_perpendicular_vector(self,vector,magnitude):
1821        """
1822        Generates an orthogonal vector to the input `vector`.
1824        Args:
1825            vector(`lst`): arbitrary vector.
1826            magnitude(`float`): magnitude of the orthogonal vector.
1828        Returns:
1829            (`lst`): Orthogonal vector with the same magnitude as the input vector.
1830        """ 
1831        np_vec = np.array(vector) 
1832        np_vec /= np.linalg.norm(np_vec) 
1833        if np.all(np_vec == 0):
1834            raise ValueError('Zero vector')
1835        # Generate a random vector 
1836        random_vector = self.generate_random_points_in_a_sphere(radius=1, 
1837                                                                center=[0,0,0],
1838                                                                n_samples=1, 
1839                                                                on_surface=True)[0]
1840        # Project the random vector onto the input vector and subtract the projection
1841        projection =, np_vec) * np_vec
1842        perpendicular_vector = random_vector - projection
1843        # Normalize the perpendicular vector to have the same magnitude as the input vector
1844        perpendicular_vector /= np.linalg.norm(perpendicular_vector) 
1845        return perpendicular_vector*magnitude
1847    def get_bond_length(self, particle_name1, particle_name2, hard_check=False, use_default_bond=False) :
1848        """
1849        Searches for bonds between the particle types given by `particle_name1` and `particle_name2` in `pymbe.df` and returns the initial bond length.
1850        If `use_default_bond` is activated and a "default" bond is defined, returns the length of that default bond instead.
1851        If no bond is found, it prints a message and it does not return anything. If `hard_check` is activated, the code stops if no bond is found.
1853        Args:
1854            particle_name1 (str): label of the type of the first particle type of the bonded particles.
1855            particle_name2 (str): label of the type of the second particle type of the bonded particles.
1856            hard_check (bool, optional): If it is activated, the code stops if no bond is found. Defaults to False. 
1857            use_default_bond (bool, optional): If it is activated, the "default" bond is returned if no bond is found between `particle_name1` and `particle_name2`. Defaults to False. 
1859        Returns:
1860            l0 (`float`): bond length
1862        Note:
1863            - If `use_default_bond`=True and no bond is defined between `particle_name1` and `particle_name2`, it returns the default bond defined in `pmb.df`.
1864            - If `hard_check`=`True` stops the code when no bond is found.
1865        """
1866        bond_key = self.find_bond_key(particle_name1=particle_name1, 
1867                                    particle_name2=particle_name2, 
1868                                    use_default_bond=use_default_bond)
1869        if bond_key:
1870            return self.df[self.df['name']==bond_key].l0.values[0]
1871        else:
1872            print("Bond not defined between particles ", particle_name1, " and ", particle_name2)    
1873            if hard_check:
1874                sys.exit(1)
1875            else:
1876                return
1878    def get_charge_map(self):
1879        '''
1880        Gets the charge of each `espresso_type` in `pymbe.df`.
1882        Returns:
1883            charge_map(`dict`): {espresso_type: charge}.
1884        '''
1885        if self.df.state_one['es_type'].isnull().values.any():         
1886            df_state_one = self.df.state_one.dropna()     
1887            df_state_two = self.df.state_two.dropna()  
1888        else:    
1889            df_state_one = self.df.state_one
1890            if self.df.state_two['es_type'].isnull().values.any():
1891                df_state_two = self.df.state_two.dropna()   
1892            else:
1893                df_state_two = self.df.state_two
1894        state_one = pd.Series (df_state_one.charge.values,index=df_state_one.es_type.values)
1895        state_two = pd.Series (df_state_two.charge.values,index=df_state_two.es_type.values)
1896        charge_map  = pd.concat([state_one,state_two],axis=0).to_dict()
1897        return charge_map
1899    def get_lj_parameters(self, particle_name1, particle_name2, combining_rule='Lorentz-Berthelot'):
1900        """
1901        Returns the Lennard-Jones parameters for the interaction between the particle types given by 
1902        `particle_name1` and `particle_name2` in `pymbe.df`, calculated according to the provided combining rule.
1904        Args:
1905            particle_name1 (str): label of the type of the first particle type
1906            particle_name2 (str): label of the type of the second particle type
1907            combining_rule (`string`, optional): combining rule used to calculate `sigma` and `epsilon` for the potential betwen a pair of particles. Defaults to 'Lorentz-Berthelot'.
1909        Returns:
1910            {"epsilon": LJ epsilon, "sigma": LJ sigma}
1912        Note:
1913            Currently, the only `combining_rule` supported is Lorentz-Berthelot.
1914        """
1915        supported_combining_rules=["Lorentz-Berthelot"]
1917        if combining_rule not in supported_combining_rules:
1918            raise ValueError(f"Combining_rule {combining_rule} currently not implemented in pyMBE, valid keys are {supported_combining_rules}")
1920        eps1 = self.df.loc[self.df["name"]==particle_name1].epsilon.iloc[0]
1921        sigma1 = self.df.loc[self.df["name"]==particle_name1].sigma.iloc[0]
1922        eps2 = self.df.loc[self.df["name"]==particle_name2].epsilon.iloc[0]
1923        sigma2 = self.df.loc[self.df["name"]==particle_name2].sigma.iloc[0]
1925        return {"epsilon": np.sqrt(eps1*eps2), "sigma": (sigma1+sigma2)/2.0}
1927    def get_particle_id_map(self, object_name):
1928        '''
1929        Gets all the ids associated with the object with name `object_name` in `pmb.df`
1931        Args:
1932            object_name(`str`): name of the object
1934        Returns:
1935            id_map(`dict`): dict of the structure {"all": [all_ids_with_object_name], "residue_map": {res_id: [particle_ids_in_res_id]}, "molecule_map": {mol_id: [particle_ids_in_mol_id]}, }
1936        '''
1937        object_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']== object_name].pmb_type.values[0]
1938        valid_types = ["particle", "molecule", "residue", "protein"]
1939        if object_type not in valid_types:
1940            raise ValueError(f"{object_name} is of pmb_type {object_type}, which is not supported by this function. Supported types are {valid_types}")
1941        id_list = []
1942        mol_map = {}
1943        res_map = {}
1944        def do_res_map(res_ids):
1945            for res_id in res_ids:
1946                res_list=self.df.loc[self.df['residue_id']== res_id].particle_id.dropna().tolist()
1947                res_map[res_id]=res_list
1948            return res_map
1949        if object_type in ['molecule', 'protein']:
1950            mol_ids = self.df.loc[self.df['name']== object_name].molecule_id.dropna().tolist()
1951            for mol_id in mol_ids:
1952                res_ids = set(self.df.loc[self.df['molecule_id']== mol_id].residue_id.dropna().tolist())
1953                res_map=do_res_map(res_ids=res_ids)    
1954                mol_list=self.df.loc[self.df['molecule_id']== mol_id].particle_id.dropna().tolist()
1955                id_list+=mol_list
1956                mol_map[mol_id]=mol_list
1957        elif object_type == 'residue':     
1958            res_ids = self.df.loc[self.df['name']== object_name].residue_id.dropna().tolist()
1959            res_map=do_res_map(res_ids=res_ids)
1960            id_list=[]
1961            for res_id_list in res_map.values():
1962                id_list+=res_id_list
1963        elif object_type == 'particle':
1964            id_list = self.df.loc[self.df['name']== object_name].particle_id.dropna().tolist()
1965        return {"all": id_list, "molecule_map": mol_map, "residue_map": res_map}
1967    def get_pka_set(self):
1968        '''
1969        Gets the pka-values and acidities of the particles with acid/base properties in `pmb.df`
1971        Returns:
1972            pka_set(`dict`): {"name" : {"pka_value": pka, "acidity": acidity}}
1973        '''
1974        titratables_AA_df = self.df[[('name',''),('pka',''),('acidity','')]].drop_duplicates().dropna()
1975        pka_set = {}
1976        for index in
1977            name =[index]
1978            pka_value = titratables_AA_df.pka[index]
1979            acidity = titratables_AA_df.acidity[index]   
1980            pka_set[name] = {'pka_value':pka_value,'acidity':acidity}
1981        return pka_set 
1983    def get_radius_map(self):
1984        '''
1985        Gets the effective radius of each `espresso type` in `pmb.df`. 
1987        Returns:
1988            radius_map(`dict`): {espresso_type: radius}.
1989        '''
1991        df_state_one = self.df[[('sigma',''),('state_one','es_type')]].dropna().drop_duplicates()
1992        df_state_two = self.df[[('sigma',''),('state_two','es_type')]].dropna().drop_duplicates()
1994        state_one = pd.Series(df_state_one.sigma.values/2.0,index=df_state_one.state_one.es_type.values)
1995        state_two = pd.Series(df_state_two.sigma.values/2.0,index=df_state_two.state_two.es_type.values)
1996        radius_map  = pd.concat([state_one,state_two],axis=0).to_dict()
1998        return radius_map
2000    def get_resource(self, path):
2001        '''
2002        Locate a file resource of the pyMBE package.
2004        Args:
2005            path(`str`): Relative path to the resource
2007        Returns:
2008            path(`str`): Absolute path to the resource
2010        '''
2011        import os
2012        return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), path)
2014    def get_type_map(self):
2015        """
2016        Gets all different espresso types assigned to particles  in `pmb.df`.
2018        Returns:
2019            type_map(`dict`): {"name": espresso_type}.
2020        """
2021        if self.df.state_one['es_type'].isnull().values.any():         
2022            df_state_one = self.df.state_one.dropna(how='all')     
2023            df_state_two = self.df.state_two.dropna(how='all')  
2024        else:    
2025            df_state_one = self.df.state_one
2026            if self.df.state_two['es_type'].isnull().values.any():
2027                df_state_two = self.df.state_two.dropna(how='all')   
2028            else:
2029                df_state_two = self.df.state_two
2030        state_one = pd.Series (df_state_one.es_type.values,index=df_state_one.label)
2031        state_two = pd.Series (df_state_two.es_type.values,index=df_state_two.label)
2032        type_map  = pd.concat([state_one,state_two],axis=0).to_dict()
2033        return type_map
2035    def load_interaction_parameters(self, filename, verbose=True):
2036        """
2037        Loads the interaction parameters stored in `filename` into `pmb.df`
2039        Args:
2040            filename(`str`): name of the file to be read
2041            verbose (`bool`, optional): Switch to activate/deactivate verbose. Defaults to True.
2042        """
2043        without_units = ['q','es_type','acidity']
2044        with_units = ['sigma','epsilon']
2046        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
2047            interaction_data = json.load(f)
2048            interaction_parameter_set = interaction_data["data"]
2050        for key in interaction_parameter_set:
2051            param_dict=interaction_parameter_set[key]
2052            object_type=param_dict['object_type']
2053            if object_type == 'particle':
2054                not_requiered_attributes={}    
2055                for not_requiered_key in without_units+with_units:
2056                    if not_requiered_key in param_dict.keys():
2057                        if not_requiered_key in with_units:
2058                            not_requiered_attributes[not_requiered_key]=self.create_variable_with_units(variable=param_dict.pop(not_requiered_key))
2059                        elif not_requiered_key in without_units:
2060                            not_requiered_attributes[not_requiered_key]=param_dict.pop(not_requiered_key)
2061                    else:
2062                        if not_requiered_key == 'acidity':
2063                            not_requiered_attributes[not_requiered_key] = 'inert'
2064                        else:    
2065                            not_requiered_attributes[not_requiered_key]=None
2066                self.define_particle(name=param_dict.pop('name'),
2067                                q=not_requiered_attributes.pop('q'),
2068                                sigma=not_requiered_attributes.pop('sigma'),
2069                                acidity=not_requiered_attributes.pop('acidity'),
2070                                epsilon=not_requiered_attributes.pop('epsilon'),
2071                                verbose=verbose)
2072            elif object_type == 'residue':
2073                self.define_residue (name = param_dict.pop('name'),
2074                                    central_bead = param_dict.pop('central_bead_name'),
2075                                    side_chains = param_dict.pop('side_chains_names'))
2076            elif object_type == 'molecule':
2077                self.define_molecule(name=param_dict.pop('name'),
2078                                    residue_list=param_dict.pop('residue_name_list'))
2079            elif object_type == 'peptide':
2080                self.define_peptide(name=param_dict.pop('name'),
2081                                    sequence=param_dict.pop('sequence'),
2082                                    model=param_dict.pop('model'))
2083            elif object_type == 'bond':
2084                particle_pairs = param_dict.pop('particle_pairs')
2085                bond_parameters = param_dict.pop('bond_parameters')
2086                bond_type = param_dict.pop('bond_type')
2087                if bond_type == 'harmonic':
2088                    k = self.create_variable_with_units(variable=bond_parameters.pop('k'))
2089                    r_0 = self.create_variable_with_units(variable=bond_parameters.pop('r_0'))
2090                    bond = {'r_0'    : r_0,
2091                            'k'      : k,
2092                            }
2094                elif bond_type == 'FENE':
2095                    k = self.create_variable_with_units(variable=bond_parameters.pop('k'))
2096                    r_0 = self.create_variable_with_units(variable=bond_parameters.pop('r_0'))
2097                    d_r_max = self.create_variable_with_units(variable=bond_parameters.pop('d_r_max'))
2098                    bond =  {'r_0'    : r_0,
2099                             'k'      : k,
2100                             'd_r_max': d_r_max,
2101                             }
2102                else:
2103                    raise ValueError("Current implementation of pyMBE only supports harmonic and FENE bonds")
2104                self.define_bond(bond_type=bond_type, bond_parameters=bond, particle_pairs=particle_pairs)
2105            else:
2106                raise ValueError(object_type+' is not a known pmb object type')
2108        return
2110    def load_pka_set(self, filename, verbose=True):
2111        """
2112        Loads the pka_set stored in `filename` into `pmb.df`.
2114        Args:
2115            filename(`str`): name of the file with the pka set to be loaded. Expected format is {name:{"acidity": acidity, "pka_value":pka_value}}.
2116            verbose (`bool`, optional): Switch to activate/deactivate verbose. Defaults to True.
2118        Note:
2119            - If `name` is already defined in the `pymbe.df`, it prints a warning.
2120        """
2121        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
2122            pka_data = json.load(f)
2123            pka_set = pka_data["data"]
2125        self.check_pka_set(pka_set=pka_set)
2127        for key in pka_set:
2128            acidity = pka_set[key]['acidity']
2129            pka_value = pka_set[key]['pka_value']
2130            self.define_particle(
2131                    name=key,
2132                    acidity=acidity, 
2133                    pka=pka_value,
2134                    verbose=verbose)
2135        return
2137    def parse_sequence_from_file(self,sequence):
2138        """
2139        Parses the given sequence such that it can be used in pyMBE. This function has to be used if the df was read from a file.
2141        Args:
2142            sequence(`str`): sequence to be parsed
2144        Returns:
2145            sequence(`lst`): parsed sequence
2146        """
2147        sequence = sequence.replace(' ', '')
2148        sequence = sequence.replace("'", '')
2149        sequence = sequence.split(",")[1:-1]
2150        return sequence
2152    def print_reduced_units(self):
2153        """
2154        Prints the  current set of reduced units defined in pyMBE.units.
2155        """
2156        print("\nCurrent set of reduced units:")
2157        unit_length=self.units.Quantity(1,'reduced_length')
2158        unit_energy=self.units.Quantity(1,'reduced_energy')
2159        unit_charge=self.units.Quantity(1,'reduced_charge')
2160        print('nm'), "=", unit_length)
2161        print('J'), "=", unit_energy)
2162        print('Temperature:', (self.kT/self.Kb).to("K"))
2163        print('C'), "=", unit_charge)
2164        print()
2166    def propose_unused_type(self):
2167        """
2168        Searches in `pmb.df` all the different particle types defined and returns a new one.
2170        Returns:
2171            unused_type(`int`): unused particle type
2172        """
2173        type_map=self.get_type_map()
2174        if type_map == {}:    
2175            unused_type = 0
2176        else:
2177            unused_type=max(type_map.values())+1    
2178        return unused_type
2180    def protein_sequence_parser(self, sequence):
2181        '''
2182        Parses `sequence` to the one letter code for amino acids.
2184        Args:
2185            sequence(`str` or `lst`): Sequence of the amino acid. 
2187        Returns:
2188            clean_sequence(`lst`): `sequence` using the one letter code.
2190        Note:
2191            - Accepted formats for `sequence` are:
2192                - `lst` with one letter or three letter code of each aminoacid in each element
2193                - `str` with the sequence using the one letter code
2194                - `str` with the squence using the three letter code, each aminoacid must be separated by a hyphen "-"
2196        '''
2197        # Aminoacid key
2198        keys={"ALA": "A",
2199                "ARG": "R",
2200                "ASN": "N",
2201                "ASP": "D",
2202                "CYS": "C",
2203                "GLU": "E",
2204                "GLN": "Q",
2205                "GLY": "G",
2206                "HIS": "H",
2207                "ILE": "I",
2208                "LEU": "L",
2209                "LYS": "K",
2210                "MET": "M",
2211                "PHE": "F",
2212                "PRO": "P",
2213                "SER": "S",
2214                "THR": "T",
2215                "TRP": "W",
2216                "TYR": "Y",
2217                "VAL": "V",
2218                "PSER": "J",
2219                "PTHR": "U",
2220                "PTyr": "Z",
2221                "NH2": "n",
2222                "COOH": "c"}
2223        clean_sequence=[]
2224        if isinstance(sequence, str):
2225            if sequence.find("-") != -1:
2226                splited_sequence=sequence.split("-")
2227                for residue in splited_sequence:
2228                    if len(residue) == 1:
2229                        if residue in keys.values():
2230                            residue_ok=residue
2231                        else:
2232                            if residue.upper() in keys.values():
2233                                residue_ok=residue.upper()
2234                            else:
2235                                raise ValueError("Unknown one letter code for a residue given: ", residue, " please review the input sequence")
2236                        clean_sequence.append(residue_ok)
2237                    else:
2238                        if residue in keys.keys():
2239                            clean_sequence.append(keys[residue])
2240                        else:
2241                            if residue.upper() in keys.keys():
2242                                clean_sequence.append(keys[residue.upper()])
2243                            else:
2244                                raise ValueError("Unknown  code for a residue: ", residue, " please review the input sequence")
2245            else:
2246                for residue in sequence:
2247                    if residue in keys.values():
2248                        residue_ok=residue
2249                    else:
2250                        if residue.upper() in keys.values():
2251                            residue_ok=residue.upper()
2252                        else:
2253                            raise ValueError("Unknown one letter code for a residue: ", residue, " please review the input sequence")
2254                    clean_sequence.append(residue_ok)
2255        if isinstance(sequence, list):
2256            for residue in sequence:
2257                if residue in keys.values():
2258                    residue_ok=residue
2259                else:
2260                    if residue.upper() in keys.values():
2261                        residue_ok=residue.upper()
2262                    elif (residue.upper() in keys.keys()):
2263                        clean_sequence.append(keys[residue.upper()])
2264                    else:
2265                        raise ValueError("Unknown code for a residue: ", residue, " please review the input sequence")
2266                clean_sequence.append(residue_ok)
2267        return clean_sequence
2269    def read_pmb_df (self,filename):
2270        """
2271        Reads a pyMBE's Dataframe stored in `filename` and stores the information into pyMBE.
2273        Args:
2274            filename(str): path to file.
2276        Note:
2277            This function only accepts files with CSV format. 
2278        """
2280        if filename.rsplit(".", 1)[1] != "csv":
2281            raise ValueError("Only files with CSV format are supported")
2282        df = pd.read_csv (filename,header=[0, 1], index_col=0)
2283        columns_names = self.setup_df()
2285        multi_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(columns_names)
2286        df.columns = multi_index
2288        self.df = self.convert_columns_to_original_format(df)
2290        return self.df
2292    def read_protein_vtf_in_df (self,filename,unit_length=None):
2293        """
2294        Loads a coarse-grained protein model in a vtf file `filename` into the `pmb.df` and it labels it with `name`.
2296        Args:
2297            filename(`str`): Path to the vtf file with the coarse-grained model.
2298            unit_length(`obj`): unit of length of the the coordinates in `filename` using the pyMBE UnitRegistry. Defaults to None.
2300        Returns:
2301            topology_dict(`dict`): {'initial_pos': coords_list, 'chain_id': id, 'sigma': sigma_value}
2303        Note:
2304            - If no `unit_length` is provided, it is assumed that the coordinates are in Angstrom.
2305        """
2307        print (f'Loading protein coarse grain model file: {filename}')
2309        coord_list = []
2310        particles_dict = {}
2312        if unit_length is None:
2313            unit_length = 1 * self.units.angstrom 
2315        with open (filename,'r') as protein_model:
2316            for line in protein_model :
2317                line_split = line.split()
2318                if line_split:
2319                    line_header = line_split[0]
2320                    if line_header == 'atom':
2321                        atom_id  = line_split[1]
2322                        atom_name = line_split[3]
2323                        atom_resname = line_split[5]
2324                        chain_id = line_split[9]
2325                        radius = float(line_split [11])*unit_length 
2326                        sigma = 2*radius
2327                        particles_dict [int(atom_id)] = [atom_name , atom_resname, chain_id, sigma]
2328                    elif line_header.isnumeric(): 
2329                        atom_coord = line_split[1:] 
2330                        atom_coord = [(float(i)*unit_length).to('reduced_length').magnitude for i in atom_coord]
2331                        coord_list.append (atom_coord)
2333        numbered_label = []
2334        i = 0   
2336        for atom_id in particles_dict.keys():
2338            if atom_id == 1:
2339                atom_name = particles_dict[atom_id][0]
2340                numbered_name = [f'{atom_name}{i}',particles_dict[atom_id][2],particles_dict[atom_id][3]]
2341                numbered_label.append(numbered_name)
2343            elif atom_id != 1: 
2345                if particles_dict[atom_id-1][1] != particles_dict[atom_id][1]:
2346                    i += 1                    
2347                    count = 1
2348                    atom_name = particles_dict[atom_id][0]
2349                    numbered_name = [f'{atom_name}{i}',particles_dict[atom_id][2],particles_dict[atom_id][3]]
2350                    numbered_label.append(numbered_name)
2352                elif particles_dict[atom_id-1][1] == particles_dict[atom_id][1]:
2353                    if count == 2 or particles_dict[atom_id][1] == 'GLY':
2354                        i +=1  
2355                        count = 0
2356                    atom_name = particles_dict[atom_id][0]
2357                    numbered_name = [f'{atom_name}{i}',particles_dict[atom_id][2],particles_dict[atom_id][3]]
2358                    numbered_label.append(numbered_name)
2359                    count +=1
2361        topology_dict = {}
2363        for i in range (0, len(numbered_label)):   
2364            topology_dict [numbered_label[i][0]] = {'initial_pos': coord_list[i] ,
2365                                                    'chain_id':numbered_label[i][1],
2366                                                    'sigma':numbered_label[i][2] }
2368        return topology_dict
2370    def search_bond(self, particle_name1, particle_name2, hard_check=False, use_default_bond=False) :
2371        """
2372        Searches for bonds between the particle types given by `particle_name1` and `particle_name2` in `pymbe.df` and returns it.
2373        If `use_default_bond` is activated and a "default" bond is defined, returns that default bond instead.
2374        If no bond is found, it prints a message and it does not return anything. If `hard_check` is activated, the code stops if no bond is found.
2376        Args:
2377            particle_name1 (str): label of the type of the first particle type of the bonded particles.
2378            particle_name2 (str): label of the type of the second particle type of the bonded particles.
2379            hard_check (bool, optional): If it is activated, the code stops if no bond is found. Defaults to False. 
2380            use_default_bond (bool, optional): If it is activated, the "default" bond is returned if no bond is found between `particle_name1` and `particle_name2`. Defaults to False. 
2382        Returns:
2383            bond (cls): bond object from the espressomd library.
2385        Note:
2386            - If `use_default_bond`=True and no bond is defined between `particle_name1` and `particle_name2`, it returns the default bond defined in `pmb.df`.
2387            - If `hard_check`=`True` stops the code when no bond is found.
2388        """
2390        bond_key = self.find_bond_key(particle_name1=particle_name1, 
2391                                    particle_name2=particle_name2, 
2392                                    use_default_bond=use_default_bond)
2393        if use_default_bond:
2394            if not self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name="default",pmb_type_to_be_defined='bond'):
2395                raise ValueError(f"use_default_bond is set to {use_default_bond} but no default bond has been defined. Please define a default bond with pmb.define_default_bond")
2396        if bond_key:
2397            return self.df[self.df['name']==bond_key].bond_object.values[0]
2398        else:
2399            print("Bond not defined between particles ", particle_name1, " and ", particle_name2)    
2400            if hard_check:
2401                sys.exit(1)
2402            else:
2403                return
2405    def search_particles_in_residue(self, residue_name):
2406        '''
2407        Searches for all particles in a given residue of name `residue_name`.
2409        Args:
2410            residue_name (`str`): name of the residue to be searched
2412        Returns:
2413            list_of_particles_in_residue (`lst`): list of the names of all particles in the residue
2415        Note:
2416            - The function returns a name per particle in residue, i.e. if there are multiple particles with the same type `list_of_particles_in_residue` will have repeated items.
2418        '''
2419        index_residue = self.df.loc[self.df['name'] == residue_name].index[0].item() 
2420        central_bead = [index_residue, ('central_bead', '')]
2421        list_of_side_chains = [index_residue, ('side_chains', '')]
2423        list_of_particles_in_residue = []
2424        list_of_particles_in_residue.append(central_bead)
2426        for side_chain in list_of_side_chains: 
2427            object_type = self.df[self.df['name']==side_chain].pmb_type.values[0]
2429            if object_type == "residue":
2430                list_of_particles_in_side_chain_residue = self.search_particles_in_residue(side_chain)
2431                list_of_particles_in_residue += list_of_particles_in_side_chain_residue
2432            elif object_type == "particle":
2433                list_of_particles_in_residue.append(side_chain)
2435        return list_of_particles_in_residue
2437    def set_particle_acidity(self, name, acidity='inert', default_charge=0, pka=None, verbose=True):
2438        """
2439        Sets the particle acidity if it is acidic or basic, creates `state_one` and `state_two` with the protonated and 
2440        deprotonated states. In each state is set: `label`,`charge` and `es_type`. If it is inert, it will define only `state_one`.
2442        Args:
2443            name (`str`): Unique label that identifies the `particle`. 
2444            acidity (`str`): Identifies whether the particle is `acidic` or `basic`, used to setup constant pH simulations. Defaults to `inert`.
2445            default_charge (`int`): Charge of the particle. Defaults to 0.
2446            pka (`float`, optional):  If `particle` is an acid or a base, it defines its pka-value. Defaults to None.
2447            verbose (`bool`, optional): Switch to activate/deactivate verbose. Defaults to True.
2448        """
2449        acidity_valid_keys = ['inert','acidic', 'basic']
2450        if acidity not in acidity_valid_keys:
2451            raise ValueError(f"Acidity {acidity} provided for particle name  {name} is not supproted. Valid keys are: {acidity_valid_keys}")
2452        if acidity in ['acidic', 'basic'] and pka is None:
2453            raise ValueError(f"pKa not provided for particle with name {name} with acidity {acidity}. pKa must be provided for acidic or basic particles.")   
2454        for index in self.df[self.df['name']==name].index:       
2455            if pka:
2456                self.add_value_to_df(key=('pka',''),
2457                                    index=index,
2458                                    new_value=pka, 
2459                                    verbose=verbose)
2460            self.add_value_to_df(key=('acidity',''),
2461                                 index=index,
2462                                 new_value=acidity, 
2463                                 verbose=verbose) 
2464            if not self.check_if_df_cell_has_a_value(index=index,key=('state_one','es_type')):
2465                self.add_value_to_df(key=('state_one','es_type'),
2466                                     index=index,
2467                                     new_value=self.propose_unused_type(), 
2468                                     verbose=verbose)  
2469            if self.df.loc [self.df['name']  == name].acidity.iloc[0] == 'inert':
2470                self.add_value_to_df(key=('state_one','charge'),
2471                                     index=index,
2472                                     new_value=default_charge, 
2473                                     verbose=verbose)
2474                self.add_value_to_df(key=('state_one','label'),
2475                                     index=index,
2476                                     new_value=name, 
2477                                     verbose=verbose)
2478            else:
2479                protonated_label = f'{name}H'
2480                self.add_value_to_df(key=('state_one','label'),
2481                                     index=index,
2482                                     new_value=protonated_label, 
2483                                     verbose=verbose)
2484                self.add_value_to_df(key=('state_two','label'),
2485                                     index=index,
2486                                     new_value=name, 
2487                                     verbose=verbose)
2488                if not self.check_if_df_cell_has_a_value(index=index,key=('state_two','es_type')):
2489                    self.add_value_to_df(key=('state_two','es_type'),
2490                                         index=index,
2491                                         new_value=self.propose_unused_type(), 
2492                                         verbose=verbose)
2493                if self.df.loc [self.df['name']  == name].acidity.iloc[0] == 'acidic':        
2494                    self.add_value_to_df(key=('state_one','charge'),
2495                                         index=index,new_value=0, 
2496                                         verbose=verbose)
2497                    self.add_value_to_df(key=('state_two','charge'),
2498                                         index=index,
2499                                         new_value=-1, 
2500                                         verbose=verbose)
2501                elif self.df.loc [self.df['name']  == name].acidity.iloc[0] == 'basic':
2502                    self.add_value_to_df(key=('state_one','charge'),
2503                                         index=index,new_value=+1, 
2504                                         verbose=verbose)
2505                    self.add_value_to_df(key=('state_two','charge'),
2506                                         index=index,
2507                                         new_value=0, 
2508                                         verbose=verbose)   
2509        return
2511    def set_reduced_units(self, unit_length=None, unit_charge=None, temperature=None, Kw=None, verbose=True):
2512        """
2513        Sets the set of reduced units used by pyMBE.units and it prints it.
2515        Args:
2516            unit_length (`obj`,optional): Reduced unit of length defined using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry. Defaults to None. 
2517            unit_charge (`obj`,optional): Reduced unit of charge defined using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry. Defaults to None. 
2518            temperature (`obj`,optional): Temperature of the system, defined using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry. Defaults to None. 
2519            Kw (`obj`,optional): Ionic product of water in mol^2/l^2. Defaults to None. 
2520            verbose (`bool`, optional): Switch to activate/deactivate verbose. Defaults to True.
2522        Note:
2523            - If no `temperature` is given, a value of 298.15 K is assumed by default.
2524            - If no `unit_length` is given, a value of 0.355 nm is assumed by default.
2525            - If no `unit_charge` is given, a value of 1 elementary charge is assumed by default. 
2526            - If no `Kw` is given, a value of 10^(-14) * mol^2 / l^2 is assumed by default. 
2527        """
2528        self.units=pint.UnitRegistry()
2529        if unit_length is None:
2530            unit_length=0.355*self.units.nm
2531        if temperature is None:
2532            temperature=298.15 * self.units.K
2533        if unit_charge is None:
2534            unit_charge=self.units.e
2535        if Kw is None:
2536            Kw = 1e-14
2537        self.N_A=6.02214076e23 / self.units.mol
2538        self.Kb=1.38064852e-23 * self.units.J / self.units.K
2539        self.e=1.60217662e-19 *self.units.C
2540        self.kT=temperature*self.Kb
2541        self.Kw=Kw*self.units.mol**2 / (self.units.l**2)
2542        self.units.define(f'reduced_energy = {self.kT} ')
2543        self.units.define(f'reduced_length = {unit_length}')
2544        self.units.define(f'reduced_charge = {unit_charge}')
2545        if verbose:        
2546            self.print_reduced_units()
2547        return
2549    def setup_cpH (self, counter_ion, constant_pH, exclusion_range=None, pka_set=None, use_exclusion_radius_per_type = False):
2550        """
2551        Sets up the Acid/Base reactions for acidic/basic `particles` defined in `pmb.df` to be sampled in the constant pH ensemble. 
2553        Args:
2554            counter_ion(`str`): `name` of the counter_ion `particle`.
2555            constant_pH(`float`): pH-value.
2556            exclusion_range(`float`, optional): Below this value, no particles will be inserted.
2557            use_exclusion_radius_per_type(`bool`,optional): Controls if one exclusion_radius for each espresso_type is used. Defaults to `False`.
2558            pka_set(`dict`,optional): Desired pka_set, pka_set(`dict`): {"name" : {"pka_value": pka, "acidity": acidity}}. Defaults to None.
2560        Returns:
2561            RE (`obj`): Instance of a reaction_ensemble.ConstantpHEnsemble object from the espressomd library.
2562            sucessfull_reactions_labels(`lst`): Labels of the reactions set up by pyMBE.
2563        """
2564        from espressomd import reaction_methods
2565        if exclusion_range is None:
2566            exclusion_range = max(self.get_radius_map().values())*2.0
2567        if pka_set is None:
2568            pka_set=self.get_pka_set()    
2569        self.check_pka_set(pka_set=pka_set)
2570        if use_exclusion_radius_per_type:
2571            exclusion_radius_per_type = self.get_radius_map()
2572        else:
2573            exclusion_radius_per_type = {}
2575        RE = reaction_methods.ConstantpHEnsemble('reduced_energy').magnitude,
2576                                                    exclusion_range=exclusion_range.magnitude, 
2577                                                    seed=self.SEED, 
2578                                                    constant_pH=constant_pH,
2579                                                    exclusion_radius_per_type = exclusion_radius_per_type
2580                                                    )
2581        sucessfull_reactions_labels=[]
2582        charge_map = self.get_charge_map()
2583        for name in pka_set.keys():
2584            if self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name,pmb_type_to_be_defined='particle') is False :
2585                print('WARNING: the acid-base reaction of ' + name +' has not been set up because its espresso type is not defined in sg.type_map')
2586                continue
2587            gamma=10**-pka_set[name]['pka_value']
2588            state_one_type   = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].state_one.es_type.values[0]
2589            state_two_type   = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].state_two.es_type.values[0]
2590            counter_ion_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==counter_ion].state_one.es_type.values[0]
2591            RE.add_reaction(gamma=gamma,
2592                            reactant_types=[state_one_type],
2593                            product_types=[state_two_type, counter_ion_type],
2594                            default_charges={state_one_type: charge_map[state_one_type],
2595                            state_two_type: charge_map[state_two_type],
2596                            counter_ion_type: charge_map[counter_ion_type]})
2597            sucessfull_reactions_labels.append(name)
2598        return RE, sucessfull_reactions_labels
2600    def setup_gcmc(self, c_salt_res, salt_cation_name, salt_anion_name, activity_coefficient=None, exclusion_range=None, use_exclusion_radius_per_type = False):
2601        """
2602        Sets up grand-canonical coupling to a reservoir of salt.
2603        For reactive systems coupled to a reservoir, the grand-reaction method has to be used instead.
2605        Args:
2606            c_salt_res ('float'): Concentration of monovalent salt (e.g. NaCl) in the reservoir.
2607            salt_cation_name ('str'): Name of the salt cation (e.g. Na+) particle.
2608            salt_anion_name ('str'): Name of the salt anion (e.g. Cl-) particle.
2609            activity_coefficient ('callable', optional): A function that calculates the activity coefficient of an ion pair as a function of the ionic strength.
2610            exclusion_range(`float`, optional): For distances shorter than this value, no particles will be inserted.
2611            use_exclusion_radius_per_type(`bool`,optional): Controls if one exclusion_radius for each espresso_type is used. Defaults to `False`.
2613        Returns:
2614            RE (`obj`): Instance of a reaction_ensemble.ReactionEnsemble object from the espressomd library.
2615        """
2616        from espressomd import reaction_methods
2617        if exclusion_range is None:
2618            exclusion_range = max(self.get_radius_map().values())*2.0
2619        if use_exclusion_radius_per_type:
2620            exclusion_radius_per_type = self.get_radius_map()
2621        else:
2622            exclusion_radius_per_type = {}
2624        #If no function for the activity coefficient is provided, the ideal case is assumed.
2625        if activity_coefficient is None:
2626            activity_coefficient = lambda x: 1.0
2628        RE = reaction_methods.ReactionEnsemble('reduced_energy').magnitude,
2629                                                    exclusion_range=exclusion_range.magnitude, 
2630                                                    seed=self.SEED, 
2631                                                    exclusion_radius_per_type = exclusion_radius_per_type
2632                                                    )
2634        # Determine the concentrations of the various species in the reservoir and the equilibrium constants
2635        determined_activity_coefficient = activity_coefficient(c_salt_res)
2636        K_salt = ('1/(N_A * reduced_length**3)')**2) * determined_activity_coefficient
2638        salt_cation_es_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==salt_cation_name].state_one.es_type.values[0]
2639        salt_anion_es_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==salt_anion_name].state_one.es_type.values[0]     
2641        salt_cation_charge = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==salt_cation_name].state_one.charge.values[0]
2642        salt_anion_charge = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==salt_anion_name].state_one.charge.values[0]     
2644        if salt_cation_charge <= 0:
2645            raise ValueError('ERROR salt cation charge must be positive, charge ', salt_cation_charge)
2646        if salt_anion_charge >= 0:
2647            raise ValueError('ERROR salt anion charge must be negative, charge ', salt_anion_charge)
2649        # Grand-canonical coupling to the reservoir
2650        RE.add_reaction(
2651            gamma = K_salt.magnitude,
2652            reactant_types = [],
2653            reactant_coefficients = [],
2654            product_types = [ salt_cation_es_type, salt_anion_es_type ],
2655            product_coefficients = [ 1, 1 ],
2656            default_charges = {
2657                salt_cation_es_type: salt_cation_charge, 
2658                salt_anion_es_type: salt_anion_charge, 
2659            }
2660        )
2662        return RE
2664    def setup_grxmc_reactions(self, pH_res, c_salt_res, proton_name, hydroxide_name, salt_cation_name, salt_anion_name, activity_coefficient=None, exclusion_range=None, pka_set=None, use_exclusion_radius_per_type = False):
2665        """
2666        Sets up Acid/Base reactions for acidic/basic 'particles' defined in 'pmb.df', as well as a grand-canonical coupling to a 
2667        reservoir of small ions. 
2668        This implementation uses the original formulation of the grand-reaction method by Landsgesell et al. [1].
2670        [1] Landsgesell, J., Hebbeker, P., Rud, O., Lunkad, R., KosÌŒovan, P., & Holm, C. (2020). Grand-reaction method for simulations of ionization equilibria coupled to ion partitioning. Macromolecules, 53(8), 3007-3020.
2672        Args:
2673            pH_res ('float): pH-value in the reservoir.
2674            c_salt_res ('float'): Concentration of monovalent salt (e.g. NaCl) in the reservoir.
2675            proton_name ('str'): Name of the proton (H+) particle.
2676            hydroxide_name ('str'): Name of the hydroxide (OH-) particle.
2677            salt_cation_name ('str'): Name of the salt cation (e.g. Na+) particle.
2678            salt_anion_name ('str'): Name of the salt anion (e.g. Cl-) particle.
2679            activity_coefficient ('callable', optional): A function that calculates the activity coefficient of an ion pair as a function of the ionic strength.
2680            exclusion_range(`float`, optional): For distances shorter than this value, no particles will be inserted.
2681            pka_set(`dict`,optional): Desired pka_set, pka_set(`dict`): {"name" : {"pka_value": pka, "acidity": acidity}}. Defaults to None.
2682            use_exclusion_radius_per_type(`bool`,optional): Controls if one exclusion_radius for each espresso_type is used. Defaults to `False`.
2684        Returns:
2685            RE (`obj`): Instance of a reaction_ensemble.ReactionEnsemble object from the espressomd library.
2686            sucessful_reactions_labels(`lst`): Labels of the reactions set up by pyMBE.
2687            ionic_strength_res ('float'): Ionic strength of the reservoir (useful for calculating partition coefficients).
2688        """
2689        from espressomd import reaction_methods
2690        if exclusion_range is None:
2691            exclusion_range = max(self.get_radius_map().values())*2.0
2692        if pka_set is None:
2693            pka_set=self.get_pka_set()    
2694        self.check_pka_set(pka_set=pka_set)
2695        if use_exclusion_radius_per_type:
2696            exclusion_radius_per_type = self.get_radius_map()
2697        else:
2698            exclusion_radius_per_type = {}
2700        #If no function for the activity coefficient is provided, the ideal case is assumed.
2701        if activity_coefficient is None:
2702            activity_coefficient = lambda x: 1.0
2704        RE = reaction_methods.ReactionEnsemble('reduced_energy').magnitude,
2705                                                    exclusion_range=exclusion_range.magnitude, 
2706                                                    seed=self.SEED, 
2707                                                    exclusion_radius_per_type = exclusion_radius_per_type
2708                                                    )
2710        # Determine the concentrations of the various species in the reservoir and the equilibrium constants
2711        cH_res, cOH_res, cNa_res, cCl_res = self.determine_reservoir_concentrations(pH_res, c_salt_res, activity_coefficient)
2712        ionic_strength_res = 0.5*(cNa_res+cCl_res+cOH_res+cH_res)
2713        determined_activity_coefficient = activity_coefficient(ionic_strength_res)
2714        K_W ='1/(N_A * reduced_length**3)') *'1/(N_A * reduced_length**3)') * determined_activity_coefficient
2715        K_NACL ='1/(N_A * reduced_length**3)') *'1/(N_A * reduced_length**3)') * determined_activity_coefficient
2716        K_HCL ='1/(N_A * reduced_length**3)') *'1/(N_A * reduced_length**3)') * determined_activity_coefficient
2718        proton_es_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==proton_name].state_one.es_type.values[0]
2719        hydroxide_es_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==hydroxide_name].state_one.es_type.values[0]     
2720        salt_cation_es_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==salt_cation_name].state_one.es_type.values[0]
2721        salt_anion_es_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==salt_anion_name].state_one.es_type.values[0]     
2723        proton_charge = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==proton_name].state_one.charge.values[0]
2724        hydroxide_charge = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==hydroxide_name].state_one.charge.values[0]     
2725        salt_cation_charge = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==salt_cation_name].state_one.charge.values[0]
2726        salt_anion_charge = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==salt_anion_name].state_one.charge.values[0]     
2728        if proton_charge <= 0:
2729            raise ValueError('ERROR proton charge must be positive, charge ', proton_charge)
2730        if salt_cation_charge <= 0:
2731            raise ValueError('ERROR salt cation charge must be positive, charge ', salt_cation_charge)
2732        if hydroxide_charge >= 0:
2733            raise ValueError('ERROR hydroxide charge must be negative, charge ', hydroxide_charge)
2734        if salt_anion_charge >= 0:
2735            raise ValueError('ERROR salt anion charge must be negative, charge ', salt_anion_charge)
2737        # Grand-canonical coupling to the reservoir
2738        # 0 = H+ + OH-
2739        RE.add_reaction(
2740            gamma = K_W.magnitude,
2741            reactant_types = [],
2742            reactant_coefficients = [],
2743            product_types = [ proton_es_type, hydroxide_es_type ],
2744            product_coefficients = [ 1, 1 ],
2745            default_charges = {
2746                proton_es_type: proton_charge, 
2747                hydroxide_es_type: hydroxide_charge, 
2748            }
2749        )
2751        # 0 = Na+ + Cl-
2752        RE.add_reaction(
2753            gamma = K_NACL.magnitude,
2754            reactant_types = [],
2755            reactant_coefficients = [],
2756            product_types = [ salt_cation_es_type, salt_anion_es_type ],
2757            product_coefficients = [ 1, 1 ],
2758            default_charges = {
2759                salt_cation_es_type: salt_cation_charge, 
2760                salt_anion_es_type: salt_anion_charge, 
2761            }
2762        )
2764        # 0 = Na+ + OH-
2765        RE.add_reaction(
2766            gamma = (K_NACL * K_W / K_HCL).magnitude,
2767            reactant_types = [],
2768            reactant_coefficients = [],
2769            product_types = [ salt_cation_es_type, hydroxide_es_type ],
2770            product_coefficients = [ 1, 1 ],
2771            default_charges = {
2772                salt_cation_es_type: salt_cation_charge, 
2773                hydroxide_es_type: hydroxide_charge, 
2774            }
2775        )
2777        # 0 = H+ + Cl-
2778        RE.add_reaction(
2779            gamma = K_HCL.magnitude,
2780            reactant_types = [],
2781            reactant_coefficients = [],
2782            product_types = [ proton_es_type, salt_anion_es_type ],
2783            product_coefficients = [ 1, 1 ],
2784            default_charges = {
2785                proton_es_type: proton_charge, 
2786                salt_anion_es_type: salt_anion_charge, 
2787            }
2788        )
2790        # Annealing moves to ensure sufficient sampling
2791        # Cation annealing H+ = Na+
2792        RE.add_reaction(
2793            gamma = (K_NACL / K_HCL).magnitude,
2794            reactant_types = [proton_es_type],
2795            reactant_coefficients = [ 1 ],
2796            product_types = [ salt_cation_es_type ],
2797            product_coefficients = [ 1 ],
2798            default_charges = {
2799                proton_es_type: proton_charge, 
2800                salt_cation_es_type: salt_cation_charge, 
2801            }
2802        )
2804        # Anion annealing OH- = Cl- 
2805        RE.add_reaction(
2806            gamma = (K_HCL / K_W).magnitude,
2807            reactant_types = [hydroxide_es_type],
2808            reactant_coefficients = [ 1 ],
2809            product_types = [ salt_anion_es_type ],
2810            product_coefficients = [ 1 ],
2811            default_charges = {
2812                hydroxide_es_type: hydroxide_charge, 
2813                salt_anion_es_type: salt_anion_charge, 
2814            }
2815        )
2817        sucessful_reactions_labels=[]
2818        charge_map = self.get_charge_map()
2819        for name in pka_set.keys():
2820            if self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name,pmb_type_to_be_defined='particle') is False :
2821                print('WARNING: the acid-base reaction of ' + name +' has not been set up because its espresso type is not defined in the type map.')
2822                continue
2824            Ka = (10**-pka_set[name]['pka_value'] * self.units.mol/self.units.l).to('1/(N_A * reduced_length**3)')
2826            state_one_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].state_one.es_type.values[0]
2827            state_two_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].state_two.es_type.values[0]
2829            # Reaction in terms of proton: HA = A + H+
2830            RE.add_reaction(gamma=Ka.magnitude,
2831                            reactant_types=[state_one_type],
2832                            reactant_coefficients=[1],
2833                            product_types=[state_two_type, proton_es_type],
2834                            product_coefficients=[1, 1],
2835                            default_charges={state_one_type: charge_map[state_one_type],
2836                            state_two_type: charge_map[state_two_type],
2837                            proton_es_type: proton_charge})
2839            # Reaction in terms of salt cation: HA = A + Na+
2840            RE.add_reaction(gamma=(Ka * K_NACL / K_HCL).magnitude,
2841                            reactant_types=[state_one_type],
2842                            reactant_coefficients=[1],
2843                            product_types=[state_two_type, salt_cation_es_type],
2844                            product_coefficients=[1, 1],
2845                            default_charges={state_one_type: charge_map[state_one_type],
2846                            state_two_type: charge_map[state_two_type],
2847                            salt_cation_es_type: salt_cation_charge})
2849            # Reaction in terms of hydroxide: OH- + HA = A
2850            RE.add_reaction(gamma=(Ka / K_W).magnitude,
2851                            reactant_types=[state_one_type, hydroxide_es_type],
2852                            reactant_coefficients=[1, 1],
2853                            product_types=[state_two_type],
2854                            product_coefficients=[1],
2855                            default_charges={state_one_type: charge_map[state_one_type],
2856                            state_two_type: charge_map[state_two_type],
2857                            hydroxide_es_type: hydroxide_charge})
2859            # Reaction in terms of salt anion: Cl- + HA = A
2860            RE.add_reaction(gamma=(Ka / K_HCL).magnitude,
2861                            reactant_types=[state_one_type, salt_anion_es_type],
2862                            reactant_coefficients=[1, 1],
2863                            product_types=[state_two_type],
2864                            product_coefficients=[1],
2865                            default_charges={state_one_type: charge_map[state_one_type],
2866                            state_two_type: charge_map[state_two_type],
2867                            salt_anion_es_type: salt_anion_charge})
2869            sucessful_reactions_labels.append(name)
2870        return RE, sucessful_reactions_labels, ionic_strength_res
2872    def setup_grxmc_unified (self, pH_res, c_salt_res, cation_name, anion_name, activity_coefficient=None, exclusion_range=None, pka_set=None, use_exclusion_radius_per_type = False):
2873        """
2874        Sets up Acid/Base reactions for acidic/basic 'particles' defined in 'pmb.df', as well as a grand-canonical coupling to a 
2875        reservoir of small ions. 
2876        This implementation uses the formulation of the grand-reaction method by Curk et al. [1], which relies on "unified" ion types X+ = {H+, Na+} and X- = {OH-, Cl-}. 
2877        A function that implements the original version of the grand-reaction method by Landsgesell et al. [2] is also available under the name 'setup_grxmc_reactions'.
2879        [1] Curk, T., Yuan, J., & Luijten, E. (2022). Accelerated simulation method for charge regulation effects. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 156(4).
2880        [2] Landsgesell, J., Hebbeker, P., Rud, O., Lunkad, R., KosÌŒovan, P., & Holm, C. (2020). Grand-reaction method for simulations of ionization equilibria coupled to ion partitioning. Macromolecules, 53(8), 3007-3020.
2882        Args:
2883            pH_res ('float'): pH-value in the reservoir.
2884            c_salt_res ('float'): Concentration of monovalent salt (e.g. NaCl) in the reservoir.
2885            cation_name ('str'): Name of the cationic particle.
2886            anion_name ('str'): Name of the anionic particle.
2887            activity_coefficient ('callable', optional): A function that calculates the activity coefficient of an ion pair as a function of the ionic strength.
2888            exclusion_range(`float`, optional): Below this value, no particles will be inserted.
2889            pka_set(`dict`,optional): Desired pka_set, pka_set(`dict`): {"name" : {"pka_value": pka, "acidity": acidity}}. Defaults to None.
2890            use_exclusion_radius_per_type(`bool`,optional): Controls if one exclusion_radius per each espresso_type. Defaults to `False`.
2892        Returns:
2893            RE (`obj`): Instance of a reaction_ensemble.ReactionEnsemble object from the espressomd library.
2894            sucessful_reactions_labels(`lst`): Labels of the reactions set up by pyMBE.
2895            ionic_strength_res ('float'): Ionic strength of the reservoir (useful for calculating partition coefficients).
2896        """
2897        from espressomd import reaction_methods
2898        if exclusion_range is None:
2899            exclusion_range = max(self.get_radius_map().values())*2.0
2900        if pka_set is None:
2901            pka_set=self.get_pka_set()    
2902        self.check_pka_set(pka_set=pka_set)
2903        if use_exclusion_radius_per_type:
2904            exclusion_radius_per_type = self.get_radius_map()
2905        else:
2906            exclusion_radius_per_type = {}
2908        #If no function for the activity coefficient is provided, the ideal case is assumed.
2909        if activity_coefficient is None:
2910            activity_coefficient = lambda x: 1.0
2912        RE = reaction_methods.ReactionEnsemble('reduced_energy').magnitude,
2913                                                    exclusion_range=exclusion_range.magnitude, 
2914                                                    seed=self.SEED, 
2915                                                    exclusion_radius_per_type = exclusion_radius_per_type
2916                                                    )
2918        # Determine the concentrations of the various species in the reservoir and the equilibrium constants
2919        cH_res, cOH_res, cNa_res, cCl_res = self.determine_reservoir_concentrations(pH_res, c_salt_res, activity_coefficient)
2920        ionic_strength_res = 0.5*(cNa_res+cCl_res+cOH_res+cH_res)
2921        determined_activity_coefficient = activity_coefficient(ionic_strength_res)
2922        a_hydrogen = (10 ** (-pH_res) * self.units.mol/self.units.l).to('1/(N_A * reduced_length**3)')
2923        a_cation = (cH_res+cNa_res).to('1/(N_A * reduced_length**3)') * np.sqrt(determined_activity_coefficient)
2924        a_anion = (cH_res+cNa_res).to('1/(N_A * reduced_length**3)') * np.sqrt(determined_activity_coefficient)
2925        K_XX = a_cation * a_anion
2927        cation_es_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==cation_name].state_one.es_type.values[0]
2928        anion_es_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==anion_name].state_one.es_type.values[0]     
2929        cation_charge = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==cation_name].state_one.charge.values[0]
2930        anion_charge = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==anion_name].state_one.charge.values[0]     
2931        if cation_charge <= 0:
2932            raise ValueError('ERROR cation charge must be positive, charge ', cation_charge)
2933        if anion_charge >= 0:
2934            raise ValueError('ERROR anion charge must be negative, charge ', anion_charge)
2936        # Coupling to the reservoir: 0 = X+ + X-
2937        RE.add_reaction(
2938            gamma = K_XX.magnitude,
2939            reactant_types = [],
2940            reactant_coefficients = [],
2941            product_types = [ cation_es_type, anion_es_type ],
2942            product_coefficients = [ 1, 1 ],
2943            default_charges = {
2944                cation_es_type: cation_charge, 
2945                anion_es_type: anion_charge, 
2946            }
2947        )
2949        sucessful_reactions_labels=[]
2950        charge_map = self.get_charge_map()
2951        for name in pka_set.keys():
2952            if self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name,pmb_type_to_be_defined='particle') is False :
2953                print('WARNING: the acid-base reaction of ' + name +' has not been set up because its espresso type is not defined in sg.type_map')
2954                continue
2956            Ka = 10**-pka_set[name]['pka_value'] * self.units.mol/self.units.l
2957            gamma_K_AX ='1/(N_A * reduced_length**3)').magnitude * a_cation / a_hydrogen
2959            state_one_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].state_one.es_type.values[0]
2960            state_two_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].state_two.es_type.values[0]
2962            # Reaction in terms of small cation: HA = A + X+
2963            RE.add_reaction(gamma=gamma_K_AX.magnitude,
2964                            reactant_types=[state_one_type],
2965                            reactant_coefficients=[1],
2966                            product_types=[state_two_type, cation_es_type],
2967                            product_coefficients=[1, 1],
2968                            default_charges={state_one_type: charge_map[state_one_type],
2969                            state_two_type: charge_map[state_two_type],
2970                            cation_es_type: cation_charge})
2972            # Reaction in terms of small anion: X- + HA = A
2973            RE.add_reaction(gamma=gamma_K_AX.magnitude / K_XX.magnitude,
2974                            reactant_types=[state_one_type, anion_es_type],
2975                            reactant_coefficients=[1, 1],
2976                            product_types=[state_two_type],
2977                            product_coefficients=[1],
2978                            default_charges={state_one_type: charge_map[state_one_type],
2979                            state_two_type: charge_map[state_two_type],
2980                            anion_es_type: anion_charge})
2982            sucessful_reactions_labels.append(name)
2983        return RE, sucessful_reactions_labels, ionic_strength_res
2985    def setup_df (self):
2986        """
2987        Sets up the pyMBE's dataframe `pymbe.df`.
2989        Returns:
2990            columns_names(`obj`): pandas multiindex object with the column names of the pyMBE's dataframe
2991        """
2993        columns_dtypes = {
2994            'name': {
2995                '': str},
2996            'pmb_type': {
2997                '': str},
2998            'particle_id': {
2999                '': object},
3000            'particle_id2':  {
3001                '': object},
3002            'residue_id':  {
3003                '': object},
3004            'molecule_id':  {
3005                '': object},
3006            'acidity':  {
3007                '': str},
3008            'pka':  {
3009                '': float},
3010            'central_bead':  {
3011                '': object},
3012            'side_chains': {
3013                '': object},
3014            'residue_list': {
3015                '': object},
3016            'model': {
3017                '': str},
3018            'sigma': {
3019                '': object},
3020            'cutoff': {
3021                '': object},
3022            'offset': {
3023                '': object},
3024            'epsilon': {
3025                '': object},
3026            'state_one': {
3027                'label': str,
3028                'es_type': object,
3029                'charge': object },
3030            'state_two': {
3031                'label': str,
3032                'es_type': object,
3033                'charge': object },
3034            'sequence': {
3035                '': object},
3036            'bond_object': {
3037                '': object},
3038            'parameters_of_the_potential':{
3039                '': object},
3040            'l0': {
3041                '': float},
3042        }
3044        self.df = pd.DataFrame(columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([(col_main, col_sub) for col_main, sub_cols in columns_dtypes.items() for col_sub in sub_cols.keys()]))
3046        for level1, sub_dtypes in columns_dtypes.items():
3047            for level2, dtype in sub_dtypes.items():
3048                self.df[level1, level2] = self.df[level1, level2].astype(dtype)
3050        columns_names = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(self.df)
3051        columns_names = columns_names.names
3053        return columns_names
3055    def setup_lj_interactions(self, espresso_system, shift_potential=True, combining_rule='Lorentz-Berthelot', warnings=True):
3056        """
3057        Sets up the Lennard-Jones (LJ) potential between all pairs of particle types with values for `sigma`, `offset`, and `epsilon` stored in `pymbe.df`.
3059        Args:
3060            espresso_system(`obj`): Instance of a system object from the espressomd library.
3061            shift_potential(`bool`, optional): If True, a shift will be automatically computed such that the potential is continuous at the cutoff radius. Otherwise, no shift will be applied. Defaults to True.
3062            combining_rule(`string`, optional): combining rule used to calculate `sigma` and `epsilon` for the potential between a pair of particles. Defaults to 'Lorentz-Berthelot'.
3063            warning(`bool`, optional): switch to activate/deactivate warning messages. Defaults to True.
3065        Note:
3066            - LJ interactions will only be set up between particles with defined values of `sigma` and `epsilon` in the pmb.df. 
3067            - Currently, the only `combining_rule` supported is Lorentz-Berthelot.
3068            - Check the documentation of ESPResSo for more info about the potential
3070        """
3071        from itertools import combinations_with_replacement
3072        implemented_combining_rules = ['Lorentz-Berthelot']
3073        compulsory_parameters_in_df = ['sigma','epsilon']
3074        # Sanity check
3075        if combining_rule not in implemented_combining_rules:
3076            raise ValueError('In the current version of pyMBE, the only combinatorial rules implemented are ', implemented_combining_rules)
3077        if shift_potential:
3078            shift="auto"
3079        else:
3080            shift=0
3081        # List which particles have sigma and epsilon values defined in pmb.df and which ones don't
3082        particles_types_with_LJ_parameters = []
3083        non_parametrized_labels= []
3084        for particle_type in self.get_type_map().values():
3085            check_list=[]
3086            for key in compulsory_parameters_in_df:
3087                value_in_df=self.find_value_from_es_type(es_type=particle_type,
3088                                                        column_name=key)
3089                check_list.append(np.isnan(value_in_df))
3090            if any(check_list):
3091                non_parametrized_labels.append(self.find_value_from_es_type(es_type=particle_type, 
3092                                                                            column_name='label'))
3093            else:
3094                particles_types_with_LJ_parameters.append(particle_type)
3095        lj_parameters_keys=["label","sigma","epsilon","offset","cutoff"]
3096        # Set up LJ interactions between all particle types
3097        for type_pair in combinations_with_replacement(particles_types_with_LJ_parameters, 2):
3098            lj_parameters={}
3099            for key in lj_parameters_keys:
3100                lj_parameters[key]=[]
3101            # Search the LJ parameters of the type pair
3102            for ptype in type_pair:
3103                for key in lj_parameters_keys:
3104                    lj_parameters[key].append(self.find_value_from_es_type(es_type=ptype, column_name=key))
3105            # If one of the particle has sigma=0, no LJ interations are set up between that particle type and the others    
3106            if not all(sigma_value.magnitude for sigma_value in lj_parameters["sigma"]):
3107                continue
3108            # Apply combining rule
3109            if combining_rule == 'Lorentz-Berthelot':
3110                sigma=(lj_parameters["sigma"][0]+lj_parameters["sigma"][1])/2
3111                cutoff=(lj_parameters["cutoff"][0]+lj_parameters["cutoff"][1])/2
3112                offset=(lj_parameters["offset"][0]+lj_parameters["offset"][1])/2
3113                epsilon=np.sqrt(lj_parameters["epsilon"][0]*lj_parameters["epsilon"][1])
3114            espresso_system.non_bonded_inter[type_pair[0],type_pair[1]].lennard_jones.set_params(epsilon ='reduced_energy').magnitude, 
3115                                                                                    sigma ='reduced_length').magnitude, 
3116                                                                                    cutoff ='reduced_length').magnitude,
3117                                                                                    offset ="reduced_length").magnitude, 
3118                                                                                    shift = shift)                                                                                          
3119            index = len(self.df)
3120   [index, 'name'] = f'LJ: {lj_parameters["label"][0]}-{lj_parameters["label"][1]}'
3121            lj_params=espresso_system.non_bonded_inter[type_pair[0], type_pair[1]].lennard_jones.get_params()
3123            self.add_value_to_df(index=index,
3124                                key=('pmb_type',''),
3125                                new_value='LennardJones')
3127            self.add_value_to_df(index=index,
3128                                key=('parameters_of_the_potential',''),
3129                                new_value=lj_params,
3130                                non_standard_value=True)
3131        if non_parametrized_labels and warnings:
3132            print(f'WARNING: The following particles do not have a defined value of sigma or epsilon in pmb.df: {non_parametrized_labels}. No LJ interaction has been added in ESPResSo for those particles.')
3134        return
3136    def setup_particle_sigma(self, topology_dict):
3137        '''
3138        Sets up sigma of the particles in `topology_dict`.
3140        Args:
3141            topology_dict(`dict`): {'initial_pos': coords_list, 'chain_id': id, 'sigma': sigma_value}
3142        '''
3143        for residue in topology_dict.keys():
3144            residue_name = re.split(r'\d+', residue)[0]
3145            residue_number = re.split(r'(\d+)', residue)[1]
3146            residue_sigma  = topology_dict[residue]['sigma']
3147            sigma = residue_sigma*self.units.nm
3148            index = self.df[(self.df['residue_id']==residue_number) & (self.df['name']==residue_name) ].index.values[0]
3149            self.add_value_to_df(key= ('sigma',''),
3150                        index=int (index),
3151                        new_value=sigma)           
3152        return 
3154    def write_pmb_df (self, filename):
3155        '''
3156        Writes the pyMBE dataframe into a csv file
3158        Args:
3159            filename (`str`): Path to the csv file 
3160        '''
3162        self.df.to_csv(filename)
3164        return
3166    def write_output_vtf_file(self, espresso_system, filename):
3167        '''
3168        Writes a snapshot of `espresso_system` on the vtf file `filename`.
3170        Args:
3171            espresso_system(`obj`): Instance of a system object from the espressomd library.
3172            filename(`str`): Path to the vtf file.
3174        '''
3175        box = espresso_system.box_l[0]
3176        with open(filename, mode='w+t') as coordinates:
3177            coordinates.write (f'unitcell {box} {box} {box} \n')
3178            for particle in espresso_system.part: 
3179                type_label = self.find_value_from_es_type(es_type=particle.type, column_name='label')
3180                coordinates.write (f'atom {} radius 1 name {type_label} type {type_label}\n' )
3181            coordinates.write ('timestep indexed\n')
3182            for particle in espresso_system.part:
3183                coordinates.write (f'{} \t {particle.pos[0]} \t {particle.pos[1]} \t {particle.pos[2]}\n')
3184        return 
class pymbe_library:
  12class pymbe_library():
  14    """
  15    The library for the Molecular Builder for ESPResSo (pyMBE)
  17    Attributes:
  18        N_A(`obj`): Avogadro number using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry.
  19        Kb(`obj`): Boltzmann constant using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry.
  20        e(`obj`): Elemental charge using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry.
  21        df(`obj`): PandasDataframe used to bookkeep all the information stored in pyMBE. Typically refered as `pmb.df`. 
  22        kT(`obj`): Thermal energy using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry. It is used as the unit of reduced energy.
  23        Kw(`obj`): Ionic product of water using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry. Used in the setup of the G-RxMC method.
  24    """
  25    units = pint.UnitRegistry()
  26    N_A=6.02214076e23    / units.mol
  27    Kb=1.38064852e-23    * units.J / units.K
  28    e=1.60217662e-19 *units.C
  29    df=None
  30    kT=None
  31    Kw=None
  32    SEED=None
  33    rng=None
  36    class NumpyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
  38        """
  39        Custom JSON encoder that converts NumPy arrays to Python lists
  40        and NumPy scalars to Python scalars.
  41        """
  43        def default(self, obj):
  44            if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray):
  45                return obj.tolist()
  46            if isinstance(obj, np.generic):
  47                return obj.item()
  48            return super().default(obj)
  51    def __init__(self, SEED, temperature=None, unit_length=None, unit_charge=None, Kw=None):
  52        """
  53        Initializes the pymbe_library by setting up the reduced unit system with `temperature` and `reduced_length` 
  54        and sets up  the `pmb.df` for bookkeeping.
  56        Args:
  57            temperature(`obj`,optional): Value of the temperature in the pyMBE UnitRegistry. Defaults to None.
  58            unit_length(`obj`, optional): Value of the unit of length in the pyMBE UnitRegistry. Defaults to None.
  59            unit_charge (`obj`,optional): Reduced unit of charge defined using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry. Defaults to None. 
  60            Kw (`obj`,optional): Ionic product of water in mol^2/l^2. Defaults to None. 
  62        Note:
  63            - If no `temperature` is given, a value of 298.15 K is assumed by default.
  64            - If no `unit_length` is given, a value of 0.355 nm is assumed by default.
  65            - If no `unit_charge` is given, a value of 1 elementary charge is assumed by default. 
  66            - If no `Kw` is given, a value of 10^(-14) * mol^2 / l^2 is assumed by default. 
  67        """
  68        # Seed and RNG
  69        self.SEED=SEED
  70        self.rng = np.random.default_rng(SEED)
  71        self.set_reduced_units(unit_length=unit_length, unit_charge=unit_charge,
  72                               temperature=temperature, Kw=Kw, verbose=False)
  73        self.setup_df()
  74        return
  76    def enable_motion_of_rigid_object(self, name, espresso_system):
  77        '''
  78        Enables the motion of the rigid object `name` in the `espresso_system`.
  80        Args:
  81            name(`str`): Label of the object.
  82            espresso_system(`obj`): Instance of a system object from the espressomd library.
  84        Note:
  85            - It requires that espressomd has the following features activated: ["VIRTUAL_SITES_RELATIVE", "MASS"].
  86        '''
  87        print ('enable_motion_of_rigid_object requires that espressomd has the following features activated: ["VIRTUAL_SITES_RELATIVE", "MASS"]')
  88        pmb_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].pmb_type.values[0]
  89        if pmb_type != 'protein':
  90            raise ValueError (f'The pmb_type: {pmb_type} is not currently supported. The supported pmb_type is: protein')
  91        molecule_ids_list = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].molecule_id.to_list()
  92        for molecule_id in molecule_ids_list:    
  93            particle_ids_list = self.df.loc[self.df['molecule_id']==molecule_id].particle_id.dropna().to_list()
  94            center_of_mass = self.calculate_center_of_mass_of_molecule ( molecule_id=molecule_id,espresso_system=espresso_system)
  95            rigid_object_center = espresso_system.part.add(pos=center_of_mass,
  96                                                           rotation=[True,True,True], 
  97                                                           type=self.propose_unused_type())
  98            for particle_id in particle_ids_list:
  99                pid = espresso_system.part.by_id(particle_id)
 100                pid.vs_auto_relate_to(
 101        return
 103    def add_bond_in_df(self, particle_id1, particle_id2, use_default_bond=False):
 104        """
 105        Adds a bond entry on the `pymbe.df` storing the particle_ids of the two bonded particles.
 107        Args:
 108            particle_id1 (`int`): particle_id of the type of the first particle type of the bonded particles
 109            particle_id2 (`int`): particle_id of the type of the second particle type of the bonded particles
 110            use_default_bond (`bool`, optional): Controls if a bond of type `default` is used to bond particle whose bond types are not defined in `pmb.df`. Defaults to False.
 111        """
 112        particle_name1 = self.df.loc[self.df['particle_id']==particle_id1].name.values[0]
 113        particle_name2 = self.df.loc[self.df['particle_id']==particle_id2].name.values[0]
 114        bond_key = self.find_bond_key(particle_name1=particle_name1,
 115                                    particle_name2=particle_name2, 
 116                                    use_default_bond=use_default_bond)
 117        if not bond_key:
 118            return
 119        self.copy_df_entry(name=bond_key,column_name='particle_id2',number_of_copies=1)
 120        indexs = np.where(self.df['name']==bond_key)
 121        index_list = list (indexs[0])
 122        used_bond_df = self.df.loc[self.df['particle_id2'].notnull()]
 123        #without this drop the program crashes when dropping duplicates because the 'bond' column is a dict
 124        used_bond_df = used_bond_df.drop([('bond_object','')],axis =1 )
 125        used_bond_index = used_bond_df.index.to_list()
 127        for index in index_list:
 128            if index not in used_bond_index:
 129                self.clean_df_row(index=int(index))
 130      [index,'particle_id'] = particle_id1
 131      [index,'particle_id2'] = particle_id2
 132                break
 133        return
 135    def add_bonds_to_espresso(self, espresso_system) :
 136        """
 137        Adds all bonds defined in `pmb.df` to `espresso_system`.
 139        Args:
 140            espresso_system (str): system object of espressomd library
 141        """
 143        if 'bond' in self.df.values:
 144            bond_df = self.df.loc[self.df ['pmb_type'] == 'bond']
 145            bond_list = bond_df.bond_object.values.tolist()
 146            for bond in bond_list:
 147                espresso_system.bonded_inter.add(bond)
 148        else:
 149            print ('WARNING: There are no bonds defined in pymbe.df')
 151        return
 153    def add_value_to_df(self,index,key,new_value, verbose=True, non_standard_value=False):
 154        """
 155        Adds a value to a cell in the `pmb.df` DataFrame.
 157        Args:
 158            index(`int`): index of the row to add the value to.
 159            key(`str`): the column label to add the value to.
 160            verbose(`bool`, optional): Switch to activate/deactivate verbose. Defaults to True.
 161            non_standard_value(`bool`, optional): Switch to enable insertion of non-standard values, such as `dict` objects. Defaults to False.
 162        """
 164        token = "#protected:"
 166        def protect(obj):
 167            if non_standard_value:
 168                return token + json.dumps(obj, cls=self.NumpyEncoder)
 169            return obj
 171        def deprotect(obj):
 172            if non_standard_value and isinstance(obj, str) and obj.startswith(token):
 173                return json.loads(obj.removeprefix(token))
 174            return obj
 176        # Make sure index is a scalar integer value
 177        index = int (index)
 178        assert isinstance(index, int), '`index` should be a scalar integer value.'
 179        idx = pd.IndexSlice
 180        if self.check_if_df_cell_has_a_value(index=index,key=key):
 181            old_value= self.df.loc[index,idx[key]]
 182            if verbose:
 183                if protect(old_value) != protect(new_value):
 184                    name=self.df.loc[index,('name','')]
 185                    pmb_type=self.df.loc[index,('pmb_type','')]
 186                    print(f"WARNING: you are redefining the properties of {name} of pmb_type {pmb_type}")
 187                    print(f'WARNING: overwritting the value of the entry `{key}`: old_value = {old_value} new_value = {new_value}')
 188        self.df.loc[index,idx[key]] = protect(new_value)
 189        if non_standard_value:
 190            self.df[key] = self.df[key].apply(deprotect)
 191        return
 193    def assign_molecule_id(self, name, molecule_index, pmb_type, used_molecules_id):
 194        """
 195        Assigns the `molecule_id` of the pmb object given by `pmb_type`
 197        Args:
 198            name(`str`): Label of the molecule type to be created. `name` must be defined in `pmb.df`
 199            pmb_type(`str`): pmb_object_type to assign the `molecule_id` 
 200            molecule_index (`int`): index of the current `pmb_object_type` to assign the `molecule_id`
 201            used_molecules_id (`lst`): list with the `molecule_id` values already used.
 203        Returns:
 204            molecule_id(`int`): Id of the molecule
 205        """
 207        self.clean_df_row(index=int(molecule_index))
 209        if self.df['molecule_id'].isnull().values.all():
 210            molecule_id = 0        
 211        else:
 212            # check if a residue is part of another molecule
 213            check_residue_name = self.df[self.df['residue_list'].astype(str).str.contains(name)]
 214            mol_pmb_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].pmb_type.values[0]
 215            if not check_residue_name.empty and mol_pmb_type == pmb_type:
 216                for value in check_residue_name.index.to_list():                  
 217                    if value not in used_molecules_id:                              
 218                        molecule_id = self.df.loc[value].molecule_id.values[0]                    
 219                        break
 220            else:
 221                molecule_id = self.df['molecule_id'].max() +1
 223        self.add_value_to_df (key=('molecule_id',''),
 224                                index=int(molecule_index),
 225                                new_value=molecule_id, 
 226                                verbose=False)
 228        return molecule_id
 230    def calculate_center_of_mass_of_molecule(self, molecule_id, espresso_system):
 231        """
 232        Calculates the center of the molecule with a given molecule_id.
 234        Args:
 235            molecule_id(`int`): Id of the molecule whose center of mass is to be calculated.
 236            espresso_system(`obj`): Instance of a system object from the espressomd library.
 238        Returns:
 239            center_of_mass(`lst`): Coordinates of the center of mass.
 240        """
 241        total_beads = 0
 242        center_of_mass = np.zeros(3)
 243        axis_list = [0,1,2]
 244        particle_id_list = self.df.loc[self.df['molecule_id']==molecule_id].particle_id.dropna().to_list()
 245        for pid in particle_id_list:
 246            total_beads +=1 
 247            for axis in axis_list:
 248                center_of_mass [axis] += espresso_system.part.by_id(pid).pos[axis]
 249        center_of_mass = center_of_mass /total_beads  
 250        return center_of_mass
 252    def calculate_HH(self, molecule_name, pH_list=None, pka_set=None):
 253        """
 254        Calculates the charge per molecule according to the ideal Henderson-Hasselbalch titration curve 
 255        for molecules with the name `molecule_name`.
 257        Args:
 258            molecule_name (`str`): name of the molecule to calculate the ideal charge for
 259            pH_list(`lst`): pH-values to calculate. 
 260            pka_set(`dict`): {"name" : {"pka_value": pka, "acidity": acidity}}
 262        Returns:
 263            Z_HH (`lst`): Henderson-Hasselbalch prediction of the charge of `sequence` in `pH_list`
 265        Note:
 266            - This function supports objects with pmb types: "molecule", "peptide" and "protein".
 267            - If no `pH_list` is given, 50 equispaced pH-values ranging from 2 to 12 are calculated
 268            - If no `pka_set` is given, the pKa values are taken from `pmb.df`
 269            - This function should only be used for single-phase systems. For two-phase systems `pmb.calculate_HH_Donnan`  should be used.
 270        """
 271        if pH_list is None:
 272            pH_list=np.linspace(2,12,50)
 273        if pka_set is None:
 274            pka_set=self.get_pka_set() 
 275        self.check_pka_set(pka_set=pka_set)
 276        charge_map = self.get_charge_map()
 277        Z_HH=[]
 278        for pH_value in pH_list:    
 279            Z=0
 280            index = self.df.loc[self.df['name'] == molecule_name].index[0].item() 
 281            residue_list = [index,('residue_list','')]
 282            sequence = [index,('sequence','')]
 283            if np.any(pd.isnull(sequence)):
 284                # Molecule has no sequence
 285                for residue in residue_list:
 286                    list_of_particles_in_residue = self.search_particles_in_residue(residue)
 287                    for particle in list_of_particles_in_residue:
 288                        if particle in pka_set.keys():
 289                            if pka_set[particle]['acidity'] == 'acidic':
 290                                psi=-1
 291                            elif pka_set[particle]['acidity']== 'basic':
 292                                psi=+1
 293                            else:
 294                                psi=0
 295                            Z+=psi/(1+10**(psi*(pH_value-pka_set[particle]['pka_value'])))                      
 296                Z_HH.append(Z)
 297            else:
 298                # Molecule has a sequence
 299                if not isinstance(sequence, list):
 300                    # If the df has been read by file, the sequence needs to be parsed.
 301                    sequence = self.parse_sequence_from_file(sequence=sequence)
 302                for name in sequence:
 303                    if name in pka_set.keys():
 304                        if pka_set[name]['acidity'] == 'acidic':
 305                            psi=-1
 306                        elif pka_set[name]['acidity']== 'basic':
 307                            psi=+1
 308                        else:
 309                            psi=0
 310                        Z+=psi/(1+10**(psi*(pH_value-pka_set[name]['pka_value'])))
 311                    else:
 312                        state_one_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].state_one.es_type.values[0]
 313                        Z+=charge_map[state_one_type]
 314                Z_HH.append(Z)
 316        return Z_HH
 318    def calculate_HH_Donnan(self, c_macro, c_salt, pH_list=None, pka_set=None):
 319        """
 320        Calculates the charge on the different molecules according to the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation coupled to the Donnan partitioning.
 322        Args:
 323            c_macro ('dict'): {"name": concentration} - A dict containing the concentrations of all charged macromolecular species in the system. 
 324            c_salt ('float'): Salt concentration in the reservoir.
 325            pH_list ('lst'): List of pH-values in the reservoir. 
 326            pka_set ('dict'): {"name": {"pka_value": pka, "acidity": acidity}}.
 328        Returns:
 329            {"charges_dict": {"name": charges}, "pH_system_list": pH_system_list, "partition_coefficients": partition_coefficients_list}
 330            pH_system_list ('lst'): List of pH_values in the system.
 331            partition_coefficients_list ('lst'): List of partition coefficients of cations.
 333        Note:
 334            - If no `pH_list` is given, 50 equispaced pH-values ranging from 2 to 12 are calculated
 335            - If no `pka_set` is given, the pKa values are taken from `pmb.df`
 336            - If `c_macro` does not contain all charged molecules in the system, this function is likely to provide the wrong result.
 337        """
 338        if pH_list is None:
 339            pH_list=np.linspace(2,12,50)
 340        if pka_set is None:
 341            pka_set=self.get_pka_set() 
 342        self.check_pka_set(pka_set=pka_set)
 344        partition_coefficients_list = []
 345        pH_system_list = []
 346        Z_HH_Donnan={}
 347        for key in c_macro:
 348            Z_HH_Donnan[key] = []
 350        def calc_charges(c_macro, pH):
 351            """
 352            Calculates the charges of the different kinds of molecules according to the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation.
 354            Args:
 355                c_macro ('dic'): {"name": concentration} - A dict containing the concentrations of all charged macromolecular species in the system. 
 356                pH ('float'): pH-value that is used in the HH equation.
 358            Returns:
 359                charge ('dict'): {"molecule_name": charge}
 360            """
 361            charge = {}
 362            for name in c_macro:
 363                charge[name] = self.calculate_HH(name, [pH], pka_set)[0]
 364            return charge
 366        def calc_partition_coefficient(charge, c_macro):
 367            """
 368            Calculates the partition coefficients of positive ions according to the ideal Donnan theory.
 370            Args:
 371                charge ('dict'): {"molecule_name": charge}
 372                c_macro ('dic'): {"name": concentration} - A dict containing the concentrations of all charged macromolecular species in the system. 
 373            """
 374            nonlocal ionic_strength_res
 375            charge_density = 0.0
 376            for key in charge:
 377                charge_density += charge[key] * c_macro[key]
 378            return (-charge_density / (2 * ionic_strength_res) + np.sqrt((charge_density / (2 * ionic_strength_res))**2 + 1)).magnitude
 380        for pH_value in pH_list:    
 381            # calculate the ionic strength of the reservoir
 382            if pH_value <= 7.0:
 383                ionic_strength_res = 10 ** (-pH_value) * self.units.mol/self.units.l + c_salt 
 384            elif pH_value > 7.0:
 385                ionic_strength_res = 10 ** (-(14-pH_value)) * self.units.mol/self.units.l + c_salt
 387            #Determine the partition coefficient of positive ions by solving the system of nonlinear, coupled equations
 388            #consisting of the partition coefficient given by the ideal Donnan theory and the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation.
 389            #The nonlinear equation is formulated for log(xi) since log-operations are not supported for RootResult objects.
 390            equation = lambda logxi: logxi - np.log10(calc_partition_coefficient(calc_charges(c_macro, pH_value - logxi), c_macro))
 391            logxi = scipy.optimize.root_scalar(equation, bracket=[-1e2, 1e2], method="brentq")
 392            partition_coefficient = 10**logxi.root
 394            charges_temp = calc_charges(c_macro, pH_value-np.log10(partition_coefficient))
 395            for key in c_macro:
 396                Z_HH_Donnan[key].append(charges_temp[key])
 398            pH_system_list.append(pH_value - np.log10(partition_coefficient))
 399            partition_coefficients_list.append(partition_coefficient)
 401        return {"charges_dict": Z_HH_Donnan, "pH_system_list": pH_system_list, "partition_coefficients": partition_coefficients_list}
 403    def calculate_initial_bond_length(self, bond_object, bond_type, epsilon, sigma, cutoff):
 404        """
 405        Calculates the initial bond length that is used when setting up molecules,
 406        based on the minimum of the sum of bonded and short-range (LJ) interactions.
 408        Args:
 409            bond_object (`cls`): instance of a bond object from espressomd library
 410            bond_type (`str`): label identifying the used bonded potential
 411            epsilon (`float`): LJ epsilon of the interaction between the particles
 412            sigma (`float`): LJ sigma of the interaction between the particles
 413            cutoff (`float`): cutoff-radius of the LJ interaction 
 414        """    
 415        def truncated_lj_potential(x, epsilon, sigma, cutoff):
 416            if x>cutoff:
 417                return 0.0
 418            else:
 419                return 4*epsilon*((sigma/x)**12-(sigma/x)**6) - 4*epsilon*((sigma/cutoff)**12-(sigma/cutoff)**6)
 425        if bond_type == "harmonic":
 426            r_0 = bond_object.params.get('r_0')
 427            k = bond_object.params.get('k')
 428            l0 = scipy.optimize.minimize(lambda x: 0.5*k*(x-r_0)**2 + truncated_lj_potential(x, epsilon_red, sigma_red, cutoff_red), x0=r_0).x
 429        elif bond_type == "FENE":
 430            r_0 = bond_object.params.get('r_0')
 431            k = bond_object.params.get('k')
 432            d_r_max = bond_object.params.get('d_r_max')
 433            l0 = scipy.optimize.minimize(lambda x: -0.5*k*(d_r_max**2)*np.log(1-((x-r_0)/d_r_max)**2) + truncated_lj_potential(x, epsilon_red, sigma_red, cutoff_red), x0=1.0).x
 434        return l0
 436    def calculate_net_charge (self, espresso_system, molecule_name):
 437        '''
 438        Calculates the net charge per molecule of molecules with `name` = molecule_name. 
 439        Returns the net charge per molecule and a maps with the net charge per residue and molecule.
 441        Args:
 442            espresso_system: system information 
 443            molecule_name (str): name of the molecule to calculate the net charge
 445        Returns:
 446            {"mean": mean_net_charge, "molecules": {mol_id: net_charge_of_mol_id, }, "residues": {res_id: net_charge_of_res_id, }}
 448        Note:
 449            - The net charge of the molecule is averaged over all molecules of type `name` 
 450            - The net charge of each particle type is averaged over all particle of the same type in all molecules of type `name`
 451        '''        
 452        valid_pmb_types = ["molecule", "protein"]
 453        pmb_type=self.df.loc[self.df['name']==molecule_name].pmb_type.values[0]
 454        if pmb_type not in valid_pmb_types:
 455            raise ValueError("The pyMBE object with name {molecule_name} has a pmb_type {pmb_type}. This function only supports pyMBE types {valid_pmb_types}")      
 457        id_map = self.get_particle_id_map(object_name=molecule_name)
 458        def create_charge_map(espresso_system,id_map,label):
 459            charge_map={}
 460            for super_id in id_map[label].keys():
 461                net_charge=0
 462                for pid in id_map[label][super_id]:
 463                    net_charge+=espresso_system.part.by_id(pid).q
 464                charge_map[super_id]=net_charge
 465            return charge_map
 466        net_charge_molecules=create_charge_map(label="molecule_map",
 467                                                espresso_system=espresso_system,
 468                                                id_map=id_map)
 469        net_charge_residues=create_charge_map(label="residue_map",
 470                                                espresso_system=espresso_system,
 471                                                id_map=id_map)       
 472        mean_charge=np.mean(np.array(list(net_charge_molecules.values())))
 473        return {"mean": mean_charge, "molecules": net_charge_molecules, "residues": net_charge_residues}
 475    def center_molecule_in_simulation_box(self, molecule_id, espresso_system):
 476        """
 477        Centers the pmb object matching `molecule_id` in the center of the simulation box in `espresso_md`.
 479        Args:
 480            molecule_id(`int`): Id of the molecule to be centered.
 481            espresso_system(`obj`): Instance of a system object from the espressomd library.
 482        """
 483        if len(self.df.loc[self.df['molecule_id']==molecule_id].pmb_type) == 0:
 484            raise ValueError("The provided molecule_id is not present in the pyMBE dataframe.")      
 485        center_of_mass = self.calculate_center_of_mass_of_molecule(molecule_id=molecule_id,espresso_system=espresso_system)
 486        box_center = [espresso_system.box_l[0]/2.0,
 487                      espresso_system.box_l[1]/2.0,
 488                      espresso_system.box_l[2]/2.0]
 489        particle_id_list = self.df.loc[self.df['molecule_id']==molecule_id].particle_id.dropna().to_list()
 490        for pid in particle_id_list:
 491            es_pos = espresso_system.part.by_id(pid).pos
 492            espresso_system.part.by_id(pid).pos = es_pos - center_of_mass + box_center
 493        return 
 495    def check_dimensionality(self, variable, expected_dimensionality):
 496        """
 497        Checks if the dimensionality of `variable` matches `expected_dimensionality`.
 499        Args:
 500            `variable`(`pint.Quantity`): Quantity to be checked.
 501            `expected_dimensionality(`str`): Expected dimension of the variable.
 503        Returns:
 504            `bool`: `True` if the variable if of the expected dimensionality, `False` otherwise.
 506        Note:
 507            - `expected_dimensionality` takes dimensionality following the Pint standards [docs](
 508            - For example, to check for a variable corresponding to a velocity `expected_dimensionality = "[length]/[time]"`    
 509        """
 510        correct_dimensionality=variable.check(f"{expected_dimensionality}")      
 511        if not correct_dimensionality:
 512            raise ValueError(f"The variable {variable} should have a dimensionality of {expected_dimensionality}, instead the variable has a dimensionality of {variable.dimensionality}")
 513        return correct_dimensionality
 515    def check_if_df_cell_has_a_value(self, index,key):
 516        """
 517        Checks if a cell in the `pmb.df` at the specified index and column has a value.
 519        Args:
 520            index(`int`): Index of the row to check.
 521            key(`str`): Column label to check.
 523        Returns:
 524            `bool`: `True` if the cell has a value, `False` otherwise.
 525        """
 526        idx = pd.IndexSlice
 527        import warnings
 528        with warnings.catch_warnings():
 529            warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
 530            return not pd.isna(self.df.loc[index, idx[key]])
 532    def check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(self, name, pmb_type_to_be_defined):
 533        """
 534        Checks if `name` is defined in `pmb.df`.
 536        Args:
 537            name(`str`): label to check if defined in `pmb.df`.
 538            pmb_type_to_be_defined(`str`): pmb object type corresponding to `name`.
 540        Returns:
 541            `bool`: `True` for success, `False` otherwise.
 542        """
 543        if name in self.df['name'].unique():
 544            current_object_type = self.df[self.df['name']==name].pmb_type.values[0]
 545            if current_object_type != pmb_type_to_be_defined:
 546                raise ValueError (f"The name {name} is already defined in the df with a pmb_type = {current_object_type}, pymMBE does not support objects with the same name but different pmb_types")
 547            return True            
 548        else:
 549            return False
 552    def check_pka_set(self, pka_set):
 553        """
 554        Checks that `pka_set` has the formatting expected by the pyMBE library.
 556        Args:
 557            pka_set (dict): {"name" : {"pka_value": pka, "acidity": acidity}}
 558        """
 559        required_keys=['pka_value','acidity']
 560        for required_key in required_keys:
 561            for pka_entry in pka_set.values():
 562                if required_key not in pka_entry.keys():
 563                    raise ValueError(f'missing a required key "{required_key}" in the following entry of pka_set "{pka_entry}"')
 564        return
 566    def clean_df_row(self, index, columns_keys_to_clean=("particle_id", "particle_id2", "residue_id", "molecule_id")):
 567        """
 568        Cleans the columns of `pmb.df` in `columns_keys_to_clean` of the row with index `index` by assigning them a np.nan value.
 570        Args:
 571            index(`int`): Index of the row to clean.
 572            columns_keys_to_clean(`list` of `str`, optional): List with the column keys to be cleaned. Defaults to [`particle_id`, `particle_id2`, `residue_id`, `molecule_id`].
 573        """   
 574        for column_key in columns_keys_to_clean:
 575            self.add_value_to_df(key=(column_key,''),index=index,new_value=np.nan, verbose=False)
 576        return
 578    def convert_columns_to_original_format (self, df):
 579        """
 580        Converts the columns of the Dataframe to the original format in pyMBE.
 582        Args:
 583            df(`DataFrame`): dataframe with pyMBE information as a string  
 585        """
 587        columns_dtype_int = ['particle_id','particle_id2', 'residue_id','molecule_id', 'model',('state_one','es_type'),('state_two','es_type'),('state_one','charge'),('state_two','charge') ]  
 589        columns_with_units = ['sigma', 'epsilon', 'cutoff', 'offset']
 591        columns_with_list_or_dict = ['residue_list','side_chains', 'parameters_of_the_potential','sequence']
 593        for column_name in columns_dtype_int:
 594            df[column_name] = df[column_name].astype(object)
 596        for column_name in columns_with_list_or_dict:
 597            if df[column_name].isnull().all():
 598                df[column_name] = df[column_name].astype(object)
 599            else:
 600                df[column_name] = df[column_name].apply(lambda x: ast.literal_eval(str(x)) if pd.notnull(x) else x)
 602        for column_name in columns_with_units:
 603            df[column_name] = df[column_name].apply(lambda x: self.create_variable_with_units(x) if pd.notnull(x) else x)
 605        df['bond_object'] = df['bond_object'].apply(lambda x: self.convert_str_to_bond_object(x) if pd.notnull(x) else x)
 607        return df
 609    def convert_str_to_bond_object (self, bond_str):
 611        """
 612        Convert a row read as a `str` to the corresponding bond object. There are two supported bonds: HarmonicBond and FeneBond
 614        Args:
 615            bond_str (`str`): string with the information of a bond object
 617        Returns:
 618            bond_object(`obj`): EsPRESSo bond object 
 619        """
 621        from espressomd.interactions import HarmonicBond
 622        from espressomd.interactions import FeneBond
 624        supported_bonds = ['HarmonicBond', 'FeneBond']
 626        for bond in supported_bonds:
 627            variable = re.subn(f'{bond}', '', bond_str)
 628            if variable[1] == 1: 
 629                params = ast.literal_eval(variable[0])
 630                if bond == 'HarmonicBond':
 631                    bond_object = HarmonicBond(r_cut =params['r_cut'], k = params['k'], r_0=params['r_0'])
 632                elif bond == 'FeneBond':
 633                    bond_object = FeneBond(k = params['k'], d_r_max =params['d_r_max'], r_0=params['r_0'])
 635        return bond_object 
 637    def copy_df_entry(self, name, column_name, number_of_copies):
 638        '''
 639        Creates 'number_of_copies' of a given 'name' in `pymbe.df`.
 641        Args:
 642            name(`str`): Label of the particle/residue/molecule type to be created. `name` must be defined in `pmb.df`
 643            column_name(`str`): Column name to use as a filter. 
 644            number_of_copies(`int`): number of copies of `name` to be created.
 646        Note:
 647            - Currently, column_name only supports "particle_id", "particle_id2", "residue_id" and "molecule_id" 
 648        '''
 650        valid_column_names=["particle_id", "residue_id", "molecule_id", "particle_id2" ]
 651        if column_name not in valid_column_names:
 652            raise ValueError(f"{column_name} is not a valid column_name, currently only the following are supported: {valid_column_names}")
 653        df_by_name = self.df.loc[ == name]
 654        if number_of_copies != 1:           
 655            if df_by_name[column_name].isnull().values.any():       
 656                df_by_name_repeated = pd.concat ([df_by_name]*(number_of_copies-1), ignore_index=True)
 657            else:
 658                df_by_name = df_by_name[df_by_name.index == df_by_name.index.min()] 
 659                df_by_name_repeated = pd.concat ([df_by_name]*(number_of_copies), ignore_index=True)
 660                df_by_name_repeated[column_name] =np.NaN
 661            # Concatenate the new particle rows to  `df`
 662            self.df = pd.concat ([self.df,df_by_name_repeated], ignore_index=True)
 663        else:
 664            if not df_by_name[column_name].isnull().values.any():     
 665                df_by_name = df_by_name[df_by_name.index == df_by_name.index.min()] 
 666                df_by_name_repeated = pd.concat ([df_by_name]*(number_of_copies), ignore_index=True)
 667                df_by_name_repeated[column_name] =np.NaN
 668                self.df = pd.concat ([self.df,df_by_name_repeated], ignore_index=True)
 669        return
 671    def create_added_salt (self, espresso_system, cation_name, anion_name, c_salt, verbose=True):    
 672        """
 673        Creates a `c_salt` concentration of `cation_name` and `anion_name` ions into the `espresso_system`.
 675        Args:
 676            espresso_system (`obj`): instance of an espresso system object.
 677            cation_name(`str`): `name` of a particle with a positive charge.
 678            anion_name(`str`): `name` of a particle with a negative charge.
 679            c_salt(`float`): Salt concentration.
 680            verbose(`bool`): switch to activate/deactivate verbose. Defaults to True.
 682        Returns:
 683            c_salt_calculated (float): Calculated salt concentration added to `espresso_system`.
 684        """
 685        cation_name_charge = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==cation_name].state_one.charge.values[0]
 686        anion_name_charge = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==anion_name].state_one.charge.values[0]     
 687        if cation_name_charge <= 0:
 688            raise ValueError('ERROR cation charge must be positive, charge ',cation_name_charge)
 689        if anion_name_charge >= 0:
 690            raise ValueError('ERROR anion charge must be negative, charge ', anion_name_charge)
 691        # Calculate the number of ions in the simulation box
 692        volume=self.units.Quantity(espresso_system.volume(), 'reduced_length**3')
 693        if c_salt.check('[substance] [length]**-3'):
 694            N_ions= int((volume*'mol/reduced_length**3')*self.N_A).magnitude)
 695            c_salt_calculated=N_ions/(volume*self.N_A)
 696        elif c_salt.check('[length]**-3'):
 697            N_ions= int((volume*'reduced_length**-3')*self.N_A).magnitude)
 698            c_salt_calculated=N_ions/volume
 699        else:
 700            raise ValueError('Unknown units for c_salt, please provided it in [mol / volume] or [particle / volume]', c_salt)
 701        N_cation = N_ions*abs(anion_name_charge)
 702        N_anion = N_ions*abs(cation_name_charge)
 703        self.create_particle(espresso_system=espresso_system, name=cation_name, number_of_particles=N_cation)
 704        self.create_particle(espresso_system=espresso_system, name=anion_name, number_of_particles=N_anion)
 705        if verbose:
 706            print(f"\n Added salt concentration of {'mol/L')} given by {N_cation} cations and {N_anion} anions")
 707        return c_salt_calculated
 709    def create_bond_in_espresso(self, bond_type, bond_parameters):
 710        '''
 711        Creates either a harmonic or a FENE bond in ESPREesSo
 713        Args:
 714            bond_type (`str`)        : label to identify the potential to model the bond.
 715            bond_parameters (`dict`) : parameters of the potential of the bond.
 717        Note:
 718            Currently, only HARMONIC and FENE bonds are supported.
 720            For a HARMONIC bond the dictionary must contain:
 722                - k (`obj`)      : Magnitude of the bond. It should have units of energy/length**2 
 723                using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry.
 724                - r_0 (`obj`)    : Equilibrium bond length. It should have units of length using 
 725                the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry.
 727            For a FENE bond the dictionay must additionally contain:
 729                - d_r_max (`obj`): Maximal stretching length for FENE. It should have 
 730                units of length using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry. Default 'None'.
 732        Returns:
 733              bond_object (`obj`): a harmonic or a FENE bond object in ESPREesSo
 734        '''
 735        from espressomd import interactions
 737        valid_bond_types   = ["harmonic", "FENE"]
 739        if 'k' in bond_parameters:
 740            bond_magnitude     = bond_parameters['k'].to('reduced_energy / reduced_length**2')
 741        else:
 742            raise ValueError("Magnitud of the potential (k) is missing")
 744        if bond_type == 'harmonic':
 745            if 'r_0' in bond_parameters:
 746                bond_length        = bond_parameters['r_0'].to('reduced_length')
 747            else:
 748                raise ValueError("Equilibrium bond length (r_0) is missing")
 749            bond_object    = interactions.HarmonicBond(k   = bond_magnitude.magnitude,
 750                                                       r_0 = bond_length.magnitude)
 751        elif bond_type == 'FENE':
 752            if 'r_0' in bond_parameters:
 753                bond_length        = bond_parameters['r_0'].to('reduced_length').magnitude
 754            else:
 755                print("WARNING: No value provided for r_0. Defaulting to r_0 = 0")
 756                bond_length=0
 757            if 'd_r_max' in bond_parameters:
 758                max_bond_stret = bond_parameters['d_r_max'].to('reduced_length')
 759            else:
 760                raise ValueError("Maximal stretching length (d_r_max) is missing")
 761            bond_object    = interactions.FeneBond(r_0     = bond_length, 
 762                                                   k       = bond_magnitude.magnitude,
 763                                                   d_r_max = max_bond_stret.magnitude)
 764        else:
 765            raise ValueError(f"Bond type {bond_type} currently not implemented in pyMBE, valid types are {valid_bond_types}")
 767        return bond_object
 770    def create_counterions(self, object_name, cation_name, anion_name, espresso_system,verbose=True):
 771        """
 772        Creates particles of `cation_name` and `anion_name` in `espresso_system` to counter the net charge of `pmb_object`.
 774        Args:
 775            object_name(`str`): `name` of a pymbe object.
 776            espresso_system(`obj`): Instance of a system object from the espressomd library.
 777            cation_name(`str`): `name` of a particle with a positive charge.
 778            anion_name(`str`): `name` of a particle with a negative charge.
 779            verbose(`bool`): switch to activate/deactivate verbose. Defaults to True.
 781        Returns: 
 782            counterion_number (dict): {"name": number}
 783        """
 784        cation_charge = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==cation_name].state_one.charge.iloc[0]
 785        anion_charge = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==anion_name].state_one.charge.iloc[0]
 786        object_ids = self.get_particle_id_map(object_name=object_name)["all"]
 787        counterion_number={}
 788        object_charge={}
 789        for name in ['positive', 'negative']:
 790            object_charge[name]=0
 791        for id in object_ids:
 792            if espresso_system.part.by_id(id).q > 0:
 793                object_charge['positive']+=1*(np.abs(espresso_system.part.by_id(id).q ))
 794            elif espresso_system.part.by_id(id).q < 0:
 795                object_charge['negative']+=1*(np.abs(espresso_system.part.by_id(id).q ))
 796        if object_charge['positive'] % abs(anion_charge) == 0:
 797            counterion_number[anion_name]=int(object_charge['positive']/abs(anion_charge))
 798        else:
 799            raise ValueError('The number of positive charges in the pmb_object must be divisible by the  charge of the anion')
 800        if object_charge['negative'] % abs(cation_charge) == 0:
 801            counterion_number[cation_name]=int(object_charge['negative']/cation_charge)
 802        else:
 803            raise ValueError('The number of negative charges in the pmb_object must be divisible by the  charge of the cation')
 804        if counterion_number[cation_name] > 0: 
 805            self.create_particle(espresso_system=espresso_system, name=cation_name, number_of_particles=counterion_number[cation_name])
 806        else:
 807            counterion_number[cation_name]=0
 808        if counterion_number[anion_name] > 0:
 809            self.create_particle(espresso_system=espresso_system, name=anion_name, number_of_particles=counterion_number[anion_name])
 810        else:
 811            counterion_number[anion_name] = 0
 812        if verbose:
 813            print('The following counter-ions have been created: ')
 814            for name in counterion_number.keys():
 815                print(f'Ion type: {name} created number: {counterion_number[name]}')
 816        return counterion_number
 818    def create_molecule(self, name, number_of_molecules, espresso_system, list_of_first_residue_positions=None, use_default_bond=False):
 819        """
 820        Creates `number_of_molecules` molecule of type `name` into `espresso_system` and bookkeeps them into `pmb.df`.
 822        Args:
 823            name(`str`): Label of the molecule type to be created. `name` must be defined in `pmb.df`
 824            espresso_system(`obj`): Instance of a system object from espressomd library.
 825            number_of_molecules(`int`): Number of molecules of type `name` to be created.
 826            list_of_first_residue_positions(`list`, optional): List of coordinates where the central bead of the first_residue_position will be created, random by default
 827            use_default_bond(`bool`, optional): Controls if a bond of type `default` is used to bond particle with undefined bonds in `pymbe.df`
 828        Returns:
 830            molecules_info (`dict`):  {molecule_id: {residue_id:{"central_bead_id":central_bead_id, "side_chain_ids": [particle_id1, ...]}}} 
 831        """
 832        if list_of_first_residue_positions is not None:
 833            for item in list_of_first_residue_positions:
 834                if not isinstance(item, list):
 835                    raise ValueError("The provided input position is not a nested list. Should be a nested list with elements of 3D lists, corresponding to xyz coord.")
 836                elif len(item) != 3:
 837                    raise ValueError("The provided input position is formatted wrong. The elements in the provided list does not have 3 coordinates, corresponding to xyz coord.")
 839            if len(list_of_first_residue_positions) != number_of_molecules:
 840                raise ValueError(f"Number of positions provided in {list_of_first_residue_positions} does not match number of molecules desired, {number_of_molecules}")
 841        if number_of_molecules <= 0:
 842            return
 843        if not self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name=name,
 844                                                    pmb_type_to_be_defined='molecule'):
 845            raise ValueError(f"{name} must correspond to a label of a pmb_type='molecule' defined on df")
 846        first_residue = True
 847        molecules_info = {}
 848        residue_list = self.df[self.df['name']==name].residue_list.values [0]
 850        self.copy_df_entry(name=name,
 851                        column_name='molecule_id',
 852                        number_of_copies=number_of_molecules)
 854        molecules_index = np.where(self.df['name']==name)
 855        molecule_index_list =list(molecules_index[0])[-number_of_molecules:]
 856        used_molecules_id = self.df.molecule_id.dropna().drop_duplicates().tolist()
 857        pos_index = 0 
 858        for molecule_index in molecule_index_list:        
 859            molecule_id = self.assign_molecule_id(name=name,pmb_type='molecule',used_molecules_id=used_molecules_id,molecule_index=molecule_index)
 860            molecules_info[molecule_id] = {}
 861            for residue in residue_list:
 862                if first_residue:
 863                    if list_of_first_residue_positions is None:
 864                        residue_position = None
 865                    else:
 866                        for item in list_of_first_residue_positions:
 867                            residue_position = [np.array(list_of_first_residue_positions[pos_index])]
 868                    # Generate an arbitrary random unit vector
 869                    backbone_vector = self.generate_random_points_in_a_sphere(center=[0,0,0], 
 870                                                                radius=1, 
 871                                                                n_samples=1,
 872                                                                on_surface=True)[0]
 873                    residues_info = self.create_residue(name=residue,
 874                                                        number_of_residues=1, 
 875                                                        espresso_system=espresso_system, 
 876                                                        central_bead_position=residue_position,  
 877                                                        use_default_bond= use_default_bond, 
 878                                                        backbone_vector=backbone_vector)
 879                    residue_id = next(iter(residues_info))
 880                    for index in self.df[self.df['residue_id']==residue_id].index:
 881                        self.add_value_to_df(key=('molecule_id',''),
 882                                            index=int (index),
 883                                            new_value=molecule_id)
 884                    central_bead_id = residues_info[residue_id]['central_bead_id']
 885                    previous_residue = residue
 886                    residue_position = espresso_system.part.by_id(central_bead_id).pos
 887                    previous_residue_id = central_bead_id
 888                    first_residue = False          
 889                else:                    
 890                    previous_central_bead_name=self.df[self.df['name']==previous_residue].central_bead.values[0]
 891                    new_central_bead_name=self.df[self.df['name']==residue].central_bead.values[0]       
 892                    bond = self.search_bond(particle_name1=previous_central_bead_name, 
 893                                            particle_name2=new_central_bead_name, 
 894                                            hard_check=True, 
 895                                            use_default_bond=use_default_bond)                
 896                    l0 = self.get_bond_length(particle_name1=previous_central_bead_name, 
 897                                            particle_name2=new_central_bead_name, 
 898                                            hard_check=True, 
 899                                            use_default_bond=use_default_bond)                
 900                    residue_position = residue_position+backbone_vector*l0
 901                    residues_info = self.create_residue(name=residue, 
 902                                                        number_of_residues=1, 
 903                                                        espresso_system=espresso_system, 
 904                                                        central_bead_position=[residue_position],
 905                                                        use_default_bond= use_default_bond, 
 906                                                        backbone_vector=backbone_vector)
 907                    residue_id = next(iter(residues_info))      
 908                    for index in self.df[self.df['residue_id']==residue_id].index:
 909                        if not self.check_if_df_cell_has_a_value(index=index,key=('molecule_id','')):
 910                  [index,'molecule_id'] = molecule_id
 911                            self.add_value_to_df(key=('molecule_id',''),
 912                                                index=int (index),
 913                                                new_value=molecule_id,
 914                                                verbose=False)            
 915                    central_bead_id = residues_info[residue_id]['central_bead_id']
 916                    espresso_system.part.by_id(central_bead_id).add_bond((bond, previous_residue_id))
 917                    self.add_bond_in_df(particle_id1=central_bead_id,
 918                                        particle_id2=previous_residue_id,
 919                                        use_default_bond=use_default_bond)            
 920                    previous_residue_id = central_bead_id
 921                    previous_residue = residue                    
 922                molecules_info[molecule_id][residue_id] = residues_info[residue_id]
 923            first_residue = True
 924            pos_index+=1
 926        return molecules_info
 928    def create_particle(self, name, espresso_system, number_of_particles, position=None, fix=False):
 929        """
 930        Creates `number_of_particles` particles of type `name` into `espresso_system` and bookkeeps them into `pymbe.df`.
 932        Args:
 933            name (`str`): Label of the particle type to be created. `name` must be a `particle` defined in `pmb_df`. 
 934            espresso_system (`cls`): Instance of a system object from the espressomd library.
 935            number_of_particles (`int`): Number of particles to be created.
 936            position (list of [`float`,`float`,`float`], optional): Initial positions of the particles. If not given, particles are created in random positions. Defaults to None.
 937            fix(`bool`, optional): Controls if the particle motion is frozen in the integrator, it is used to create rigid objects. Defaults to False.
 938        Returns:
 939            created_pid_list(`list` of `float`): List with the ids of the particles created into `espresso_system`.
 940        """       
 941        if number_of_particles <=0:
 942            return
 943        if not self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name=name,pmb_type_to_be_defined='particle'):
 944            raise ValueError(f"{name} must correspond to a label of a pmb_type='particle' defined on df")
 945        # Copy the data of the particle `number_of_particles` times in the `df`
 946        self.copy_df_entry(name=name,column_name='particle_id',number_of_copies=number_of_particles)
 947        # Get information from the particle type `name` from the df     
 948        q = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].state_one.charge.values[0]
 949        es_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].state_one.es_type.values[0]
 950        # Get a list of the index in `df` corresponding to the new particles to be created
 951        index = np.where(self.df['name']==name)
 952        index_list =list(index[0])[-number_of_particles:]
 953        # Create the new particles into  `espresso_system`
 954        created_pid_list=[]
 955        for index in range (number_of_particles):
 956            df_index=int (index_list[index])
 957            self.clean_df_row(index=df_index)
 958            if position is None:
 959                particle_position = self.rng.random((1, 3))[0] *np.copy(espresso_system.box_l)
 960            else:
 961                particle_position = position[index]
 962            if len(espresso_system.part.all()) == 0:
 963                bead_id = 0
 964            else:
 965                bead_id = max (espresso_system.part.all().id) + 1
 966            created_pid_list.append(bead_id)
 968            if fix:
 969                espresso_system.part.add (id=bead_id, pos = particle_position, type = es_type, q = q,fix =[fix,fix,fix])        
 970            else:
 971                espresso_system.part.add (id=bead_id, pos = particle_position, type = es_type, q = q)        
 972            self.add_value_to_df(key=('particle_id',''),index=df_index,new_value=bead_id, verbose=False)                  
 973        return created_pid_list
 975    def create_pmb_object(self, name, number_of_objects, espresso_system, position=None, use_default_bond=False):
 976        """
 977        Creates all `particle`s associated to `pmb object` into  `espresso` a number of times equal to `number_of_objects`.
 979        Args:
 980            name(`str`): Unique label of the `pmb object` to be created. 
 981            number_of_objects(`int`): Number of `pmb object`s to be created.
 982            espresso_system(`obj`): Instance of an espresso system object from espressomd library.
 983            position(`list`): Coordinates where the particles should be created.
 984            use_default_bond(`bool`,optional): Controls if a `default` bond is used to bond particles with undefined bonds in `pmb.df`. Defaults to `False`.
 986        Note:
 987            - If no `position` is given, particles will be created in random positions. For bonded particles, they will be created at a distance equal to the bond length. 
 988        """
 989        allowed_objects=['particle','residue','molecule']
 990        pmb_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].pmb_type.values[0]
 991        if pmb_type not in allowed_objects:
 992            raise ValueError('Object type not supported, supported types are ', allowed_objects)
 993        if pmb_type == 'particle':
 994            self.create_particle(name=name, number_of_particles=number_of_objects, espresso_system=espresso_system, position=position)
 995        elif pmb_type == 'residue':
 996            self.create_residue(name=name, number_of_residues=number_of_objects, espresso_system=espresso_system, central_bead_position=position,use_default_bond=use_default_bond)
 997        elif pmb_type == 'molecule':
 998            self.create_molecule(name=name, number_of_molecules=number_of_objects, espresso_system=espresso_system, use_default_bond=use_default_bond, list_of_first_residue_positions=position)
 999        return
1001    def create_protein(self, name, number_of_proteins, espresso_system, topology_dict):
1002        """
1003        Creates `number_of_proteins` molecules of type `name` into `espresso_system` at the coordinates in `positions`
1005        Args:
1006            name(`str`): Label of the protein to be created. 
1007            espresso_system(`obj`): Instance of a system object from the espressomd library.
1008            number_of_proteins(`int`): Number of proteins to be created.
1009            positions(`dict`): {'ResidueNumber': {'initial_pos': [], 'chain_id': ''}}
1010        """
1012        if number_of_proteins <=0:
1013            return
1014        if not self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name=name,
1015                                                  pmb_type_to_be_defined='protein'):
1016            raise ValueError(f"{name} must correspond to a name of a pmb_type='protein' defined on df")
1018        self.copy_df_entry(name=name,column_name='molecule_id',number_of_copies=number_of_proteins)
1020        protein_index = np.where(self.df['name']==name)
1021        protein_index_list =list(protein_index[0])[-number_of_proteins:]
1022        used_molecules_id = self.df.molecule_id.dropna().drop_duplicates().tolist()
1024        box_half=espresso_system.box_l[0]/2.0
1026        for molecule_index in protein_index_list:     
1028            molecule_id = self.assign_molecule_id (name=name,pmb_type='protein',used_molecules_id=used_molecules_id,molecule_index=molecule_index)
1030            protein_center = self.generate_coordinates_outside_sphere(radius = 1, 
1031                                                                        max_dist=box_half, 
1032                                                                        n_samples=1, 
1033                                                                        center=[box_half]*3)[0]
1035            for residue in topology_dict.keys():
1037                residue_name = re.split(r'\d+', residue)[0]
1038                residue_number = re.split(r'(\d+)', residue)[1]
1039                residue_position = topology_dict[residue]['initial_pos']
1040                position = residue_position + protein_center
1042                particle_id = self.create_particle(name=residue_name,
1043                                                            espresso_system=espresso_system,
1044                                                            number_of_particles=1,
1045                                                            position=[position], 
1046                                                            fix = True)
1048                index = self.df[self.df['particle_id']==particle_id[0]].index.values[0]
1050                self.add_value_to_df(key=('residue_id',''),
1051                                            index=int (index),
1052                                            new_value=residue_number)
1054                self.add_value_to_df(key=('molecule_id',''),
1055                                        index=int (index),
1056                                        new_value=molecule_id)
1058        return
1060    def create_residue(self, name, espresso_system, number_of_residues, central_bead_position=None,use_default_bond=False, backbone_vector=None):
1061        """
1062        Creates `number_of_residues` residues of type `name` into `espresso_system` and bookkeeps them into `pmb.df`.
1064        Args:
1065            name(`str`): Label of the residue type to be created. `name` must be defined in `pmb.df`
1066            espresso_system(`obj`): Instance of a system object from espressomd library.
1067            number_of_residue(`int`): Number of residues of type `name` to be created.
1068            central_bead_position(`list` of `float`): Position of the central bead.
1069            use_default_bond (`bool`): Switch to control if a bond of type `default` is used to bond a particle whose bonds types are not defined in `pmb.df`
1070            backbone_vector (`list` of `float`): Backbone vector of the molecule. All side chains are created perpendicularly to `backbone_vector`.
1072        Returns:
1073            residues_info (`dict`): {residue_id:{"central_bead_id":central_bead_id, "side_chain_ids":[particle_id1, ...]}}
1074        """
1075        if number_of_residues <= 0:
1076            return
1077        if not self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name=name,
1078                                                    pmb_type_to_be_defined='residue'):
1079            raise ValueError(f"{name} must correspond to a label of a pmb_type='residue' defined on df")
1080        # Copy the data of a residue a `number_of_residues` times in the `df
1081        self.copy_df_entry(name=name,
1082                            column_name='residue_id',
1083                            number_of_copies=number_of_residues)
1084        residues_index = np.where(self.df['name']==name)
1085        residue_index_list =list(residues_index[0])[-number_of_residues:]
1086        # Internal bookkepping of the residue info (important for side-chain residues)
1087        # Dict structure {residue_id:{"central_bead_id":central_bead_id, "side_chain_ids":[particle_id1, ...]}}
1088        residues_info={}
1089        for residue_index in residue_index_list:     
1090            self.clean_df_row(index=int(residue_index))
1091            # Assign a residue_id
1092            if self.df['residue_id'].isnull().all():
1093                residue_id=0
1094            else:
1095                residue_id = self.df['residue_id'].max() + 1
1096            self.add_value_to_df(key=('residue_id',''),index=int (residue_index),new_value=residue_id, verbose=False)
1097            # create the principal bead
1098            if self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].central_bead.values[0] is np.NaN:
1099                raise ValueError("central_bead must contain a particle name")        
1100            central_bead_name = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].central_bead.values[0]            
1101            central_bead_id = self.create_particle(name=central_bead_name,
1102                                                                espresso_system=espresso_system,
1103                                                                position=central_bead_position,
1104                                                                number_of_particles = 1)[0]
1105            central_bead_position=espresso_system.part.by_id(central_bead_id).pos
1106            #assigns same residue_id to the central_bead particle created.
1107            index = self.df[self.df['particle_id']==central_bead_id].index.values[0]
1108   [index,'residue_id'] = residue_id
1109            # Internal bookkeeping of the central bead id
1110            residues_info[residue_id]={}
1111            residues_info[residue_id]['central_bead_id']=central_bead_id
1112            # create the lateral beads  
1113            side_chain_list = self.df.loc[self.df.index[residue_index]].side_chains.values[0]
1114            side_chain_beads_ids = []
1115            for side_chain_element in side_chain_list:
1116                if side_chain_element not in self.df.values:              
1117                    raise ValueError (side_chain_element +'is not defined')
1118                pmb_type = self.df[self.df['name']==side_chain_element].pmb_type.values[0] 
1119                if pmb_type == 'particle':
1120                    bond = self.search_bond(particle_name1=central_bead_name, 
1121                                            particle_name2=side_chain_element, 
1122                                            hard_check=True, 
1123                                            use_default_bond=use_default_bond)
1124                    l0 = self.get_bond_length(particle_name1=central_bead_name, 
1125                                              particle_name2=side_chain_element, 
1126                                              hard_check=True, 
1127                                              use_default_bond=use_default_bond)
1129                    if backbone_vector is None:
1130                        bead_position=self.generate_random_points_in_a_sphere(center=central_bead_position, 
1131                                                                 radius=l0, 
1132                                                                 n_samples=1,
1133                                                                 on_surface=True)[0]
1134                    else:
1135                        bead_position=central_bead_position+self.generate_trial_perpendicular_vector(vector=backbone_vector,
1136                                                                                                    magnitude=l0)
1138                    side_bead_id = self.create_particle(name=side_chain_element, 
1139                                                                    espresso_system=espresso_system,
1140                                                                    position=[bead_position], 
1141                                                                    number_of_particles=1)[0]
1142                    index = self.df[self.df['particle_id']==side_bead_id].index.values[0]
1143                    self.add_value_to_df(key=('residue_id',''),
1144                                        index=int (index),
1145                                        new_value=residue_id, 
1146                                        verbose=False)
1147                    side_chain_beads_ids.append(side_bead_id)
1148                    espresso_system.part.by_id(central_bead_id).add_bond((bond, side_bead_id))
1149                    self.add_bond_in_df(particle_id1=central_bead_id,
1150                                        particle_id2=side_bead_id,
1151                                        use_default_bond=use_default_bond)
1152                elif pmb_type == 'residue':
1153                    central_bead_side_chain = self.df[self.df['name']==side_chain_element].central_bead.values[0]
1154                    bond = self.search_bond(particle_name1=central_bead_name, 
1155                                            particle_name2=central_bead_side_chain, 
1156                                            hard_check=True, 
1157                                            use_default_bond=use_default_bond)
1158                    l0 = self.get_bond_length(particle_name1=central_bead_name, 
1159                                              particle_name2=central_bead_side_chain, 
1160                                              hard_check=True, 
1161                                              use_default_bond=use_default_bond)
1162                    if backbone_vector is None:
1163                        residue_position=self.generate_random_points_in_a_sphere(center=central_bead_position, 
1164                                                                    radius=l0, 
1165                                                                    n_samples=1,
1166                                                                    on_surface=True)[0]
1167                    else:
1168                        residue_position=central_bead_position+self.generate_trial_perpendicular_vector(vector=backbone_vector,
1169                                                                                                        magnitude=l0)
1170                    lateral_residue_info = self.create_residue(name=side_chain_element, espresso_system=espresso_system,
1171                        number_of_residues=1, central_bead_position=[residue_position],use_default_bond=use_default_bond)
1172                    lateral_residue_dict=list(lateral_residue_info.values())[0]
1173                    central_bead_side_chain_id=lateral_residue_dict['central_bead_id']
1174                    lateral_beads_side_chain_ids=lateral_residue_dict['side_chain_ids']
1175                    residue_id_side_chain=list(lateral_residue_info.keys())[0]
1176                    # Change the residue_id of the residue in the side chain to the one of the biger residue
1177                    index = self.df[(self.df['residue_id']==residue_id_side_chain) & (self.df['pmb_type']=='residue') ].index.values[0]
1178                    self.add_value_to_df(key=('residue_id',''),
1179                                        index=int(index),
1180                                        new_value=residue_id, 
1181                                        verbose=False)
1182                    # Change the residue_id of the particles in the residue in the side chain
1183                    side_chain_beads_ids+=[central_bead_side_chain_id]+lateral_beads_side_chain_ids
1184                    for particle_id in side_chain_beads_ids:
1185                        index = self.df[(self.df['particle_id']==particle_id) & (self.df['pmb_type']=='particle')].index.values[0]
1186                        self.add_value_to_df(key=('residue_id',''),
1187                                            index=int (index),
1188                                            new_value=residue_id, 
1189                                            verbose=False)
1190                    espresso_system.part.by_id(central_bead_id).add_bond((bond, central_bead_side_chain_id))
1191                    self.add_bond_in_df(particle_id1=central_bead_id,
1192                                        particle_id2=central_bead_side_chain_id,
1193                                        use_default_bond=use_default_bond)
1194            # Internal bookkeeping of the side chain beads ids
1195            residues_info[residue_id]['side_chain_ids']=side_chain_beads_ids
1196        return  residues_info
1198    def create_variable_with_units(self, variable):
1199        """
1200        Returns a pint object with the value and units defined in `variable`.
1202        Args:
1203            variable(`dict` or `str`): {'value': value, 'units': units}
1204        Returns:
1205            variable_with_units(`obj`): variable with units using the pyMBE UnitRegistry.
1206        """        
1208        if isinstance(variable, dict):
1210            value=variable.pop('value')
1211            units=variable.pop('units')
1213        elif isinstance(variable, str):
1215            value = float(re.split(r'\s+', variable)[0])
1216            units = re.split(r'\s+', variable)[1]
1218        variable_with_units=value*self.units(units)
1220        return variable_with_units
1222    def define_AA_particles_in_sequence(self, sequence, sigma_dict=None):
1223        '''
1224        Defines in `pmb.df` all the different particles in `sequence`.
1226        Args:
1227            sequence(`lst`):  Sequence of the peptide or protein. 
1229        Note:
1230            - It assumes that the names in `sequence` correspond to amino acid names using the standard one letter code.
1231        '''
1233        already_defined_AA=[]
1235        for residue_name in sequence:
1236            if residue_name in already_defined_AA:
1237                continue
1238            self.define_particle (name=residue_name, q=0)
1240        if sigma_dict:
1241            self.define_particles_parameter_from_dict(param_dict = sigma_dict, 
1242                                                      param_name = 'sigma')
1243        return 
1245    def define_AA_residues(self, sequence, model):
1246        """
1247        Defines in `pmb.df` all the different residues in `sequence`.
1249        Args:
1250            sequence(`lst`):  Sequence of the peptide or protein.
1251            model (`string`): Model name. Currently only models with 1 bead '1beadAA' or with 2 beads '2beadAA' per amino acid are supported.
1253        Returns:
1254            residue_list (`list` of `str`): List of the `name`s of the `residue`s  in the sequence of the `molecule`.             
1255        """
1256        residue_list = []
1257        for residue_name in sequence:
1258            if model == '1beadAA':
1259                central_bead = residue_name
1260                side_chains = []
1261            elif model == '2beadAA':
1262                if residue_name in ['c','n', 'G']: 
1263                    central_bead = residue_name
1264                    side_chains = []
1265                else:
1266                    central_bead = 'CA'              
1267                    side_chains = [residue_name]
1268            if residue_name not in residue_list:   
1269                self.define_residue(name = 'AA-'+residue_name, 
1270                                    central_bead = central_bead,
1271                                    side_chains = side_chains)              
1272            residue_list.append('AA-'+residue_name)
1273        return residue_list
1275    def define_bond(self, bond_type, bond_parameters, particle_pairs):
1277        '''
1278        Defines a pmb object of type `bond` in `pymbe.df`.
1280        Args:
1281            bond_type (`str`)        : label to identify the potential to model the bond.
1282            bond_parameters (`dict`) : parameters of the potential of the bond.
1283            particle_pairs (`lst`)   : list of the `names` of the `particles` to be bonded.
1285        Note:
1286            Currently, only HARMONIC and FENE bonds are supported.
1288            For a HARMONIC bond the dictionary must contain the following parameters:
1290                - k (`obj`)      : Magnitude of the bond. It should have units of energy/length**2 
1291                using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry.
1292                - r_0 (`obj`)    : Equilibrium bond length. It should have units of length using 
1293                the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry.
1295            For a FENE bond the dictionay must contain the same parameters as for a HARMONIC bond and:
1297                - d_r_max (`obj`): Maximal stretching length for FENE. It should have 
1298                units of length using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry. Default 'None'.
1299        '''
1301        bond_object=self.create_bond_in_espresso(bond_type, bond_parameters)
1303        for particle_name1, particle_name2 in particle_pairs:
1305            lj_parameters=self.get_lj_parameters(particle_name1 = particle_name1,
1306                                                 particle_name2 = particle_name2,
1307                                                 combining_rule = 'Lorentz-Berthelot')
1309            cutoff = 2**(1.0/6.0) * lj_parameters["sigma"]
1311            l0 = self.calculate_initial_bond_length(bond_object = bond_object,
1312                                                    bond_type   = bond_type,
1313                                                    epsilon     = lj_parameters["epsilon"],
1314                                                    sigma       = lj_parameters["sigma"],
1315                                                    cutoff      = cutoff)
1316            index = len(self.df)
1317            for label in [particle_name1+'-'+particle_name2,particle_name2+'-'+particle_name1]:
1318                self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name=label, pmb_type_to_be_defined="bond")
1319   [index,'name']= particle_name1+'-'+particle_name2
1320   [index,'bond_object'] = bond_object
1321   [index,'l0'] = l0
1322            self.add_value_to_df(index=index,
1323                                    key=('pmb_type',''),
1324                                    new_value='bond')
1325            self.add_value_to_df(index=index,
1326                                    key=('parameters_of_the_potential',''),
1327                                    new_value=bond_object.get_params(),
1328                                    non_standard_value=True)
1330        return
1333    def define_default_bond(self, bond_type, bond_parameters, epsilon=None, sigma=None, cutoff=None):
1334        """
1335        Asigns `bond` in `pmb.df` as the default bond.
1336        The LJ parameters can be optionally provided to calculate the initial bond length
1338        Args:
1339            bond_type (`str`)          : label to identify the potential to model the bond.
1340            bond_parameters (`dict`)   : parameters of the potential of the bond.
1341            sigma (`float`, optional)  : LJ sigma of the interaction between the particles
1342            epsilon (`float`, optional): LJ epsilon for the interaction between the particles
1343            cutoff (`float`, optional) : cutoff-radius of the LJ interaction
1345        Note:
1346            - Currently, only harmonic and FENE bonds are supported. 
1347        """
1349        bond_object=self.create_bond_in_espresso(bond_type, bond_parameters)
1351        if epsilon is None:
1352            epsilon=1*self.units('reduced_energy')
1353        if sigma is None:
1354            sigma=1*self.units('reduced_length')
1355        if cutoff is None:
1356            cutoff=2**(1.0/6.0)*self.units('reduced_length')
1357        l0 = self.calculate_initial_bond_length(bond_object = bond_object, 
1358                                                bond_type   = bond_type, 
1359                                                epsilon     = epsilon,
1360                                                sigma       = sigma,
1361                                                cutoff      = cutoff)
1363        if self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name='default',pmb_type_to_be_defined='bond'):
1364            return
1365        if len(self.df.index) != 0:
1366            index = max(self.df.index)+1
1367        else:
1368            index = 0
1369 [index,'name']        = 'default'
1370 [index,'bond_object'] = bond_object
1371 [index,'l0']          = l0
1372        self.add_value_to_df(index       = index,
1373                            key          = ('pmb_type',''),
1374                            new_value    = 'bond')
1375        self.add_value_to_df(index       = index,
1376                            key          = ('parameters_of_the_potential',''),
1377                            new_value    = bond_object.get_params(),
1378                            non_standard_value=True)
1379        return
1381    def define_epsilon_value_of_particles(self, eps_dict):
1382        '''
1383        Defines the epsilon value of the particles in `eps_dict` into the `pmb.df`.
1385        Args:
1386            eps_dict(`dict`):  {'name': epsilon}
1387        '''
1388        for residue in eps_dict.keys():
1389            label_list = self.df[self.df['name'] == residue].index.tolist()
1390            for index in label_list:
1391                epsilon = eps_dict[residue]
1392                self.add_value_to_df(key= ('epsilon',''),
1393                        index=int (index),
1394                        new_value=epsilon)
1395        return 
1397    def define_molecule(self, name, residue_list):
1398        """
1399        Defines a pyMBE object of type `molecule` in `pymbe.df`.
1401        Args:
1402            name (`str`): Unique label that identifies the `molecule`.
1403            residue_list (`list` of `str`): List of the `name`s of the `residue`s  in the sequence of the `molecule`.  
1404        """
1405        if self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name=name,pmb_type_to_be_defined='molecule'):
1406            return
1407        index = len(self.df)
1408 [index,'name'] = name
1409 [index,'pmb_type'] = 'molecule'
1410 [index,('residue_list','')] = residue_list
1411        return
1413    def define_particle(self, name, q=0, acidity='inert', pka=None, sigma=None, epsilon=None, cutoff=None, offset=None,verbose=True):
1414        """
1415        Defines the properties of a particle object.
1417        Args:
1418            name (`str`): Unique label that identifies this particle type.  
1419            q (`int`, optional): Permanent charge of this particle type. Defaults to 0.
1420            acidity (`str`, optional): Identifies whether if the particle is `acidic` or `basic`, used to setup constant pH simulations. Defaults to `inert`.
1421            pka (`float`, optional): If `particle` is an acid or a base, it defines its  pka-value. Defaults to None.
1422            sigma (`pint.Quantity`, optional): Sigma parameter used to set up Lennard-Jones interactions for this particle type. Defaults to None.
1423            cutoff (`pint.Quantity`, optional): Cutoff parameter used to set up Lennard-Jones interactions for this particle type. Defaults to None.
1424            offset (`pint.Quantity`, optional): Offset parameter used to set up Lennard-Jones interactions for this particle type. Defaults to None.
1425            epsilon (`pint.Quantity`, optional): Epsilon parameter used to setup Lennard-Jones interactions for this particle tipe. Defaults to None.
1426            verbose (`bool`, optional): Switch to activate/deactivate verbose. Defaults to True.
1428        Note:
1429            - `sigma`, `cutoff` and `offset` must have a dimensitonality of `[length]` and should be defined using pmb.units.
1430            - `epsilon` must have a dimensitonality of `[energy]` and should be defined using pmb.units.
1431            - `cutoff` defaults to `2**(1./6.) reduced_length`. 
1432            - `offset` defaults to 0.
1433            - The default setup corresponds to the Weeks−Chandler−Andersen (WCA) model, corresponding to purely steric interactions.
1434            - For more information on `sigma`, `epsilon`, `cutoff` and `offset` check `pmb.setup_lj_interactions()`.
1435        """ 
1437        if self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name=name,pmb_type_to_be_defined='particle'):
1438            index = self.df[self.df['name']==name].index[0]                                   
1439        else:
1440            index = len(self.df)
1441   [index, 'name'] = name
1442   [index,'pmb_type'] = 'particle'
1444        # If `cutoff` and `offset` are not defined, default them to 0
1446        if cutoff is None:
1447            cutoff=self.units.Quantity(2**(1./6.), "reduced_length")
1448        if offset is None:
1449            offset=self.units.Quantity(0, "reduced_length")
1451        # Define LJ parameters
1452        parameters_with_dimensionality={"sigma":{"value": sigma, "dimensionality": "[length]"},
1453                                        "cutoff":{"value": cutoff, "dimensionality": "[length]"},
1454                                        "offset":{"value": offset, "dimensionality": "[length]"},
1455                                        "epsilon":{"value": epsilon, "dimensionality": "[energy]"},}
1457        for parameter_key in parameters_with_dimensionality.keys():
1458            if parameters_with_dimensionality[parameter_key]["value"] is not None:
1459                self.check_dimensionality(variable=parameters_with_dimensionality[parameter_key]["value"], 
1460                                          expected_dimensionality=parameters_with_dimensionality[parameter_key]["dimensionality"])
1461                self.add_value_to_df(key=(parameter_key,''),
1462                                    index=index,
1463                                    new_value=parameters_with_dimensionality[parameter_key]["value"],
1464                                    verbose=verbose)
1466        # Define particle acid/base properties
1467        self.set_particle_acidity (name=name, 
1468                                acidity = acidity , 
1469                                default_charge=q, 
1470                                pka=pka,
1471                                verbose=verbose)
1472        return 
1474    def define_particles_parameter_from_dict(self, param_dict, param_name):
1475        '''
1476        Defines the `param_name` value of the particles in `param_dict` into the `pmb.df`.
1478        Args:
1479            param_dict(`dict`):  {'name': `param_name` value}
1480        '''
1481        for residue in param_dict.keys():
1482            label_list = self.df[self.df['name'] == residue].index.tolist()
1483            for index in label_list:
1484                value = param_dict[residue]
1485                self.add_value_to_df(key= (param_name,''),
1486                        index=int (index),
1487                        new_value=value)
1488        return 
1490    def define_peptide(self, name, sequence, model):
1491        """
1492        Defines a pyMBE object of type `peptide` in the `pymbe.df`.
1494        Args:
1495            name (`str`): Unique label that identifies the `peptide`.
1496            sequence (`string`): Sequence of the `peptide`.
1497            model (`string`): Model name. Currently only models with 1 bead '1beadAA' or with 2 beads '2beadAA' per amino acid are supported.
1498        """
1499        if not self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name = name, pmb_type_to_be_defined='peptide'):
1500            valid_keys = ['1beadAA','2beadAA']
1501            if model not in valid_keys:
1502                raise ValueError('Invalid label for the peptide model, please choose between 1beadAA or 2beadAA')
1504            clean_sequence = self.protein_sequence_parser(sequence=sequence)    
1505            residue_list = self.define_AA_residues(sequence=clean_sequence,model=model)
1507            self.define_molecule(name = name, residue_list=residue_list)
1508            index = self.df.loc[self.df['name'] == name].index.item() 
1509   [index,'model'] = model
1510   [index,('sequence','')] = clean_sequence
1511        return
1513    def define_protein(self, name,model, topology_dict):
1514        """
1515        Defines a pyMBE object of type `protein` in `pymbe.df`.
1517        Args:
1518            name (`str`): Unique label that identifies the `protein`.
1519            model (`string`): Model name. Currently only models with 1 bead '1beadAA' or with 2 beads '2beadAA' per amino acid are supported.
1520            topology_dict (`dict`): {'initial_pos': coords_list, 'chain_id': id, 'sigma': sigma_value}
1521        """
1523        protein_seq_list = []     
1525        valid_keys = ['1beadAA','2beadAA']
1527        if model not in valid_keys:
1528            raise ValueError('Invalid label for the peptide model, please choose between 1beadAA or 2beadAA')
1530        if model == '2beadAA':
1531            self.define_particle(name='CA')
1533        sigma_dict = {}
1535        for residue in topology_dict.keys():
1536            residue_name = re.split(r'\d+', residue)[0]
1538            if residue_name not in sigma_dict.keys():
1539                sigma_dict [residue_name] =  topology_dict[residue]['sigma']
1540            if residue_name not in ('CA', 'Ca'):
1541                protein_seq_list.append(residue_name)                  
1543        protein_sequence = ''.join(protein_seq_list)
1544        clean_sequence = self.protein_sequence_parser(sequence=protein_sequence)
1546        self.define_AA_particles_in_sequence (sequence=clean_sequence, sigma_dict = sigma_dict)
1547        residue_list = self.define_AA_residues(sequence=clean_sequence, model=model)
1549        index = len(self.df)
1550 [index,'name'] = name
1551 [index,'pmb_type'] = 'protein'
1552 [index,'model'] = model
1553 [index,('sequence','')] = clean_sequence  
1554 [index,('residue_list','')] = residue_list    
1556        return 
1558    def define_residue(self, name, central_bead, side_chains):
1559        """
1560        Defines a pyMBE object of type `residue` in `pymbe.df`.
1562        Args:
1563            name (`str`): Unique label that identifies the `residue`.
1564            central_bead (`str`): `name` of the `particle` to be placed as central_bead of the `residue`.
1565            side_chains (`list` of `str`): List of `name`s of the pmb_objects to be placed as side_chains of the `residue`. Currently, only pmb_objects of type `particle`s or `residue`s are supported.
1566        """
1567        if self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name=name,pmb_type_to_be_defined='residue'):
1568            return
1569        index = len(self.df)
1570 [index, 'name'] = name
1571 [index,'pmb_type'] = 'residue'
1572 [index,'central_bead'] = central_bead
1573 [index,('side_chains','')] = side_chains
1574        return 
1576    def destroy_pmb_object_in_system(self, name, espresso_system):
1577        """
1578        Destroys all particles associated with `name` in `espresso_system` amd removes the destroyed pmb_objects from `pmb.df` 
1580        Args:
1581            name (str): Label of the pmb object to be destroyed. The pmb object must be defined in `pymbe.df`.
1582            espresso_system (cls): Instance of a system class from espressomd library.
1584        Note:
1585            - If `name`  is a object_type=`particle`, only the matching particles that are not part of bigger objects (e.g. `residue`, `molecule`) will be destroyed. To destroy particles in such objects, destroy the bigger object instead.
1586        """
1587        allowed_objects = ['particle','residue','molecule']
1588        pmb_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].pmb_type.values[0]
1589        if pmb_type not in allowed_objects:
1590            raise ValueError('Object type not supported, supported types are ', allowed_objects)
1591        if pmb_type == 'particle':
1592            particles_index = self.df.index[(self.df['name'] == name) & (self.df['residue_id'].isna()) 
1593                                                  & (self.df['molecule_id'].isna())]
1594            particle_ids_list= self.df.loc[(self.df['name'] == name) & (self.df['residue_id'].isna())
1595                                                 & (self.df['molecule_id'].isna())].particle_id.tolist()
1596            for particle_id in particle_ids_list:
1597                espresso_system.part.by_id(particle_id).remove()
1598            self.df = self.df.drop(index=particles_index)
1599        if pmb_type == 'residue':
1600            residues_id = self.df.loc[self.df['name']== name].residue_id.to_list()
1601            for residue_id in residues_id:
1602                particle_ids_list = self.df.loc[self.df['residue_id']==residue_id].particle_id.dropna().to_list()
1603                self.df = self.df.drop(self.df[self.df['residue_id'] == residue_id].index)
1604                for particle_id in particle_ids_list:
1605                    espresso_system.part.by_id(particle_id).remove()
1606                    self.df= self.df.drop(self.df[self.df['particle_id']==particle_id].index)    
1607        if pmb_type == 'molecule':
1608            molecules_id = self.df.loc[self.df['name']== name].molecule_id.to_list()
1609            for molecule_id in molecules_id:
1610                particle_ids_list = self.df.loc[self.df['molecule_id']==molecule_id].particle_id.dropna().to_list()
1612                self.df = self.df.drop(self.df[self.df['molecule_id'] == molecule_id].index)
1613                for particle_id in particle_ids_list:
1614                    espresso_system.part.by_id(particle_id).remove()   
1615                    self.df= self.df.drop(self.df[self.df['particle_id']==particle_id].index)             
1617        self.df.reset_index(drop=True,inplace=True)
1619        return
1621    def determine_reservoir_concentrations(self, pH_res, c_salt_res, activity_coefficient_monovalent_pair, max_number_sc_runs=200):
1622        """
1623        Determines the concentrations of the various species in the reservoir for given values of the pH and salt concentration.
1624        To do this, a system of nonlinear equations involving the pH, the ionic product of water, the activity coefficient of an
1625        ion pair and the concentrations of the various species is solved numerically using a self-consistent approach.
1626        More details can be found in chapter 5.3 of Landsgesell (
1627        This is a modified version of the code by Landsgesell et al. (
1629        Args:
1630            pH_res ('float'): pH-value in the reservoir.
1631            c_salt_res ('float'): Concentration of monovalent salt (e.g. NaCl) in the reservoir.
1632            activity_coefficient_monovalent_pair ('callable', optional): A function that calculates the activity coefficient of an ion pair as a function of the ionic strength.
1634        Returns:
1635            cH_res ('float'): Concentration of H+ ions.
1636            cOH_res ('float'): Concentration of OH- ions.
1637            cNa_res ('float'): Concentration of Na+ ions.
1638            cCl_res ('float'): Concentration of Cl- ions.
1639        """
1641        self_consistent_run = 0
1642        cH_res = 10**(-pH_res) * self.units.mol/self.units.l #initial guess for the concentration of H+
1644        def determine_reservoir_concentrations_selfconsistently(cH_res, c_salt_res):
1645            #Calculate and initial guess for the concentrations of various species based on ideal gas estimate
1646            cOH_res = self.Kw / cH_res 
1647            cNa_res = None
1648            cCl_res = None
1649            if cOH_res>=cH_res:
1650                #adjust the concentration of sodium if there is excess OH- in the reservoir:
1651                cNa_res = c_salt_res + (cOH_res-cH_res)
1652                cCl_res = c_salt_res
1653            else:
1654                # adjust the concentration of chloride if there is excess H+ in the reservoir
1655                cCl_res = c_salt_res + (cH_res-cOH_res)
1656                cNa_res = c_salt_res
1658            def calculate_concentrations_self_consistently(cH_res, cOH_res, cNa_res, cCl_res):
1659                nonlocal max_number_sc_runs, self_consistent_run
1660                if self_consistent_run<max_number_sc_runs:
1661                    self_consistent_run+=1
1662                    ionic_strength_res = 0.5*(cNa_res+cCl_res+cOH_res+cH_res)
1663                    cOH_res = self.Kw / (cH_res * activity_coefficient_monovalent_pair(ionic_strength_res))
1664                    if cOH_res>=cH_res:
1665                        #adjust the concentration of sodium if there is excess OH- in the reservoir:
1666                        cNa_res = c_salt_res + (cOH_res-cH_res)
1667                        cCl_res = c_salt_res
1668                    else:
1669                        # adjust the concentration of chloride if there is excess H+ in the reservoir
1670                        cCl_res = c_salt_res + (cH_res-cOH_res)
1671                        cNa_res = c_salt_res
1672                    return calculate_concentrations_self_consistently(cH_res, cOH_res, cNa_res, cCl_res)
1673                else:
1674                    return cH_res, cOH_res, cNa_res, cCl_res
1675            return calculate_concentrations_self_consistently(cH_res, cOH_res, cNa_res, cCl_res)
1677        cH_res, cOH_res, cNa_res, cCl_res = determine_reservoir_concentrations_selfconsistently(cH_res, c_salt_res)
1678        ionic_strength_res = 0.5*(cNa_res+cCl_res+cOH_res+cH_res)
1679        determined_pH = -np.log10('mol/L').magnitude * np.sqrt(activity_coefficient_monovalent_pair(ionic_strength_res)))
1681        while abs(determined_pH-pH_res)>1e-6:
1682            if determined_pH > pH_res:
1683                cH_res *= 1.005
1684            else:
1685                cH_res /= 1.003
1686            cH_res, cOH_res, cNa_res, cCl_res = determine_reservoir_concentrations_selfconsistently(cH_res, c_salt_res)
1687            ionic_strength_res = 0.5*(cNa_res+cCl_res+cOH_res+cH_res)
1688            determined_pH = -np.log10('mol/L').magnitude * np.sqrt(activity_coefficient_monovalent_pair(ionic_strength_res)))
1689            self_consistent_run=0
1691        return cH_res, cOH_res, cNa_res, cCl_res
1693    def filter_df(self, pmb_type):
1694        """
1695        Filters `pmb.df` and returns a sub-set of it containing only rows with pmb_object_type=`pmb_type` and non-NaN columns.
1697        Args:
1698            pmb_type(`str`): pmb_object_type to filter in `pmb.df`.
1700        Returns:
1701            pmb_type_df(`obj`): filtered `pmb.df`.
1702        """
1703        pmb_type_df = self.df.loc[self.df['pmb_type']== pmb_type]
1704        pmb_type_df = pmb_type_df.dropna( axis=1, thresh=1)
1705        return pmb_type_df
1707    def find_bond_key(self, particle_name1, particle_name2, use_default_bond=False):
1708        """
1709        Searches for the `name` of the bond between `particle_name1` and `particle_name2` in `pymbe.df` and returns it.
1711        Args:
1712            particle_name1(`str`): label of the type of the first particle type of the bonded particles.
1713            particle_name2(`str`): label of the type of the second particle type of the bonded particles.
1714            use_default_bond(`bool`, optional): If it is activated, the "default" bond is returned if no bond is found between `particle_name1` and `particle_name2`. Defaults to 'False'. 
1716        Returns:
1717            bond_key (str): `name` of the bond between `particle_name1` and `particle_name2` 
1719        Note:
1720            - If `use_default_bond`=`True`, it returns "default" if no key is found.
1721        """
1722        bond_keys = [particle_name1 +'-'+ particle_name2, particle_name2 +'-'+ particle_name1 ]
1723        bond_defined=False
1724        for bond_key in bond_keys:
1725            if bond_key in self.df.values:
1726                bond_defined=True
1727                correct_key=bond_key
1728                break
1729        if bond_defined:
1730            return correct_key
1731        elif use_default_bond:
1732            return 'default'
1733        else:
1734            return 
1736    def find_value_from_es_type(self, es_type, column_name):
1737        """
1738        Finds a value in `pmb.df` for a `column_name` and `es_type` pair.
1740        Args:
1741            es_type(`int`): value of the espresso type
1742            column_name(`str`): name of the column in `pymbe.df`
1744        Returns:
1745            Value in `pymbe.df` matching  `column_name` and `es_type`
1746        """
1747        idx = pd.IndexSlice
1748        for state in ['state_one', 'state_two']:
1749            index = np.where(self.df[(state, 'es_type')] == es_type)[0]
1750            if len(index) > 0:
1751                if column_name == 'label':
1752                    label = self.df.loc[idx[index[0]], idx[(state,column_name)]]
1753                    return label
1754                else: 
1755                    column_name_value = self.df.loc[idx[index[0]], idx[(column_name,'')]]
1756                    return column_name_value
1757        return None
1759    def generate_coordinates_outside_sphere(self, center, radius, max_dist, n_samples):
1760        """
1761        Generates coordinates outside a sphere centered at `center`.
1763        Args:
1764            center(`lst`): Coordinates of the center of the sphere.
1765            radius(`float`): Radius of the sphere.
1766            max_dist(`float`): Maximum distance from the center of the spahre to generate coordinates.
1767            n_samples(`int`): Number of sample points.
1769        Returns:
1770            coord_list(`lst`): Coordinates of the sample points.
1771        """
1772        if not radius > 0: 
1773            raise ValueError (f'The value of {radius} must be a positive value')
1774        if not radius < max_dist:
1775            raise ValueError(f'The min_dist ({radius} must be lower than the max_dist ({max_dist}))')
1776        coord_list = []
1777        counter = 0
1778        while counter<n_samples:
1779            coord = self.generate_random_points_in_a_sphere(center=center, 
1780                                            radius=max_dist,
1781                                            n_samples=1)[0]
1782            if np.linalg.norm(coord-np.asarray(center))>=radius:
1783                coord_list.append (coord)
1784                counter += 1
1785        return coord_list
1787    def generate_random_points_in_a_sphere(self, center, radius, n_samples, on_surface=False):
1788        """
1789        Uniformly samples points from a hypersphere. If on_surface is set to True, the points are
1790        uniformly sampled from the surface of the hypersphere.
1792        Args:
1793            center(`lst`): Array with the coordinates of the center of the spheres.
1794            radius(`float`): Radius of the sphere.
1795            n_samples(`int`): Number of sample points to generate inside the sphere.
1796            on_surface (`bool`, optional): If set to True, points will be uniformly sampled on the surface of the hypersphere.
1798        Returns:
1799            samples(`list`): Coordinates of the sample points inside the hypersphere.
1801        Note:
1802            - Algorithm from:
1803        """
1804        # initial values
1805        center=np.array(center)
1806        d = center.shape[0]
1807        # sample n_samples points in d dimensions from a standard normal distribution
1808        samples = self.rng.normal(size=(n_samples, d))
1809        # make the samples lie on the surface of the unit hypersphere
1810        normalize_radii = np.linalg.norm(samples, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
1811        samples /= normalize_radii
1812        if not on_surface:
1813            # make the samples lie inside the hypersphere with the correct density
1814            uniform_points = self.rng.uniform(size=n_samples)[:, np.newaxis]
1815            new_radii = np.power(uniform_points, 1/d)
1816            samples *= new_radii
1817        # scale the points to have the correct radius and center
1818        samples = samples * radius + center
1819        return samples 
1821    def generate_trial_perpendicular_vector(self,vector,magnitude):
1822        """
1823        Generates an orthogonal vector to the input `vector`.
1825        Args:
1826            vector(`lst`): arbitrary vector.
1827            magnitude(`float`): magnitude of the orthogonal vector.
1829        Returns:
1830            (`lst`): Orthogonal vector with the same magnitude as the input vector.
1831        """ 
1832        np_vec = np.array(vector) 
1833        np_vec /= np.linalg.norm(np_vec) 
1834        if np.all(np_vec == 0):
1835            raise ValueError('Zero vector')
1836        # Generate a random vector 
1837        random_vector = self.generate_random_points_in_a_sphere(radius=1, 
1838                                                                center=[0,0,0],
1839                                                                n_samples=1, 
1840                                                                on_surface=True)[0]
1841        # Project the random vector onto the input vector and subtract the projection
1842        projection =, np_vec) * np_vec
1843        perpendicular_vector = random_vector - projection
1844        # Normalize the perpendicular vector to have the same magnitude as the input vector
1845        perpendicular_vector /= np.linalg.norm(perpendicular_vector) 
1846        return perpendicular_vector*magnitude
1848    def get_bond_length(self, particle_name1, particle_name2, hard_check=False, use_default_bond=False) :
1849        """
1850        Searches for bonds between the particle types given by `particle_name1` and `particle_name2` in `pymbe.df` and returns the initial bond length.
1851        If `use_default_bond` is activated and a "default" bond is defined, returns the length of that default bond instead.
1852        If no bond is found, it prints a message and it does not return anything. If `hard_check` is activated, the code stops if no bond is found.
1854        Args:
1855            particle_name1 (str): label of the type of the first particle type of the bonded particles.
1856            particle_name2 (str): label of the type of the second particle type of the bonded particles.
1857            hard_check (bool, optional): If it is activated, the code stops if no bond is found. Defaults to False. 
1858            use_default_bond (bool, optional): If it is activated, the "default" bond is returned if no bond is found between `particle_name1` and `particle_name2`. Defaults to False. 
1860        Returns:
1861            l0 (`float`): bond length
1863        Note:
1864            - If `use_default_bond`=True and no bond is defined between `particle_name1` and `particle_name2`, it returns the default bond defined in `pmb.df`.
1865            - If `hard_check`=`True` stops the code when no bond is found.
1866        """
1867        bond_key = self.find_bond_key(particle_name1=particle_name1, 
1868                                    particle_name2=particle_name2, 
1869                                    use_default_bond=use_default_bond)
1870        if bond_key:
1871            return self.df[self.df['name']==bond_key].l0.values[0]
1872        else:
1873            print("Bond not defined between particles ", particle_name1, " and ", particle_name2)    
1874            if hard_check:
1875                sys.exit(1)
1876            else:
1877                return
1879    def get_charge_map(self):
1880        '''
1881        Gets the charge of each `espresso_type` in `pymbe.df`.
1883        Returns:
1884            charge_map(`dict`): {espresso_type: charge}.
1885        '''
1886        if self.df.state_one['es_type'].isnull().values.any():         
1887            df_state_one = self.df.state_one.dropna()     
1888            df_state_two = self.df.state_two.dropna()  
1889        else:    
1890            df_state_one = self.df.state_one
1891            if self.df.state_two['es_type'].isnull().values.any():
1892                df_state_two = self.df.state_two.dropna()   
1893            else:
1894                df_state_two = self.df.state_two
1895        state_one = pd.Series (df_state_one.charge.values,index=df_state_one.es_type.values)
1896        state_two = pd.Series (df_state_two.charge.values,index=df_state_two.es_type.values)
1897        charge_map  = pd.concat([state_one,state_two],axis=0).to_dict()
1898        return charge_map
1900    def get_lj_parameters(self, particle_name1, particle_name2, combining_rule='Lorentz-Berthelot'):
1901        """
1902        Returns the Lennard-Jones parameters for the interaction between the particle types given by 
1903        `particle_name1` and `particle_name2` in `pymbe.df`, calculated according to the provided combining rule.
1905        Args:
1906            particle_name1 (str): label of the type of the first particle type
1907            particle_name2 (str): label of the type of the second particle type
1908            combining_rule (`string`, optional): combining rule used to calculate `sigma` and `epsilon` for the potential betwen a pair of particles. Defaults to 'Lorentz-Berthelot'.
1910        Returns:
1911            {"epsilon": LJ epsilon, "sigma": LJ sigma}
1913        Note:
1914            Currently, the only `combining_rule` supported is Lorentz-Berthelot.
1915        """
1916        supported_combining_rules=["Lorentz-Berthelot"]
1918        if combining_rule not in supported_combining_rules:
1919            raise ValueError(f"Combining_rule {combining_rule} currently not implemented in pyMBE, valid keys are {supported_combining_rules}")
1921        eps1 = self.df.loc[self.df["name"]==particle_name1].epsilon.iloc[0]
1922        sigma1 = self.df.loc[self.df["name"]==particle_name1].sigma.iloc[0]
1923        eps2 = self.df.loc[self.df["name"]==particle_name2].epsilon.iloc[0]
1924        sigma2 = self.df.loc[self.df["name"]==particle_name2].sigma.iloc[0]
1926        return {"epsilon": np.sqrt(eps1*eps2), "sigma": (sigma1+sigma2)/2.0}
1928    def get_particle_id_map(self, object_name):
1929        '''
1930        Gets all the ids associated with the object with name `object_name` in `pmb.df`
1932        Args:
1933            object_name(`str`): name of the object
1935        Returns:
1936            id_map(`dict`): dict of the structure {"all": [all_ids_with_object_name], "residue_map": {res_id: [particle_ids_in_res_id]}, "molecule_map": {mol_id: [particle_ids_in_mol_id]}, }
1937        '''
1938        object_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']== object_name].pmb_type.values[0]
1939        valid_types = ["particle", "molecule", "residue", "protein"]
1940        if object_type not in valid_types:
1941            raise ValueError(f"{object_name} is of pmb_type {object_type}, which is not supported by this function. Supported types are {valid_types}")
1942        id_list = []
1943        mol_map = {}
1944        res_map = {}
1945        def do_res_map(res_ids):
1946            for res_id in res_ids:
1947                res_list=self.df.loc[self.df['residue_id']== res_id].particle_id.dropna().tolist()
1948                res_map[res_id]=res_list
1949            return res_map
1950        if object_type in ['molecule', 'protein']:
1951            mol_ids = self.df.loc[self.df['name']== object_name].molecule_id.dropna().tolist()
1952            for mol_id in mol_ids:
1953                res_ids = set(self.df.loc[self.df['molecule_id']== mol_id].residue_id.dropna().tolist())
1954                res_map=do_res_map(res_ids=res_ids)    
1955                mol_list=self.df.loc[self.df['molecule_id']== mol_id].particle_id.dropna().tolist()
1956                id_list+=mol_list
1957                mol_map[mol_id]=mol_list
1958        elif object_type == 'residue':     
1959            res_ids = self.df.loc[self.df['name']== object_name].residue_id.dropna().tolist()
1960            res_map=do_res_map(res_ids=res_ids)
1961            id_list=[]
1962            for res_id_list in res_map.values():
1963                id_list+=res_id_list
1964        elif object_type == 'particle':
1965            id_list = self.df.loc[self.df['name']== object_name].particle_id.dropna().tolist()
1966        return {"all": id_list, "molecule_map": mol_map, "residue_map": res_map}
1968    def get_pka_set(self):
1969        '''
1970        Gets the pka-values and acidities of the particles with acid/base properties in `pmb.df`
1972        Returns:
1973            pka_set(`dict`): {"name" : {"pka_value": pka, "acidity": acidity}}
1974        '''
1975        titratables_AA_df = self.df[[('name',''),('pka',''),('acidity','')]].drop_duplicates().dropna()
1976        pka_set = {}
1977        for index in
1978            name =[index]
1979            pka_value = titratables_AA_df.pka[index]
1980            acidity = titratables_AA_df.acidity[index]   
1981            pka_set[name] = {'pka_value':pka_value,'acidity':acidity}
1982        return pka_set 
1984    def get_radius_map(self):
1985        '''
1986        Gets the effective radius of each `espresso type` in `pmb.df`. 
1988        Returns:
1989            radius_map(`dict`): {espresso_type: radius}.
1990        '''
1992        df_state_one = self.df[[('sigma',''),('state_one','es_type')]].dropna().drop_duplicates()
1993        df_state_two = self.df[[('sigma',''),('state_two','es_type')]].dropna().drop_duplicates()
1995        state_one = pd.Series(df_state_one.sigma.values/2.0,index=df_state_one.state_one.es_type.values)
1996        state_two = pd.Series(df_state_two.sigma.values/2.0,index=df_state_two.state_two.es_type.values)
1997        radius_map  = pd.concat([state_one,state_two],axis=0).to_dict()
1999        return radius_map
2001    def get_resource(self, path):
2002        '''
2003        Locate a file resource of the pyMBE package.
2005        Args:
2006            path(`str`): Relative path to the resource
2008        Returns:
2009            path(`str`): Absolute path to the resource
2011        '''
2012        import os
2013        return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), path)
2015    def get_type_map(self):
2016        """
2017        Gets all different espresso types assigned to particles  in `pmb.df`.
2019        Returns:
2020            type_map(`dict`): {"name": espresso_type}.
2021        """
2022        if self.df.state_one['es_type'].isnull().values.any():         
2023            df_state_one = self.df.state_one.dropna(how='all')     
2024            df_state_two = self.df.state_two.dropna(how='all')  
2025        else:    
2026            df_state_one = self.df.state_one
2027            if self.df.state_two['es_type'].isnull().values.any():
2028                df_state_two = self.df.state_two.dropna(how='all')   
2029            else:
2030                df_state_two = self.df.state_two
2031        state_one = pd.Series (df_state_one.es_type.values,index=df_state_one.label)
2032        state_two = pd.Series (df_state_two.es_type.values,index=df_state_two.label)
2033        type_map  = pd.concat([state_one,state_two],axis=0).to_dict()
2034        return type_map
2036    def load_interaction_parameters(self, filename, verbose=True):
2037        """
2038        Loads the interaction parameters stored in `filename` into `pmb.df`
2040        Args:
2041            filename(`str`): name of the file to be read
2042            verbose (`bool`, optional): Switch to activate/deactivate verbose. Defaults to True.
2043        """
2044        without_units = ['q','es_type','acidity']
2045        with_units = ['sigma','epsilon']
2047        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
2048            interaction_data = json.load(f)
2049            interaction_parameter_set = interaction_data["data"]
2051        for key in interaction_parameter_set:
2052            param_dict=interaction_parameter_set[key]
2053            object_type=param_dict['object_type']
2054            if object_type == 'particle':
2055                not_requiered_attributes={}    
2056                for not_requiered_key in without_units+with_units:
2057                    if not_requiered_key in param_dict.keys():
2058                        if not_requiered_key in with_units:
2059                            not_requiered_attributes[not_requiered_key]=self.create_variable_with_units(variable=param_dict.pop(not_requiered_key))
2060                        elif not_requiered_key in without_units:
2061                            not_requiered_attributes[not_requiered_key]=param_dict.pop(not_requiered_key)
2062                    else:
2063                        if not_requiered_key == 'acidity':
2064                            not_requiered_attributes[not_requiered_key] = 'inert'
2065                        else:    
2066                            not_requiered_attributes[not_requiered_key]=None
2067                self.define_particle(name=param_dict.pop('name'),
2068                                q=not_requiered_attributes.pop('q'),
2069                                sigma=not_requiered_attributes.pop('sigma'),
2070                                acidity=not_requiered_attributes.pop('acidity'),
2071                                epsilon=not_requiered_attributes.pop('epsilon'),
2072                                verbose=verbose)
2073            elif object_type == 'residue':
2074                self.define_residue (name = param_dict.pop('name'),
2075                                    central_bead = param_dict.pop('central_bead_name'),
2076                                    side_chains = param_dict.pop('side_chains_names'))
2077            elif object_type == 'molecule':
2078                self.define_molecule(name=param_dict.pop('name'),
2079                                    residue_list=param_dict.pop('residue_name_list'))
2080            elif object_type == 'peptide':
2081                self.define_peptide(name=param_dict.pop('name'),
2082                                    sequence=param_dict.pop('sequence'),
2083                                    model=param_dict.pop('model'))
2084            elif object_type == 'bond':
2085                particle_pairs = param_dict.pop('particle_pairs')
2086                bond_parameters = param_dict.pop('bond_parameters')
2087                bond_type = param_dict.pop('bond_type')
2088                if bond_type == 'harmonic':
2089                    k = self.create_variable_with_units(variable=bond_parameters.pop('k'))
2090                    r_0 = self.create_variable_with_units(variable=bond_parameters.pop('r_0'))
2091                    bond = {'r_0'    : r_0,
2092                            'k'      : k,
2093                            }
2095                elif bond_type == 'FENE':
2096                    k = self.create_variable_with_units(variable=bond_parameters.pop('k'))
2097                    r_0 = self.create_variable_with_units(variable=bond_parameters.pop('r_0'))
2098                    d_r_max = self.create_variable_with_units(variable=bond_parameters.pop('d_r_max'))
2099                    bond =  {'r_0'    : r_0,
2100                             'k'      : k,
2101                             'd_r_max': d_r_max,
2102                             }
2103                else:
2104                    raise ValueError("Current implementation of pyMBE only supports harmonic and FENE bonds")
2105                self.define_bond(bond_type=bond_type, bond_parameters=bond, particle_pairs=particle_pairs)
2106            else:
2107                raise ValueError(object_type+' is not a known pmb object type')
2109        return
2111    def load_pka_set(self, filename, verbose=True):
2112        """
2113        Loads the pka_set stored in `filename` into `pmb.df`.
2115        Args:
2116            filename(`str`): name of the file with the pka set to be loaded. Expected format is {name:{"acidity": acidity, "pka_value":pka_value}}.
2117            verbose (`bool`, optional): Switch to activate/deactivate verbose. Defaults to True.
2119        Note:
2120            - If `name` is already defined in the `pymbe.df`, it prints a warning.
2121        """
2122        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
2123            pka_data = json.load(f)
2124            pka_set = pka_data["data"]
2126        self.check_pka_set(pka_set=pka_set)
2128        for key in pka_set:
2129            acidity = pka_set[key]['acidity']
2130            pka_value = pka_set[key]['pka_value']
2131            self.define_particle(
2132                    name=key,
2133                    acidity=acidity, 
2134                    pka=pka_value,
2135                    verbose=verbose)
2136        return
2138    def parse_sequence_from_file(self,sequence):
2139        """
2140        Parses the given sequence such that it can be used in pyMBE. This function has to be used if the df was read from a file.
2142        Args:
2143            sequence(`str`): sequence to be parsed
2145        Returns:
2146            sequence(`lst`): parsed sequence
2147        """
2148        sequence = sequence.replace(' ', '')
2149        sequence = sequence.replace("'", '')
2150        sequence = sequence.split(",")[1:-1]
2151        return sequence
2153    def print_reduced_units(self):
2154        """
2155        Prints the  current set of reduced units defined in pyMBE.units.
2156        """
2157        print("\nCurrent set of reduced units:")
2158        unit_length=self.units.Quantity(1,'reduced_length')
2159        unit_energy=self.units.Quantity(1,'reduced_energy')
2160        unit_charge=self.units.Quantity(1,'reduced_charge')
2161        print('nm'), "=", unit_length)
2162        print('J'), "=", unit_energy)
2163        print('Temperature:', (self.kT/self.Kb).to("K"))
2164        print('C'), "=", unit_charge)
2165        print()
2167    def propose_unused_type(self):
2168        """
2169        Searches in `pmb.df` all the different particle types defined and returns a new one.
2171        Returns:
2172            unused_type(`int`): unused particle type
2173        """
2174        type_map=self.get_type_map()
2175        if type_map == {}:    
2176            unused_type = 0
2177        else:
2178            unused_type=max(type_map.values())+1    
2179        return unused_type
2181    def protein_sequence_parser(self, sequence):
2182        '''
2183        Parses `sequence` to the one letter code for amino acids.
2185        Args:
2186            sequence(`str` or `lst`): Sequence of the amino acid. 
2188        Returns:
2189            clean_sequence(`lst`): `sequence` using the one letter code.
2191        Note:
2192            - Accepted formats for `sequence` are:
2193                - `lst` with one letter or three letter code of each aminoacid in each element
2194                - `str` with the sequence using the one letter code
2195                - `str` with the squence using the three letter code, each aminoacid must be separated by a hyphen "-"
2197        '''
2198        # Aminoacid key
2199        keys={"ALA": "A",
2200                "ARG": "R",
2201                "ASN": "N",
2202                "ASP": "D",
2203                "CYS": "C",
2204                "GLU": "E",
2205                "GLN": "Q",
2206                "GLY": "G",
2207                "HIS": "H",
2208                "ILE": "I",
2209                "LEU": "L",
2210                "LYS": "K",
2211                "MET": "M",
2212                "PHE": "F",
2213                "PRO": "P",
2214                "SER": "S",
2215                "THR": "T",
2216                "TRP": "W",
2217                "TYR": "Y",
2218                "VAL": "V",
2219                "PSER": "J",
2220                "PTHR": "U",
2221                "PTyr": "Z",
2222                "NH2": "n",
2223                "COOH": "c"}
2224        clean_sequence=[]
2225        if isinstance(sequence, str):
2226            if sequence.find("-") != -1:
2227                splited_sequence=sequence.split("-")
2228                for residue in splited_sequence:
2229                    if len(residue) == 1:
2230                        if residue in keys.values():
2231                            residue_ok=residue
2232                        else:
2233                            if residue.upper() in keys.values():
2234                                residue_ok=residue.upper()
2235                            else:
2236                                raise ValueError("Unknown one letter code for a residue given: ", residue, " please review the input sequence")
2237                        clean_sequence.append(residue_ok)
2238                    else:
2239                        if residue in keys.keys():
2240                            clean_sequence.append(keys[residue])
2241                        else:
2242                            if residue.upper() in keys.keys():
2243                                clean_sequence.append(keys[residue.upper()])
2244                            else:
2245                                raise ValueError("Unknown  code for a residue: ", residue, " please review the input sequence")
2246            else:
2247                for residue in sequence:
2248                    if residue in keys.values():
2249                        residue_ok=residue
2250                    else:
2251                        if residue.upper() in keys.values():
2252                            residue_ok=residue.upper()
2253                        else:
2254                            raise ValueError("Unknown one letter code for a residue: ", residue, " please review the input sequence")
2255                    clean_sequence.append(residue_ok)
2256        if isinstance(sequence, list):
2257            for residue in sequence:
2258                if residue in keys.values():
2259                    residue_ok=residue
2260                else:
2261                    if residue.upper() in keys.values():
2262                        residue_ok=residue.upper()
2263                    elif (residue.upper() in keys.keys()):
2264                        clean_sequence.append(keys[residue.upper()])
2265                    else:
2266                        raise ValueError("Unknown code for a residue: ", residue, " please review the input sequence")
2267                clean_sequence.append(residue_ok)
2268        return clean_sequence
2270    def read_pmb_df (self,filename):
2271        """
2272        Reads a pyMBE's Dataframe stored in `filename` and stores the information into pyMBE.
2274        Args:
2275            filename(str): path to file.
2277        Note:
2278            This function only accepts files with CSV format. 
2279        """
2281        if filename.rsplit(".", 1)[1] != "csv":
2282            raise ValueError("Only files with CSV format are supported")
2283        df = pd.read_csv (filename,header=[0, 1], index_col=0)
2284        columns_names = self.setup_df()
2286        multi_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(columns_names)
2287        df.columns = multi_index
2289        self.df = self.convert_columns_to_original_format(df)
2291        return self.df
2293    def read_protein_vtf_in_df (self,filename,unit_length=None):
2294        """
2295        Loads a coarse-grained protein model in a vtf file `filename` into the `pmb.df` and it labels it with `name`.
2297        Args:
2298            filename(`str`): Path to the vtf file with the coarse-grained model.
2299            unit_length(`obj`): unit of length of the the coordinates in `filename` using the pyMBE UnitRegistry. Defaults to None.
2301        Returns:
2302            topology_dict(`dict`): {'initial_pos': coords_list, 'chain_id': id, 'sigma': sigma_value}
2304        Note:
2305            - If no `unit_length` is provided, it is assumed that the coordinates are in Angstrom.
2306        """
2308        print (f'Loading protein coarse grain model file: {filename}')
2310        coord_list = []
2311        particles_dict = {}
2313        if unit_length is None:
2314            unit_length = 1 * self.units.angstrom 
2316        with open (filename,'r') as protein_model:
2317            for line in protein_model :
2318                line_split = line.split()
2319                if line_split:
2320                    line_header = line_split[0]
2321                    if line_header == 'atom':
2322                        atom_id  = line_split[1]
2323                        atom_name = line_split[3]
2324                        atom_resname = line_split[5]
2325                        chain_id = line_split[9]
2326                        radius = float(line_split [11])*unit_length 
2327                        sigma = 2*radius
2328                        particles_dict [int(atom_id)] = [atom_name , atom_resname, chain_id, sigma]
2329                    elif line_header.isnumeric(): 
2330                        atom_coord = line_split[1:] 
2331                        atom_coord = [(float(i)*unit_length).to('reduced_length').magnitude for i in atom_coord]
2332                        coord_list.append (atom_coord)
2334        numbered_label = []
2335        i = 0   
2337        for atom_id in particles_dict.keys():
2339            if atom_id == 1:
2340                atom_name = particles_dict[atom_id][0]
2341                numbered_name = [f'{atom_name}{i}',particles_dict[atom_id][2],particles_dict[atom_id][3]]
2342                numbered_label.append(numbered_name)
2344            elif atom_id != 1: 
2346                if particles_dict[atom_id-1][1] != particles_dict[atom_id][1]:
2347                    i += 1                    
2348                    count = 1
2349                    atom_name = particles_dict[atom_id][0]
2350                    numbered_name = [f'{atom_name}{i}',particles_dict[atom_id][2],particles_dict[atom_id][3]]
2351                    numbered_label.append(numbered_name)
2353                elif particles_dict[atom_id-1][1] == particles_dict[atom_id][1]:
2354                    if count == 2 or particles_dict[atom_id][1] == 'GLY':
2355                        i +=1  
2356                        count = 0
2357                    atom_name = particles_dict[atom_id][0]
2358                    numbered_name = [f'{atom_name}{i}',particles_dict[atom_id][2],particles_dict[atom_id][3]]
2359                    numbered_label.append(numbered_name)
2360                    count +=1
2362        topology_dict = {}
2364        for i in range (0, len(numbered_label)):   
2365            topology_dict [numbered_label[i][0]] = {'initial_pos': coord_list[i] ,
2366                                                    'chain_id':numbered_label[i][1],
2367                                                    'sigma':numbered_label[i][2] }
2369        return topology_dict
2371    def search_bond(self, particle_name1, particle_name2, hard_check=False, use_default_bond=False) :
2372        """
2373        Searches for bonds between the particle types given by `particle_name1` and `particle_name2` in `pymbe.df` and returns it.
2374        If `use_default_bond` is activated and a "default" bond is defined, returns that default bond instead.
2375        If no bond is found, it prints a message and it does not return anything. If `hard_check` is activated, the code stops if no bond is found.
2377        Args:
2378            particle_name1 (str): label of the type of the first particle type of the bonded particles.
2379            particle_name2 (str): label of the type of the second particle type of the bonded particles.
2380            hard_check (bool, optional): If it is activated, the code stops if no bond is found. Defaults to False. 
2381            use_default_bond (bool, optional): If it is activated, the "default" bond is returned if no bond is found between `particle_name1` and `particle_name2`. Defaults to False. 
2383        Returns:
2384            bond (cls): bond object from the espressomd library.
2386        Note:
2387            - If `use_default_bond`=True and no bond is defined between `particle_name1` and `particle_name2`, it returns the default bond defined in `pmb.df`.
2388            - If `hard_check`=`True` stops the code when no bond is found.
2389        """
2391        bond_key = self.find_bond_key(particle_name1=particle_name1, 
2392                                    particle_name2=particle_name2, 
2393                                    use_default_bond=use_default_bond)
2394        if use_default_bond:
2395            if not self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name="default",pmb_type_to_be_defined='bond'):
2396                raise ValueError(f"use_default_bond is set to {use_default_bond} but no default bond has been defined. Please define a default bond with pmb.define_default_bond")
2397        if bond_key:
2398            return self.df[self.df['name']==bond_key].bond_object.values[0]
2399        else:
2400            print("Bond not defined between particles ", particle_name1, " and ", particle_name2)    
2401            if hard_check:
2402                sys.exit(1)
2403            else:
2404                return
2406    def search_particles_in_residue(self, residue_name):
2407        '''
2408        Searches for all particles in a given residue of name `residue_name`.
2410        Args:
2411            residue_name (`str`): name of the residue to be searched
2413        Returns:
2414            list_of_particles_in_residue (`lst`): list of the names of all particles in the residue
2416        Note:
2417            - The function returns a name per particle in residue, i.e. if there are multiple particles with the same type `list_of_particles_in_residue` will have repeated items.
2419        '''
2420        index_residue = self.df.loc[self.df['name'] == residue_name].index[0].item() 
2421        central_bead = [index_residue, ('central_bead', '')]
2422        list_of_side_chains = [index_residue, ('side_chains', '')]
2424        list_of_particles_in_residue = []
2425        list_of_particles_in_residue.append(central_bead)
2427        for side_chain in list_of_side_chains: 
2428            object_type = self.df[self.df['name']==side_chain].pmb_type.values[0]
2430            if object_type == "residue":
2431                list_of_particles_in_side_chain_residue = self.search_particles_in_residue(side_chain)
2432                list_of_particles_in_residue += list_of_particles_in_side_chain_residue
2433            elif object_type == "particle":
2434                list_of_particles_in_residue.append(side_chain)
2436        return list_of_particles_in_residue
2438    def set_particle_acidity(self, name, acidity='inert', default_charge=0, pka=None, verbose=True):
2439        """
2440        Sets the particle acidity if it is acidic or basic, creates `state_one` and `state_two` with the protonated and 
2441        deprotonated states. In each state is set: `label`,`charge` and `es_type`. If it is inert, it will define only `state_one`.
2443        Args:
2444            name (`str`): Unique label that identifies the `particle`. 
2445            acidity (`str`): Identifies whether the particle is `acidic` or `basic`, used to setup constant pH simulations. Defaults to `inert`.
2446            default_charge (`int`): Charge of the particle. Defaults to 0.
2447            pka (`float`, optional):  If `particle` is an acid or a base, it defines its pka-value. Defaults to None.
2448            verbose (`bool`, optional): Switch to activate/deactivate verbose. Defaults to True.
2449        """
2450        acidity_valid_keys = ['inert','acidic', 'basic']
2451        if acidity not in acidity_valid_keys:
2452            raise ValueError(f"Acidity {acidity} provided for particle name  {name} is not supproted. Valid keys are: {acidity_valid_keys}")
2453        if acidity in ['acidic', 'basic'] and pka is None:
2454            raise ValueError(f"pKa not provided for particle with name {name} with acidity {acidity}. pKa must be provided for acidic or basic particles.")   
2455        for index in self.df[self.df['name']==name].index:       
2456            if pka:
2457                self.add_value_to_df(key=('pka',''),
2458                                    index=index,
2459                                    new_value=pka, 
2460                                    verbose=verbose)
2461            self.add_value_to_df(key=('acidity',''),
2462                                 index=index,
2463                                 new_value=acidity, 
2464                                 verbose=verbose) 
2465            if not self.check_if_df_cell_has_a_value(index=index,key=('state_one','es_type')):
2466                self.add_value_to_df(key=('state_one','es_type'),
2467                                     index=index,
2468                                     new_value=self.propose_unused_type(), 
2469                                     verbose=verbose)  
2470            if self.df.loc [self.df['name']  == name].acidity.iloc[0] == 'inert':
2471                self.add_value_to_df(key=('state_one','charge'),
2472                                     index=index,
2473                                     new_value=default_charge, 
2474                                     verbose=verbose)
2475                self.add_value_to_df(key=('state_one','label'),
2476                                     index=index,
2477                                     new_value=name, 
2478                                     verbose=verbose)
2479            else:
2480                protonated_label = f'{name}H'
2481                self.add_value_to_df(key=('state_one','label'),
2482                                     index=index,
2483                                     new_value=protonated_label, 
2484                                     verbose=verbose)
2485                self.add_value_to_df(key=('state_two','label'),
2486                                     index=index,
2487                                     new_value=name, 
2488                                     verbose=verbose)
2489                if not self.check_if_df_cell_has_a_value(index=index,key=('state_two','es_type')):
2490                    self.add_value_to_df(key=('state_two','es_type'),
2491                                         index=index,
2492                                         new_value=self.propose_unused_type(), 
2493                                         verbose=verbose)
2494                if self.df.loc [self.df['name']  == name].acidity.iloc[0] == 'acidic':        
2495                    self.add_value_to_df(key=('state_one','charge'),
2496                                         index=index,new_value=0, 
2497                                         verbose=verbose)
2498                    self.add_value_to_df(key=('state_two','charge'),
2499                                         index=index,
2500                                         new_value=-1, 
2501                                         verbose=verbose)
2502                elif self.df.loc [self.df['name']  == name].acidity.iloc[0] == 'basic':
2503                    self.add_value_to_df(key=('state_one','charge'),
2504                                         index=index,new_value=+1, 
2505                                         verbose=verbose)
2506                    self.add_value_to_df(key=('state_two','charge'),
2507                                         index=index,
2508                                         new_value=0, 
2509                                         verbose=verbose)   
2510        return
2512    def set_reduced_units(self, unit_length=None, unit_charge=None, temperature=None, Kw=None, verbose=True):
2513        """
2514        Sets the set of reduced units used by pyMBE.units and it prints it.
2516        Args:
2517            unit_length (`obj`,optional): Reduced unit of length defined using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry. Defaults to None. 
2518            unit_charge (`obj`,optional): Reduced unit of charge defined using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry. Defaults to None. 
2519            temperature (`obj`,optional): Temperature of the system, defined using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry. Defaults to None. 
2520            Kw (`obj`,optional): Ionic product of water in mol^2/l^2. Defaults to None. 
2521            verbose (`bool`, optional): Switch to activate/deactivate verbose. Defaults to True.
2523        Note:
2524            - If no `temperature` is given, a value of 298.15 K is assumed by default.
2525            - If no `unit_length` is given, a value of 0.355 nm is assumed by default.
2526            - If no `unit_charge` is given, a value of 1 elementary charge is assumed by default. 
2527            - If no `Kw` is given, a value of 10^(-14) * mol^2 / l^2 is assumed by default. 
2528        """
2529        self.units=pint.UnitRegistry()
2530        if unit_length is None:
2531            unit_length=0.355*self.units.nm
2532        if temperature is None:
2533            temperature=298.15 * self.units.K
2534        if unit_charge is None:
2535            unit_charge=self.units.e
2536        if Kw is None:
2537            Kw = 1e-14
2538        self.N_A=6.02214076e23 / self.units.mol
2539        self.Kb=1.38064852e-23 * self.units.J / self.units.K
2540        self.e=1.60217662e-19 *self.units.C
2541        self.kT=temperature*self.Kb
2542        self.Kw=Kw*self.units.mol**2 / (self.units.l**2)
2543        self.units.define(f'reduced_energy = {self.kT} ')
2544        self.units.define(f'reduced_length = {unit_length}')
2545        self.units.define(f'reduced_charge = {unit_charge}')
2546        if verbose:        
2547            self.print_reduced_units()
2548        return
2550    def setup_cpH (self, counter_ion, constant_pH, exclusion_range=None, pka_set=None, use_exclusion_radius_per_type = False):
2551        """
2552        Sets up the Acid/Base reactions for acidic/basic `particles` defined in `pmb.df` to be sampled in the constant pH ensemble. 
2554        Args:
2555            counter_ion(`str`): `name` of the counter_ion `particle`.
2556            constant_pH(`float`): pH-value.
2557            exclusion_range(`float`, optional): Below this value, no particles will be inserted.
2558            use_exclusion_radius_per_type(`bool`,optional): Controls if one exclusion_radius for each espresso_type is used. Defaults to `False`.
2559            pka_set(`dict`,optional): Desired pka_set, pka_set(`dict`): {"name" : {"pka_value": pka, "acidity": acidity}}. Defaults to None.
2561        Returns:
2562            RE (`obj`): Instance of a reaction_ensemble.ConstantpHEnsemble object from the espressomd library.
2563            sucessfull_reactions_labels(`lst`): Labels of the reactions set up by pyMBE.
2564        """
2565        from espressomd import reaction_methods
2566        if exclusion_range is None:
2567            exclusion_range = max(self.get_radius_map().values())*2.0
2568        if pka_set is None:
2569            pka_set=self.get_pka_set()    
2570        self.check_pka_set(pka_set=pka_set)
2571        if use_exclusion_radius_per_type:
2572            exclusion_radius_per_type = self.get_radius_map()
2573        else:
2574            exclusion_radius_per_type = {}
2576        RE = reaction_methods.ConstantpHEnsemble('reduced_energy').magnitude,
2577                                                    exclusion_range=exclusion_range.magnitude, 
2578                                                    seed=self.SEED, 
2579                                                    constant_pH=constant_pH,
2580                                                    exclusion_radius_per_type = exclusion_radius_per_type
2581                                                    )
2582        sucessfull_reactions_labels=[]
2583        charge_map = self.get_charge_map()
2584        for name in pka_set.keys():
2585            if self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name,pmb_type_to_be_defined='particle') is False :
2586                print('WARNING: the acid-base reaction of ' + name +' has not been set up because its espresso type is not defined in sg.type_map')
2587                continue
2588            gamma=10**-pka_set[name]['pka_value']
2589            state_one_type   = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].state_one.es_type.values[0]
2590            state_two_type   = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].state_two.es_type.values[0]
2591            counter_ion_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==counter_ion].state_one.es_type.values[0]
2592            RE.add_reaction(gamma=gamma,
2593                            reactant_types=[state_one_type],
2594                            product_types=[state_two_type, counter_ion_type],
2595                            default_charges={state_one_type: charge_map[state_one_type],
2596                            state_two_type: charge_map[state_two_type],
2597                            counter_ion_type: charge_map[counter_ion_type]})
2598            sucessfull_reactions_labels.append(name)
2599        return RE, sucessfull_reactions_labels
2601    def setup_gcmc(self, c_salt_res, salt_cation_name, salt_anion_name, activity_coefficient=None, exclusion_range=None, use_exclusion_radius_per_type = False):
2602        """
2603        Sets up grand-canonical coupling to a reservoir of salt.
2604        For reactive systems coupled to a reservoir, the grand-reaction method has to be used instead.
2606        Args:
2607            c_salt_res ('float'): Concentration of monovalent salt (e.g. NaCl) in the reservoir.
2608            salt_cation_name ('str'): Name of the salt cation (e.g. Na+) particle.
2609            salt_anion_name ('str'): Name of the salt anion (e.g. Cl-) particle.
2610            activity_coefficient ('callable', optional): A function that calculates the activity coefficient of an ion pair as a function of the ionic strength.
2611            exclusion_range(`float`, optional): For distances shorter than this value, no particles will be inserted.
2612            use_exclusion_radius_per_type(`bool`,optional): Controls if one exclusion_radius for each espresso_type is used. Defaults to `False`.
2614        Returns:
2615            RE (`obj`): Instance of a reaction_ensemble.ReactionEnsemble object from the espressomd library.
2616        """
2617        from espressomd import reaction_methods
2618        if exclusion_range is None:
2619            exclusion_range = max(self.get_radius_map().values())*2.0
2620        if use_exclusion_radius_per_type:
2621            exclusion_radius_per_type = self.get_radius_map()
2622        else:
2623            exclusion_radius_per_type = {}
2625        #If no function for the activity coefficient is provided, the ideal case is assumed.
2626        if activity_coefficient is None:
2627            activity_coefficient = lambda x: 1.0
2629        RE = reaction_methods.ReactionEnsemble('reduced_energy').magnitude,
2630                                                    exclusion_range=exclusion_range.magnitude, 
2631                                                    seed=self.SEED, 
2632                                                    exclusion_radius_per_type = exclusion_radius_per_type
2633                                                    )
2635        # Determine the concentrations of the various species in the reservoir and the equilibrium constants
2636        determined_activity_coefficient = activity_coefficient(c_salt_res)
2637        K_salt = ('1/(N_A * reduced_length**3)')**2) * determined_activity_coefficient
2639        salt_cation_es_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==salt_cation_name].state_one.es_type.values[0]
2640        salt_anion_es_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==salt_anion_name].state_one.es_type.values[0]     
2642        salt_cation_charge = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==salt_cation_name].state_one.charge.values[0]
2643        salt_anion_charge = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==salt_anion_name].state_one.charge.values[0]     
2645        if salt_cation_charge <= 0:
2646            raise ValueError('ERROR salt cation charge must be positive, charge ', salt_cation_charge)
2647        if salt_anion_charge >= 0:
2648            raise ValueError('ERROR salt anion charge must be negative, charge ', salt_anion_charge)
2650        # Grand-canonical coupling to the reservoir
2651        RE.add_reaction(
2652            gamma = K_salt.magnitude,
2653            reactant_types = [],
2654            reactant_coefficients = [],
2655            product_types = [ salt_cation_es_type, salt_anion_es_type ],
2656            product_coefficients = [ 1, 1 ],
2657            default_charges = {
2658                salt_cation_es_type: salt_cation_charge, 
2659                salt_anion_es_type: salt_anion_charge, 
2660            }
2661        )
2663        return RE
2665    def setup_grxmc_reactions(self, pH_res, c_salt_res, proton_name, hydroxide_name, salt_cation_name, salt_anion_name, activity_coefficient=None, exclusion_range=None, pka_set=None, use_exclusion_radius_per_type = False):
2666        """
2667        Sets up Acid/Base reactions for acidic/basic 'particles' defined in 'pmb.df', as well as a grand-canonical coupling to a 
2668        reservoir of small ions. 
2669        This implementation uses the original formulation of the grand-reaction method by Landsgesell et al. [1].
2671        [1] Landsgesell, J., Hebbeker, P., Rud, O., Lunkad, R., KosÌŒovan, P., & Holm, C. (2020). Grand-reaction method for simulations of ionization equilibria coupled to ion partitioning. Macromolecules, 53(8), 3007-3020.
2673        Args:
2674            pH_res ('float): pH-value in the reservoir.
2675            c_salt_res ('float'): Concentration of monovalent salt (e.g. NaCl) in the reservoir.
2676            proton_name ('str'): Name of the proton (H+) particle.
2677            hydroxide_name ('str'): Name of the hydroxide (OH-) particle.
2678            salt_cation_name ('str'): Name of the salt cation (e.g. Na+) particle.
2679            salt_anion_name ('str'): Name of the salt anion (e.g. Cl-) particle.
2680            activity_coefficient ('callable', optional): A function that calculates the activity coefficient of an ion pair as a function of the ionic strength.
2681            exclusion_range(`float`, optional): For distances shorter than this value, no particles will be inserted.
2682            pka_set(`dict`,optional): Desired pka_set, pka_set(`dict`): {"name" : {"pka_value": pka, "acidity": acidity}}. Defaults to None.
2683            use_exclusion_radius_per_type(`bool`,optional): Controls if one exclusion_radius for each espresso_type is used. Defaults to `False`.
2685        Returns:
2686            RE (`obj`): Instance of a reaction_ensemble.ReactionEnsemble object from the espressomd library.
2687            sucessful_reactions_labels(`lst`): Labels of the reactions set up by pyMBE.
2688            ionic_strength_res ('float'): Ionic strength of the reservoir (useful for calculating partition coefficients).
2689        """
2690        from espressomd import reaction_methods
2691        if exclusion_range is None:
2692            exclusion_range = max(self.get_radius_map().values())*2.0
2693        if pka_set is None:
2694            pka_set=self.get_pka_set()    
2695        self.check_pka_set(pka_set=pka_set)
2696        if use_exclusion_radius_per_type:
2697            exclusion_radius_per_type = self.get_radius_map()
2698        else:
2699            exclusion_radius_per_type = {}
2701        #If no function for the activity coefficient is provided, the ideal case is assumed.
2702        if activity_coefficient is None:
2703            activity_coefficient = lambda x: 1.0
2705        RE = reaction_methods.ReactionEnsemble('reduced_energy').magnitude,
2706                                                    exclusion_range=exclusion_range.magnitude, 
2707                                                    seed=self.SEED, 
2708                                                    exclusion_radius_per_type = exclusion_radius_per_type
2709                                                    )
2711        # Determine the concentrations of the various species in the reservoir and the equilibrium constants
2712        cH_res, cOH_res, cNa_res, cCl_res = self.determine_reservoir_concentrations(pH_res, c_salt_res, activity_coefficient)
2713        ionic_strength_res = 0.5*(cNa_res+cCl_res+cOH_res+cH_res)
2714        determined_activity_coefficient = activity_coefficient(ionic_strength_res)
2715        K_W ='1/(N_A * reduced_length**3)') *'1/(N_A * reduced_length**3)') * determined_activity_coefficient
2716        K_NACL ='1/(N_A * reduced_length**3)') *'1/(N_A * reduced_length**3)') * determined_activity_coefficient
2717        K_HCL ='1/(N_A * reduced_length**3)') *'1/(N_A * reduced_length**3)') * determined_activity_coefficient
2719        proton_es_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==proton_name].state_one.es_type.values[0]
2720        hydroxide_es_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==hydroxide_name].state_one.es_type.values[0]     
2721        salt_cation_es_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==salt_cation_name].state_one.es_type.values[0]
2722        salt_anion_es_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==salt_anion_name].state_one.es_type.values[0]     
2724        proton_charge = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==proton_name].state_one.charge.values[0]
2725        hydroxide_charge = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==hydroxide_name].state_one.charge.values[0]     
2726        salt_cation_charge = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==salt_cation_name].state_one.charge.values[0]
2727        salt_anion_charge = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==salt_anion_name].state_one.charge.values[0]     
2729        if proton_charge <= 0:
2730            raise ValueError('ERROR proton charge must be positive, charge ', proton_charge)
2731        if salt_cation_charge <= 0:
2732            raise ValueError('ERROR salt cation charge must be positive, charge ', salt_cation_charge)
2733        if hydroxide_charge >= 0:
2734            raise ValueError('ERROR hydroxide charge must be negative, charge ', hydroxide_charge)
2735        if salt_anion_charge >= 0:
2736            raise ValueError('ERROR salt anion charge must be negative, charge ', salt_anion_charge)
2738        # Grand-canonical coupling to the reservoir
2739        # 0 = H+ + OH-
2740        RE.add_reaction(
2741            gamma = K_W.magnitude,
2742            reactant_types = [],
2743            reactant_coefficients = [],
2744            product_types = [ proton_es_type, hydroxide_es_type ],
2745            product_coefficients = [ 1, 1 ],
2746            default_charges = {
2747                proton_es_type: proton_charge, 
2748                hydroxide_es_type: hydroxide_charge, 
2749            }
2750        )
2752        # 0 = Na+ + Cl-
2753        RE.add_reaction(
2754            gamma = K_NACL.magnitude,
2755            reactant_types = [],
2756            reactant_coefficients = [],
2757            product_types = [ salt_cation_es_type, salt_anion_es_type ],
2758            product_coefficients = [ 1, 1 ],
2759            default_charges = {
2760                salt_cation_es_type: salt_cation_charge, 
2761                salt_anion_es_type: salt_anion_charge, 
2762            }
2763        )
2765        # 0 = Na+ + OH-
2766        RE.add_reaction(
2767            gamma = (K_NACL * K_W / K_HCL).magnitude,
2768            reactant_types = [],
2769            reactant_coefficients = [],
2770            product_types = [ salt_cation_es_type, hydroxide_es_type ],
2771            product_coefficients = [ 1, 1 ],
2772            default_charges = {
2773                salt_cation_es_type: salt_cation_charge, 
2774                hydroxide_es_type: hydroxide_charge, 
2775            }
2776        )
2778        # 0 = H+ + Cl-
2779        RE.add_reaction(
2780            gamma = K_HCL.magnitude,
2781            reactant_types = [],
2782            reactant_coefficients = [],
2783            product_types = [ proton_es_type, salt_anion_es_type ],
2784            product_coefficients = [ 1, 1 ],
2785            default_charges = {
2786                proton_es_type: proton_charge, 
2787                salt_anion_es_type: salt_anion_charge, 
2788            }
2789        )
2791        # Annealing moves to ensure sufficient sampling
2792        # Cation annealing H+ = Na+
2793        RE.add_reaction(
2794            gamma = (K_NACL / K_HCL).magnitude,
2795            reactant_types = [proton_es_type],
2796            reactant_coefficients = [ 1 ],
2797            product_types = [ salt_cation_es_type ],
2798            product_coefficients = [ 1 ],
2799            default_charges = {
2800                proton_es_type: proton_charge, 
2801                salt_cation_es_type: salt_cation_charge, 
2802            }
2803        )
2805        # Anion annealing OH- = Cl- 
2806        RE.add_reaction(
2807            gamma = (K_HCL / K_W).magnitude,
2808            reactant_types = [hydroxide_es_type],
2809            reactant_coefficients = [ 1 ],
2810            product_types = [ salt_anion_es_type ],
2811            product_coefficients = [ 1 ],
2812            default_charges = {
2813                hydroxide_es_type: hydroxide_charge, 
2814                salt_anion_es_type: salt_anion_charge, 
2815            }
2816        )
2818        sucessful_reactions_labels=[]
2819        charge_map = self.get_charge_map()
2820        for name in pka_set.keys():
2821            if self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name,pmb_type_to_be_defined='particle') is False :
2822                print('WARNING: the acid-base reaction of ' + name +' has not been set up because its espresso type is not defined in the type map.')
2823                continue
2825            Ka = (10**-pka_set[name]['pka_value'] * self.units.mol/self.units.l).to('1/(N_A * reduced_length**3)')
2827            state_one_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].state_one.es_type.values[0]
2828            state_two_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].state_two.es_type.values[0]
2830            # Reaction in terms of proton: HA = A + H+
2831            RE.add_reaction(gamma=Ka.magnitude,
2832                            reactant_types=[state_one_type],
2833                            reactant_coefficients=[1],
2834                            product_types=[state_two_type, proton_es_type],
2835                            product_coefficients=[1, 1],
2836                            default_charges={state_one_type: charge_map[state_one_type],
2837                            state_two_type: charge_map[state_two_type],
2838                            proton_es_type: proton_charge})
2840            # Reaction in terms of salt cation: HA = A + Na+
2841            RE.add_reaction(gamma=(Ka * K_NACL / K_HCL).magnitude,
2842                            reactant_types=[state_one_type],
2843                            reactant_coefficients=[1],
2844                            product_types=[state_two_type, salt_cation_es_type],
2845                            product_coefficients=[1, 1],
2846                            default_charges={state_one_type: charge_map[state_one_type],
2847                            state_two_type: charge_map[state_two_type],
2848                            salt_cation_es_type: salt_cation_charge})
2850            # Reaction in terms of hydroxide: OH- + HA = A
2851            RE.add_reaction(gamma=(Ka / K_W).magnitude,
2852                            reactant_types=[state_one_type, hydroxide_es_type],
2853                            reactant_coefficients=[1, 1],
2854                            product_types=[state_two_type],
2855                            product_coefficients=[1],
2856                            default_charges={state_one_type: charge_map[state_one_type],
2857                            state_two_type: charge_map[state_two_type],
2858                            hydroxide_es_type: hydroxide_charge})
2860            # Reaction in terms of salt anion: Cl- + HA = A
2861            RE.add_reaction(gamma=(Ka / K_HCL).magnitude,
2862                            reactant_types=[state_one_type, salt_anion_es_type],
2863                            reactant_coefficients=[1, 1],
2864                            product_types=[state_two_type],
2865                            product_coefficients=[1],
2866                            default_charges={state_one_type: charge_map[state_one_type],
2867                            state_two_type: charge_map[state_two_type],
2868                            salt_anion_es_type: salt_anion_charge})
2870            sucessful_reactions_labels.append(name)
2871        return RE, sucessful_reactions_labels, ionic_strength_res
2873    def setup_grxmc_unified (self, pH_res, c_salt_res, cation_name, anion_name, activity_coefficient=None, exclusion_range=None, pka_set=None, use_exclusion_radius_per_type = False):
2874        """
2875        Sets up Acid/Base reactions for acidic/basic 'particles' defined in 'pmb.df', as well as a grand-canonical coupling to a 
2876        reservoir of small ions. 
2877        This implementation uses the formulation of the grand-reaction method by Curk et al. [1], which relies on "unified" ion types X+ = {H+, Na+} and X- = {OH-, Cl-}. 
2878        A function that implements the original version of the grand-reaction method by Landsgesell et al. [2] is also available under the name 'setup_grxmc_reactions'.
2880        [1] Curk, T., Yuan, J., & Luijten, E. (2022). Accelerated simulation method for charge regulation effects. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 156(4).
2881        [2] Landsgesell, J., Hebbeker, P., Rud, O., Lunkad, R., KosÌŒovan, P., & Holm, C. (2020). Grand-reaction method for simulations of ionization equilibria coupled to ion partitioning. Macromolecules, 53(8), 3007-3020.
2883        Args:
2884            pH_res ('float'): pH-value in the reservoir.
2885            c_salt_res ('float'): Concentration of monovalent salt (e.g. NaCl) in the reservoir.
2886            cation_name ('str'): Name of the cationic particle.
2887            anion_name ('str'): Name of the anionic particle.
2888            activity_coefficient ('callable', optional): A function that calculates the activity coefficient of an ion pair as a function of the ionic strength.
2889            exclusion_range(`float`, optional): Below this value, no particles will be inserted.
2890            pka_set(`dict`,optional): Desired pka_set, pka_set(`dict`): {"name" : {"pka_value": pka, "acidity": acidity}}. Defaults to None.
2891            use_exclusion_radius_per_type(`bool`,optional): Controls if one exclusion_radius per each espresso_type. Defaults to `False`.
2893        Returns:
2894            RE (`obj`): Instance of a reaction_ensemble.ReactionEnsemble object from the espressomd library.
2895            sucessful_reactions_labels(`lst`): Labels of the reactions set up by pyMBE.
2896            ionic_strength_res ('float'): Ionic strength of the reservoir (useful for calculating partition coefficients).
2897        """
2898        from espressomd import reaction_methods
2899        if exclusion_range is None:
2900            exclusion_range = max(self.get_radius_map().values())*2.0
2901        if pka_set is None:
2902            pka_set=self.get_pka_set()    
2903        self.check_pka_set(pka_set=pka_set)
2904        if use_exclusion_radius_per_type:
2905            exclusion_radius_per_type = self.get_radius_map()
2906        else:
2907            exclusion_radius_per_type = {}
2909        #If no function for the activity coefficient is provided, the ideal case is assumed.
2910        if activity_coefficient is None:
2911            activity_coefficient = lambda x: 1.0
2913        RE = reaction_methods.ReactionEnsemble('reduced_energy').magnitude,
2914                                                    exclusion_range=exclusion_range.magnitude, 
2915                                                    seed=self.SEED, 
2916                                                    exclusion_radius_per_type = exclusion_radius_per_type
2917                                                    )
2919        # Determine the concentrations of the various species in the reservoir and the equilibrium constants
2920        cH_res, cOH_res, cNa_res, cCl_res = self.determine_reservoir_concentrations(pH_res, c_salt_res, activity_coefficient)
2921        ionic_strength_res = 0.5*(cNa_res+cCl_res+cOH_res+cH_res)
2922        determined_activity_coefficient = activity_coefficient(ionic_strength_res)
2923        a_hydrogen = (10 ** (-pH_res) * self.units.mol/self.units.l).to('1/(N_A * reduced_length**3)')
2924        a_cation = (cH_res+cNa_res).to('1/(N_A * reduced_length**3)') * np.sqrt(determined_activity_coefficient)
2925        a_anion = (cH_res+cNa_res).to('1/(N_A * reduced_length**3)') * np.sqrt(determined_activity_coefficient)
2926        K_XX = a_cation * a_anion
2928        cation_es_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==cation_name].state_one.es_type.values[0]
2929        anion_es_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==anion_name].state_one.es_type.values[0]     
2930        cation_charge = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==cation_name].state_one.charge.values[0]
2931        anion_charge = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==anion_name].state_one.charge.values[0]     
2932        if cation_charge <= 0:
2933            raise ValueError('ERROR cation charge must be positive, charge ', cation_charge)
2934        if anion_charge >= 0:
2935            raise ValueError('ERROR anion charge must be negative, charge ', anion_charge)
2937        # Coupling to the reservoir: 0 = X+ + X-
2938        RE.add_reaction(
2939            gamma = K_XX.magnitude,
2940            reactant_types = [],
2941            reactant_coefficients = [],
2942            product_types = [ cation_es_type, anion_es_type ],
2943            product_coefficients = [ 1, 1 ],
2944            default_charges = {
2945                cation_es_type: cation_charge, 
2946                anion_es_type: anion_charge, 
2947            }
2948        )
2950        sucessful_reactions_labels=[]
2951        charge_map = self.get_charge_map()
2952        for name in pka_set.keys():
2953            if self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name,pmb_type_to_be_defined='particle') is False :
2954                print('WARNING: the acid-base reaction of ' + name +' has not been set up because its espresso type is not defined in sg.type_map')
2955                continue
2957            Ka = 10**-pka_set[name]['pka_value'] * self.units.mol/self.units.l
2958            gamma_K_AX ='1/(N_A * reduced_length**3)').magnitude * a_cation / a_hydrogen
2960            state_one_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].state_one.es_type.values[0]
2961            state_two_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].state_two.es_type.values[0]
2963            # Reaction in terms of small cation: HA = A + X+
2964            RE.add_reaction(gamma=gamma_K_AX.magnitude,
2965                            reactant_types=[state_one_type],
2966                            reactant_coefficients=[1],
2967                            product_types=[state_two_type, cation_es_type],
2968                            product_coefficients=[1, 1],
2969                            default_charges={state_one_type: charge_map[state_one_type],
2970                            state_two_type: charge_map[state_two_type],
2971                            cation_es_type: cation_charge})
2973            # Reaction in terms of small anion: X- + HA = A
2974            RE.add_reaction(gamma=gamma_K_AX.magnitude / K_XX.magnitude,
2975                            reactant_types=[state_one_type, anion_es_type],
2976                            reactant_coefficients=[1, 1],
2977                            product_types=[state_two_type],
2978                            product_coefficients=[1],
2979                            default_charges={state_one_type: charge_map[state_one_type],
2980                            state_two_type: charge_map[state_two_type],
2981                            anion_es_type: anion_charge})
2983            sucessful_reactions_labels.append(name)
2984        return RE, sucessful_reactions_labels, ionic_strength_res
2986    def setup_df (self):
2987        """
2988        Sets up the pyMBE's dataframe `pymbe.df`.
2990        Returns:
2991            columns_names(`obj`): pandas multiindex object with the column names of the pyMBE's dataframe
2992        """
2994        columns_dtypes = {
2995            'name': {
2996                '': str},
2997            'pmb_type': {
2998                '': str},
2999            'particle_id': {
3000                '': object},
3001            'particle_id2':  {
3002                '': object},
3003            'residue_id':  {
3004                '': object},
3005            'molecule_id':  {
3006                '': object},
3007            'acidity':  {
3008                '': str},
3009            'pka':  {
3010                '': float},
3011            'central_bead':  {
3012                '': object},
3013            'side_chains': {
3014                '': object},
3015            'residue_list': {
3016                '': object},
3017            'model': {
3018                '': str},
3019            'sigma': {
3020                '': object},
3021            'cutoff': {
3022                '': object},
3023            'offset': {
3024                '': object},
3025            'epsilon': {
3026                '': object},
3027            'state_one': {
3028                'label': str,
3029                'es_type': object,
3030                'charge': object },
3031            'state_two': {
3032                'label': str,
3033                'es_type': object,
3034                'charge': object },
3035            'sequence': {
3036                '': object},
3037            'bond_object': {
3038                '': object},
3039            'parameters_of_the_potential':{
3040                '': object},
3041            'l0': {
3042                '': float},
3043        }
3045        self.df = pd.DataFrame(columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([(col_main, col_sub) for col_main, sub_cols in columns_dtypes.items() for col_sub in sub_cols.keys()]))
3047        for level1, sub_dtypes in columns_dtypes.items():
3048            for level2, dtype in sub_dtypes.items():
3049                self.df[level1, level2] = self.df[level1, level2].astype(dtype)
3051        columns_names = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(self.df)
3052        columns_names = columns_names.names
3054        return columns_names
3056    def setup_lj_interactions(self, espresso_system, shift_potential=True, combining_rule='Lorentz-Berthelot', warnings=True):
3057        """
3058        Sets up the Lennard-Jones (LJ) potential between all pairs of particle types with values for `sigma`, `offset`, and `epsilon` stored in `pymbe.df`.
3060        Args:
3061            espresso_system(`obj`): Instance of a system object from the espressomd library.
3062            shift_potential(`bool`, optional): If True, a shift will be automatically computed such that the potential is continuous at the cutoff radius. Otherwise, no shift will be applied. Defaults to True.
3063            combining_rule(`string`, optional): combining rule used to calculate `sigma` and `epsilon` for the potential between a pair of particles. Defaults to 'Lorentz-Berthelot'.
3064            warning(`bool`, optional): switch to activate/deactivate warning messages. Defaults to True.
3066        Note:
3067            - LJ interactions will only be set up between particles with defined values of `sigma` and `epsilon` in the pmb.df. 
3068            - Currently, the only `combining_rule` supported is Lorentz-Berthelot.
3069            - Check the documentation of ESPResSo for more info about the potential
3071        """
3072        from itertools import combinations_with_replacement
3073        implemented_combining_rules = ['Lorentz-Berthelot']
3074        compulsory_parameters_in_df = ['sigma','epsilon']
3075        # Sanity check
3076        if combining_rule not in implemented_combining_rules:
3077            raise ValueError('In the current version of pyMBE, the only combinatorial rules implemented are ', implemented_combining_rules)
3078        if shift_potential:
3079            shift="auto"
3080        else:
3081            shift=0
3082        # List which particles have sigma and epsilon values defined in pmb.df and which ones don't
3083        particles_types_with_LJ_parameters = []
3084        non_parametrized_labels= []
3085        for particle_type in self.get_type_map().values():
3086            check_list=[]
3087            for key in compulsory_parameters_in_df:
3088                value_in_df=self.find_value_from_es_type(es_type=particle_type,
3089                                                        column_name=key)
3090                check_list.append(np.isnan(value_in_df))
3091            if any(check_list):
3092                non_parametrized_labels.append(self.find_value_from_es_type(es_type=particle_type, 
3093                                                                            column_name='label'))
3094            else:
3095                particles_types_with_LJ_parameters.append(particle_type)
3096        lj_parameters_keys=["label","sigma","epsilon","offset","cutoff"]
3097        # Set up LJ interactions between all particle types
3098        for type_pair in combinations_with_replacement(particles_types_with_LJ_parameters, 2):
3099            lj_parameters={}
3100            for key in lj_parameters_keys:
3101                lj_parameters[key]=[]
3102            # Search the LJ parameters of the type pair
3103            for ptype in type_pair:
3104                for key in lj_parameters_keys:
3105                    lj_parameters[key].append(self.find_value_from_es_type(es_type=ptype, column_name=key))
3106            # If one of the particle has sigma=0, no LJ interations are set up between that particle type and the others    
3107            if not all(sigma_value.magnitude for sigma_value in lj_parameters["sigma"]):
3108                continue
3109            # Apply combining rule
3110            if combining_rule == 'Lorentz-Berthelot':
3111                sigma=(lj_parameters["sigma"][0]+lj_parameters["sigma"][1])/2
3112                cutoff=(lj_parameters["cutoff"][0]+lj_parameters["cutoff"][1])/2
3113                offset=(lj_parameters["offset"][0]+lj_parameters["offset"][1])/2
3114                epsilon=np.sqrt(lj_parameters["epsilon"][0]*lj_parameters["epsilon"][1])
3115            espresso_system.non_bonded_inter[type_pair[0],type_pair[1]].lennard_jones.set_params(epsilon ='reduced_energy').magnitude, 
3116                                                                                    sigma ='reduced_length').magnitude, 
3117                                                                                    cutoff ='reduced_length').magnitude,
3118                                                                                    offset ="reduced_length").magnitude, 
3119                                                                                    shift = shift)                                                                                          
3120            index = len(self.df)
3121   [index, 'name'] = f'LJ: {lj_parameters["label"][0]}-{lj_parameters["label"][1]}'
3122            lj_params=espresso_system.non_bonded_inter[type_pair[0], type_pair[1]].lennard_jones.get_params()
3124            self.add_value_to_df(index=index,
3125                                key=('pmb_type',''),
3126                                new_value='LennardJones')
3128            self.add_value_to_df(index=index,
3129                                key=('parameters_of_the_potential',''),
3130                                new_value=lj_params,
3131                                non_standard_value=True)
3132        if non_parametrized_labels and warnings:
3133            print(f'WARNING: The following particles do not have a defined value of sigma or epsilon in pmb.df: {non_parametrized_labels}. No LJ interaction has been added in ESPResSo for those particles.')
3135        return
3137    def setup_particle_sigma(self, topology_dict):
3138        '''
3139        Sets up sigma of the particles in `topology_dict`.
3141        Args:
3142            topology_dict(`dict`): {'initial_pos': coords_list, 'chain_id': id, 'sigma': sigma_value}
3143        '''
3144        for residue in topology_dict.keys():
3145            residue_name = re.split(r'\d+', residue)[0]
3146            residue_number = re.split(r'(\d+)', residue)[1]
3147            residue_sigma  = topology_dict[residue]['sigma']
3148            sigma = residue_sigma*self.units.nm
3149            index = self.df[(self.df['residue_id']==residue_number) & (self.df['name']==residue_name) ].index.values[0]
3150            self.add_value_to_df(key= ('sigma',''),
3151                        index=int (index),
3152                        new_value=sigma)           
3153        return 
3155    def write_pmb_df (self, filename):
3156        '''
3157        Writes the pyMBE dataframe into a csv file
3159        Args:
3160            filename (`str`): Path to the csv file 
3161        '''
3163        self.df.to_csv(filename)
3165        return
3167    def write_output_vtf_file(self, espresso_system, filename):
3168        '''
3169        Writes a snapshot of `espresso_system` on the vtf file `filename`.
3171        Args:
3172            espresso_system(`obj`): Instance of a system object from the espressomd library.
3173            filename(`str`): Path to the vtf file.
3175        '''
3176        box = espresso_system.box_l[0]
3177        with open(filename, mode='w+t') as coordinates:
3178            coordinates.write (f'unitcell {box} {box} {box} \n')
3179            for particle in espresso_system.part: 
3180                type_label = self.find_value_from_es_type(es_type=particle.type, column_name='label')
3181                coordinates.write (f'atom {} radius 1 name {type_label} type {type_label}\n' )
3182            coordinates.write ('timestep indexed\n')
3183            for particle in espresso_system.part:
3184                coordinates.write (f'{} \t {particle.pos[0]} \t {particle.pos[1]} \t {particle.pos[2]}\n')
3185        return 

The library for the Molecular Builder for ESPResSo (pyMBE)

  • N_A(obj): Avogadro number using the pmb.units UnitRegistry.
  • Kb(obj): Boltzmann constant using the pmb.units UnitRegistry.
  • e(obj): Elemental charge using the pmb.units UnitRegistry.
  • df(obj): PandasDataframe used to bookkeep all the information stored in pyMBE. Typically refered as pmb.df.
  • kT(obj): Thermal energy using the pmb.units UnitRegistry. It is used as the unit of reduced energy.
  • Kw(obj): Ionic product of water using the pmb.units UnitRegistry. Used in the setup of the G-RxMC method.
pymbe_library(SEED, temperature=None, unit_length=None, unit_charge=None, Kw=None)
51    def __init__(self, SEED, temperature=None, unit_length=None, unit_charge=None, Kw=None):
52        """
53        Initializes the pymbe_library by setting up the reduced unit system with `temperature` and `reduced_length` 
54        and sets up  the `pmb.df` for bookkeeping.
56        Args:
57            temperature(`obj`,optional): Value of the temperature in the pyMBE UnitRegistry. Defaults to None.
58            unit_length(`obj`, optional): Value of the unit of length in the pyMBE UnitRegistry. Defaults to None.
59            unit_charge (`obj`,optional): Reduced unit of charge defined using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry. Defaults to None. 
60            Kw (`obj`,optional): Ionic product of water in mol^2/l^2. Defaults to None. 
62        Note:
63            - If no `temperature` is given, a value of 298.15 K is assumed by default.
64            - If no `unit_length` is given, a value of 0.355 nm is assumed by default.
65            - If no `unit_charge` is given, a value of 1 elementary charge is assumed by default. 
66            - If no `Kw` is given, a value of 10^(-14) * mol^2 / l^2 is assumed by default. 
67        """
68        # Seed and RNG
69        self.SEED=SEED
70        self.rng = np.random.default_rng(SEED)
71        self.set_reduced_units(unit_length=unit_length, unit_charge=unit_charge,
72                               temperature=temperature, Kw=Kw, verbose=False)
73        self.setup_df()
74        return

Initializes the pymbe_library by setting up the reduced unit system with temperature and reduced_length and sets up the pmb.df for bookkeeping.

  • temperature(obj,optional): Value of the temperature in the pyMBE UnitRegistry. Defaults to None.
  • unit_length(obj, optional): Value of the unit of length in the pyMBE UnitRegistry. Defaults to None.
  • unit_charge (obj,optional): Reduced unit of charge defined using the pmb.units UnitRegistry. Defaults to None.
  • Kw (obj,optional): Ionic product of water in mol^2/l^2. Defaults to None.
  • If no temperature is given, a value of 298.15 K is assumed by default.
  • If no unit_length is given, a value of 0.355 nm is assumed by default.
  • If no unit_charge is given, a value of 1 elementary charge is assumed by default.
  • If no Kw is given, a value of 10^(-14) * mol^2 / l^2 is assumed by default.
units = <pint.registry.UnitRegistry object>
N_A = <Quantity(6.02214076e+23, '1 / mole')>
Kb = <Quantity(1.38064852e-23, 'joule / kelvin')>
e = <Quantity(1.60217662e-19, 'coulomb')>
df = None
kT = None
Kw = None
SEED = None
rng = None
def enable_motion_of_rigid_object(self, name, espresso_system):
 76    def enable_motion_of_rigid_object(self, name, espresso_system):
 77        '''
 78        Enables the motion of the rigid object `name` in the `espresso_system`.
 80        Args:
 81            name(`str`): Label of the object.
 82            espresso_system(`obj`): Instance of a system object from the espressomd library.
 84        Note:
 85            - It requires that espressomd has the following features activated: ["VIRTUAL_SITES_RELATIVE", "MASS"].
 86        '''
 87        print ('enable_motion_of_rigid_object requires that espressomd has the following features activated: ["VIRTUAL_SITES_RELATIVE", "MASS"]')
 88        pmb_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].pmb_type.values[0]
 89        if pmb_type != 'protein':
 90            raise ValueError (f'The pmb_type: {pmb_type} is not currently supported. The supported pmb_type is: protein')
 91        molecule_ids_list = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].molecule_id.to_list()
 92        for molecule_id in molecule_ids_list:    
 93            particle_ids_list = self.df.loc[self.df['molecule_id']==molecule_id].particle_id.dropna().to_list()
 94            center_of_mass = self.calculate_center_of_mass_of_molecule ( molecule_id=molecule_id,espresso_system=espresso_system)
 95            rigid_object_center = espresso_system.part.add(pos=center_of_mass,
 96                                                           rotation=[True,True,True], 
 97                                                           type=self.propose_unused_type())
 98            for particle_id in particle_ids_list:
 99                pid = espresso_system.part.by_id(particle_id)
100                pid.vs_auto_relate_to(
101        return

Enables the motion of the rigid object name in the espresso_system.

  • name(str): Label of the object.
  • espresso_system(obj): Instance of a system object from the espressomd library.
  • It requires that espressomd has the following features activated: ["VIRTUAL_SITES_RELATIVE", "MASS"].
def add_bond_in_df(self, particle_id1, particle_id2, use_default_bond=False):
103    def add_bond_in_df(self, particle_id1, particle_id2, use_default_bond=False):
104        """
105        Adds a bond entry on the `pymbe.df` storing the particle_ids of the two bonded particles.
107        Args:
108            particle_id1 (`int`): particle_id of the type of the first particle type of the bonded particles
109            particle_id2 (`int`): particle_id of the type of the second particle type of the bonded particles
110            use_default_bond (`bool`, optional): Controls if a bond of type `default` is used to bond particle whose bond types are not defined in `pmb.df`. Defaults to False.
111        """
112        particle_name1 = self.df.loc[self.df['particle_id']==particle_id1].name.values[0]
113        particle_name2 = self.df.loc[self.df['particle_id']==particle_id2].name.values[0]
114        bond_key = self.find_bond_key(particle_name1=particle_name1,
115                                    particle_name2=particle_name2, 
116                                    use_default_bond=use_default_bond)
117        if not bond_key:
118            return
119        self.copy_df_entry(name=bond_key,column_name='particle_id2',number_of_copies=1)
120        indexs = np.where(self.df['name']==bond_key)
121        index_list = list (indexs[0])
122        used_bond_df = self.df.loc[self.df['particle_id2'].notnull()]
123        #without this drop the program crashes when dropping duplicates because the 'bond' column is a dict
124        used_bond_df = used_bond_df.drop([('bond_object','')],axis =1 )
125        used_bond_index = used_bond_df.index.to_list()
127        for index in index_list:
128            if index not in used_bond_index:
129                self.clean_df_row(index=int(index))
130      [index,'particle_id'] = particle_id1
131      [index,'particle_id2'] = particle_id2
132                break
133        return

Adds a bond entry on the pymbe.df storing the particle_ids of the two bonded particles.

  • particle_id1 (int): particle_id of the type of the first particle type of the bonded particles
  • particle_id2 (int): particle_id of the type of the second particle type of the bonded particles
  • use_default_bond (bool, optional): Controls if a bond of type default is used to bond particle whose bond types are not defined in pmb.df. Defaults to False.
def add_bonds_to_espresso(self, espresso_system):
135    def add_bonds_to_espresso(self, espresso_system) :
136        """
137        Adds all bonds defined in `pmb.df` to `espresso_system`.
139        Args:
140            espresso_system (str): system object of espressomd library
141        """
143        if 'bond' in self.df.values:
144            bond_df = self.df.loc[self.df ['pmb_type'] == 'bond']
145            bond_list = bond_df.bond_object.values.tolist()
146            for bond in bond_list:
147                espresso_system.bonded_inter.add(bond)
148        else:
149            print ('WARNING: There are no bonds defined in pymbe.df')
151        return

Adds all bonds defined in pmb.df to espresso_system.

  • espresso_system (str): system object of espressomd library
def add_value_to_df(self, index, key, new_value, verbose=True, non_standard_value=False):
153    def add_value_to_df(self,index,key,new_value, verbose=True, non_standard_value=False):
154        """
155        Adds a value to a cell in the `pmb.df` DataFrame.
157        Args:
158            index(`int`): index of the row to add the value to.
159            key(`str`): the column label to add the value to.
160            verbose(`bool`, optional): Switch to activate/deactivate verbose. Defaults to True.
161            non_standard_value(`bool`, optional): Switch to enable insertion of non-standard values, such as `dict` objects. Defaults to False.
162        """
164        token = "#protected:"
166        def protect(obj):
167            if non_standard_value:
168                return token + json.dumps(obj, cls=self.NumpyEncoder)
169            return obj
171        def deprotect(obj):
172            if non_standard_value and isinstance(obj, str) and obj.startswith(token):
173                return json.loads(obj.removeprefix(token))
174            return obj
176        # Make sure index is a scalar integer value
177        index = int (index)
178        assert isinstance(index, int), '`index` should be a scalar integer value.'
179        idx = pd.IndexSlice
180        if self.check_if_df_cell_has_a_value(index=index,key=key):
181            old_value= self.df.loc[index,idx[key]]
182            if verbose:
183                if protect(old_value) != protect(new_value):
184                    name=self.df.loc[index,('name','')]
185                    pmb_type=self.df.loc[index,('pmb_type','')]
186                    print(f"WARNING: you are redefining the properties of {name} of pmb_type {pmb_type}")
187                    print(f'WARNING: overwritting the value of the entry `{key}`: old_value = {old_value} new_value = {new_value}')
188        self.df.loc[index,idx[key]] = protect(new_value)
189        if non_standard_value:
190            self.df[key] = self.df[key].apply(deprotect)
191        return

Adds a value to a cell in the pmb.df DataFrame.

  • index(int): index of the row to add the value to.
  • key(str): the column label to add the value to.
  • verbose(bool, optional): Switch to activate/deactivate verbose. Defaults to True.
  • non_standard_value(bool, optional): Switch to enable insertion of non-standard values, such as dict objects. Defaults to False.
def assign_molecule_id(self, name, molecule_index, pmb_type, used_molecules_id):
193    def assign_molecule_id(self, name, molecule_index, pmb_type, used_molecules_id):
194        """
195        Assigns the `molecule_id` of the pmb object given by `pmb_type`
197        Args:
198            name(`str`): Label of the molecule type to be created. `name` must be defined in `pmb.df`
199            pmb_type(`str`): pmb_object_type to assign the `molecule_id` 
200            molecule_index (`int`): index of the current `pmb_object_type` to assign the `molecule_id`
201            used_molecules_id (`lst`): list with the `molecule_id` values already used.
203        Returns:
204            molecule_id(`int`): Id of the molecule
205        """
207        self.clean_df_row(index=int(molecule_index))
209        if self.df['molecule_id'].isnull().values.all():
210            molecule_id = 0        
211        else:
212            # check if a residue is part of another molecule
213            check_residue_name = self.df[self.df['residue_list'].astype(str).str.contains(name)]
214            mol_pmb_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].pmb_type.values[0]
215            if not check_residue_name.empty and mol_pmb_type == pmb_type:
216                for value in check_residue_name.index.to_list():                  
217                    if value not in used_molecules_id:                              
218                        molecule_id = self.df.loc[value].molecule_id.values[0]                    
219                        break
220            else:
221                molecule_id = self.df['molecule_id'].max() +1
223        self.add_value_to_df (key=('molecule_id',''),
224                                index=int(molecule_index),
225                                new_value=molecule_id, 
226                                verbose=False)
228        return molecule_id

Assigns the molecule_id of the pmb object given by pmb_type

  • name(str): Label of the molecule type to be created. name must be defined in pmb.df
  • pmb_type(str): pmb_object_type to assign the molecule_id
  • molecule_index (int): index of the current pmb_object_type to assign the molecule_id
  • used_molecules_id (lst): list with the molecule_id values already used.

molecule_id(int): Id of the molecule

def calculate_center_of_mass_of_molecule(self, molecule_id, espresso_system):
230    def calculate_center_of_mass_of_molecule(self, molecule_id, espresso_system):
231        """
232        Calculates the center of the molecule with a given molecule_id.
234        Args:
235            molecule_id(`int`): Id of the molecule whose center of mass is to be calculated.
236            espresso_system(`obj`): Instance of a system object from the espressomd library.
238        Returns:
239            center_of_mass(`lst`): Coordinates of the center of mass.
240        """
241        total_beads = 0
242        center_of_mass = np.zeros(3)
243        axis_list = [0,1,2]
244        particle_id_list = self.df.loc[self.df['molecule_id']==molecule_id].particle_id.dropna().to_list()
245        for pid in particle_id_list:
246            total_beads +=1 
247            for axis in axis_list:
248                center_of_mass [axis] += espresso_system.part.by_id(pid).pos[axis]
249        center_of_mass = center_of_mass /total_beads  
250        return center_of_mass

Calculates the center of the molecule with a given molecule_id.

  • molecule_id(int): Id of the molecule whose center of mass is to be calculated.
  • espresso_system(obj): Instance of a system object from the espressomd library.

center_of_mass(lst): Coordinates of the center of mass.

def calculate_HH(self, molecule_name, pH_list=None, pka_set=None):
252    def calculate_HH(self, molecule_name, pH_list=None, pka_set=None):
253        """
254        Calculates the charge per molecule according to the ideal Henderson-Hasselbalch titration curve 
255        for molecules with the name `molecule_name`.
257        Args:
258            molecule_name (`str`): name of the molecule to calculate the ideal charge for
259            pH_list(`lst`): pH-values to calculate. 
260            pka_set(`dict`): {"name" : {"pka_value": pka, "acidity": acidity}}
262        Returns:
263            Z_HH (`lst`): Henderson-Hasselbalch prediction of the charge of `sequence` in `pH_list`
265        Note:
266            - This function supports objects with pmb types: "molecule", "peptide" and "protein".
267            - If no `pH_list` is given, 50 equispaced pH-values ranging from 2 to 12 are calculated
268            - If no `pka_set` is given, the pKa values are taken from `pmb.df`
269            - This function should only be used for single-phase systems. For two-phase systems `pmb.calculate_HH_Donnan`  should be used.
270        """
271        if pH_list is None:
272            pH_list=np.linspace(2,12,50)
273        if pka_set is None:
274            pka_set=self.get_pka_set() 
275        self.check_pka_set(pka_set=pka_set)
276        charge_map = self.get_charge_map()
277        Z_HH=[]
278        for pH_value in pH_list:    
279            Z=0
280            index = self.df.loc[self.df['name'] == molecule_name].index[0].item() 
281            residue_list = [index,('residue_list','')]
282            sequence = [index,('sequence','')]
283            if np.any(pd.isnull(sequence)):
284                # Molecule has no sequence
285                for residue in residue_list:
286                    list_of_particles_in_residue = self.search_particles_in_residue(residue)
287                    for particle in list_of_particles_in_residue:
288                        if particle in pka_set.keys():
289                            if pka_set[particle]['acidity'] == 'acidic':
290                                psi=-1
291                            elif pka_set[particle]['acidity']== 'basic':
292                                psi=+1
293                            else:
294                                psi=0
295                            Z+=psi/(1+10**(psi*(pH_value-pka_set[particle]['pka_value'])))                      
296                Z_HH.append(Z)
297            else:
298                # Molecule has a sequence
299                if not isinstance(sequence, list):
300                    # If the df has been read by file, the sequence needs to be parsed.
301                    sequence = self.parse_sequence_from_file(sequence=sequence)
302                for name in sequence:
303                    if name in pka_set.keys():
304                        if pka_set[name]['acidity'] == 'acidic':
305                            psi=-1
306                        elif pka_set[name]['acidity']== 'basic':
307                            psi=+1
308                        else:
309                            psi=0
310                        Z+=psi/(1+10**(psi*(pH_value-pka_set[name]['pka_value'])))
311                    else:
312                        state_one_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].state_one.es_type.values[0]
313                        Z+=charge_map[state_one_type]
314                Z_HH.append(Z)
316        return Z_HH

Calculates the charge per molecule according to the ideal Henderson-Hasselbalch titration curve for molecules with the name molecule_name.

  • molecule_name (str): name of the molecule to calculate the ideal charge for
  • pH_list(lst): pH-values to calculate.
  • pka_set(dict): {"name" : {"pka_value": pka, "acidity": acidity}}

Z_HH (lst): Henderson-Hasselbalch prediction of the charge of sequence in pH_list

  • This function supports objects with pmb types: "molecule", "peptide" and "protein".
  • If no pH_list is given, 50 equispaced pH-values ranging from 2 to 12 are calculated
  • If no pka_set is given, the pKa values are taken from pmb.df
  • This function should only be used for single-phase systems. For two-phase systems pmb.calculate_HH_Donnan should be used.
def calculate_HH_Donnan(self, c_macro, c_salt, pH_list=None, pka_set=None):
318    def calculate_HH_Donnan(self, c_macro, c_salt, pH_list=None, pka_set=None):
319        """
320        Calculates the charge on the different molecules according to the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation coupled to the Donnan partitioning.
322        Args:
323            c_macro ('dict'): {"name": concentration} - A dict containing the concentrations of all charged macromolecular species in the system. 
324            c_salt ('float'): Salt concentration in the reservoir.
325            pH_list ('lst'): List of pH-values in the reservoir. 
326            pka_set ('dict'): {"name": {"pka_value": pka, "acidity": acidity}}.
328        Returns:
329            {"charges_dict": {"name": charges}, "pH_system_list": pH_system_list, "partition_coefficients": partition_coefficients_list}
330            pH_system_list ('lst'): List of pH_values in the system.
331            partition_coefficients_list ('lst'): List of partition coefficients of cations.
333        Note:
334            - If no `pH_list` is given, 50 equispaced pH-values ranging from 2 to 12 are calculated
335            - If no `pka_set` is given, the pKa values are taken from `pmb.df`
336            - If `c_macro` does not contain all charged molecules in the system, this function is likely to provide the wrong result.
337        """
338        if pH_list is None:
339            pH_list=np.linspace(2,12,50)
340        if pka_set is None:
341            pka_set=self.get_pka_set() 
342        self.check_pka_set(pka_set=pka_set)
344        partition_coefficients_list = []
345        pH_system_list = []
346        Z_HH_Donnan={}
347        for key in c_macro:
348            Z_HH_Donnan[key] = []
350        def calc_charges(c_macro, pH):
351            """
352            Calculates the charges of the different kinds of molecules according to the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation.
354            Args:
355                c_macro ('dic'): {"name": concentration} - A dict containing the concentrations of all charged macromolecular species in the system. 
356                pH ('float'): pH-value that is used in the HH equation.
358            Returns:
359                charge ('dict'): {"molecule_name": charge}
360            """
361            charge = {}
362            for name in c_macro:
363                charge[name] = self.calculate_HH(name, [pH], pka_set)[0]
364            return charge
366        def calc_partition_coefficient(charge, c_macro):
367            """
368            Calculates the partition coefficients of positive ions according to the ideal Donnan theory.
370            Args:
371                charge ('dict'): {"molecule_name": charge}
372                c_macro ('dic'): {"name": concentration} - A dict containing the concentrations of all charged macromolecular species in the system. 
373            """
374            nonlocal ionic_strength_res
375            charge_density = 0.0
376            for key in charge:
377                charge_density += charge[key] * c_macro[key]
378            return (-charge_density / (2 * ionic_strength_res) + np.sqrt((charge_density / (2 * ionic_strength_res))**2 + 1)).magnitude
380        for pH_value in pH_list:    
381            # calculate the ionic strength of the reservoir
382            if pH_value <= 7.0:
383                ionic_strength_res = 10 ** (-pH_value) * self.units.mol/self.units.l + c_salt 
384            elif pH_value > 7.0:
385                ionic_strength_res = 10 ** (-(14-pH_value)) * self.units.mol/self.units.l + c_salt
387            #Determine the partition coefficient of positive ions by solving the system of nonlinear, coupled equations
388            #consisting of the partition coefficient given by the ideal Donnan theory and the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation.
389            #The nonlinear equation is formulated for log(xi) since log-operations are not supported for RootResult objects.
390            equation = lambda logxi: logxi - np.log10(calc_partition_coefficient(calc_charges(c_macro, pH_value - logxi), c_macro))
391            logxi = scipy.optimize.root_scalar(equation, bracket=[-1e2, 1e2], method="brentq")
392            partition_coefficient = 10**logxi.root
394            charges_temp = calc_charges(c_macro, pH_value-np.log10(partition_coefficient))
395            for key in c_macro:
396                Z_HH_Donnan[key].append(charges_temp[key])
398            pH_system_list.append(pH_value - np.log10(partition_coefficient))
399            partition_coefficients_list.append(partition_coefficient)
401        return {"charges_dict": Z_HH_Donnan, "pH_system_list": pH_system_list, "partition_coefficients": partition_coefficients_list}

Calculates the charge on the different molecules according to the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation coupled to the Donnan partitioning.

  • c_macro ('dict'): {"name": concentration} - A dict containing the concentrations of all charged macromolecular species in the system.
  • c_salt ('float'): Salt concentration in the reservoir.
  • pH_list ('lst'): List of pH-values in the reservoir.
  • pka_set ('dict'): {"name": {"pka_value": pka, "acidity": acidity}}.

{"charges_dict": {"name": charges}, "pH_system_list": pH_system_list, "partition_coefficients": partition_coefficients_list} pH_system_list ('lst'): List of pH_values in the system. partition_coefficients_list ('lst'): List of partition coefficients of cations.

  • If no pH_list is given, 50 equispaced pH-values ranging from 2 to 12 are calculated
  • If no pka_set is given, the pKa values are taken from pmb.df
  • If c_macro does not contain all charged molecules in the system, this function is likely to provide the wrong result.
def calculate_initial_bond_length(self, bond_object, bond_type, epsilon, sigma, cutoff):
403    def calculate_initial_bond_length(self, bond_object, bond_type, epsilon, sigma, cutoff):
404        """
405        Calculates the initial bond length that is used when setting up molecules,
406        based on the minimum of the sum of bonded and short-range (LJ) interactions.
408        Args:
409            bond_object (`cls`): instance of a bond object from espressomd library
410            bond_type (`str`): label identifying the used bonded potential
411            epsilon (`float`): LJ epsilon of the interaction between the particles
412            sigma (`float`): LJ sigma of the interaction between the particles
413            cutoff (`float`): cutoff-radius of the LJ interaction 
414        """    
415        def truncated_lj_potential(x, epsilon, sigma, cutoff):
416            if x>cutoff:
417                return 0.0
418            else:
419                return 4*epsilon*((sigma/x)**12-(sigma/x)**6) - 4*epsilon*((sigma/cutoff)**12-(sigma/cutoff)**6)
425        if bond_type == "harmonic":
426            r_0 = bond_object.params.get('r_0')
427            k = bond_object.params.get('k')
428            l0 = scipy.optimize.minimize(lambda x: 0.5*k*(x-r_0)**2 + truncated_lj_potential(x, epsilon_red, sigma_red, cutoff_red), x0=r_0).x
429        elif bond_type == "FENE":
430            r_0 = bond_object.params.get('r_0')
431            k = bond_object.params.get('k')
432            d_r_max = bond_object.params.get('d_r_max')
433            l0 = scipy.optimize.minimize(lambda x: -0.5*k*(d_r_max**2)*np.log(1-((x-r_0)/d_r_max)**2) + truncated_lj_potential(x, epsilon_red, sigma_red, cutoff_red), x0=1.0).x
434        return l0

Calculates the initial bond length that is used when setting up molecules, based on the minimum of the sum of bonded and short-range (LJ) interactions.

  • bond_object (cls): instance of a bond object from espressomd library
  • bond_type (str): label identifying the used bonded potential
  • epsilon (float): LJ epsilon of the interaction between the particles
  • sigma (float): LJ sigma of the interaction between the particles
  • cutoff (float): cutoff-radius of the LJ interaction
def calculate_net_charge(self, espresso_system, molecule_name):
436    def calculate_net_charge (self, espresso_system, molecule_name):
437        '''
438        Calculates the net charge per molecule of molecules with `name` = molecule_name. 
439        Returns the net charge per molecule and a maps with the net charge per residue and molecule.
441        Args:
442            espresso_system: system information 
443            molecule_name (str): name of the molecule to calculate the net charge
445        Returns:
446            {"mean": mean_net_charge, "molecules": {mol_id: net_charge_of_mol_id, }, "residues": {res_id: net_charge_of_res_id, }}
448        Note:
449            - The net charge of the molecule is averaged over all molecules of type `name` 
450            - The net charge of each particle type is averaged over all particle of the same type in all molecules of type `name`
451        '''        
452        valid_pmb_types = ["molecule", "protein"]
453        pmb_type=self.df.loc[self.df['name']==molecule_name].pmb_type.values[0]
454        if pmb_type not in valid_pmb_types:
455            raise ValueError("The pyMBE object with name {molecule_name} has a pmb_type {pmb_type}. This function only supports pyMBE types {valid_pmb_types}")      
457        id_map = self.get_particle_id_map(object_name=molecule_name)
458        def create_charge_map(espresso_system,id_map,label):
459            charge_map={}
460            for super_id in id_map[label].keys():
461                net_charge=0
462                for pid in id_map[label][super_id]:
463                    net_charge+=espresso_system.part.by_id(pid).q
464                charge_map[super_id]=net_charge
465            return charge_map
466        net_charge_molecules=create_charge_map(label="molecule_map",
467                                                espresso_system=espresso_system,
468                                                id_map=id_map)
469        net_charge_residues=create_charge_map(label="residue_map",
470                                                espresso_system=espresso_system,
471                                                id_map=id_map)       
472        mean_charge=np.mean(np.array(list(net_charge_molecules.values())))
473        return {"mean": mean_charge, "molecules": net_charge_molecules, "residues": net_charge_residues}

Calculates the net charge per molecule of molecules with name = molecule_name. Returns the net charge per molecule and a maps with the net charge per residue and molecule.

  • espresso_system: system information
  • molecule_name (str): name of the molecule to calculate the net charge

{"mean": mean_net_charge, "molecules": {mol_id: net_charge_of_mol_id, }, "residues": {res_id: net_charge_of_res_id, }}

  • The net charge of the molecule is averaged over all molecules of type name
  • The net charge of each particle type is averaged over all particle of the same type in all molecules of type name
def center_molecule_in_simulation_box(self, molecule_id, espresso_system):
475    def center_molecule_in_simulation_box(self, molecule_id, espresso_system):
476        """
477        Centers the pmb object matching `molecule_id` in the center of the simulation box in `espresso_md`.
479        Args:
480            molecule_id(`int`): Id of the molecule to be centered.
481            espresso_system(`obj`): Instance of a system object from the espressomd library.
482        """
483        if len(self.df.loc[self.df['molecule_id']==molecule_id].pmb_type) == 0:
484            raise ValueError("The provided molecule_id is not present in the pyMBE dataframe.")      
485        center_of_mass = self.calculate_center_of_mass_of_molecule(molecule_id=molecule_id,espresso_system=espresso_system)
486        box_center = [espresso_system.box_l[0]/2.0,
487                      espresso_system.box_l[1]/2.0,
488                      espresso_system.box_l[2]/2.0]
489        particle_id_list = self.df.loc[self.df['molecule_id']==molecule_id].particle_id.dropna().to_list()
490        for pid in particle_id_list:
491            es_pos = espresso_system.part.by_id(pid).pos
492            espresso_system.part.by_id(pid).pos = es_pos - center_of_mass + box_center
493        return 

Centers the pmb object matching molecule_id in the center of the simulation box in espresso_md.

  • molecule_id(int): Id of the molecule to be centered.
  • espresso_system(obj): Instance of a system object from the espressomd library.
def check_dimensionality(self, variable, expected_dimensionality):
495    def check_dimensionality(self, variable, expected_dimensionality):
496        """
497        Checks if the dimensionality of `variable` matches `expected_dimensionality`.
499        Args:
500            `variable`(`pint.Quantity`): Quantity to be checked.
501            `expected_dimensionality(`str`): Expected dimension of the variable.
503        Returns:
504            `bool`: `True` if the variable if of the expected dimensionality, `False` otherwise.
506        Note:
507            - `expected_dimensionality` takes dimensionality following the Pint standards [docs](
508            - For example, to check for a variable corresponding to a velocity `expected_dimensionality = "[length]/[time]"`    
509        """
510        correct_dimensionality=variable.check(f"{expected_dimensionality}")      
511        if not correct_dimensionality:
512            raise ValueError(f"The variable {variable} should have a dimensionality of {expected_dimensionality}, instead the variable has a dimensionality of {variable.dimensionality}")
513        return correct_dimensionality

Checks if the dimensionality of variable matches expected_dimensionality.

  • variable(pint.Quantity): Quantity to be checked.
  • expected_dimensionality(str`): Expected dimension of the variable.

bool: True if the variable if of the expected dimensionality, False otherwise.

  • expected_dimensionality takes dimensionality following the Pint standards docs.
  • For example, to check for a variable corresponding to a velocity expected_dimensionality = "[length]/[time]"
def check_if_df_cell_has_a_value(self, index, key):
515    def check_if_df_cell_has_a_value(self, index,key):
516        """
517        Checks if a cell in the `pmb.df` at the specified index and column has a value.
519        Args:
520            index(`int`): Index of the row to check.
521            key(`str`): Column label to check.
523        Returns:
524            `bool`: `True` if the cell has a value, `False` otherwise.
525        """
526        idx = pd.IndexSlice
527        import warnings
528        with warnings.catch_warnings():
529            warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
530            return not pd.isna(self.df.loc[index, idx[key]])

Checks if a cell in the pmb.df at the specified index and column has a value.

  • index(int): Index of the row to check.
  • key(str): Column label to check.

bool: True if the cell has a value, False otherwise.

def check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(self, name, pmb_type_to_be_defined):
532    def check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(self, name, pmb_type_to_be_defined):
533        """
534        Checks if `name` is defined in `pmb.df`.
536        Args:
537            name(`str`): label to check if defined in `pmb.df`.
538            pmb_type_to_be_defined(`str`): pmb object type corresponding to `name`.
540        Returns:
541            `bool`: `True` for success, `False` otherwise.
542        """
543        if name in self.df['name'].unique():
544            current_object_type = self.df[self.df['name']==name].pmb_type.values[0]
545            if current_object_type != pmb_type_to_be_defined:
546                raise ValueError (f"The name {name} is already defined in the df with a pmb_type = {current_object_type}, pymMBE does not support objects with the same name but different pmb_types")
547            return True            
548        else:
549            return False

Checks if name is defined in pmb.df.

  • name(str): label to check if defined in pmb.df.
  • pmb_type_to_be_defined(str): pmb object type corresponding to name.

bool: True for success, False otherwise.

def check_pka_set(self, pka_set):
552    def check_pka_set(self, pka_set):
553        """
554        Checks that `pka_set` has the formatting expected by the pyMBE library.
556        Args:
557            pka_set (dict): {"name" : {"pka_value": pka, "acidity": acidity}}
558        """
559        required_keys=['pka_value','acidity']
560        for required_key in required_keys:
561            for pka_entry in pka_set.values():
562                if required_key not in pka_entry.keys():
563                    raise ValueError(f'missing a required key "{required_key}" in the following entry of pka_set "{pka_entry}"')
564        return

Checks that pka_set has the formatting expected by the pyMBE library.

  • pka_set (dict): {"name" : {"pka_value": pka, "acidity": acidity}}
def clean_df_row( self, index, columns_keys_to_clean=('particle_id', 'particle_id2', 'residue_id', 'molecule_id')):
566    def clean_df_row(self, index, columns_keys_to_clean=("particle_id", "particle_id2", "residue_id", "molecule_id")):
567        """
568        Cleans the columns of `pmb.df` in `columns_keys_to_clean` of the row with index `index` by assigning them a np.nan value.
570        Args:
571            index(`int`): Index of the row to clean.
572            columns_keys_to_clean(`list` of `str`, optional): List with the column keys to be cleaned. Defaults to [`particle_id`, `particle_id2`, `residue_id`, `molecule_id`].
573        """   
574        for column_key in columns_keys_to_clean:
575            self.add_value_to_df(key=(column_key,''),index=index,new_value=np.nan, verbose=False)
576        return

Cleans the columns of pmb.df in columns_keys_to_clean of the row with index index by assigning them a np.nan value.

  • index(int): Index of the row to clean.
  • columns_keys_to_clean(list of str, optional): List with the column keys to be cleaned. Defaults to [particle_id, particle_id2, residue_id, molecule_id].
def convert_columns_to_original_format(self, df):
578    def convert_columns_to_original_format (self, df):
579        """
580        Converts the columns of the Dataframe to the original format in pyMBE.
582        Args:
583            df(`DataFrame`): dataframe with pyMBE information as a string  
585        """
587        columns_dtype_int = ['particle_id','particle_id2', 'residue_id','molecule_id', 'model',('state_one','es_type'),('state_two','es_type'),('state_one','charge'),('state_two','charge') ]  
589        columns_with_units = ['sigma', 'epsilon', 'cutoff', 'offset']
591        columns_with_list_or_dict = ['residue_list','side_chains', 'parameters_of_the_potential','sequence']
593        for column_name in columns_dtype_int:
594            df[column_name] = df[column_name].astype(object)
596        for column_name in columns_with_list_or_dict:
597            if df[column_name].isnull().all():
598                df[column_name] = df[column_name].astype(object)
599            else:
600                df[column_name] = df[column_name].apply(lambda x: ast.literal_eval(str(x)) if pd.notnull(x) else x)
602        for column_name in columns_with_units:
603            df[column_name] = df[column_name].apply(lambda x: self.create_variable_with_units(x) if pd.notnull(x) else x)
605        df['bond_object'] = df['bond_object'].apply(lambda x: self.convert_str_to_bond_object(x) if pd.notnull(x) else x)
607        return df

Converts the columns of the Dataframe to the original format in pyMBE.

  • df(DataFrame): dataframe with pyMBE information as a string
def convert_str_to_bond_object(self, bond_str):
609    def convert_str_to_bond_object (self, bond_str):
611        """
612        Convert a row read as a `str` to the corresponding bond object. There are two supported bonds: HarmonicBond and FeneBond
614        Args:
615            bond_str (`str`): string with the information of a bond object
617        Returns:
618            bond_object(`obj`): EsPRESSo bond object 
619        """
621        from espressomd.interactions import HarmonicBond
622        from espressomd.interactions import FeneBond
624        supported_bonds = ['HarmonicBond', 'FeneBond']
626        for bond in supported_bonds:
627            variable = re.subn(f'{bond}', '', bond_str)
628            if variable[1] == 1: 
629                params = ast.literal_eval(variable[0])
630                if bond == 'HarmonicBond':
631                    bond_object = HarmonicBond(r_cut =params['r_cut'], k = params['k'], r_0=params['r_0'])
632                elif bond == 'FeneBond':
633                    bond_object = FeneBond(k = params['k'], d_r_max =params['d_r_max'], r_0=params['r_0'])
635        return bond_object 

Convert a row read as a str to the corresponding bond object. There are two supported bonds: HarmonicBond and FeneBond

  • bond_str (str): string with the information of a bond object

bond_object(obj): EsPRESSo bond object

def copy_df_entry(self, name, column_name, number_of_copies):
637    def copy_df_entry(self, name, column_name, number_of_copies):
638        '''
639        Creates 'number_of_copies' of a given 'name' in `pymbe.df`.
641        Args:
642            name(`str`): Label of the particle/residue/molecule type to be created. `name` must be defined in `pmb.df`
643            column_name(`str`): Column name to use as a filter. 
644            number_of_copies(`int`): number of copies of `name` to be created.
646        Note:
647            - Currently, column_name only supports "particle_id", "particle_id2", "residue_id" and "molecule_id" 
648        '''
650        valid_column_names=["particle_id", "residue_id", "molecule_id", "particle_id2" ]
651        if column_name not in valid_column_names:
652            raise ValueError(f"{column_name} is not a valid column_name, currently only the following are supported: {valid_column_names}")
653        df_by_name = self.df.loc[ == name]
654        if number_of_copies != 1:           
655            if df_by_name[column_name].isnull().values.any():       
656                df_by_name_repeated = pd.concat ([df_by_name]*(number_of_copies-1), ignore_index=True)
657            else:
658                df_by_name = df_by_name[df_by_name.index == df_by_name.index.min()] 
659                df_by_name_repeated = pd.concat ([df_by_name]*(number_of_copies), ignore_index=True)
660                df_by_name_repeated[column_name] =np.NaN
661            # Concatenate the new particle rows to  `df`
662            self.df = pd.concat ([self.df,df_by_name_repeated], ignore_index=True)
663        else:
664            if not df_by_name[column_name].isnull().values.any():     
665                df_by_name = df_by_name[df_by_name.index == df_by_name.index.min()] 
666                df_by_name_repeated = pd.concat ([df_by_name]*(number_of_copies), ignore_index=True)
667                df_by_name_repeated[column_name] =np.NaN
668                self.df = pd.concat ([self.df,df_by_name_repeated], ignore_index=True)
669        return

Creates 'number_of_copies' of a given 'name' in pymbe.df.

  • name(str): Label of the particle/residue/molecule type to be created. name must be defined in pmb.df
  • column_name(str): Column name to use as a filter.
  • number_of_copies(int): number of copies of name to be created.
  • Currently, column_name only supports "particle_id", "particle_id2", "residue_id" and "molecule_id"
def create_added_salt(self, espresso_system, cation_name, anion_name, c_salt, verbose=True):
671    def create_added_salt (self, espresso_system, cation_name, anion_name, c_salt, verbose=True):    
672        """
673        Creates a `c_salt` concentration of `cation_name` and `anion_name` ions into the `espresso_system`.
675        Args:
676            espresso_system (`obj`): instance of an espresso system object.
677            cation_name(`str`): `name` of a particle with a positive charge.
678            anion_name(`str`): `name` of a particle with a negative charge.
679            c_salt(`float`): Salt concentration.
680            verbose(`bool`): switch to activate/deactivate verbose. Defaults to True.
682        Returns:
683            c_salt_calculated (float): Calculated salt concentration added to `espresso_system`.
684        """
685        cation_name_charge = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==cation_name].state_one.charge.values[0]
686        anion_name_charge = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==anion_name].state_one.charge.values[0]     
687        if cation_name_charge <= 0:
688            raise ValueError('ERROR cation charge must be positive, charge ',cation_name_charge)
689        if anion_name_charge >= 0:
690            raise ValueError('ERROR anion charge must be negative, charge ', anion_name_charge)
691        # Calculate the number of ions in the simulation box
692        volume=self.units.Quantity(espresso_system.volume(), 'reduced_length**3')
693        if c_salt.check('[substance] [length]**-3'):
694            N_ions= int((volume*'mol/reduced_length**3')*self.N_A).magnitude)
695            c_salt_calculated=N_ions/(volume*self.N_A)
696        elif c_salt.check('[length]**-3'):
697            N_ions= int((volume*'reduced_length**-3')*self.N_A).magnitude)
698            c_salt_calculated=N_ions/volume
699        else:
700            raise ValueError('Unknown units for c_salt, please provided it in [mol / volume] or [particle / volume]', c_salt)
701        N_cation = N_ions*abs(anion_name_charge)
702        N_anion = N_ions*abs(cation_name_charge)
703        self.create_particle(espresso_system=espresso_system, name=cation_name, number_of_particles=N_cation)
704        self.create_particle(espresso_system=espresso_system, name=anion_name, number_of_particles=N_anion)
705        if verbose:
706            print(f"\n Added salt concentration of {'mol/L')} given by {N_cation} cations and {N_anion} anions")
707        return c_salt_calculated

Creates a c_salt concentration of cation_name and anion_name ions into the espresso_system.

  • espresso_system (obj): instance of an espresso system object.
  • cation_name(str): name of a particle with a positive charge.
  • anion_name(str): name of a particle with a negative charge.
  • c_salt(float): Salt concentration.
  • verbose(bool): switch to activate/deactivate verbose. Defaults to True.

c_salt_calculated (float): Calculated salt concentration added to espresso_system.

def create_bond_in_espresso(self, bond_type, bond_parameters):
709    def create_bond_in_espresso(self, bond_type, bond_parameters):
710        '''
711        Creates either a harmonic or a FENE bond in ESPREesSo
713        Args:
714            bond_type (`str`)        : label to identify the potential to model the bond.
715            bond_parameters (`dict`) : parameters of the potential of the bond.
717        Note:
718            Currently, only HARMONIC and FENE bonds are supported.
720            For a HARMONIC bond the dictionary must contain:
722                - k (`obj`)      : Magnitude of the bond. It should have units of energy/length**2 
723                using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry.
724                - r_0 (`obj`)    : Equilibrium bond length. It should have units of length using 
725                the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry.
727            For a FENE bond the dictionay must additionally contain:
729                - d_r_max (`obj`): Maximal stretching length for FENE. It should have 
730                units of length using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry. Default 'None'.
732        Returns:
733              bond_object (`obj`): a harmonic or a FENE bond object in ESPREesSo
734        '''
735        from espressomd import interactions
737        valid_bond_types   = ["harmonic", "FENE"]
739        if 'k' in bond_parameters:
740            bond_magnitude     = bond_parameters['k'].to('reduced_energy / reduced_length**2')
741        else:
742            raise ValueError("Magnitud of the potential (k) is missing")
744        if bond_type == 'harmonic':
745            if 'r_0' in bond_parameters:
746                bond_length        = bond_parameters['r_0'].to('reduced_length')
747            else:
748                raise ValueError("Equilibrium bond length (r_0) is missing")
749            bond_object    = interactions.HarmonicBond(k   = bond_magnitude.magnitude,
750                                                       r_0 = bond_length.magnitude)
751        elif bond_type == 'FENE':
752            if 'r_0' in bond_parameters:
753                bond_length        = bond_parameters['r_0'].to('reduced_length').magnitude
754            else:
755                print("WARNING: No value provided for r_0. Defaulting to r_0 = 0")
756                bond_length=0
757            if 'd_r_max' in bond_parameters:
758                max_bond_stret = bond_parameters['d_r_max'].to('reduced_length')
759            else:
760                raise ValueError("Maximal stretching length (d_r_max) is missing")
761            bond_object    = interactions.FeneBond(r_0     = bond_length, 
762                                                   k       = bond_magnitude.magnitude,
763                                                   d_r_max = max_bond_stret.magnitude)
764        else:
765            raise ValueError(f"Bond type {bond_type} currently not implemented in pyMBE, valid types are {valid_bond_types}")
767        return bond_object

Creates either a harmonic or a FENE bond in ESPREesSo

  • bond_type (str) : label to identify the potential to model the bond.
  • bond_parameters (dict) : parameters of the potential of the bond.

Currently, only HARMONIC and FENE bonds are supported.

For a HARMONIC bond the dictionary must contain:

- k (`obj`)      : Magnitude of the bond. It should have units of energy/length**2 
using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry.
- r_0 (`obj`)    : Equilibrium bond length. It should have units of length using 
the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry.

For a FENE bond the dictionay must additionally contain:

- d_r_max (`obj`): Maximal stretching length for FENE. It should have 
units of length using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry. Default 'None'.

bond_object (obj): a harmonic or a FENE bond object in ESPREesSo

def create_counterions( self, object_name, cation_name, anion_name, espresso_system, verbose=True):
770    def create_counterions(self, object_name, cation_name, anion_name, espresso_system,verbose=True):
771        """
772        Creates particles of `cation_name` and `anion_name` in `espresso_system` to counter the net charge of `pmb_object`.
774        Args:
775            object_name(`str`): `name` of a pymbe object.
776            espresso_system(`obj`): Instance of a system object from the espressomd library.
777            cation_name(`str`): `name` of a particle with a positive charge.
778            anion_name(`str`): `name` of a particle with a negative charge.
779            verbose(`bool`): switch to activate/deactivate verbose. Defaults to True.
781        Returns: 
782            counterion_number (dict): {"name": number}
783        """
784        cation_charge = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==cation_name].state_one.charge.iloc[0]
785        anion_charge = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==anion_name].state_one.charge.iloc[0]
786        object_ids = self.get_particle_id_map(object_name=object_name)["all"]
787        counterion_number={}
788        object_charge={}
789        for name in ['positive', 'negative']:
790            object_charge[name]=0
791        for id in object_ids:
792            if espresso_system.part.by_id(id).q > 0:
793                object_charge['positive']+=1*(np.abs(espresso_system.part.by_id(id).q ))
794            elif espresso_system.part.by_id(id).q < 0:
795                object_charge['negative']+=1*(np.abs(espresso_system.part.by_id(id).q ))
796        if object_charge['positive'] % abs(anion_charge) == 0:
797            counterion_number[anion_name]=int(object_charge['positive']/abs(anion_charge))
798        else:
799            raise ValueError('The number of positive charges in the pmb_object must be divisible by the  charge of the anion')
800        if object_charge['negative'] % abs(cation_charge) == 0:
801            counterion_number[cation_name]=int(object_charge['negative']/cation_charge)
802        else:
803            raise ValueError('The number of negative charges in the pmb_object must be divisible by the  charge of the cation')
804        if counterion_number[cation_name] > 0: 
805            self.create_particle(espresso_system=espresso_system, name=cation_name, number_of_particles=counterion_number[cation_name])
806        else:
807            counterion_number[cation_name]=0
808        if counterion_number[anion_name] > 0:
809            self.create_particle(espresso_system=espresso_system, name=anion_name, number_of_particles=counterion_number[anion_name])
810        else:
811            counterion_number[anion_name] = 0
812        if verbose:
813            print('The following counter-ions have been created: ')
814            for name in counterion_number.keys():
815                print(f'Ion type: {name} created number: {counterion_number[name]}')
816        return counterion_number

Creates particles of cation_name and anion_name in espresso_system to counter the net charge of pmb_object.

  • object_name(str): name of a pymbe object.
  • espresso_system(obj): Instance of a system object from the espressomd library.
  • cation_name(str): name of a particle with a positive charge.
  • anion_name(str): name of a particle with a negative charge.
  • verbose(bool): switch to activate/deactivate verbose. Defaults to True.

Returns: counterion_number (dict): {"name": number}

def create_molecule( self, name, number_of_molecules, espresso_system, list_of_first_residue_positions=None, use_default_bond=False):
818    def create_molecule(self, name, number_of_molecules, espresso_system, list_of_first_residue_positions=None, use_default_bond=False):
819        """
820        Creates `number_of_molecules` molecule of type `name` into `espresso_system` and bookkeeps them into `pmb.df`.
822        Args:
823            name(`str`): Label of the molecule type to be created. `name` must be defined in `pmb.df`
824            espresso_system(`obj`): Instance of a system object from espressomd library.
825            number_of_molecules(`int`): Number of molecules of type `name` to be created.
826            list_of_first_residue_positions(`list`, optional): List of coordinates where the central bead of the first_residue_position will be created, random by default
827            use_default_bond(`bool`, optional): Controls if a bond of type `default` is used to bond particle with undefined bonds in `pymbe.df`
828        Returns:
830            molecules_info (`dict`):  {molecule_id: {residue_id:{"central_bead_id":central_bead_id, "side_chain_ids": [particle_id1, ...]}}} 
831        """
832        if list_of_first_residue_positions is not None:
833            for item in list_of_first_residue_positions:
834                if not isinstance(item, list):
835                    raise ValueError("The provided input position is not a nested list. Should be a nested list with elements of 3D lists, corresponding to xyz coord.")
836                elif len(item) != 3:
837                    raise ValueError("The provided input position is formatted wrong. The elements in the provided list does not have 3 coordinates, corresponding to xyz coord.")
839            if len(list_of_first_residue_positions) != number_of_molecules:
840                raise ValueError(f"Number of positions provided in {list_of_first_residue_positions} does not match number of molecules desired, {number_of_molecules}")
841        if number_of_molecules <= 0:
842            return
843        if not self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name=name,
844                                                    pmb_type_to_be_defined='molecule'):
845            raise ValueError(f"{name} must correspond to a label of a pmb_type='molecule' defined on df")
846        first_residue = True
847        molecules_info = {}
848        residue_list = self.df[self.df['name']==name].residue_list.values [0]
850        self.copy_df_entry(name=name,
851                        column_name='molecule_id',
852                        number_of_copies=number_of_molecules)
854        molecules_index = np.where(self.df['name']==name)
855        molecule_index_list =list(molecules_index[0])[-number_of_molecules:]
856        used_molecules_id = self.df.molecule_id.dropna().drop_duplicates().tolist()
857        pos_index = 0 
858        for molecule_index in molecule_index_list:        
859            molecule_id = self.assign_molecule_id(name=name,pmb_type='molecule',used_molecules_id=used_molecules_id,molecule_index=molecule_index)
860            molecules_info[molecule_id] = {}
861            for residue in residue_list:
862                if first_residue:
863                    if list_of_first_residue_positions is None:
864                        residue_position = None
865                    else:
866                        for item in list_of_first_residue_positions:
867                            residue_position = [np.array(list_of_first_residue_positions[pos_index])]
868                    # Generate an arbitrary random unit vector
869                    backbone_vector = self.generate_random_points_in_a_sphere(center=[0,0,0], 
870                                                                radius=1, 
871                                                                n_samples=1,
872                                                                on_surface=True)[0]
873                    residues_info = self.create_residue(name=residue,
874                                                        number_of_residues=1, 
875                                                        espresso_system=espresso_system, 
876                                                        central_bead_position=residue_position,  
877                                                        use_default_bond= use_default_bond, 
878                                                        backbone_vector=backbone_vector)
879                    residue_id = next(iter(residues_info))
880                    for index in self.df[self.df['residue_id']==residue_id].index:
881                        self.add_value_to_df(key=('molecule_id',''),
882                                            index=int (index),
883                                            new_value=molecule_id)
884                    central_bead_id = residues_info[residue_id]['central_bead_id']
885                    previous_residue = residue
886                    residue_position = espresso_system.part.by_id(central_bead_id).pos
887                    previous_residue_id = central_bead_id
888                    first_residue = False          
889                else:                    
890                    previous_central_bead_name=self.df[self.df['name']==previous_residue].central_bead.values[0]
891                    new_central_bead_name=self.df[self.df['name']==residue].central_bead.values[0]       
892                    bond = self.search_bond(particle_name1=previous_central_bead_name, 
893                                            particle_name2=new_central_bead_name, 
894                                            hard_check=True, 
895                                            use_default_bond=use_default_bond)                
896                    l0 = self.get_bond_length(particle_name1=previous_central_bead_name, 
897                                            particle_name2=new_central_bead_name, 
898                                            hard_check=True, 
899                                            use_default_bond=use_default_bond)                
900                    residue_position = residue_position+backbone_vector*l0
901                    residues_info = self.create_residue(name=residue, 
902                                                        number_of_residues=1, 
903                                                        espresso_system=espresso_system, 
904                                                        central_bead_position=[residue_position],
905                                                        use_default_bond= use_default_bond, 
906                                                        backbone_vector=backbone_vector)
907                    residue_id = next(iter(residues_info))      
908                    for index in self.df[self.df['residue_id']==residue_id].index:
909                        if not self.check_if_df_cell_has_a_value(index=index,key=('molecule_id','')):
910                  [index,'molecule_id'] = molecule_id
911                            self.add_value_to_df(key=('molecule_id',''),
912                                                index=int (index),
913                                                new_value=molecule_id,
914                                                verbose=False)            
915                    central_bead_id = residues_info[residue_id]['central_bead_id']
916                    espresso_system.part.by_id(central_bead_id).add_bond((bond, previous_residue_id))
917                    self.add_bond_in_df(particle_id1=central_bead_id,
918                                        particle_id2=previous_residue_id,
919                                        use_default_bond=use_default_bond)            
920                    previous_residue_id = central_bead_id
921                    previous_residue = residue                    
922                molecules_info[molecule_id][residue_id] = residues_info[residue_id]
923            first_residue = True
924            pos_index+=1
926        return molecules_info

Creates number_of_molecules molecule of type name into espresso_system and bookkeeps them into pmb.df.

  • name(str): Label of the molecule type to be created. name must be defined in pmb.df
  • espresso_system(obj): Instance of a system object from espressomd library.
  • number_of_molecules(int): Number of molecules of type name to be created.
  • list_of_first_residue_positions(list, optional): List of coordinates where the central bead of the first_residue_position will be created, random by default
  • use_default_bond(bool, optional): Controls if a bond of type default is used to bond particle with undefined bonds in pymbe.df

molecules_info (dict): {molecule_id: {residue_id:{"central_bead_id":central_bead_id, "side_chain_ids": [particle_id1, ...]}}}

def create_particle( self, name, espresso_system, number_of_particles, position=None, fix=False):
928    def create_particle(self, name, espresso_system, number_of_particles, position=None, fix=False):
929        """
930        Creates `number_of_particles` particles of type `name` into `espresso_system` and bookkeeps them into `pymbe.df`.
932        Args:
933            name (`str`): Label of the particle type to be created. `name` must be a `particle` defined in `pmb_df`. 
934            espresso_system (`cls`): Instance of a system object from the espressomd library.
935            number_of_particles (`int`): Number of particles to be created.
936            position (list of [`float`,`float`,`float`], optional): Initial positions of the particles. If not given, particles are created in random positions. Defaults to None.
937            fix(`bool`, optional): Controls if the particle motion is frozen in the integrator, it is used to create rigid objects. Defaults to False.
938        Returns:
939            created_pid_list(`list` of `float`): List with the ids of the particles created into `espresso_system`.
940        """       
941        if number_of_particles <=0:
942            return
943        if not self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name=name,pmb_type_to_be_defined='particle'):
944            raise ValueError(f"{name} must correspond to a label of a pmb_type='particle' defined on df")
945        # Copy the data of the particle `number_of_particles` times in the `df`
946        self.copy_df_entry(name=name,column_name='particle_id',number_of_copies=number_of_particles)
947        # Get information from the particle type `name` from the df     
948        q = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].state_one.charge.values[0]
949        es_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].state_one.es_type.values[0]
950        # Get a list of the index in `df` corresponding to the new particles to be created
951        index = np.where(self.df['name']==name)
952        index_list =list(index[0])[-number_of_particles:]
953        # Create the new particles into  `espresso_system`
954        created_pid_list=[]
955        for index in range (number_of_particles):
956            df_index=int (index_list[index])
957            self.clean_df_row(index=df_index)
958            if position is None:
959                particle_position = self.rng.random((1, 3))[0] *np.copy(espresso_system.box_l)
960            else:
961                particle_position = position[index]
962            if len(espresso_system.part.all()) == 0:
963                bead_id = 0
964            else:
965                bead_id = max (espresso_system.part.all().id) + 1
966            created_pid_list.append(bead_id)
968            if fix:
969                espresso_system.part.add (id=bead_id, pos = particle_position, type = es_type, q = q,fix =[fix,fix,fix])        
970            else:
971                espresso_system.part.add (id=bead_id, pos = particle_position, type = es_type, q = q)        
972            self.add_value_to_df(key=('particle_id',''),index=df_index,new_value=bead_id, verbose=False)                  
973        return created_pid_list

Creates number_of_particles particles of type name into espresso_system and bookkeeps them into pymbe.df.

  • name (str): Label of the particle type to be created. name must be a particle defined in pmb_df.
  • espresso_system (cls): Instance of a system object from the espressomd library.
  • number_of_particles (int): Number of particles to be created.
  • position (list of [float,float,float], optional): Initial positions of the particles. If not given, particles are created in random positions. Defaults to None.
  • fix(bool, optional): Controls if the particle motion is frozen in the integrator, it is used to create rigid objects. Defaults to False.

created_pid_list(list of float): List with the ids of the particles created into espresso_system.

def create_pmb_object( self, name, number_of_objects, espresso_system, position=None, use_default_bond=False):
975    def create_pmb_object(self, name, number_of_objects, espresso_system, position=None, use_default_bond=False):
976        """
977        Creates all `particle`s associated to `pmb object` into  `espresso` a number of times equal to `number_of_objects`.
979        Args:
980            name(`str`): Unique label of the `pmb object` to be created. 
981            number_of_objects(`int`): Number of `pmb object`s to be created.
982            espresso_system(`obj`): Instance of an espresso system object from espressomd library.
983            position(`list`): Coordinates where the particles should be created.
984            use_default_bond(`bool`,optional): Controls if a `default` bond is used to bond particles with undefined bonds in `pmb.df`. Defaults to `False`.
986        Note:
987            - If no `position` is given, particles will be created in random positions. For bonded particles, they will be created at a distance equal to the bond length. 
988        """
989        allowed_objects=['particle','residue','molecule']
990        pmb_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].pmb_type.values[0]
991        if pmb_type not in allowed_objects:
992            raise ValueError('Object type not supported, supported types are ', allowed_objects)
993        if pmb_type == 'particle':
994            self.create_particle(name=name, number_of_particles=number_of_objects, espresso_system=espresso_system, position=position)
995        elif pmb_type == 'residue':
996            self.create_residue(name=name, number_of_residues=number_of_objects, espresso_system=espresso_system, central_bead_position=position,use_default_bond=use_default_bond)
997        elif pmb_type == 'molecule':
998            self.create_molecule(name=name, number_of_molecules=number_of_objects, espresso_system=espresso_system, use_default_bond=use_default_bond, list_of_first_residue_positions=position)
999        return

Creates all particles associated to pmb object into espresso a number of times equal to number_of_objects.

  • name(str): Unique label of the pmb object to be created.
  • number_of_objects(int): Number of pmb objects to be created.
  • espresso_system(obj): Instance of an espresso system object from espressomd library.
  • position(list): Coordinates where the particles should be created.
  • use_default_bond(bool,optional): Controls if a default bond is used to bond particles with undefined bonds in pmb.df. Defaults to False.
  • If no position is given, particles will be created in random positions. For bonded particles, they will be created at a distance equal to the bond length.
def create_protein(self, name, number_of_proteins, espresso_system, topology_dict):
1001    def create_protein(self, name, number_of_proteins, espresso_system, topology_dict):
1002        """
1003        Creates `number_of_proteins` molecules of type `name` into `espresso_system` at the coordinates in `positions`
1005        Args:
1006            name(`str`): Label of the protein to be created. 
1007            espresso_system(`obj`): Instance of a system object from the espressomd library.
1008            number_of_proteins(`int`): Number of proteins to be created.
1009            positions(`dict`): {'ResidueNumber': {'initial_pos': [], 'chain_id': ''}}
1010        """
1012        if number_of_proteins <=0:
1013            return
1014        if not self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name=name,
1015                                                  pmb_type_to_be_defined='protein'):
1016            raise ValueError(f"{name} must correspond to a name of a pmb_type='protein' defined on df")
1018        self.copy_df_entry(name=name,column_name='molecule_id',number_of_copies=number_of_proteins)
1020        protein_index = np.where(self.df['name']==name)
1021        protein_index_list =list(protein_index[0])[-number_of_proteins:]
1022        used_molecules_id = self.df.molecule_id.dropna().drop_duplicates().tolist()
1024        box_half=espresso_system.box_l[0]/2.0
1026        for molecule_index in protein_index_list:     
1028            molecule_id = self.assign_molecule_id (name=name,pmb_type='protein',used_molecules_id=used_molecules_id,molecule_index=molecule_index)
1030            protein_center = self.generate_coordinates_outside_sphere(radius = 1, 
1031                                                                        max_dist=box_half, 
1032                                                                        n_samples=1, 
1033                                                                        center=[box_half]*3)[0]
1035            for residue in topology_dict.keys():
1037                residue_name = re.split(r'\d+', residue)[0]
1038                residue_number = re.split(r'(\d+)', residue)[1]
1039                residue_position = topology_dict[residue]['initial_pos']
1040                position = residue_position + protein_center
1042                particle_id = self.create_particle(name=residue_name,
1043                                                            espresso_system=espresso_system,
1044                                                            number_of_particles=1,
1045                                                            position=[position], 
1046                                                            fix = True)
1048                index = self.df[self.df['particle_id']==particle_id[0]].index.values[0]
1050                self.add_value_to_df(key=('residue_id',''),
1051                                            index=int (index),
1052                                            new_value=residue_number)
1054                self.add_value_to_df(key=('molecule_id',''),
1055                                        index=int (index),
1056                                        new_value=molecule_id)
1058        return

Creates number_of_proteins molecules of type name into espresso_system at the coordinates in positions

  • name(str): Label of the protein to be created.
  • espresso_system(obj): Instance of a system object from the espressomd library.
  • number_of_proteins(int): Number of proteins to be created.
  • positions(dict): {'ResidueNumber': {'initial_pos': [], 'chain_id': ''}}
def create_residue( self, name, espresso_system, number_of_residues, central_bead_position=None, use_default_bond=False, backbone_vector=None):
1060    def create_residue(self, name, espresso_system, number_of_residues, central_bead_position=None,use_default_bond=False, backbone_vector=None):
1061        """
1062        Creates `number_of_residues` residues of type `name` into `espresso_system` and bookkeeps them into `pmb.df`.
1064        Args:
1065            name(`str`): Label of the residue type to be created. `name` must be defined in `pmb.df`
1066            espresso_system(`obj`): Instance of a system object from espressomd library.
1067            number_of_residue(`int`): Number of residues of type `name` to be created.
1068            central_bead_position(`list` of `float`): Position of the central bead.
1069            use_default_bond (`bool`): Switch to control if a bond of type `default` is used to bond a particle whose bonds types are not defined in `pmb.df`
1070            backbone_vector (`list` of `float`): Backbone vector of the molecule. All side chains are created perpendicularly to `backbone_vector`.
1072        Returns:
1073            residues_info (`dict`): {residue_id:{"central_bead_id":central_bead_id, "side_chain_ids":[particle_id1, ...]}}
1074        """
1075        if number_of_residues <= 0:
1076            return
1077        if not self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name=name,
1078                                                    pmb_type_to_be_defined='residue'):
1079            raise ValueError(f"{name} must correspond to a label of a pmb_type='residue' defined on df")
1080        # Copy the data of a residue a `number_of_residues` times in the `df
1081        self.copy_df_entry(name=name,
1082                            column_name='residue_id',
1083                            number_of_copies=number_of_residues)
1084        residues_index = np.where(self.df['name']==name)
1085        residue_index_list =list(residues_index[0])[-number_of_residues:]
1086        # Internal bookkepping of the residue info (important for side-chain residues)
1087        # Dict structure {residue_id:{"central_bead_id":central_bead_id, "side_chain_ids":[particle_id1, ...]}}
1088        residues_info={}
1089        for residue_index in residue_index_list:     
1090            self.clean_df_row(index=int(residue_index))
1091            # Assign a residue_id
1092            if self.df['residue_id'].isnull().all():
1093                residue_id=0
1094            else:
1095                residue_id = self.df['residue_id'].max() + 1
1096            self.add_value_to_df(key=('residue_id',''),index=int (residue_index),new_value=residue_id, verbose=False)
1097            # create the principal bead
1098            if self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].central_bead.values[0] is np.NaN:
1099                raise ValueError("central_bead must contain a particle name")        
1100            central_bead_name = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].central_bead.values[0]            
1101            central_bead_id = self.create_particle(name=central_bead_name,
1102                                                                espresso_system=espresso_system,
1103                                                                position=central_bead_position,
1104                                                                number_of_particles = 1)[0]
1105            central_bead_position=espresso_system.part.by_id(central_bead_id).pos
1106            #assigns same residue_id to the central_bead particle created.
1107            index = self.df[self.df['particle_id']==central_bead_id].index.values[0]
1108   [index,'residue_id'] = residue_id
1109            # Internal bookkeeping of the central bead id
1110            residues_info[residue_id]={}
1111            residues_info[residue_id]['central_bead_id']=central_bead_id
1112            # create the lateral beads  
1113            side_chain_list = self.df.loc[self.df.index[residue_index]].side_chains.values[0]
1114            side_chain_beads_ids = []
1115            for side_chain_element in side_chain_list:
1116                if side_chain_element not in self.df.values:              
1117                    raise ValueError (side_chain_element +'is not defined')
1118                pmb_type = self.df[self.df['name']==side_chain_element].pmb_type.values[0] 
1119                if pmb_type == 'particle':
1120                    bond = self.search_bond(particle_name1=central_bead_name, 
1121                                            particle_name2=side_chain_element, 
1122                                            hard_check=True, 
1123                                            use_default_bond=use_default_bond)
1124                    l0 = self.get_bond_length(particle_name1=central_bead_name, 
1125                                              particle_name2=side_chain_element, 
1126                                              hard_check=True, 
1127                                              use_default_bond=use_default_bond)
1129                    if backbone_vector is None:
1130                        bead_position=self.generate_random_points_in_a_sphere(center=central_bead_position, 
1131                                                                 radius=l0, 
1132                                                                 n_samples=1,
1133                                                                 on_surface=True)[0]
1134                    else:
1135                        bead_position=central_bead_position+self.generate_trial_perpendicular_vector(vector=backbone_vector,
1136                                                                                                    magnitude=l0)
1138                    side_bead_id = self.create_particle(name=side_chain_element, 
1139                                                                    espresso_system=espresso_system,
1140                                                                    position=[bead_position], 
1141                                                                    number_of_particles=1)[0]
1142                    index = self.df[self.df['particle_id']==side_bead_id].index.values[0]
1143                    self.add_value_to_df(key=('residue_id',''),
1144                                        index=int (index),
1145                                        new_value=residue_id, 
1146                                        verbose=False)
1147                    side_chain_beads_ids.append(side_bead_id)
1148                    espresso_system.part.by_id(central_bead_id).add_bond((bond, side_bead_id))
1149                    self.add_bond_in_df(particle_id1=central_bead_id,
1150                                        particle_id2=side_bead_id,
1151                                        use_default_bond=use_default_bond)
1152                elif pmb_type == 'residue':
1153                    central_bead_side_chain = self.df[self.df['name']==side_chain_element].central_bead.values[0]
1154                    bond = self.search_bond(particle_name1=central_bead_name, 
1155                                            particle_name2=central_bead_side_chain, 
1156                                            hard_check=True, 
1157                                            use_default_bond=use_default_bond)
1158                    l0 = self.get_bond_length(particle_name1=central_bead_name, 
1159                                              particle_name2=central_bead_side_chain, 
1160                                              hard_check=True, 
1161                                              use_default_bond=use_default_bond)
1162                    if backbone_vector is None:
1163                        residue_position=self.generate_random_points_in_a_sphere(center=central_bead_position, 
1164                                                                    radius=l0, 
1165                                                                    n_samples=1,
1166                                                                    on_surface=True)[0]
1167                    else:
1168                        residue_position=central_bead_position+self.generate_trial_perpendicular_vector(vector=backbone_vector,
1169                                                                                                        magnitude=l0)
1170                    lateral_residue_info = self.create_residue(name=side_chain_element, espresso_system=espresso_system,
1171                        number_of_residues=1, central_bead_position=[residue_position],use_default_bond=use_default_bond)
1172                    lateral_residue_dict=list(lateral_residue_info.values())[0]
1173                    central_bead_side_chain_id=lateral_residue_dict['central_bead_id']
1174                    lateral_beads_side_chain_ids=lateral_residue_dict['side_chain_ids']
1175                    residue_id_side_chain=list(lateral_residue_info.keys())[0]
1176                    # Change the residue_id of the residue in the side chain to the one of the biger residue
1177                    index = self.df[(self.df['residue_id']==residue_id_side_chain) & (self.df['pmb_type']=='residue') ].index.values[0]
1178                    self.add_value_to_df(key=('residue_id',''),
1179                                        index=int(index),
1180                                        new_value=residue_id, 
1181                                        verbose=False)
1182                    # Change the residue_id of the particles in the residue in the side chain
1183                    side_chain_beads_ids+=[central_bead_side_chain_id]+lateral_beads_side_chain_ids
1184                    for particle_id in side_chain_beads_ids:
1185                        index = self.df[(self.df['particle_id']==particle_id) & (self.df['pmb_type']=='particle')].index.values[0]
1186                        self.add_value_to_df(key=('residue_id',''),
1187                                            index=int (index),
1188                                            new_value=residue_id, 
1189                                            verbose=False)
1190                    espresso_system.part.by_id(central_bead_id).add_bond((bond, central_bead_side_chain_id))
1191                    self.add_bond_in_df(particle_id1=central_bead_id,
1192                                        particle_id2=central_bead_side_chain_id,
1193                                        use_default_bond=use_default_bond)
1194            # Internal bookkeeping of the side chain beads ids
1195            residues_info[residue_id]['side_chain_ids']=side_chain_beads_ids
1196        return  residues_info

Creates number_of_residues residues of type name into espresso_system and bookkeeps them into pmb.df.

  • name(str): Label of the residue type to be created. name must be defined in pmb.df
  • espresso_system(obj): Instance of a system object from espressomd library.
  • number_of_residue(int): Number of residues of type name to be created.
  • central_bead_position(list of float): Position of the central bead.
  • use_default_bond (bool): Switch to control if a bond of type default is used to bond a particle whose bonds types are not defined in pmb.df
  • backbone_vector (list of float): Backbone vector of the molecule. All side chains are created perpendicularly to backbone_vector.

residues_info (dict): {residue_id:{"central_bead_id":central_bead_id, "side_chain_ids":[particle_id1, ...]}}

def create_variable_with_units(self, variable):
1198    def create_variable_with_units(self, variable):
1199        """
1200        Returns a pint object with the value and units defined in `variable`.
1202        Args:
1203            variable(`dict` or `str`): {'value': value, 'units': units}
1204        Returns:
1205            variable_with_units(`obj`): variable with units using the pyMBE UnitRegistry.
1206        """        
1208        if isinstance(variable, dict):
1210            value=variable.pop('value')
1211            units=variable.pop('units')
1213        elif isinstance(variable, str):
1215            value = float(re.split(r'\s+', variable)[0])
1216            units = re.split(r'\s+', variable)[1]
1218        variable_with_units=value*self.units(units)
1220        return variable_with_units

Returns a pint object with the value and units defined in variable.

  • variable(dict or str): {'value': value, 'units': units}

variable_with_units(obj): variable with units using the pyMBE UnitRegistry.

def define_AA_particles_in_sequence(self, sequence, sigma_dict=None):
1222    def define_AA_particles_in_sequence(self, sequence, sigma_dict=None):
1223        '''
1224        Defines in `pmb.df` all the different particles in `sequence`.
1226        Args:
1227            sequence(`lst`):  Sequence of the peptide or protein. 
1229        Note:
1230            - It assumes that the names in `sequence` correspond to amino acid names using the standard one letter code.
1231        '''
1233        already_defined_AA=[]
1235        for residue_name in sequence:
1236            if residue_name in already_defined_AA:
1237                continue
1238            self.define_particle (name=residue_name, q=0)
1240        if sigma_dict:
1241            self.define_particles_parameter_from_dict(param_dict = sigma_dict, 
1242                                                      param_name = 'sigma')
1243        return 

Defines in pmb.df all the different particles in sequence.

  • sequence(lst): Sequence of the peptide or protein.
  • It assumes that the names in sequence correspond to amino acid names using the standard one letter code.
def define_AA_residues(self, sequence, model):
1245    def define_AA_residues(self, sequence, model):
1246        """
1247        Defines in `pmb.df` all the different residues in `sequence`.
1249        Args:
1250            sequence(`lst`):  Sequence of the peptide or protein.
1251            model (`string`): Model name. Currently only models with 1 bead '1beadAA' or with 2 beads '2beadAA' per amino acid are supported.
1253        Returns:
1254            residue_list (`list` of `str`): List of the `name`s of the `residue`s  in the sequence of the `molecule`.             
1255        """
1256        residue_list = []
1257        for residue_name in sequence:
1258            if model == '1beadAA':
1259                central_bead = residue_name
1260                side_chains = []
1261            elif model == '2beadAA':
1262                if residue_name in ['c','n', 'G']: 
1263                    central_bead = residue_name
1264                    side_chains = []
1265                else:
1266                    central_bead = 'CA'              
1267                    side_chains = [residue_name]
1268            if residue_name not in residue_list:   
1269                self.define_residue(name = 'AA-'+residue_name, 
1270                                    central_bead = central_bead,
1271                                    side_chains = side_chains)              
1272            residue_list.append('AA-'+residue_name)
1273        return residue_list

Defines in pmb.df all the different residues in sequence.

  • sequence(lst): Sequence of the peptide or protein.
  • model (string): Model name. Currently only models with 1 bead '1beadAA' or with 2 beads '2beadAA' per amino acid are supported.

residue_list (list of str): List of the names of the residues in the sequence of the molecule.

def define_bond(self, bond_type, bond_parameters, particle_pairs):
1275    def define_bond(self, bond_type, bond_parameters, particle_pairs):
1277        '''
1278        Defines a pmb object of type `bond` in `pymbe.df`.
1280        Args:
1281            bond_type (`str`)        : label to identify the potential to model the bond.
1282            bond_parameters (`dict`) : parameters of the potential of the bond.
1283            particle_pairs (`lst`)   : list of the `names` of the `particles` to be bonded.
1285        Note:
1286            Currently, only HARMONIC and FENE bonds are supported.
1288            For a HARMONIC bond the dictionary must contain the following parameters:
1290                - k (`obj`)      : Magnitude of the bond. It should have units of energy/length**2 
1291                using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry.
1292                - r_0 (`obj`)    : Equilibrium bond length. It should have units of length using 
1293                the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry.
1295            For a FENE bond the dictionay must contain the same parameters as for a HARMONIC bond and:
1297                - d_r_max (`obj`): Maximal stretching length for FENE. It should have 
1298                units of length using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry. Default 'None'.
1299        '''
1301        bond_object=self.create_bond_in_espresso(bond_type, bond_parameters)
1303        for particle_name1, particle_name2 in particle_pairs:
1305            lj_parameters=self.get_lj_parameters(particle_name1 = particle_name1,
1306                                                 particle_name2 = particle_name2,
1307                                                 combining_rule = 'Lorentz-Berthelot')
1309            cutoff = 2**(1.0/6.0) * lj_parameters["sigma"]
1311            l0 = self.calculate_initial_bond_length(bond_object = bond_object,
1312                                                    bond_type   = bond_type,
1313                                                    epsilon     = lj_parameters["epsilon"],
1314                                                    sigma       = lj_parameters["sigma"],
1315                                                    cutoff      = cutoff)
1316            index = len(self.df)
1317            for label in [particle_name1+'-'+particle_name2,particle_name2+'-'+particle_name1]:
1318                self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name=label, pmb_type_to_be_defined="bond")
1319   [index,'name']= particle_name1+'-'+particle_name2
1320   [index,'bond_object'] = bond_object
1321   [index,'l0'] = l0
1322            self.add_value_to_df(index=index,
1323                                    key=('pmb_type',''),
1324                                    new_value='bond')
1325            self.add_value_to_df(index=index,
1326                                    key=('parameters_of_the_potential',''),
1327                                    new_value=bond_object.get_params(),
1328                                    non_standard_value=True)
1330        return

Defines a pmb object of type bond in pymbe.df.

  • bond_type (str) : label to identify the potential to model the bond.
  • bond_parameters (dict) : parameters of the potential of the bond.
  • particle_pairs (lst) : list of the names of the particles to be bonded.

Currently, only HARMONIC and FENE bonds are supported.

For a HARMONIC bond the dictionary must contain the following parameters:

- k (`obj`)      : Magnitude of the bond. It should have units of energy/length**2 
using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry.
- r_0 (`obj`)    : Equilibrium bond length. It should have units of length using 
the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry.

For a FENE bond the dictionay must contain the same parameters as for a HARMONIC bond and:

- d_r_max (`obj`): Maximal stretching length for FENE. It should have 
units of length using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry. Default 'None'.
def define_default_bond( self, bond_type, bond_parameters, epsilon=None, sigma=None, cutoff=None):
1333    def define_default_bond(self, bond_type, bond_parameters, epsilon=None, sigma=None, cutoff=None):
1334        """
1335        Asigns `bond` in `pmb.df` as the default bond.
1336        The LJ parameters can be optionally provided to calculate the initial bond length
1338        Args:
1339            bond_type (`str`)          : label to identify the potential to model the bond.
1340            bond_parameters (`dict`)   : parameters of the potential of the bond.
1341            sigma (`float`, optional)  : LJ sigma of the interaction between the particles
1342            epsilon (`float`, optional): LJ epsilon for the interaction between the particles
1343            cutoff (`float`, optional) : cutoff-radius of the LJ interaction
1345        Note:
1346            - Currently, only harmonic and FENE bonds are supported. 
1347        """
1349        bond_object=self.create_bond_in_espresso(bond_type, bond_parameters)
1351        if epsilon is None:
1352            epsilon=1*self.units('reduced_energy')
1353        if sigma is None:
1354            sigma=1*self.units('reduced_length')
1355        if cutoff is None:
1356            cutoff=2**(1.0/6.0)*self.units('reduced_length')
1357        l0 = self.calculate_initial_bond_length(bond_object = bond_object, 
1358                                                bond_type   = bond_type, 
1359                                                epsilon     = epsilon,
1360                                                sigma       = sigma,
1361                                                cutoff      = cutoff)
1363        if self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name='default',pmb_type_to_be_defined='bond'):
1364            return
1365        if len(self.df.index) != 0:
1366            index = max(self.df.index)+1
1367        else:
1368            index = 0
1369 [index,'name']        = 'default'
1370 [index,'bond_object'] = bond_object
1371 [index,'l0']          = l0
1372        self.add_value_to_df(index       = index,
1373                            key          = ('pmb_type',''),
1374                            new_value    = 'bond')
1375        self.add_value_to_df(index       = index,
1376                            key          = ('parameters_of_the_potential',''),
1377                            new_value    = bond_object.get_params(),
1378                            non_standard_value=True)
1379        return

Asigns bond in pmb.df as the default bond. The LJ parameters can be optionally provided to calculate the initial bond length

  • bond_type (str) : label to identify the potential to model the bond.
  • bond_parameters (dict) : parameters of the potential of the bond.
  • sigma (float, optional) : LJ sigma of the interaction between the particles
  • epsilon (float, optional): LJ epsilon for the interaction between the particles
  • cutoff (float, optional) : cutoff-radius of the LJ interaction
  • Currently, only harmonic and FENE bonds are supported.
def define_epsilon_value_of_particles(self, eps_dict):
1381    def define_epsilon_value_of_particles(self, eps_dict):
1382        '''
1383        Defines the epsilon value of the particles in `eps_dict` into the `pmb.df`.
1385        Args:
1386            eps_dict(`dict`):  {'name': epsilon}
1387        '''
1388        for residue in eps_dict.keys():
1389            label_list = self.df[self.df['name'] == residue].index.tolist()
1390            for index in label_list:
1391                epsilon = eps_dict[residue]
1392                self.add_value_to_df(key= ('epsilon',''),
1393                        index=int (index),
1394                        new_value=epsilon)
1395        return 

Defines the epsilon value of the particles in eps_dict into the pmb.df.

  • eps_dict(dict): {'name': epsilon}
def define_molecule(self, name, residue_list):
1397    def define_molecule(self, name, residue_list):
1398        """
1399        Defines a pyMBE object of type `molecule` in `pymbe.df`.
1401        Args:
1402            name (`str`): Unique label that identifies the `molecule`.
1403            residue_list (`list` of `str`): List of the `name`s of the `residue`s  in the sequence of the `molecule`.  
1404        """
1405        if self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name=name,pmb_type_to_be_defined='molecule'):
1406            return
1407        index = len(self.df)
1408 [index,'name'] = name
1409 [index,'pmb_type'] = 'molecule'
1410 [index,('residue_list','')] = residue_list
1411        return

Defines a pyMBE object of type molecule in pymbe.df.

  • name (str): Unique label that identifies the molecule.
  • residue_list (list of str): List of the names of the residues in the sequence of the molecule.
def define_particle( self, name, q=0, acidity='inert', pka=None, sigma=None, epsilon=None, cutoff=None, offset=None, verbose=True):
1413    def define_particle(self, name, q=0, acidity='inert', pka=None, sigma=None, epsilon=None, cutoff=None, offset=None,verbose=True):
1414        """
1415        Defines the properties of a particle object.
1417        Args:
1418            name (`str`): Unique label that identifies this particle type.  
1419            q (`int`, optional): Permanent charge of this particle type. Defaults to 0.
1420            acidity (`str`, optional): Identifies whether if the particle is `acidic` or `basic`, used to setup constant pH simulations. Defaults to `inert`.
1421            pka (`float`, optional): If `particle` is an acid or a base, it defines its  pka-value. Defaults to None.
1422            sigma (`pint.Quantity`, optional): Sigma parameter used to set up Lennard-Jones interactions for this particle type. Defaults to None.
1423            cutoff (`pint.Quantity`, optional): Cutoff parameter used to set up Lennard-Jones interactions for this particle type. Defaults to None.
1424            offset (`pint.Quantity`, optional): Offset parameter used to set up Lennard-Jones interactions for this particle type. Defaults to None.
1425            epsilon (`pint.Quantity`, optional): Epsilon parameter used to setup Lennard-Jones interactions for this particle tipe. Defaults to None.
1426            verbose (`bool`, optional): Switch to activate/deactivate verbose. Defaults to True.
1428        Note:
1429            - `sigma`, `cutoff` and `offset` must have a dimensitonality of `[length]` and should be defined using pmb.units.
1430            - `epsilon` must have a dimensitonality of `[energy]` and should be defined using pmb.units.
1431            - `cutoff` defaults to `2**(1./6.) reduced_length`. 
1432            - `offset` defaults to 0.
1433            - The default setup corresponds to the Weeks−Chandler−Andersen (WCA) model, corresponding to purely steric interactions.
1434            - For more information on `sigma`, `epsilon`, `cutoff` and `offset` check `pmb.setup_lj_interactions()`.
1435        """ 
1437        if self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name=name,pmb_type_to_be_defined='particle'):
1438            index = self.df[self.df['name']==name].index[0]                                   
1439        else:
1440            index = len(self.df)
1441   [index, 'name'] = name
1442   [index,'pmb_type'] = 'particle'
1444        # If `cutoff` and `offset` are not defined, default them to 0
1446        if cutoff is None:
1447            cutoff=self.units.Quantity(2**(1./6.), "reduced_length")
1448        if offset is None:
1449            offset=self.units.Quantity(0, "reduced_length")
1451        # Define LJ parameters
1452        parameters_with_dimensionality={"sigma":{"value": sigma, "dimensionality": "[length]"},
1453                                        "cutoff":{"value": cutoff, "dimensionality": "[length]"},
1454                                        "offset":{"value": offset, "dimensionality": "[length]"},
1455                                        "epsilon":{"value": epsilon, "dimensionality": "[energy]"},}
1457        for parameter_key in parameters_with_dimensionality.keys():
1458            if parameters_with_dimensionality[parameter_key]["value"] is not None:
1459                self.check_dimensionality(variable=parameters_with_dimensionality[parameter_key]["value"], 
1460                                          expected_dimensionality=parameters_with_dimensionality[parameter_key]["dimensionality"])
1461                self.add_value_to_df(key=(parameter_key,''),
1462                                    index=index,
1463                                    new_value=parameters_with_dimensionality[parameter_key]["value"],
1464                                    verbose=verbose)
1466        # Define particle acid/base properties
1467        self.set_particle_acidity (name=name, 
1468                                acidity = acidity , 
1469                                default_charge=q, 
1470                                pka=pka,
1471                                verbose=verbose)
1472        return 

Defines the properties of a particle object.

  • name (str): Unique label that identifies this particle type.
  • q (int, optional): Permanent charge of this particle type. Defaults to 0.
  • acidity (str, optional): Identifies whether if the particle is acidic or basic, used to setup constant pH simulations. Defaults to inert.
  • pka (float, optional): If particle is an acid or a base, it defines its pka-value. Defaults to None.
  • sigma (pint.Quantity, optional): Sigma parameter used to set up Lennard-Jones interactions for this particle type. Defaults to None.
  • cutoff (pint.Quantity, optional): Cutoff parameter used to set up Lennard-Jones interactions for this particle type. Defaults to None.
  • offset (pint.Quantity, optional): Offset parameter used to set up Lennard-Jones interactions for this particle type. Defaults to None.
  • epsilon (pint.Quantity, optional): Epsilon parameter used to setup Lennard-Jones interactions for this particle tipe. Defaults to None.
  • verbose (bool, optional): Switch to activate/deactivate verbose. Defaults to True.
  • sigma, cutoff and offset must have a dimensitonality of [length] and should be defined using pmb.units.
  • epsilon must have a dimensitonality of [energy] and should be defined using pmb.units.
  • cutoff defaults to 2**(1./6.) reduced_length.
  • offset defaults to 0.
  • The default setup corresponds to the Weeks−Chandler−Andersen (WCA) model, corresponding to purely steric interactions.
  • For more information on sigma, epsilon, cutoff and offset check pmb.setup_lj_interactions().
def define_particles_parameter_from_dict(self, param_dict, param_name):
1474    def define_particles_parameter_from_dict(self, param_dict, param_name):
1475        '''
1476        Defines the `param_name` value of the particles in `param_dict` into the `pmb.df`.
1478        Args:
1479            param_dict(`dict`):  {'name': `param_name` value}
1480        '''
1481        for residue in param_dict.keys():
1482            label_list = self.df[self.df['name'] == residue].index.tolist()
1483            for index in label_list:
1484                value = param_dict[residue]
1485                self.add_value_to_df(key= (param_name,''),
1486                        index=int (index),
1487                        new_value=value)
1488        return 

Defines the param_name value of the particles in param_dict into the pmb.df.

  • param_dict(dict): {'name': param_name value}
def define_peptide(self, name, sequence, model):
1490    def define_peptide(self, name, sequence, model):
1491        """
1492        Defines a pyMBE object of type `peptide` in the `pymbe.df`.
1494        Args:
1495            name (`str`): Unique label that identifies the `peptide`.
1496            sequence (`string`): Sequence of the `peptide`.
1497            model (`string`): Model name. Currently only models with 1 bead '1beadAA' or with 2 beads '2beadAA' per amino acid are supported.
1498        """
1499        if not self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name = name, pmb_type_to_be_defined='peptide'):
1500            valid_keys = ['1beadAA','2beadAA']
1501            if model not in valid_keys:
1502                raise ValueError('Invalid label for the peptide model, please choose between 1beadAA or 2beadAA')
1504            clean_sequence = self.protein_sequence_parser(sequence=sequence)    
1505            residue_list = self.define_AA_residues(sequence=clean_sequence,model=model)
1507            self.define_molecule(name = name, residue_list=residue_list)
1508            index = self.df.loc[self.df['name'] == name].index.item() 
1509   [index,'model'] = model
1510   [index,('sequence','')] = clean_sequence
1511        return

Defines a pyMBE object of type peptide in the pymbe.df.

  • name (str): Unique label that identifies the peptide.
  • sequence (string): Sequence of the peptide.
  • model (string): Model name. Currently only models with 1 bead '1beadAA' or with 2 beads '2beadAA' per amino acid are supported.
def define_protein(self, name, model, topology_dict):
1513    def define_protein(self, name,model, topology_dict):
1514        """
1515        Defines a pyMBE object of type `protein` in `pymbe.df`.
1517        Args:
1518            name (`str`): Unique label that identifies the `protein`.
1519            model (`string`): Model name. Currently only models with 1 bead '1beadAA' or with 2 beads '2beadAA' per amino acid are supported.
1520            topology_dict (`dict`): {'initial_pos': coords_list, 'chain_id': id, 'sigma': sigma_value}
1521        """
1523        protein_seq_list = []     
1525        valid_keys = ['1beadAA','2beadAA']
1527        if model not in valid_keys:
1528            raise ValueError('Invalid label for the peptide model, please choose between 1beadAA or 2beadAA')
1530        if model == '2beadAA':
1531            self.define_particle(name='CA')
1533        sigma_dict = {}
1535        for residue in topology_dict.keys():
1536            residue_name = re.split(r'\d+', residue)[0]
1538            if residue_name not in sigma_dict.keys():
1539                sigma_dict [residue_name] =  topology_dict[residue]['sigma']
1540            if residue_name not in ('CA', 'Ca'):
1541                protein_seq_list.append(residue_name)                  
1543        protein_sequence = ''.join(protein_seq_list)
1544        clean_sequence = self.protein_sequence_parser(sequence=protein_sequence)
1546        self.define_AA_particles_in_sequence (sequence=clean_sequence, sigma_dict = sigma_dict)
1547        residue_list = self.define_AA_residues(sequence=clean_sequence, model=model)
1549        index = len(self.df)
1550 [index,'name'] = name
1551 [index,'pmb_type'] = 'protein'
1552 [index,'model'] = model
1553 [index,('sequence','')] = clean_sequence  
1554 [index,('residue_list','')] = residue_list    
1556        return 

Defines a pyMBE object of type protein in pymbe.df.

  • name (str): Unique label that identifies the protein.
  • model (string): Model name. Currently only models with 1 bead '1beadAA' or with 2 beads '2beadAA' per amino acid are supported.
  • topology_dict (dict): {'initial_pos': coords_list, 'chain_id': id, 'sigma': sigma_value}
def define_residue(self, name, central_bead, side_chains):
1558    def define_residue(self, name, central_bead, side_chains):
1559        """
1560        Defines a pyMBE object of type `residue` in `pymbe.df`.
1562        Args:
1563            name (`str`): Unique label that identifies the `residue`.
1564            central_bead (`str`): `name` of the `particle` to be placed as central_bead of the `residue`.
1565            side_chains (`list` of `str`): List of `name`s of the pmb_objects to be placed as side_chains of the `residue`. Currently, only pmb_objects of type `particle`s or `residue`s are supported.
1566        """
1567        if self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name=name,pmb_type_to_be_defined='residue'):
1568            return
1569        index = len(self.df)
1570 [index, 'name'] = name
1571 [index,'pmb_type'] = 'residue'
1572 [index,'central_bead'] = central_bead
1573 [index,('side_chains','')] = side_chains
1574        return 

Defines a pyMBE object of type residue in pymbe.df.

  • name (str): Unique label that identifies the residue.
  • central_bead (str): name of the particle to be placed as central_bead of the residue.
  • side_chains (list of str): List of names of the pmb_objects to be placed as side_chains of the residue. Currently, only pmb_objects of type particles or residues are supported.
def destroy_pmb_object_in_system(self, name, espresso_system):
1576    def destroy_pmb_object_in_system(self, name, espresso_system):
1577        """
1578        Destroys all particles associated with `name` in `espresso_system` amd removes the destroyed pmb_objects from `pmb.df` 
1580        Args:
1581            name (str): Label of the pmb object to be destroyed. The pmb object must be defined in `pymbe.df`.
1582            espresso_system (cls): Instance of a system class from espressomd library.
1584        Note:
1585            - If `name`  is a object_type=`particle`, only the matching particles that are not part of bigger objects (e.g. `residue`, `molecule`) will be destroyed. To destroy particles in such objects, destroy the bigger object instead.
1586        """
1587        allowed_objects = ['particle','residue','molecule']
1588        pmb_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].pmb_type.values[0]
1589        if pmb_type not in allowed_objects:
1590            raise ValueError('Object type not supported, supported types are ', allowed_objects)
1591        if pmb_type == 'particle':
1592            particles_index = self.df.index[(self.df['name'] == name) & (self.df['residue_id'].isna()) 
1593                                                  & (self.df['molecule_id'].isna())]
1594            particle_ids_list= self.df.loc[(self.df['name'] == name) & (self.df['residue_id'].isna())
1595                                                 & (self.df['molecule_id'].isna())].particle_id.tolist()
1596            for particle_id in particle_ids_list:
1597                espresso_system.part.by_id(particle_id).remove()
1598            self.df = self.df.drop(index=particles_index)
1599        if pmb_type == 'residue':
1600            residues_id = self.df.loc[self.df['name']== name].residue_id.to_list()
1601            for residue_id in residues_id:
1602                particle_ids_list = self.df.loc[self.df['residue_id']==residue_id].particle_id.dropna().to_list()
1603                self.df = self.df.drop(self.df[self.df['residue_id'] == residue_id].index)
1604                for particle_id in particle_ids_list:
1605                    espresso_system.part.by_id(particle_id).remove()
1606                    self.df= self.df.drop(self.df[self.df['particle_id']==particle_id].index)    
1607        if pmb_type == 'molecule':
1608            molecules_id = self.df.loc[self.df['name']== name].molecule_id.to_list()
1609            for molecule_id in molecules_id:
1610                particle_ids_list = self.df.loc[self.df['molecule_id']==molecule_id].particle_id.dropna().to_list()
1612                self.df = self.df.drop(self.df[self.df['molecule_id'] == molecule_id].index)
1613                for particle_id in particle_ids_list:
1614                    espresso_system.part.by_id(particle_id).remove()   
1615                    self.df= self.df.drop(self.df[self.df['particle_id']==particle_id].index)             
1617        self.df.reset_index(drop=True,inplace=True)
1619        return

Destroys all particles associated with name in espresso_system amd removes the destroyed pmb_objects from pmb.df

  • name (str): Label of the pmb object to be destroyed. The pmb object must be defined in pymbe.df.
  • espresso_system (cls): Instance of a system class from espressomd library.
  • If name is a object_type=particle, only the matching particles that are not part of bigger objects (e.g. residue, molecule) will be destroyed. To destroy particles in such objects, destroy the bigger object instead.
def determine_reservoir_concentrations( self, pH_res, c_salt_res, activity_coefficient_monovalent_pair, max_number_sc_runs=200):
1621    def determine_reservoir_concentrations(self, pH_res, c_salt_res, activity_coefficient_monovalent_pair, max_number_sc_runs=200):
1622        """
1623        Determines the concentrations of the various species in the reservoir for given values of the pH and salt concentration.
1624        To do this, a system of nonlinear equations involving the pH, the ionic product of water, the activity coefficient of an
1625        ion pair and the concentrations of the various species is solved numerically using a self-consistent approach.
1626        More details can be found in chapter 5.3 of Landsgesell (
1627        This is a modified version of the code by Landsgesell et al. (
1629        Args:
1630            pH_res ('float'): pH-value in the reservoir.
1631            c_salt_res ('float'): Concentration of monovalent salt (e.g. NaCl) in the reservoir.
1632            activity_coefficient_monovalent_pair ('callable', optional): A function that calculates the activity coefficient of an ion pair as a function of the ionic strength.
1634        Returns:
1635            cH_res ('float'): Concentration of H+ ions.
1636            cOH_res ('float'): Concentration of OH- ions.
1637            cNa_res ('float'): Concentration of Na+ ions.
1638            cCl_res ('float'): Concentration of Cl- ions.
1639        """
1641        self_consistent_run = 0
1642        cH_res = 10**(-pH_res) * self.units.mol/self.units.l #initial guess for the concentration of H+
1644        def determine_reservoir_concentrations_selfconsistently(cH_res, c_salt_res):
1645            #Calculate and initial guess for the concentrations of various species based on ideal gas estimate
1646            cOH_res = self.Kw / cH_res 
1647            cNa_res = None
1648            cCl_res = None
1649            if cOH_res>=cH_res:
1650                #adjust the concentration of sodium if there is excess OH- in the reservoir:
1651                cNa_res = c_salt_res + (cOH_res-cH_res)
1652                cCl_res = c_salt_res
1653            else:
1654                # adjust the concentration of chloride if there is excess H+ in the reservoir
1655                cCl_res = c_salt_res + (cH_res-cOH_res)
1656                cNa_res = c_salt_res
1658            def calculate_concentrations_self_consistently(cH_res, cOH_res, cNa_res, cCl_res):
1659                nonlocal max_number_sc_runs, self_consistent_run
1660                if self_consistent_run<max_number_sc_runs:
1661                    self_consistent_run+=1
1662                    ionic_strength_res = 0.5*(cNa_res+cCl_res+cOH_res+cH_res)
1663                    cOH_res = self.Kw / (cH_res * activity_coefficient_monovalent_pair(ionic_strength_res))
1664                    if cOH_res>=cH_res:
1665                        #adjust the concentration of sodium if there is excess OH- in the reservoir:
1666                        cNa_res = c_salt_res + (cOH_res-cH_res)
1667                        cCl_res = c_salt_res
1668                    else:
1669                        # adjust the concentration of chloride if there is excess H+ in the reservoir
1670                        cCl_res = c_salt_res + (cH_res-cOH_res)
1671                        cNa_res = c_salt_res
1672                    return calculate_concentrations_self_consistently(cH_res, cOH_res, cNa_res, cCl_res)
1673                else:
1674                    return cH_res, cOH_res, cNa_res, cCl_res
1675            return calculate_concentrations_self_consistently(cH_res, cOH_res, cNa_res, cCl_res)
1677        cH_res, cOH_res, cNa_res, cCl_res = determine_reservoir_concentrations_selfconsistently(cH_res, c_salt_res)
1678        ionic_strength_res = 0.5*(cNa_res+cCl_res+cOH_res+cH_res)
1679        determined_pH = -np.log10('mol/L').magnitude * np.sqrt(activity_coefficient_monovalent_pair(ionic_strength_res)))
1681        while abs(determined_pH-pH_res)>1e-6:
1682            if determined_pH > pH_res:
1683                cH_res *= 1.005
1684            else:
1685                cH_res /= 1.003
1686            cH_res, cOH_res, cNa_res, cCl_res = determine_reservoir_concentrations_selfconsistently(cH_res, c_salt_res)
1687            ionic_strength_res = 0.5*(cNa_res+cCl_res+cOH_res+cH_res)
1688            determined_pH = -np.log10('mol/L').magnitude * np.sqrt(activity_coefficient_monovalent_pair(ionic_strength_res)))
1689            self_consistent_run=0
1691        return cH_res, cOH_res, cNa_res, cCl_res

Determines the concentrations of the various species in the reservoir for given values of the pH and salt concentration. To do this, a system of nonlinear equations involving the pH, the ionic product of water, the activity coefficient of an ion pair and the concentrations of the various species is solved numerically using a self-consistent approach. More details can be found in chapter 5.3 of Landsgesell ( This is a modified version of the code by Landsgesell et al. (

  • pH_res ('float'): pH-value in the reservoir.
  • c_salt_res ('float'): Concentration of monovalent salt (e.g. NaCl) in the reservoir.
  • activity_coefficient_monovalent_pair ('callable', optional): A function that calculates the activity coefficient of an ion pair as a function of the ionic strength.

cH_res ('float'): Concentration of H+ ions. cOH_res ('float'): Concentration of OH- ions. cNa_res ('float'): Concentration of Na+ ions. cCl_res ('float'): Concentration of Cl- ions.

def filter_df(self, pmb_type):
1693    def filter_df(self, pmb_type):
1694        """
1695        Filters `pmb.df` and returns a sub-set of it containing only rows with pmb_object_type=`pmb_type` and non-NaN columns.
1697        Args:
1698            pmb_type(`str`): pmb_object_type to filter in `pmb.df`.
1700        Returns:
1701            pmb_type_df(`obj`): filtered `pmb.df`.
1702        """
1703        pmb_type_df = self.df.loc[self.df['pmb_type']== pmb_type]
1704        pmb_type_df = pmb_type_df.dropna( axis=1, thresh=1)
1705        return pmb_type_df

Filters pmb.df and returns a sub-set of it containing only rows with pmb_object_type=pmb_type and non-NaN columns.

  • pmb_type(str): pmb_object_type to filter in pmb.df.

pmb_type_df(obj): filtered pmb.df.

def find_bond_key(self, particle_name1, particle_name2, use_default_bond=False):
1707    def find_bond_key(self, particle_name1, particle_name2, use_default_bond=False):
1708        """
1709        Searches for the `name` of the bond between `particle_name1` and `particle_name2` in `pymbe.df` and returns it.
1711        Args:
1712            particle_name1(`str`): label of the type of the first particle type of the bonded particles.
1713            particle_name2(`str`): label of the type of the second particle type of the bonded particles.
1714            use_default_bond(`bool`, optional): If it is activated, the "default" bond is returned if no bond is found between `particle_name1` and `particle_name2`. Defaults to 'False'. 
1716        Returns:
1717            bond_key (str): `name` of the bond between `particle_name1` and `particle_name2` 
1719        Note:
1720            - If `use_default_bond`=`True`, it returns "default" if no key is found.
1721        """
1722        bond_keys = [particle_name1 +'-'+ particle_name2, particle_name2 +'-'+ particle_name1 ]
1723        bond_defined=False
1724        for bond_key in bond_keys:
1725            if bond_key in self.df.values:
1726                bond_defined=True
1727                correct_key=bond_key
1728                break
1729        if bond_defined:
1730            return correct_key
1731        elif use_default_bond:
1732            return 'default'
1733        else:
1734            return 

Searches for the name of the bond between particle_name1 and particle_name2 in pymbe.df and returns it.

  • particle_name1(str): label of the type of the first particle type of the bonded particles.
  • particle_name2(str): label of the type of the second particle type of the bonded particles.
  • use_default_bond(bool, optional): If it is activated, the "default" bond is returned if no bond is found between particle_name1 and particle_name2. Defaults to 'False'.

bond_key (str): name of the bond between particle_name1 and particle_name2

  • If use_default_bond=True, it returns "default" if no key is found.
def find_value_from_es_type(self, es_type, column_name):
1736    def find_value_from_es_type(self, es_type, column_name):
1737        """
1738        Finds a value in `pmb.df` for a `column_name` and `es_type` pair.
1740        Args:
1741            es_type(`int`): value of the espresso type
1742            column_name(`str`): name of the column in `pymbe.df`
1744        Returns:
1745            Value in `pymbe.df` matching  `column_name` and `es_type`
1746        """
1747        idx = pd.IndexSlice
1748        for state in ['state_one', 'state_two']:
1749            index = np.where(self.df[(state, 'es_type')] == es_type)[0]
1750            if len(index) > 0:
1751                if column_name == 'label':
1752                    label = self.df.loc[idx[index[0]], idx[(state,column_name)]]
1753                    return label
1754                else: 
1755                    column_name_value = self.df.loc[idx[index[0]], idx[(column_name,'')]]
1756                    return column_name_value
1757        return None

Finds a value in pmb.df for a column_name and es_type pair.

  • es_type(int): value of the espresso type
  • column_name(str): name of the column in pymbe.df

Value in pymbe.df matching column_name and es_type

def generate_coordinates_outside_sphere(self, center, radius, max_dist, n_samples):
1759    def generate_coordinates_outside_sphere(self, center, radius, max_dist, n_samples):
1760        """
1761        Generates coordinates outside a sphere centered at `center`.
1763        Args:
1764            center(`lst`): Coordinates of the center of the sphere.
1765            radius(`float`): Radius of the sphere.
1766            max_dist(`float`): Maximum distance from the center of the spahre to generate coordinates.
1767            n_samples(`int`): Number of sample points.
1769        Returns:
1770            coord_list(`lst`): Coordinates of the sample points.
1771        """
1772        if not radius > 0: 
1773            raise ValueError (f'The value of {radius} must be a positive value')
1774        if not radius < max_dist:
1775            raise ValueError(f'The min_dist ({radius} must be lower than the max_dist ({max_dist}))')
1776        coord_list = []
1777        counter = 0
1778        while counter<n_samples:
1779            coord = self.generate_random_points_in_a_sphere(center=center, 
1780                                            radius=max_dist,
1781                                            n_samples=1)[0]
1782            if np.linalg.norm(coord-np.asarray(center))>=radius:
1783                coord_list.append (coord)
1784                counter += 1
1785        return coord_list

Generates coordinates outside a sphere centered at center.

  • center(lst): Coordinates of the center of the sphere.
  • radius(float): Radius of the sphere.
  • max_dist(float): Maximum distance from the center of the spahre to generate coordinates.
  • n_samples(int): Number of sample points.

coord_list(lst): Coordinates of the sample points.

def generate_random_points_in_a_sphere(self, center, radius, n_samples, on_surface=False):
1787    def generate_random_points_in_a_sphere(self, center, radius, n_samples, on_surface=False):
1788        """
1789        Uniformly samples points from a hypersphere. If on_surface is set to True, the points are
1790        uniformly sampled from the surface of the hypersphere.
1792        Args:
1793            center(`lst`): Array with the coordinates of the center of the spheres.
1794            radius(`float`): Radius of the sphere.
1795            n_samples(`int`): Number of sample points to generate inside the sphere.
1796            on_surface (`bool`, optional): If set to True, points will be uniformly sampled on the surface of the hypersphere.
1798        Returns:
1799            samples(`list`): Coordinates of the sample points inside the hypersphere.
1801        Note:
1802            - Algorithm from:
1803        """
1804        # initial values
1805        center=np.array(center)
1806        d = center.shape[0]
1807        # sample n_samples points in d dimensions from a standard normal distribution
1808        samples = self.rng.normal(size=(n_samples, d))
1809        # make the samples lie on the surface of the unit hypersphere
1810        normalize_radii = np.linalg.norm(samples, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
1811        samples /= normalize_radii
1812        if not on_surface:
1813            # make the samples lie inside the hypersphere with the correct density
1814            uniform_points = self.rng.uniform(size=n_samples)[:, np.newaxis]
1815            new_radii = np.power(uniform_points, 1/d)
1816            samples *= new_radii
1817        # scale the points to have the correct radius and center
1818        samples = samples * radius + center
1819        return samples 

Uniformly samples points from a hypersphere. If on_surface is set to True, the points are uniformly sampled from the surface of the hypersphere.

  • center(lst): Array with the coordinates of the center of the spheres.
  • radius(float): Radius of the sphere.
  • n_samples(int): Number of sample points to generate inside the sphere.
  • on_surface (bool, optional): If set to True, points will be uniformly sampled on the surface of the hypersphere.

samples(list): Coordinates of the sample points inside the hypersphere.

def generate_trial_perpendicular_vector(self, vector, magnitude):
1821    def generate_trial_perpendicular_vector(self,vector,magnitude):
1822        """
1823        Generates an orthogonal vector to the input `vector`.
1825        Args:
1826            vector(`lst`): arbitrary vector.
1827            magnitude(`float`): magnitude of the orthogonal vector.
1829        Returns:
1830            (`lst`): Orthogonal vector with the same magnitude as the input vector.
1831        """ 
1832        np_vec = np.array(vector) 
1833        np_vec /= np.linalg.norm(np_vec) 
1834        if np.all(np_vec == 0):
1835            raise ValueError('Zero vector')
1836        # Generate a random vector 
1837        random_vector = self.generate_random_points_in_a_sphere(radius=1, 
1838                                                                center=[0,0,0],
1839                                                                n_samples=1, 
1840                                                                on_surface=True)[0]
1841        # Project the random vector onto the input vector and subtract the projection
1842        projection =, np_vec) * np_vec
1843        perpendicular_vector = random_vector - projection
1844        # Normalize the perpendicular vector to have the same magnitude as the input vector
1845        perpendicular_vector /= np.linalg.norm(perpendicular_vector) 
1846        return perpendicular_vector*magnitude

Generates an orthogonal vector to the input vector.

  • vector(lst): arbitrary vector.
  • magnitude(float): magnitude of the orthogonal vector.

(lst): Orthogonal vector with the same magnitude as the input vector.

def get_bond_length( self, particle_name1, particle_name2, hard_check=False, use_default_bond=False):
1848    def get_bond_length(self, particle_name1, particle_name2, hard_check=False, use_default_bond=False) :
1849        """
1850        Searches for bonds between the particle types given by `particle_name1` and `particle_name2` in `pymbe.df` and returns the initial bond length.
1851        If `use_default_bond` is activated and a "default" bond is defined, returns the length of that default bond instead.
1852        If no bond is found, it prints a message and it does not return anything. If `hard_check` is activated, the code stops if no bond is found.
1854        Args:
1855            particle_name1 (str): label of the type of the first particle type of the bonded particles.
1856            particle_name2 (str): label of the type of the second particle type of the bonded particles.
1857            hard_check (bool, optional): If it is activated, the code stops if no bond is found. Defaults to False. 
1858            use_default_bond (bool, optional): If it is activated, the "default" bond is returned if no bond is found between `particle_name1` and `particle_name2`. Defaults to False. 
1860        Returns:
1861            l0 (`float`): bond length
1863        Note:
1864            - If `use_default_bond`=True and no bond is defined between `particle_name1` and `particle_name2`, it returns the default bond defined in `pmb.df`.
1865            - If `hard_check`=`True` stops the code when no bond is found.
1866        """
1867        bond_key = self.find_bond_key(particle_name1=particle_name1, 
1868                                    particle_name2=particle_name2, 
1869                                    use_default_bond=use_default_bond)
1870        if bond_key:
1871            return self.df[self.df['name']==bond_key].l0.values[0]
1872        else:
1873            print("Bond not defined between particles ", particle_name1, " and ", particle_name2)    
1874            if hard_check:
1875                sys.exit(1)
1876            else:
1877                return

Searches for bonds between the particle types given by particle_name1 and particle_name2 in pymbe.df and returns the initial bond length. If use_default_bond is activated and a "default" bond is defined, returns the length of that default bond instead. If no bond is found, it prints a message and it does not return anything. If hard_check is activated, the code stops if no bond is found.

  • particle_name1 (str): label of the type of the first particle type of the bonded particles.
  • particle_name2 (str): label of the type of the second particle type of the bonded particles.
  • hard_check (bool, optional): If it is activated, the code stops if no bond is found. Defaults to False.
  • use_default_bond (bool, optional): If it is activated, the "default" bond is returned if no bond is found between particle_name1 and particle_name2. Defaults to False.

l0 (float): bond length

  • If use_default_bond=True and no bond is defined between particle_name1 and particle_name2, it returns the default bond defined in pmb.df.
  • If hard_check=True stops the code when no bond is found.
def get_charge_map(self):
1879    def get_charge_map(self):
1880        '''
1881        Gets the charge of each `espresso_type` in `pymbe.df`.
1883        Returns:
1884            charge_map(`dict`): {espresso_type: charge}.
1885        '''
1886        if self.df.state_one['es_type'].isnull().values.any():         
1887            df_state_one = self.df.state_one.dropna()     
1888            df_state_two = self.df.state_two.dropna()  
1889        else:    
1890            df_state_one = self.df.state_one
1891            if self.df.state_two['es_type'].isnull().values.any():
1892                df_state_two = self.df.state_two.dropna()   
1893            else:
1894                df_state_two = self.df.state_two
1895        state_one = pd.Series (df_state_one.charge.values,index=df_state_one.es_type.values)
1896        state_two = pd.Series (df_state_two.charge.values,index=df_state_two.es_type.values)
1897        charge_map  = pd.concat([state_one,state_two],axis=0).to_dict()
1898        return charge_map

Gets the charge of each espresso_type in pymbe.df.


charge_map(dict): {espresso_type: charge}.

def get_lj_parameters( self, particle_name1, particle_name2, combining_rule='Lorentz-Berthelot'):
1900    def get_lj_parameters(self, particle_name1, particle_name2, combining_rule='Lorentz-Berthelot'):
1901        """
1902        Returns the Lennard-Jones parameters for the interaction between the particle types given by 
1903        `particle_name1` and `particle_name2` in `pymbe.df`, calculated according to the provided combining rule.
1905        Args:
1906            particle_name1 (str): label of the type of the first particle type
1907            particle_name2 (str): label of the type of the second particle type
1908            combining_rule (`string`, optional): combining rule used to calculate `sigma` and `epsilon` for the potential betwen a pair of particles. Defaults to 'Lorentz-Berthelot'.
1910        Returns:
1911            {"epsilon": LJ epsilon, "sigma": LJ sigma}
1913        Note:
1914            Currently, the only `combining_rule` supported is Lorentz-Berthelot.
1915        """
1916        supported_combining_rules=["Lorentz-Berthelot"]
1918        if combining_rule not in supported_combining_rules:
1919            raise ValueError(f"Combining_rule {combining_rule} currently not implemented in pyMBE, valid keys are {supported_combining_rules}")
1921        eps1 = self.df.loc[self.df["name"]==particle_name1].epsilon.iloc[0]
1922        sigma1 = self.df.loc[self.df["name"]==particle_name1].sigma.iloc[0]
1923        eps2 = self.df.loc[self.df["name"]==particle_name2].epsilon.iloc[0]
1924        sigma2 = self.df.loc[self.df["name"]==particle_name2].sigma.iloc[0]
1926        return {"epsilon": np.sqrt(eps1*eps2), "sigma": (sigma1+sigma2)/2.0}

Returns the Lennard-Jones parameters for the interaction between the particle types given by particle_name1 and particle_name2 in pymbe.df, calculated according to the provided combining rule.

  • particle_name1 (str): label of the type of the first particle type
  • particle_name2 (str): label of the type of the second particle type
  • combining_rule (string, optional): combining rule used to calculate sigma and epsilon for the potential betwen a pair of particles. Defaults to 'Lorentz-Berthelot'.

{"epsilon": LJ epsilon, "sigma": LJ sigma}


Currently, the only combining_rule supported is Lorentz-Berthelot.

def get_particle_id_map(self, object_name):
1928    def get_particle_id_map(self, object_name):
1929        '''
1930        Gets all the ids associated with the object with name `object_name` in `pmb.df`
1932        Args:
1933            object_name(`str`): name of the object
1935        Returns:
1936            id_map(`dict`): dict of the structure {"all": [all_ids_with_object_name], "residue_map": {res_id: [particle_ids_in_res_id]}, "molecule_map": {mol_id: [particle_ids_in_mol_id]}, }
1937        '''
1938        object_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']== object_name].pmb_type.values[0]
1939        valid_types = ["particle", "molecule", "residue", "protein"]
1940        if object_type not in valid_types:
1941            raise ValueError(f"{object_name} is of pmb_type {object_type}, which is not supported by this function. Supported types are {valid_types}")
1942        id_list = []
1943        mol_map = {}
1944        res_map = {}
1945        def do_res_map(res_ids):
1946            for res_id in res_ids:
1947                res_list=self.df.loc[self.df['residue_id']== res_id].particle_id.dropna().tolist()
1948                res_map[res_id]=res_list
1949            return res_map
1950        if object_type in ['molecule', 'protein']:
1951            mol_ids = self.df.loc[self.df['name']== object_name].molecule_id.dropna().tolist()
1952            for mol_id in mol_ids:
1953                res_ids = set(self.df.loc[self.df['molecule_id']== mol_id].residue_id.dropna().tolist())
1954                res_map=do_res_map(res_ids=res_ids)    
1955                mol_list=self.df.loc[self.df['molecule_id']== mol_id].particle_id.dropna().tolist()
1956                id_list+=mol_list
1957                mol_map[mol_id]=mol_list
1958        elif object_type == 'residue':     
1959            res_ids = self.df.loc[self.df['name']== object_name].residue_id.dropna().tolist()
1960            res_map=do_res_map(res_ids=res_ids)
1961            id_list=[]
1962            for res_id_list in res_map.values():
1963                id_list+=res_id_list
1964        elif object_type == 'particle':
1965            id_list = self.df.loc[self.df['name']== object_name].particle_id.dropna().tolist()
1966        return {"all": id_list, "molecule_map": mol_map, "residue_map": res_map}

Gets all the ids associated with the object with name object_name in pmb.df

  • object_name(str): name of the object

id_map(dict): dict of the structure {"all": [all_ids_with_object_name], "residue_map": {res_id: [particle_ids_in_res_id]}, "molecule_map": {mol_id: [particle_ids_in_mol_id]}, }

def get_pka_set(self):
1968    def get_pka_set(self):
1969        '''
1970        Gets the pka-values and acidities of the particles with acid/base properties in `pmb.df`
1972        Returns:
1973            pka_set(`dict`): {"name" : {"pka_value": pka, "acidity": acidity}}
1974        '''
1975        titratables_AA_df = self.df[[('name',''),('pka',''),('acidity','')]].drop_duplicates().dropna()
1976        pka_set = {}
1977        for index in
1978            name =[index]
1979            pka_value = titratables_AA_df.pka[index]
1980            acidity = titratables_AA_df.acidity[index]   
1981            pka_set[name] = {'pka_value':pka_value,'acidity':acidity}
1982        return pka_set 

Gets the pka-values and acidities of the particles with acid/base properties in pmb.df


pka_set(dict): {"name" : {"pka_value": pka, "acidity": acidity}}

def get_radius_map(self):
1984    def get_radius_map(self):
1985        '''
1986        Gets the effective radius of each `espresso type` in `pmb.df`. 
1988        Returns:
1989            radius_map(`dict`): {espresso_type: radius}.
1990        '''
1992        df_state_one = self.df[[('sigma',''),('state_one','es_type')]].dropna().drop_duplicates()
1993        df_state_two = self.df[[('sigma',''),('state_two','es_type')]].dropna().drop_duplicates()
1995        state_one = pd.Series(df_state_one.sigma.values/2.0,index=df_state_one.state_one.es_type.values)
1996        state_two = pd.Series(df_state_two.sigma.values/2.0,index=df_state_two.state_two.es_type.values)
1997        radius_map  = pd.concat([state_one,state_two],axis=0).to_dict()
1999        return radius_map

Gets the effective radius of each espresso type in pmb.df.


radius_map(dict): {espresso_type: radius}.

def get_resource(self, path):
2001    def get_resource(self, path):
2002        '''
2003        Locate a file resource of the pyMBE package.
2005        Args:
2006            path(`str`): Relative path to the resource
2008        Returns:
2009            path(`str`): Absolute path to the resource
2011        '''
2012        import os
2013        return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), path)

Locate a file resource of the pyMBE package.

  • path(str): Relative path to the resource

path(str): Absolute path to the resource

def get_type_map(self):
2015    def get_type_map(self):
2016        """
2017        Gets all different espresso types assigned to particles  in `pmb.df`.
2019        Returns:
2020            type_map(`dict`): {"name": espresso_type}.
2021        """
2022        if self.df.state_one['es_type'].isnull().values.any():         
2023            df_state_one = self.df.state_one.dropna(how='all')     
2024            df_state_two = self.df.state_two.dropna(how='all')  
2025        else:    
2026            df_state_one = self.df.state_one
2027            if self.df.state_two['es_type'].isnull().values.any():
2028                df_state_two = self.df.state_two.dropna(how='all')   
2029            else:
2030                df_state_two = self.df.state_two
2031        state_one = pd.Series (df_state_one.es_type.values,index=df_state_one.label)
2032        state_two = pd.Series (df_state_two.es_type.values,index=df_state_two.label)
2033        type_map  = pd.concat([state_one,state_two],axis=0).to_dict()
2034        return type_map

Gets all different espresso types assigned to particles in pmb.df.


type_map(dict): {"name": espresso_type}.

def load_interaction_parameters(self, filename, verbose=True):
2036    def load_interaction_parameters(self, filename, verbose=True):
2037        """
2038        Loads the interaction parameters stored in `filename` into `pmb.df`
2040        Args:
2041            filename(`str`): name of the file to be read
2042            verbose (`bool`, optional): Switch to activate/deactivate verbose. Defaults to True.
2043        """
2044        without_units = ['q','es_type','acidity']
2045        with_units = ['sigma','epsilon']
2047        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
2048            interaction_data = json.load(f)
2049            interaction_parameter_set = interaction_data["data"]
2051        for key in interaction_parameter_set:
2052            param_dict=interaction_parameter_set[key]
2053            object_type=param_dict['object_type']
2054            if object_type == 'particle':
2055                not_requiered_attributes={}    
2056                for not_requiered_key in without_units+with_units:
2057                    if not_requiered_key in param_dict.keys():
2058                        if not_requiered_key in with_units:
2059                            not_requiered_attributes[not_requiered_key]=self.create_variable_with_units(variable=param_dict.pop(not_requiered_key))
2060                        elif not_requiered_key in without_units:
2061                            not_requiered_attributes[not_requiered_key]=param_dict.pop(not_requiered_key)
2062                    else:
2063                        if not_requiered_key == 'acidity':
2064                            not_requiered_attributes[not_requiered_key] = 'inert'
2065                        else:    
2066                            not_requiered_attributes[not_requiered_key]=None
2067                self.define_particle(name=param_dict.pop('name'),
2068                                q=not_requiered_attributes.pop('q'),
2069                                sigma=not_requiered_attributes.pop('sigma'),
2070                                acidity=not_requiered_attributes.pop('acidity'),
2071                                epsilon=not_requiered_attributes.pop('epsilon'),
2072                                verbose=verbose)
2073            elif object_type == 'residue':
2074                self.define_residue (name = param_dict.pop('name'),
2075                                    central_bead = param_dict.pop('central_bead_name'),
2076                                    side_chains = param_dict.pop('side_chains_names'))
2077            elif object_type == 'molecule':
2078                self.define_molecule(name=param_dict.pop('name'),
2079                                    residue_list=param_dict.pop('residue_name_list'))
2080            elif object_type == 'peptide':
2081                self.define_peptide(name=param_dict.pop('name'),
2082                                    sequence=param_dict.pop('sequence'),
2083                                    model=param_dict.pop('model'))
2084            elif object_type == 'bond':
2085                particle_pairs = param_dict.pop('particle_pairs')
2086                bond_parameters = param_dict.pop('bond_parameters')
2087                bond_type = param_dict.pop('bond_type')
2088                if bond_type == 'harmonic':
2089                    k = self.create_variable_with_units(variable=bond_parameters.pop('k'))
2090                    r_0 = self.create_variable_with_units(variable=bond_parameters.pop('r_0'))
2091                    bond = {'r_0'    : r_0,
2092                            'k'      : k,
2093                            }
2095                elif bond_type == 'FENE':
2096                    k = self.create_variable_with_units(variable=bond_parameters.pop('k'))
2097                    r_0 = self.create_variable_with_units(variable=bond_parameters.pop('r_0'))
2098                    d_r_max = self.create_variable_with_units(variable=bond_parameters.pop('d_r_max'))
2099                    bond =  {'r_0'    : r_0,
2100                             'k'      : k,
2101                             'd_r_max': d_r_max,
2102                             }
2103                else:
2104                    raise ValueError("Current implementation of pyMBE only supports harmonic and FENE bonds")
2105                self.define_bond(bond_type=bond_type, bond_parameters=bond, particle_pairs=particle_pairs)
2106            else:
2107                raise ValueError(object_type+' is not a known pmb object type')
2109        return

Loads the interaction parameters stored in filename into pmb.df

  • filename(str): name of the file to be read
  • verbose (bool, optional): Switch to activate/deactivate verbose. Defaults to True.
def load_pka_set(self, filename, verbose=True):
2111    def load_pka_set(self, filename, verbose=True):
2112        """
2113        Loads the pka_set stored in `filename` into `pmb.df`.
2115        Args:
2116            filename(`str`): name of the file with the pka set to be loaded. Expected format is {name:{"acidity": acidity, "pka_value":pka_value}}.
2117            verbose (`bool`, optional): Switch to activate/deactivate verbose. Defaults to True.
2119        Note:
2120            - If `name` is already defined in the `pymbe.df`, it prints a warning.
2121        """
2122        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
2123            pka_data = json.load(f)
2124            pka_set = pka_data["data"]
2126        self.check_pka_set(pka_set=pka_set)
2128        for key in pka_set:
2129            acidity = pka_set[key]['acidity']
2130            pka_value = pka_set[key]['pka_value']
2131            self.define_particle(
2132                    name=key,
2133                    acidity=acidity, 
2134                    pka=pka_value,
2135                    verbose=verbose)
2136        return

Loads the pka_set stored in filename into pmb.df.

  • filename(str): name of the file with the pka set to be loaded. Expected format is {name:{"acidity": acidity, "pka_value":pka_value}}.
  • verbose (bool, optional): Switch to activate/deactivate verbose. Defaults to True.
  • If name is already defined in the pymbe.df, it prints a warning.
def parse_sequence_from_file(self, sequence):
2138    def parse_sequence_from_file(self,sequence):
2139        """
2140        Parses the given sequence such that it can be used in pyMBE. This function has to be used if the df was read from a file.
2142        Args:
2143            sequence(`str`): sequence to be parsed
2145        Returns:
2146            sequence(`lst`): parsed sequence
2147        """
2148        sequence = sequence.replace(' ', '')
2149        sequence = sequence.replace("'", '')
2150        sequence = sequence.split(",")[1:-1]
2151        return sequence

Parses the given sequence such that it can be used in pyMBE. This function has to be used if the df was read from a file.

  • sequence(str): sequence to be parsed

sequence(lst): parsed sequence

def print_reduced_units(self):
2153    def print_reduced_units(self):
2154        """
2155        Prints the  current set of reduced units defined in pyMBE.units.
2156        """
2157        print("\nCurrent set of reduced units:")
2158        unit_length=self.units.Quantity(1,'reduced_length')
2159        unit_energy=self.units.Quantity(1,'reduced_energy')
2160        unit_charge=self.units.Quantity(1,'reduced_charge')
2161        print('nm'), "=", unit_length)
2162        print('J'), "=", unit_energy)
2163        print('Temperature:', (self.kT/self.Kb).to("K"))
2164        print('C'), "=", unit_charge)
2165        print()

Prints the current set of reduced units defined in pyMBE.units.

def propose_unused_type(self):
2167    def propose_unused_type(self):
2168        """
2169        Searches in `pmb.df` all the different particle types defined and returns a new one.
2171        Returns:
2172            unused_type(`int`): unused particle type
2173        """
2174        type_map=self.get_type_map()
2175        if type_map == {}:    
2176            unused_type = 0
2177        else:
2178            unused_type=max(type_map.values())+1    
2179        return unused_type

Searches in pmb.df all the different particle types defined and returns a new one.


unused_type(int): unused particle type

def protein_sequence_parser(self, sequence):
2181    def protein_sequence_parser(self, sequence):
2182        '''
2183        Parses `sequence` to the one letter code for amino acids.
2185        Args:
2186            sequence(`str` or `lst`): Sequence of the amino acid. 
2188        Returns:
2189            clean_sequence(`lst`): `sequence` using the one letter code.
2191        Note:
2192            - Accepted formats for `sequence` are:
2193                - `lst` with one letter or three letter code of each aminoacid in each element
2194                - `str` with the sequence using the one letter code
2195                - `str` with the squence using the three letter code, each aminoacid must be separated by a hyphen "-"
2197        '''
2198        # Aminoacid key
2199        keys={"ALA": "A",
2200                "ARG": "R",
2201                "ASN": "N",
2202                "ASP": "D",
2203                "CYS": "C",
2204                "GLU": "E",
2205                "GLN": "Q",
2206                "GLY": "G",
2207                "HIS": "H",
2208                "ILE": "I",
2209                "LEU": "L",
2210                "LYS": "K",
2211                "MET": "M",
2212                "PHE": "F",
2213                "PRO": "P",
2214                "SER": "S",
2215                "THR": "T",
2216                "TRP": "W",
2217                "TYR": "Y",
2218                "VAL": "V",
2219                "PSER": "J",
2220                "PTHR": "U",
2221                "PTyr": "Z",
2222                "NH2": "n",
2223                "COOH": "c"}
2224        clean_sequence=[]
2225        if isinstance(sequence, str):
2226            if sequence.find("-") != -1:
2227                splited_sequence=sequence.split("-")
2228                for residue in splited_sequence:
2229                    if len(residue) == 1:
2230                        if residue in keys.values():
2231                            residue_ok=residue
2232                        else:
2233                            if residue.upper() in keys.values():
2234                                residue_ok=residue.upper()
2235                            else:
2236                                raise ValueError("Unknown one letter code for a residue given: ", residue, " please review the input sequence")
2237                        clean_sequence.append(residue_ok)
2238                    else:
2239                        if residue in keys.keys():
2240                            clean_sequence.append(keys[residue])
2241                        else:
2242                            if residue.upper() in keys.keys():
2243                                clean_sequence.append(keys[residue.upper()])
2244                            else:
2245                                raise ValueError("Unknown  code for a residue: ", residue, " please review the input sequence")
2246            else:
2247                for residue in sequence:
2248                    if residue in keys.values():
2249                        residue_ok=residue
2250                    else:
2251                        if residue.upper() in keys.values():
2252                            residue_ok=residue.upper()
2253                        else:
2254                            raise ValueError("Unknown one letter code for a residue: ", residue, " please review the input sequence")
2255                    clean_sequence.append(residue_ok)
2256        if isinstance(sequence, list):
2257            for residue in sequence:
2258                if residue in keys.values():
2259                    residue_ok=residue
2260                else:
2261                    if residue.upper() in keys.values():
2262                        residue_ok=residue.upper()
2263                    elif (residue.upper() in keys.keys()):
2264                        clean_sequence.append(keys[residue.upper()])
2265                    else:
2266                        raise ValueError("Unknown code for a residue: ", residue, " please review the input sequence")
2267                clean_sequence.append(residue_ok)
2268        return clean_sequence

Parses sequence to the one letter code for amino acids.

  • sequence(str or lst): Sequence of the amino acid.

clean_sequence(lst): sequence using the one letter code.

  • Accepted formats for sequence are:
    • lst with one letter or three letter code of each aminoacid in each element
    • str with the sequence using the one letter code
    • str with the squence using the three letter code, each aminoacid must be separated by a hyphen "-"
def read_pmb_df(self, filename):
2270    def read_pmb_df (self,filename):
2271        """
2272        Reads a pyMBE's Dataframe stored in `filename` and stores the information into pyMBE.
2274        Args:
2275            filename(str): path to file.
2277        Note:
2278            This function only accepts files with CSV format. 
2279        """
2281        if filename.rsplit(".", 1)[1] != "csv":
2282            raise ValueError("Only files with CSV format are supported")
2283        df = pd.read_csv (filename,header=[0, 1], index_col=0)
2284        columns_names = self.setup_df()
2286        multi_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(columns_names)
2287        df.columns = multi_index
2289        self.df = self.convert_columns_to_original_format(df)
2291        return self.df

Reads a pyMBE's Dataframe stored in filename and stores the information into pyMBE.

  • filename(str): path to file.

This function only accepts files with CSV format.

def read_protein_vtf_in_df(self, filename, unit_length=None):
2293    def read_protein_vtf_in_df (self,filename,unit_length=None):
2294        """
2295        Loads a coarse-grained protein model in a vtf file `filename` into the `pmb.df` and it labels it with `name`.
2297        Args:
2298            filename(`str`): Path to the vtf file with the coarse-grained model.
2299            unit_length(`obj`): unit of length of the the coordinates in `filename` using the pyMBE UnitRegistry. Defaults to None.
2301        Returns:
2302            topology_dict(`dict`): {'initial_pos': coords_list, 'chain_id': id, 'sigma': sigma_value}
2304        Note:
2305            - If no `unit_length` is provided, it is assumed that the coordinates are in Angstrom.
2306        """
2308        print (f'Loading protein coarse grain model file: {filename}')
2310        coord_list = []
2311        particles_dict = {}
2313        if unit_length is None:
2314            unit_length = 1 * self.units.angstrom 
2316        with open (filename,'r') as protein_model:
2317            for line in protein_model :
2318                line_split = line.split()
2319                if line_split:
2320                    line_header = line_split[0]
2321                    if line_header == 'atom':
2322                        atom_id  = line_split[1]
2323                        atom_name = line_split[3]
2324                        atom_resname = line_split[5]
2325                        chain_id = line_split[9]
2326                        radius = float(line_split [11])*unit_length 
2327                        sigma = 2*radius
2328                        particles_dict [int(atom_id)] = [atom_name , atom_resname, chain_id, sigma]
2329                    elif line_header.isnumeric(): 
2330                        atom_coord = line_split[1:] 
2331                        atom_coord = [(float(i)*unit_length).to('reduced_length').magnitude for i in atom_coord]
2332                        coord_list.append (atom_coord)
2334        numbered_label = []
2335        i = 0   
2337        for atom_id in particles_dict.keys():
2339            if atom_id == 1:
2340                atom_name = particles_dict[atom_id][0]
2341                numbered_name = [f'{atom_name}{i}',particles_dict[atom_id][2],particles_dict[atom_id][3]]
2342                numbered_label.append(numbered_name)
2344            elif atom_id != 1: 
2346                if particles_dict[atom_id-1][1] != particles_dict[atom_id][1]:
2347                    i += 1                    
2348                    count = 1
2349                    atom_name = particles_dict[atom_id][0]
2350                    numbered_name = [f'{atom_name}{i}',particles_dict[atom_id][2],particles_dict[atom_id][3]]
2351                    numbered_label.append(numbered_name)
2353                elif particles_dict[atom_id-1][1] == particles_dict[atom_id][1]:
2354                    if count == 2 or particles_dict[atom_id][1] == 'GLY':
2355                        i +=1  
2356                        count = 0
2357                    atom_name = particles_dict[atom_id][0]
2358                    numbered_name = [f'{atom_name}{i}',particles_dict[atom_id][2],particles_dict[atom_id][3]]
2359                    numbered_label.append(numbered_name)
2360                    count +=1
2362        topology_dict = {}
2364        for i in range (0, len(numbered_label)):   
2365            topology_dict [numbered_label[i][0]] = {'initial_pos': coord_list[i] ,
2366                                                    'chain_id':numbered_label[i][1],
2367                                                    'sigma':numbered_label[i][2] }
2369        return topology_dict

Loads a coarse-grained protein model in a vtf file filename into the pmb.df and it labels it with name.

  • filename(str): Path to the vtf file with the coarse-grained model.
  • unit_length(obj): unit of length of the the coordinates in filename using the pyMBE UnitRegistry. Defaults to None.

topology_dict(dict): {'initial_pos': coords_list, 'chain_id': id, 'sigma': sigma_value}

  • If no unit_length is provided, it is assumed that the coordinates are in Angstrom.
def search_bond( self, particle_name1, particle_name2, hard_check=False, use_default_bond=False):
2371    def search_bond(self, particle_name1, particle_name2, hard_check=False, use_default_bond=False) :
2372        """
2373        Searches for bonds between the particle types given by `particle_name1` and `particle_name2` in `pymbe.df` and returns it.
2374        If `use_default_bond` is activated and a "default" bond is defined, returns that default bond instead.
2375        If no bond is found, it prints a message and it does not return anything. If `hard_check` is activated, the code stops if no bond is found.
2377        Args:
2378            particle_name1 (str): label of the type of the first particle type of the bonded particles.
2379            particle_name2 (str): label of the type of the second particle type of the bonded particles.
2380            hard_check (bool, optional): If it is activated, the code stops if no bond is found. Defaults to False. 
2381            use_default_bond (bool, optional): If it is activated, the "default" bond is returned if no bond is found between `particle_name1` and `particle_name2`. Defaults to False. 
2383        Returns:
2384            bond (cls): bond object from the espressomd library.
2386        Note:
2387            - If `use_default_bond`=True and no bond is defined between `particle_name1` and `particle_name2`, it returns the default bond defined in `pmb.df`.
2388            - If `hard_check`=`True` stops the code when no bond is found.
2389        """
2391        bond_key = self.find_bond_key(particle_name1=particle_name1, 
2392                                    particle_name2=particle_name2, 
2393                                    use_default_bond=use_default_bond)
2394        if use_default_bond:
2395            if not self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name="default",pmb_type_to_be_defined='bond'):
2396                raise ValueError(f"use_default_bond is set to {use_default_bond} but no default bond has been defined. Please define a default bond with pmb.define_default_bond")
2397        if bond_key:
2398            return self.df[self.df['name']==bond_key].bond_object.values[0]
2399        else:
2400            print("Bond not defined between particles ", particle_name1, " and ", particle_name2)    
2401            if hard_check:
2402                sys.exit(1)
2403            else:
2404                return

Searches for bonds between the particle types given by particle_name1 and particle_name2 in pymbe.df and returns it. If use_default_bond is activated and a "default" bond is defined, returns that default bond instead. If no bond is found, it prints a message and it does not return anything. If hard_check is activated, the code stops if no bond is found.

  • particle_name1 (str): label of the type of the first particle type of the bonded particles.
  • particle_name2 (str): label of the type of the second particle type of the bonded particles.
  • hard_check (bool, optional): If it is activated, the code stops if no bond is found. Defaults to False.
  • use_default_bond (bool, optional): If it is activated, the "default" bond is returned if no bond is found between particle_name1 and particle_name2. Defaults to False.

bond (cls): bond object from the espressomd library.

  • If use_default_bond=True and no bond is defined between particle_name1 and particle_name2, it returns the default bond defined in pmb.df.
  • If hard_check=True stops the code when no bond is found.
def search_particles_in_residue(self, residue_name):
2406    def search_particles_in_residue(self, residue_name):
2407        '''
2408        Searches for all particles in a given residue of name `residue_name`.
2410        Args:
2411            residue_name (`str`): name of the residue to be searched
2413        Returns:
2414            list_of_particles_in_residue (`lst`): list of the names of all particles in the residue
2416        Note:
2417            - The function returns a name per particle in residue, i.e. if there are multiple particles with the same type `list_of_particles_in_residue` will have repeated items.
2419        '''
2420        index_residue = self.df.loc[self.df['name'] == residue_name].index[0].item() 
2421        central_bead = [index_residue, ('central_bead', '')]
2422        list_of_side_chains = [index_residue, ('side_chains', '')]
2424        list_of_particles_in_residue = []
2425        list_of_particles_in_residue.append(central_bead)
2427        for side_chain in list_of_side_chains: 
2428            object_type = self.df[self.df['name']==side_chain].pmb_type.values[0]
2430            if object_type == "residue":
2431                list_of_particles_in_side_chain_residue = self.search_particles_in_residue(side_chain)
2432                list_of_particles_in_residue += list_of_particles_in_side_chain_residue
2433            elif object_type == "particle":
2434                list_of_particles_in_residue.append(side_chain)
2436        return list_of_particles_in_residue

Searches for all particles in a given residue of name residue_name.

  • residue_name (str): name of the residue to be searched

list_of_particles_in_residue (lst): list of the names of all particles in the residue

  • The function returns a name per particle in residue, i.e. if there are multiple particles with the same type list_of_particles_in_residue will have repeated items.
def set_particle_acidity( self, name, acidity='inert', default_charge=0, pka=None, verbose=True):
2438    def set_particle_acidity(self, name, acidity='inert', default_charge=0, pka=None, verbose=True):
2439        """
2440        Sets the particle acidity if it is acidic or basic, creates `state_one` and `state_two` with the protonated and 
2441        deprotonated states. In each state is set: `label`,`charge` and `es_type`. If it is inert, it will define only `state_one`.
2443        Args:
2444            name (`str`): Unique label that identifies the `particle`. 
2445            acidity (`str`): Identifies whether the particle is `acidic` or `basic`, used to setup constant pH simulations. Defaults to `inert`.
2446            default_charge (`int`): Charge of the particle. Defaults to 0.
2447            pka (`float`, optional):  If `particle` is an acid or a base, it defines its pka-value. Defaults to None.
2448            verbose (`bool`, optional): Switch to activate/deactivate verbose. Defaults to True.
2449        """
2450        acidity_valid_keys = ['inert','acidic', 'basic']
2451        if acidity not in acidity_valid_keys:
2452            raise ValueError(f"Acidity {acidity} provided for particle name  {name} is not supproted. Valid keys are: {acidity_valid_keys}")
2453        if acidity in ['acidic', 'basic'] and pka is None:
2454            raise ValueError(f"pKa not provided for particle with name {name} with acidity {acidity}. pKa must be provided for acidic or basic particles.")   
2455        for index in self.df[self.df['name']==name].index:       
2456            if pka:
2457                self.add_value_to_df(key=('pka',''),
2458                                    index=index,
2459                                    new_value=pka, 
2460                                    verbose=verbose)
2461            self.add_value_to_df(key=('acidity',''),
2462                                 index=index,
2463                                 new_value=acidity, 
2464                                 verbose=verbose) 
2465            if not self.check_if_df_cell_has_a_value(index=index,key=('state_one','es_type')):
2466                self.add_value_to_df(key=('state_one','es_type'),
2467                                     index=index,
2468                                     new_value=self.propose_unused_type(), 
2469                                     verbose=verbose)  
2470            if self.df.loc [self.df['name']  == name].acidity.iloc[0] == 'inert':
2471                self.add_value_to_df(key=('state_one','charge'),
2472                                     index=index,
2473                                     new_value=default_charge, 
2474                                     verbose=verbose)
2475                self.add_value_to_df(key=('state_one','label'),
2476                                     index=index,
2477                                     new_value=name, 
2478                                     verbose=verbose)
2479            else:
2480                protonated_label = f'{name}H'
2481                self.add_value_to_df(key=('state_one','label'),
2482                                     index=index,
2483                                     new_value=protonated_label, 
2484                                     verbose=verbose)
2485                self.add_value_to_df(key=('state_two','label'),
2486                                     index=index,
2487                                     new_value=name, 
2488                                     verbose=verbose)
2489                if not self.check_if_df_cell_has_a_value(index=index,key=('state_two','es_type')):
2490                    self.add_value_to_df(key=('state_two','es_type'),
2491                                         index=index,
2492                                         new_value=self.propose_unused_type(), 
2493                                         verbose=verbose)
2494                if self.df.loc [self.df['name']  == name].acidity.iloc[0] == 'acidic':        
2495                    self.add_value_to_df(key=('state_one','charge'),
2496                                         index=index,new_value=0, 
2497                                         verbose=verbose)
2498                    self.add_value_to_df(key=('state_two','charge'),
2499                                         index=index,
2500                                         new_value=-1, 
2501                                         verbose=verbose)
2502                elif self.df.loc [self.df['name']  == name].acidity.iloc[0] == 'basic':
2503                    self.add_value_to_df(key=('state_one','charge'),
2504                                         index=index,new_value=+1, 
2505                                         verbose=verbose)
2506                    self.add_value_to_df(key=('state_two','charge'),
2507                                         index=index,
2508                                         new_value=0, 
2509                                         verbose=verbose)   
2510        return

Sets the particle acidity if it is acidic or basic, creates state_one and state_two with the protonated and deprotonated states. In each state is set: label,charge and es_type. If it is inert, it will define only state_one.

  • name (str): Unique label that identifies the particle.
  • acidity (str): Identifies whether the particle is acidic or basic, used to setup constant pH simulations. Defaults to inert.
  • default_charge (int): Charge of the particle. Defaults to 0.
  • pka (float, optional): If particle is an acid or a base, it defines its pka-value. Defaults to None.
  • verbose (bool, optional): Switch to activate/deactivate verbose. Defaults to True.
def set_reduced_units( self, unit_length=None, unit_charge=None, temperature=None, Kw=None, verbose=True):
2512    def set_reduced_units(self, unit_length=None, unit_charge=None, temperature=None, Kw=None, verbose=True):
2513        """
2514        Sets the set of reduced units used by pyMBE.units and it prints it.
2516        Args:
2517            unit_length (`obj`,optional): Reduced unit of length defined using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry. Defaults to None. 
2518            unit_charge (`obj`,optional): Reduced unit of charge defined using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry. Defaults to None. 
2519            temperature (`obj`,optional): Temperature of the system, defined using the `pmb.units` UnitRegistry. Defaults to None. 
2520            Kw (`obj`,optional): Ionic product of water in mol^2/l^2. Defaults to None. 
2521            verbose (`bool`, optional): Switch to activate/deactivate verbose. Defaults to True.
2523        Note:
2524            - If no `temperature` is given, a value of 298.15 K is assumed by default.
2525            - If no `unit_length` is given, a value of 0.355 nm is assumed by default.
2526            - If no `unit_charge` is given, a value of 1 elementary charge is assumed by default. 
2527            - If no `Kw` is given, a value of 10^(-14) * mol^2 / l^2 is assumed by default. 
2528        """
2529        self.units=pint.UnitRegistry()
2530        if unit_length is None:
2531            unit_length=0.355*self.units.nm
2532        if temperature is None:
2533            temperature=298.15 * self.units.K
2534        if unit_charge is None:
2535            unit_charge=self.units.e
2536        if Kw is None:
2537            Kw = 1e-14
2538        self.N_A=6.02214076e23 / self.units.mol
2539        self.Kb=1.38064852e-23 * self.units.J / self.units.K
2540        self.e=1.60217662e-19 *self.units.C
2541        self.kT=temperature*self.Kb
2542        self.Kw=Kw*self.units.mol**2 / (self.units.l**2)
2543        self.units.define(f'reduced_energy = {self.kT} ')
2544        self.units.define(f'reduced_length = {unit_length}')
2545        self.units.define(f'reduced_charge = {unit_charge}')
2546        if verbose:        
2547            self.print_reduced_units()
2548        return

Sets the set of reduced units used by pyMBE.units and it prints it.

  • unit_length (obj,optional): Reduced unit of length defined using the pmb.units UnitRegistry. Defaults to None.
  • unit_charge (obj,optional): Reduced unit of charge defined using the pmb.units UnitRegistry. Defaults to None.
  • temperature (obj,optional): Temperature of the system, defined using the pmb.units UnitRegistry. Defaults to None.
  • Kw (obj,optional): Ionic product of water in mol^2/l^2. Defaults to None.
  • verbose (bool, optional): Switch to activate/deactivate verbose. Defaults to True.
  • If no temperature is given, a value of 298.15 K is assumed by default.
  • If no unit_length is given, a value of 0.355 nm is assumed by default.
  • If no unit_charge is given, a value of 1 elementary charge is assumed by default.
  • If no Kw is given, a value of 10^(-14) * mol^2 / l^2 is assumed by default.
def setup_cpH( self, counter_ion, constant_pH, exclusion_range=None, pka_set=None, use_exclusion_radius_per_type=False):
2550    def setup_cpH (self, counter_ion, constant_pH, exclusion_range=None, pka_set=None, use_exclusion_radius_per_type = False):
2551        """
2552        Sets up the Acid/Base reactions for acidic/basic `particles` defined in `pmb.df` to be sampled in the constant pH ensemble. 
2554        Args:
2555            counter_ion(`str`): `name` of the counter_ion `particle`.
2556            constant_pH(`float`): pH-value.
2557            exclusion_range(`float`, optional): Below this value, no particles will be inserted.
2558            use_exclusion_radius_per_type(`bool`,optional): Controls if one exclusion_radius for each espresso_type is used. Defaults to `False`.
2559            pka_set(`dict`,optional): Desired pka_set, pka_set(`dict`): {"name" : {"pka_value": pka, "acidity": acidity}}. Defaults to None.
2561        Returns:
2562            RE (`obj`): Instance of a reaction_ensemble.ConstantpHEnsemble object from the espressomd library.
2563            sucessfull_reactions_labels(`lst`): Labels of the reactions set up by pyMBE.
2564        """
2565        from espressomd import reaction_methods
2566        if exclusion_range is None:
2567            exclusion_range = max(self.get_radius_map().values())*2.0
2568        if pka_set is None:
2569            pka_set=self.get_pka_set()    
2570        self.check_pka_set(pka_set=pka_set)
2571        if use_exclusion_radius_per_type:
2572            exclusion_radius_per_type = self.get_radius_map()
2573        else:
2574            exclusion_radius_per_type = {}
2576        RE = reaction_methods.ConstantpHEnsemble('reduced_energy').magnitude,
2577                                                    exclusion_range=exclusion_range.magnitude, 
2578                                                    seed=self.SEED, 
2579                                                    constant_pH=constant_pH,
2580                                                    exclusion_radius_per_type = exclusion_radius_per_type
2581                                                    )
2582        sucessfull_reactions_labels=[]
2583        charge_map = self.get_charge_map()
2584        for name in pka_set.keys():
2585            if self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name,pmb_type_to_be_defined='particle') is False :
2586                print('WARNING: the acid-base reaction of ' + name +' has not been set up because its espresso type is not defined in sg.type_map')
2587                continue
2588            gamma=10**-pka_set[name]['pka_value']
2589            state_one_type   = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].state_one.es_type.values[0]
2590            state_two_type   = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].state_two.es_type.values[0]
2591            counter_ion_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==counter_ion].state_one.es_type.values[0]
2592            RE.add_reaction(gamma=gamma,
2593                            reactant_types=[state_one_type],
2594                            product_types=[state_two_type, counter_ion_type],
2595                            default_charges={state_one_type: charge_map[state_one_type],
2596                            state_two_type: charge_map[state_two_type],
2597                            counter_ion_type: charge_map[counter_ion_type]})
2598            sucessfull_reactions_labels.append(name)
2599        return RE, sucessfull_reactions_labels

Sets up the Acid/Base reactions for acidic/basic particles defined in pmb.df to be sampled in the constant pH ensemble.

  • counter_ion(str): name of the counter_ion particle.
  • constant_pH(float): pH-value.
  • exclusion_range(float, optional): Below this value, no particles will be inserted.
  • use_exclusion_radius_per_type(bool,optional): Controls if one exclusion_radius for each espresso_type is used. Defaults to False.
  • pka_set(dict,optional): Desired pka_set, pka_set(dict): {"name" : {"pka_value": pka, "acidity": acidity}}. Defaults to None.

RE (obj): Instance of a reaction_ensemble.ConstantpHEnsemble object from the espressomd library. sucessfull_reactions_labels(lst): Labels of the reactions set up by pyMBE.

def setup_gcmc( self, c_salt_res, salt_cation_name, salt_anion_name, activity_coefficient=None, exclusion_range=None, use_exclusion_radius_per_type=False):
2601    def setup_gcmc(self, c_salt_res, salt_cation_name, salt_anion_name, activity_coefficient=None, exclusion_range=None, use_exclusion_radius_per_type = False):
2602        """
2603        Sets up grand-canonical coupling to a reservoir of salt.
2604        For reactive systems coupled to a reservoir, the grand-reaction method has to be used instead.
2606        Args:
2607            c_salt_res ('float'): Concentration of monovalent salt (e.g. NaCl) in the reservoir.
2608            salt_cation_name ('str'): Name of the salt cation (e.g. Na+) particle.
2609            salt_anion_name ('str'): Name of the salt anion (e.g. Cl-) particle.
2610            activity_coefficient ('callable', optional): A function that calculates the activity coefficient of an ion pair as a function of the ionic strength.
2611            exclusion_range(`float`, optional): For distances shorter than this value, no particles will be inserted.
2612            use_exclusion_radius_per_type(`bool`,optional): Controls if one exclusion_radius for each espresso_type is used. Defaults to `False`.
2614        Returns:
2615            RE (`obj`): Instance of a reaction_ensemble.ReactionEnsemble object from the espressomd library.
2616        """
2617        from espressomd import reaction_methods
2618        if exclusion_range is None:
2619            exclusion_range = max(self.get_radius_map().values())*2.0
2620        if use_exclusion_radius_per_type:
2621            exclusion_radius_per_type = self.get_radius_map()
2622        else:
2623            exclusion_radius_per_type = {}
2625        #If no function for the activity coefficient is provided, the ideal case is assumed.
2626        if activity_coefficient is None:
2627            activity_coefficient = lambda x: 1.0
2629        RE = reaction_methods.ReactionEnsemble('reduced_energy').magnitude,
2630                                                    exclusion_range=exclusion_range.magnitude, 
2631                                                    seed=self.SEED, 
2632                                                    exclusion_radius_per_type = exclusion_radius_per_type
2633                                                    )
2635        # Determine the concentrations of the various species in the reservoir and the equilibrium constants
2636        determined_activity_coefficient = activity_coefficient(c_salt_res)
2637        K_salt = ('1/(N_A * reduced_length**3)')**2) * determined_activity_coefficient
2639        salt_cation_es_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==salt_cation_name].state_one.es_type.values[0]
2640        salt_anion_es_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==salt_anion_name].state_one.es_type.values[0]     
2642        salt_cation_charge = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==salt_cation_name].state_one.charge.values[0]
2643        salt_anion_charge = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==salt_anion_name].state_one.charge.values[0]     
2645        if salt_cation_charge <= 0:
2646            raise ValueError('ERROR salt cation charge must be positive, charge ', salt_cation_charge)
2647        if salt_anion_charge >= 0:
2648            raise ValueError('ERROR salt anion charge must be negative, charge ', salt_anion_charge)
2650        # Grand-canonical coupling to the reservoir
2651        RE.add_reaction(
2652            gamma = K_salt.magnitude,
2653            reactant_types = [],
2654            reactant_coefficients = [],
2655            product_types = [ salt_cation_es_type, salt_anion_es_type ],
2656            product_coefficients = [ 1, 1 ],
2657            default_charges = {
2658                salt_cation_es_type: salt_cation_charge, 
2659                salt_anion_es_type: salt_anion_charge, 
2660            }
2661        )
2663        return RE

Sets up grand-canonical coupling to a reservoir of salt. For reactive systems coupled to a reservoir, the grand-reaction method has to be used instead.

  • c_salt_res ('float'): Concentration of monovalent salt (e.g. NaCl) in the reservoir.
  • salt_cation_name ('str'): Name of the salt cation (e.g. Na+) particle.
  • salt_anion_name ('str'): Name of the salt anion (e.g. Cl-) particle.
  • activity_coefficient ('callable', optional): A function that calculates the activity coefficient of an ion pair as a function of the ionic strength.
  • exclusion_range(float, optional): For distances shorter than this value, no particles will be inserted.
  • use_exclusion_radius_per_type(bool,optional): Controls if one exclusion_radius for each espresso_type is used. Defaults to False.

RE (obj): Instance of a reaction_ensemble.ReactionEnsemble object from the espressomd library.

def setup_grxmc_reactions( self, pH_res, c_salt_res, proton_name, hydroxide_name, salt_cation_name, salt_anion_name, activity_coefficient=None, exclusion_range=None, pka_set=None, use_exclusion_radius_per_type=False):
2665    def setup_grxmc_reactions(self, pH_res, c_salt_res, proton_name, hydroxide_name, salt_cation_name, salt_anion_name, activity_coefficient=None, exclusion_range=None, pka_set=None, use_exclusion_radius_per_type = False):
2666        """
2667        Sets up Acid/Base reactions for acidic/basic 'particles' defined in 'pmb.df', as well as a grand-canonical coupling to a 
2668        reservoir of small ions. 
2669        This implementation uses the original formulation of the grand-reaction method by Landsgesell et al. [1].
2671        [1] Landsgesell, J., Hebbeker, P., Rud, O., Lunkad, R., KosÌŒovan, P., & Holm, C. (2020). Grand-reaction method for simulations of ionization equilibria coupled to ion partitioning. Macromolecules, 53(8), 3007-3020.
2673        Args:
2674            pH_res ('float): pH-value in the reservoir.
2675            c_salt_res ('float'): Concentration of monovalent salt (e.g. NaCl) in the reservoir.
2676            proton_name ('str'): Name of the proton (H+) particle.
2677            hydroxide_name ('str'): Name of the hydroxide (OH-) particle.
2678            salt_cation_name ('str'): Name of the salt cation (e.g. Na+) particle.
2679            salt_anion_name ('str'): Name of the salt anion (e.g. Cl-) particle.
2680            activity_coefficient ('callable', optional): A function that calculates the activity coefficient of an ion pair as a function of the ionic strength.
2681            exclusion_range(`float`, optional): For distances shorter than this value, no particles will be inserted.
2682            pka_set(`dict`,optional): Desired pka_set, pka_set(`dict`): {"name" : {"pka_value": pka, "acidity": acidity}}. Defaults to None.
2683            use_exclusion_radius_per_type(`bool`,optional): Controls if one exclusion_radius for each espresso_type is used. Defaults to `False`.
2685        Returns:
2686            RE (`obj`): Instance of a reaction_ensemble.ReactionEnsemble object from the espressomd library.
2687            sucessful_reactions_labels(`lst`): Labels of the reactions set up by pyMBE.
2688            ionic_strength_res ('float'): Ionic strength of the reservoir (useful for calculating partition coefficients).
2689        """
2690        from espressomd import reaction_methods
2691        if exclusion_range is None:
2692            exclusion_range = max(self.get_radius_map().values())*2.0
2693        if pka_set is None:
2694            pka_set=self.get_pka_set()    
2695        self.check_pka_set(pka_set=pka_set)
2696        if use_exclusion_radius_per_type:
2697            exclusion_radius_per_type = self.get_radius_map()
2698        else:
2699            exclusion_radius_per_type = {}
2701        #If no function for the activity coefficient is provided, the ideal case is assumed.
2702        if activity_coefficient is None:
2703            activity_coefficient = lambda x: 1.0
2705        RE = reaction_methods.ReactionEnsemble('reduced_energy').magnitude,
2706                                                    exclusion_range=exclusion_range.magnitude, 
2707                                                    seed=self.SEED, 
2708                                                    exclusion_radius_per_type = exclusion_radius_per_type
2709                                                    )
2711        # Determine the concentrations of the various species in the reservoir and the equilibrium constants
2712        cH_res, cOH_res, cNa_res, cCl_res = self.determine_reservoir_concentrations(pH_res, c_salt_res, activity_coefficient)
2713        ionic_strength_res = 0.5*(cNa_res+cCl_res+cOH_res+cH_res)
2714        determined_activity_coefficient = activity_coefficient(ionic_strength_res)
2715        K_W ='1/(N_A * reduced_length**3)') *'1/(N_A * reduced_length**3)') * determined_activity_coefficient
2716        K_NACL ='1/(N_A * reduced_length**3)') *'1/(N_A * reduced_length**3)') * determined_activity_coefficient
2717        K_HCL ='1/(N_A * reduced_length**3)') *'1/(N_A * reduced_length**3)') * determined_activity_coefficient
2719        proton_es_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==proton_name].state_one.es_type.values[0]
2720        hydroxide_es_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==hydroxide_name].state_one.es_type.values[0]     
2721        salt_cation_es_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==salt_cation_name].state_one.es_type.values[0]
2722        salt_anion_es_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==salt_anion_name].state_one.es_type.values[0]     
2724        proton_charge = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==proton_name].state_one.charge.values[0]
2725        hydroxide_charge = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==hydroxide_name].state_one.charge.values[0]     
2726        salt_cation_charge = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==salt_cation_name].state_one.charge.values[0]
2727        salt_anion_charge = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==salt_anion_name].state_one.charge.values[0]     
2729        if proton_charge <= 0:
2730            raise ValueError('ERROR proton charge must be positive, charge ', proton_charge)
2731        if salt_cation_charge <= 0:
2732            raise ValueError('ERROR salt cation charge must be positive, charge ', salt_cation_charge)
2733        if hydroxide_charge >= 0:
2734            raise ValueError('ERROR hydroxide charge must be negative, charge ', hydroxide_charge)
2735        if salt_anion_charge >= 0:
2736            raise ValueError('ERROR salt anion charge must be negative, charge ', salt_anion_charge)
2738        # Grand-canonical coupling to the reservoir
2739        # 0 = H+ + OH-
2740        RE.add_reaction(
2741            gamma = K_W.magnitude,
2742            reactant_types = [],
2743            reactant_coefficients = [],
2744            product_types = [ proton_es_type, hydroxide_es_type ],
2745            product_coefficients = [ 1, 1 ],
2746            default_charges = {
2747                proton_es_type: proton_charge, 
2748                hydroxide_es_type: hydroxide_charge, 
2749            }
2750        )
2752        # 0 = Na+ + Cl-
2753        RE.add_reaction(
2754            gamma = K_NACL.magnitude,
2755            reactant_types = [],
2756            reactant_coefficients = [],
2757            product_types = [ salt_cation_es_type, salt_anion_es_type ],
2758            product_coefficients = [ 1, 1 ],
2759            default_charges = {
2760                salt_cation_es_type: salt_cation_charge, 
2761                salt_anion_es_type: salt_anion_charge, 
2762            }
2763        )
2765        # 0 = Na+ + OH-
2766        RE.add_reaction(
2767            gamma = (K_NACL * K_W / K_HCL).magnitude,
2768            reactant_types = [],
2769            reactant_coefficients = [],
2770            product_types = [ salt_cation_es_type, hydroxide_es_type ],
2771            product_coefficients = [ 1, 1 ],
2772            default_charges = {
2773                salt_cation_es_type: salt_cation_charge, 
2774                hydroxide_es_type: hydroxide_charge, 
2775            }
2776        )
2778        # 0 = H+ + Cl-
2779        RE.add_reaction(
2780            gamma = K_HCL.magnitude,
2781            reactant_types = [],
2782            reactant_coefficients = [],
2783            product_types = [ proton_es_type, salt_anion_es_type ],
2784            product_coefficients = [ 1, 1 ],
2785            default_charges = {
2786                proton_es_type: proton_charge, 
2787                salt_anion_es_type: salt_anion_charge, 
2788            }
2789        )
2791        # Annealing moves to ensure sufficient sampling
2792        # Cation annealing H+ = Na+
2793        RE.add_reaction(
2794            gamma = (K_NACL / K_HCL).magnitude,
2795            reactant_types = [proton_es_type],
2796            reactant_coefficients = [ 1 ],
2797            product_types = [ salt_cation_es_type ],
2798            product_coefficients = [ 1 ],
2799            default_charges = {
2800                proton_es_type: proton_charge, 
2801                salt_cation_es_type: salt_cation_charge, 
2802            }
2803        )
2805        # Anion annealing OH- = Cl- 
2806        RE.add_reaction(
2807            gamma = (K_HCL / K_W).magnitude,
2808            reactant_types = [hydroxide_es_type],
2809            reactant_coefficients = [ 1 ],
2810            product_types = [ salt_anion_es_type ],
2811            product_coefficients = [ 1 ],
2812            default_charges = {
2813                hydroxide_es_type: hydroxide_charge, 
2814                salt_anion_es_type: salt_anion_charge, 
2815            }
2816        )
2818        sucessful_reactions_labels=[]
2819        charge_map = self.get_charge_map()
2820        for name in pka_set.keys():
2821            if self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name,pmb_type_to_be_defined='particle') is False :
2822                print('WARNING: the acid-base reaction of ' + name +' has not been set up because its espresso type is not defined in the type map.')
2823                continue
2825            Ka = (10**-pka_set[name]['pka_value'] * self.units.mol/self.units.l).to('1/(N_A * reduced_length**3)')
2827            state_one_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].state_one.es_type.values[0]
2828            state_two_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].state_two.es_type.values[0]
2830            # Reaction in terms of proton: HA = A + H+
2831            RE.add_reaction(gamma=Ka.magnitude,
2832                            reactant_types=[state_one_type],
2833                            reactant_coefficients=[1],
2834                            product_types=[state_two_type, proton_es_type],
2835                            product_coefficients=[1, 1],
2836                            default_charges={state_one_type: charge_map[state_one_type],
2837                            state_two_type: charge_map[state_two_type],
2838                            proton_es_type: proton_charge})
2840            # Reaction in terms of salt cation: HA = A + Na+
2841            RE.add_reaction(gamma=(Ka * K_NACL / K_HCL).magnitude,
2842                            reactant_types=[state_one_type],
2843                            reactant_coefficients=[1],
2844                            product_types=[state_two_type, salt_cation_es_type],
2845                            product_coefficients=[1, 1],
2846                            default_charges={state_one_type: charge_map[state_one_type],
2847                            state_two_type: charge_map[state_two_type],
2848                            salt_cation_es_type: salt_cation_charge})
2850            # Reaction in terms of hydroxide: OH- + HA = A
2851            RE.add_reaction(gamma=(Ka / K_W).magnitude,
2852                            reactant_types=[state_one_type, hydroxide_es_type],
2853                            reactant_coefficients=[1, 1],
2854                            product_types=[state_two_type],
2855                            product_coefficients=[1],
2856                            default_charges={state_one_type: charge_map[state_one_type],
2857                            state_two_type: charge_map[state_two_type],
2858                            hydroxide_es_type: hydroxide_charge})
2860            # Reaction in terms of salt anion: Cl- + HA = A
2861            RE.add_reaction(gamma=(Ka / K_HCL).magnitude,
2862                            reactant_types=[state_one_type, salt_anion_es_type],
2863                            reactant_coefficients=[1, 1],
2864                            product_types=[state_two_type],
2865                            product_coefficients=[1],
2866                            default_charges={state_one_type: charge_map[state_one_type],
2867                            state_two_type: charge_map[state_two_type],
2868                            salt_anion_es_type: salt_anion_charge})
2870            sucessful_reactions_labels.append(name)
2871        return RE, sucessful_reactions_labels, ionic_strength_res

Sets up Acid/Base reactions for acidic/basic 'particles' defined in 'pmb.df', as well as a grand-canonical coupling to a reservoir of small ions. This implementation uses the original formulation of the grand-reaction method by Landsgesell et al. [1].

[1] Landsgesell, J., Hebbeker, P., Rud, O., Lunkad, R., KosÌŒovan, P., & Holm, C. (2020). Grand-reaction method for simulations of ionization equilibria coupled to ion partitioning. Macromolecules, 53(8), 3007-3020.

  • pH_res ('float): pH-value in the reservoir.
  • c_salt_res ('float'): Concentration of monovalent salt (e.g. NaCl) in the reservoir.
  • proton_name ('str'): Name of the proton (H+) particle.
  • hydroxide_name ('str'): Name of the hydroxide (OH-) particle.
  • salt_cation_name ('str'): Name of the salt cation (e.g. Na+) particle.
  • salt_anion_name ('str'): Name of the salt anion (e.g. Cl-) particle.
  • activity_coefficient ('callable', optional): A function that calculates the activity coefficient of an ion pair as a function of the ionic strength.
  • exclusion_range(float, optional): For distances shorter than this value, no particles will be inserted.
  • pka_set(dict,optional): Desired pka_set, pka_set(dict): {"name" : {"pka_value": pka, "acidity": acidity}}. Defaults to None.
  • use_exclusion_radius_per_type(bool,optional): Controls if one exclusion_radius for each espresso_type is used. Defaults to False.

RE (obj): Instance of a reaction_ensemble.ReactionEnsemble object from the espressomd library. sucessful_reactions_labels(lst): Labels of the reactions set up by pyMBE. ionic_strength_res ('float'): Ionic strength of the reservoir (useful for calculating partition coefficients).

def setup_grxmc_unified( self, pH_res, c_salt_res, cation_name, anion_name, activity_coefficient=None, exclusion_range=None, pka_set=None, use_exclusion_radius_per_type=False):
2873    def setup_grxmc_unified (self, pH_res, c_salt_res, cation_name, anion_name, activity_coefficient=None, exclusion_range=None, pka_set=None, use_exclusion_radius_per_type = False):
2874        """
2875        Sets up Acid/Base reactions for acidic/basic 'particles' defined in 'pmb.df', as well as a grand-canonical coupling to a 
2876        reservoir of small ions. 
2877        This implementation uses the formulation of the grand-reaction method by Curk et al. [1], which relies on "unified" ion types X+ = {H+, Na+} and X- = {OH-, Cl-}. 
2878        A function that implements the original version of the grand-reaction method by Landsgesell et al. [2] is also available under the name 'setup_grxmc_reactions'.
2880        [1] Curk, T., Yuan, J., & Luijten, E. (2022). Accelerated simulation method for charge regulation effects. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 156(4).
2881        [2] Landsgesell, J., Hebbeker, P., Rud, O., Lunkad, R., KosÌŒovan, P., & Holm, C. (2020). Grand-reaction method for simulations of ionization equilibria coupled to ion partitioning. Macromolecules, 53(8), 3007-3020.
2883        Args:
2884            pH_res ('float'): pH-value in the reservoir.
2885            c_salt_res ('float'): Concentration of monovalent salt (e.g. NaCl) in the reservoir.
2886            cation_name ('str'): Name of the cationic particle.
2887            anion_name ('str'): Name of the anionic particle.
2888            activity_coefficient ('callable', optional): A function that calculates the activity coefficient of an ion pair as a function of the ionic strength.
2889            exclusion_range(`float`, optional): Below this value, no particles will be inserted.
2890            pka_set(`dict`,optional): Desired pka_set, pka_set(`dict`): {"name" : {"pka_value": pka, "acidity": acidity}}. Defaults to None.
2891            use_exclusion_radius_per_type(`bool`,optional): Controls if one exclusion_radius per each espresso_type. Defaults to `False`.
2893        Returns:
2894            RE (`obj`): Instance of a reaction_ensemble.ReactionEnsemble object from the espressomd library.
2895            sucessful_reactions_labels(`lst`): Labels of the reactions set up by pyMBE.
2896            ionic_strength_res ('float'): Ionic strength of the reservoir (useful for calculating partition coefficients).
2897        """
2898        from espressomd import reaction_methods
2899        if exclusion_range is None:
2900            exclusion_range = max(self.get_radius_map().values())*2.0
2901        if pka_set is None:
2902            pka_set=self.get_pka_set()    
2903        self.check_pka_set(pka_set=pka_set)
2904        if use_exclusion_radius_per_type:
2905            exclusion_radius_per_type = self.get_radius_map()
2906        else:
2907            exclusion_radius_per_type = {}
2909        #If no function for the activity coefficient is provided, the ideal case is assumed.
2910        if activity_coefficient is None:
2911            activity_coefficient = lambda x: 1.0
2913        RE = reaction_methods.ReactionEnsemble('reduced_energy').magnitude,
2914                                                    exclusion_range=exclusion_range.magnitude, 
2915                                                    seed=self.SEED, 
2916                                                    exclusion_radius_per_type = exclusion_radius_per_type
2917                                                    )
2919        # Determine the concentrations of the various species in the reservoir and the equilibrium constants
2920        cH_res, cOH_res, cNa_res, cCl_res = self.determine_reservoir_concentrations(pH_res, c_salt_res, activity_coefficient)
2921        ionic_strength_res = 0.5*(cNa_res+cCl_res+cOH_res+cH_res)
2922        determined_activity_coefficient = activity_coefficient(ionic_strength_res)
2923        a_hydrogen = (10 ** (-pH_res) * self.units.mol/self.units.l).to('1/(N_A * reduced_length**3)')
2924        a_cation = (cH_res+cNa_res).to('1/(N_A * reduced_length**3)') * np.sqrt(determined_activity_coefficient)
2925        a_anion = (cH_res+cNa_res).to('1/(N_A * reduced_length**3)') * np.sqrt(determined_activity_coefficient)
2926        K_XX = a_cation * a_anion
2928        cation_es_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==cation_name].state_one.es_type.values[0]
2929        anion_es_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==anion_name].state_one.es_type.values[0]     
2930        cation_charge = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==cation_name].state_one.charge.values[0]
2931        anion_charge = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==anion_name].state_one.charge.values[0]     
2932        if cation_charge <= 0:
2933            raise ValueError('ERROR cation charge must be positive, charge ', cation_charge)
2934        if anion_charge >= 0:
2935            raise ValueError('ERROR anion charge must be negative, charge ', anion_charge)
2937        # Coupling to the reservoir: 0 = X+ + X-
2938        RE.add_reaction(
2939            gamma = K_XX.magnitude,
2940            reactant_types = [],
2941            reactant_coefficients = [],
2942            product_types = [ cation_es_type, anion_es_type ],
2943            product_coefficients = [ 1, 1 ],
2944            default_charges = {
2945                cation_es_type: cation_charge, 
2946                anion_es_type: anion_charge, 
2947            }
2948        )
2950        sucessful_reactions_labels=[]
2951        charge_map = self.get_charge_map()
2952        for name in pka_set.keys():
2953            if self.check_if_name_is_defined_in_df(name,pmb_type_to_be_defined='particle') is False :
2954                print('WARNING: the acid-base reaction of ' + name +' has not been set up because its espresso type is not defined in sg.type_map')
2955                continue
2957            Ka = 10**-pka_set[name]['pka_value'] * self.units.mol/self.units.l
2958            gamma_K_AX ='1/(N_A * reduced_length**3)').magnitude * a_cation / a_hydrogen
2960            state_one_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].state_one.es_type.values[0]
2961            state_two_type = self.df.loc[self.df['name']==name].state_two.es_type.values[0]
2963            # Reaction in terms of small cation: HA = A + X+
2964            RE.add_reaction(gamma=gamma_K_AX.magnitude,
2965                            reactant_types=[state_one_type],
2966                            reactant_coefficients=[1],
2967                            product_types=[state_two_type, cation_es_type],
2968                            product_coefficients=[1, 1],
2969                            default_charges={state_one_type: charge_map[state_one_type],
2970                            state_two_type: charge_map[state_two_type],
2971                            cation_es_type: cation_charge})
2973            # Reaction in terms of small anion: X- + HA = A
2974            RE.add_reaction(gamma=gamma_K_AX.magnitude / K_XX.magnitude,
2975                            reactant_types=[state_one_type, anion_es_type],
2976                            reactant_coefficients=[1, 1],
2977                            product_types=[state_two_type],
2978                            product_coefficients=[1],
2979                            default_charges={state_one_type: charge_map[state_one_type],
2980                            state_two_type: charge_map[state_two_type],
2981                            anion_es_type: anion_charge})
2983            sucessful_reactions_labels.append(name)
2984        return RE, sucessful_reactions_labels, ionic_strength_res

Sets up Acid/Base reactions for acidic/basic 'particles' defined in 'pmb.df', as well as a grand-canonical coupling to a reservoir of small ions. This implementation uses the formulation of the grand-reaction method by Curk et al. [1], which relies on "unified" ion types X+ = {H+, Na+} and X- = {OH-, Cl-}. A function that implements the original version of the grand-reaction method by Landsgesell et al. [2] is also available under the name 'setup_grxmc_reactions'.

[1] Curk, T., Yuan, J., & Luijten, E. (2022). Accelerated simulation method for charge regulation effects. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 156(4). [2] Landsgesell, J., Hebbeker, P., Rud, O., Lunkad, R., KosÌŒovan, P., & Holm, C. (2020). Grand-reaction method for simulations of ionization equilibria coupled to ion partitioning. Macromolecules, 53(8), 3007-3020.

  • pH_res ('float'): pH-value in the reservoir.
  • c_salt_res ('float'): Concentration of monovalent salt (e.g. NaCl) in the reservoir.
  • cation_name ('str'): Name of the cationic particle.
  • anion_name ('str'): Name of the anionic particle.
  • activity_coefficient ('callable', optional): A function that calculates the activity coefficient of an ion pair as a function of the ionic strength.
  • exclusion_range(float, optional): Below this value, no particles will be inserted.
  • pka_set(dict,optional): Desired pka_set, pka_set(dict): {"name" : {"pka_value": pka, "acidity": acidity}}. Defaults to None.
  • use_exclusion_radius_per_type(bool,optional): Controls if one exclusion_radius per each espresso_type. Defaults to False.

RE (obj): Instance of a reaction_ensemble.ReactionEnsemble object from the espressomd library. sucessful_reactions_labels(lst): Labels of the reactions set up by pyMBE. ionic_strength_res ('float'): Ionic strength of the reservoir (useful for calculating partition coefficients).

def setup_df(self):
2986    def setup_df (self):
2987        """
2988        Sets up the pyMBE's dataframe `pymbe.df`.
2990        Returns:
2991            columns_names(`obj`): pandas multiindex object with the column names of the pyMBE's dataframe
2992        """
2994        columns_dtypes = {
2995            'name': {
2996                '': str},
2997            'pmb_type': {
2998                '': str},
2999            'particle_id': {
3000                '': object},
3001            'particle_id2':  {
3002                '': object},
3003            'residue_id':  {
3004                '': object},
3005            'molecule_id':  {
3006                '': object},
3007            'acidity':  {
3008                '': str},
3009            'pka':  {
3010                '': float},
3011            'central_bead':  {
3012                '': object},
3013            'side_chains': {
3014                '': object},
3015            'residue_list': {
3016                '': object},
3017            'model': {
3018                '': str},
3019            'sigma': {
3020                '': object},
3021            'cutoff': {
3022                '': object},
3023            'offset': {
3024                '': object},
3025            'epsilon': {
3026                '': object},
3027            'state_one': {
3028                'label': str,
3029                'es_type': object,
3030                'charge': object },
3031            'state_two': {
3032                'label': str,
3033                'es_type': object,
3034                'charge': object },
3035            'sequence': {
3036                '': object},
3037            'bond_object': {
3038                '': object},
3039            'parameters_of_the_potential':{
3040                '': object},
3041            'l0': {
3042                '': float},
3043        }
3045        self.df = pd.DataFrame(columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([(col_main, col_sub) for col_main, sub_cols in columns_dtypes.items() for col_sub in sub_cols.keys()]))
3047        for level1, sub_dtypes in columns_dtypes.items():
3048            for level2, dtype in sub_dtypes.items():
3049                self.df[level1, level2] = self.df[level1, level2].astype(dtype)
3051        columns_names = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(self.df)
3052        columns_names = columns_names.names
3054        return columns_names

Sets up the pyMBE's dataframe pymbe.df.


columns_names(obj): pandas multiindex object with the column names of the pyMBE's dataframe

def setup_lj_interactions( self, espresso_system, shift_potential=True, combining_rule='Lorentz-Berthelot', warnings=True):
3056    def setup_lj_interactions(self, espresso_system, shift_potential=True, combining_rule='Lorentz-Berthelot', warnings=True):
3057        """
3058        Sets up the Lennard-Jones (LJ) potential between all pairs of particle types with values for `sigma`, `offset`, and `epsilon` stored in `pymbe.df`.
3060        Args:
3061            espresso_system(`obj`): Instance of a system object from the espressomd library.
3062            shift_potential(`bool`, optional): If True, a shift will be automatically computed such that the potential is continuous at the cutoff radius. Otherwise, no shift will be applied. Defaults to True.
3063            combining_rule(`string`, optional): combining rule used to calculate `sigma` and `epsilon` for the potential between a pair of particles. Defaults to 'Lorentz-Berthelot'.
3064            warning(`bool`, optional): switch to activate/deactivate warning messages. Defaults to True.
3066        Note:
3067            - LJ interactions will only be set up between particles with defined values of `sigma` and `epsilon` in the pmb.df. 
3068            - Currently, the only `combining_rule` supported is Lorentz-Berthelot.
3069            - Check the documentation of ESPResSo for more info about the potential
3071        """
3072        from itertools import combinations_with_replacement
3073        implemented_combining_rules = ['Lorentz-Berthelot']
3074        compulsory_parameters_in_df = ['sigma','epsilon']
3075        # Sanity check
3076        if combining_rule not in implemented_combining_rules:
3077            raise ValueError('In the current version of pyMBE, the only combinatorial rules implemented are ', implemented_combining_rules)
3078        if shift_potential:
3079            shift="auto"
3080        else:
3081            shift=0
3082        # List which particles have sigma and epsilon values defined in pmb.df and which ones don't
3083        particles_types_with_LJ_parameters = []
3084        non_parametrized_labels= []
3085        for particle_type in self.get_type_map().values():
3086            check_list=[]
3087            for key in compulsory_parameters_in_df:
3088                value_in_df=self.find_value_from_es_type(es_type=particle_type,
3089                                                        column_name=key)
3090                check_list.append(np.isnan(value_in_df))
3091            if any(check_list):
3092                non_parametrized_labels.append(self.find_value_from_es_type(es_type=particle_type, 
3093                                                                            column_name='label'))
3094            else:
3095                particles_types_with_LJ_parameters.append(particle_type)
3096        lj_parameters_keys=["label","sigma","epsilon","offset","cutoff"]
3097        # Set up LJ interactions between all particle types
3098        for type_pair in combinations_with_replacement(particles_types_with_LJ_parameters, 2):
3099            lj_parameters={}
3100            for key in lj_parameters_keys:
3101                lj_parameters[key]=[]
3102            # Search the LJ parameters of the type pair
3103            for ptype in type_pair:
3104                for key in lj_parameters_keys:
3105                    lj_parameters[key].append(self.find_value_from_es_type(es_type=ptype, column_name=key))
3106            # If one of the particle has sigma=0, no LJ interations are set up between that particle type and the others    
3107            if not all(sigma_value.magnitude for sigma_value in lj_parameters["sigma"]):
3108                continue
3109            # Apply combining rule
3110            if combining_rule == 'Lorentz-Berthelot':
3111                sigma=(lj_parameters["sigma"][0]+lj_parameters["sigma"][1])/2
3112                cutoff=(lj_parameters["cutoff"][0]+lj_parameters["cutoff"][1])/2
3113                offset=(lj_parameters["offset"][0]+lj_parameters["offset"][1])/2
3114                epsilon=np.sqrt(lj_parameters["epsilon"][0]*lj_parameters["epsilon"][1])
3115            espresso_system.non_bonded_inter[type_pair[0],type_pair[1]].lennard_jones.set_params(epsilon ='reduced_energy').magnitude, 
3116                                                                                    sigma ='reduced_length').magnitude, 
3117                                                                                    cutoff ='reduced_length').magnitude,
3118                                                                                    offset ="reduced_length").magnitude, 
3119                                                                                    shift = shift)                                                                                          
3120            index = len(self.df)
3121   [index, 'name'] = f'LJ: {lj_parameters["label"][0]}-{lj_parameters["label"][1]}'
3122            lj_params=espresso_system.non_bonded_inter[type_pair[0], type_pair[1]].lennard_jones.get_params()
3124            self.add_value_to_df(index=index,
3125                                key=('pmb_type',''),
3126                                new_value='LennardJones')
3128            self.add_value_to_df(index=index,
3129                                key=('parameters_of_the_potential',''),
3130                                new_value=lj_params,
3131                                non_standard_value=True)
3132        if non_parametrized_labels and warnings:
3133            print(f'WARNING: The following particles do not have a defined value of sigma or epsilon in pmb.df: {non_parametrized_labels}. No LJ interaction has been added in ESPResSo for those particles.')
3135        return

Sets up the Lennard-Jones (LJ) potential between all pairs of particle types with values for sigma, offset, and epsilon stored in pymbe.df.

  • espresso_system(obj): Instance of a system object from the espressomd library.
  • shift_potential(bool, optional): If True, a shift will be automatically computed such that the potential is continuous at the cutoff radius. Otherwise, no shift will be applied. Defaults to True.
  • combining_rule(string, optional): combining rule used to calculate sigma and epsilon for the potential between a pair of particles. Defaults to 'Lorentz-Berthelot'.
  • warning(bool, optional): switch to activate/deactivate warning messages. Defaults to True.
  • LJ interactions will only be set up between particles with defined values of sigma and epsilon in the pmb.df.
  • Currently, the only combining_rule supported is Lorentz-Berthelot.
  • Check the documentation of ESPResSo for more info about the potential
def setup_particle_sigma(self, topology_dict):
3137    def setup_particle_sigma(self, topology_dict):
3138        '''
3139        Sets up sigma of the particles in `topology_dict`.
3141        Args:
3142            topology_dict(`dict`): {'initial_pos': coords_list, 'chain_id': id, 'sigma': sigma_value}
3143        '''
3144        for residue in topology_dict.keys():
3145            residue_name = re.split(r'\d+', residue)[0]
3146            residue_number = re.split(r'(\d+)', residue)[1]
3147            residue_sigma  = topology_dict[residue]['sigma']
3148            sigma = residue_sigma*self.units.nm
3149            index = self.df[(self.df['residue_id']==residue_number) & (self.df['name']==residue_name) ].index.values[0]
3150            self.add_value_to_df(key= ('sigma',''),
3151                        index=int (index),
3152                        new_value=sigma)           
3153        return 

Sets up sigma of the particles in topology_dict.

  • topology_dict(dict): {'initial_pos': coords_list, 'chain_id': id, 'sigma': sigma_value}
def write_pmb_df(self, filename):
3155    def write_pmb_df (self, filename):
3156        '''
3157        Writes the pyMBE dataframe into a csv file
3159        Args:
3160            filename (`str`): Path to the csv file 
3161        '''
3163        self.df.to_csv(filename)
3165        return

Writes the pyMBE dataframe into a csv file

  • filename (str): Path to the csv file
def write_output_vtf_file(self, espresso_system, filename):
3167    def write_output_vtf_file(self, espresso_system, filename):
3168        '''
3169        Writes a snapshot of `espresso_system` on the vtf file `filename`.
3171        Args:
3172            espresso_system(`obj`): Instance of a system object from the espressomd library.
3173            filename(`str`): Path to the vtf file.
3175        '''
3176        box = espresso_system.box_l[0]
3177        with open(filename, mode='w+t') as coordinates:
3178            coordinates.write (f'unitcell {box} {box} {box} \n')
3179            for particle in espresso_system.part: 
3180                type_label = self.find_value_from_es_type(es_type=particle.type, column_name='label')
3181                coordinates.write (f'atom {} radius 1 name {type_label} type {type_label}\n' )
3182            coordinates.write ('timestep indexed\n')
3183            for particle in espresso_system.part:
3184                coordinates.write (f'{} \t {particle.pos[0]} \t {particle.pos[1]} \t {particle.pos[2]}\n')
3185        return 

Writes a snapshot of espresso_system on the vtf file filename.

  • espresso_system(obj): Instance of a system object from the espressomd library.
  • filename(str): Path to the vtf file.
class pymbe_library.NumpyEncoder(json.encoder.JSONEncoder):
36    class NumpyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
38        """
39        Custom JSON encoder that converts NumPy arrays to Python lists
40        and NumPy scalars to Python scalars.
41        """
43        def default(self, obj):
44            if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray):
45                return obj.tolist()
46            if isinstance(obj, np.generic):
47                return obj.item()
48            return super().default(obj)

Custom JSON encoder that converts NumPy arrays to Python lists and NumPy scalars to Python scalars.

def default(self, obj):
43        def default(self, obj):
44            if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray):
45                return obj.tolist()
46            if isinstance(obj, np.generic):
47                return obj.item()
48            return super().default(obj)

Implement this method in a subclass such that it returns a serializable object for o, or calls the base implementation (to raise a TypeError).

For example, to support arbitrary iterators, you could implement default like this::

def default(self, o):
        iterable = iter(o)
    except TypeError:
        return list(iterable)
    # Let the base class default method raise the TypeError
    return JSONEncoder.default(self, o)
Inherited Members